The Reagan Diaries

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The Reagan Diaries Page 34

by Ronald Reagan

  Cab. Council met on some legal problems such as too many govt. programs are assuming police powers.

  [Shot campaign film for congressmen; filmmaker A. C. Lyles visited to receive award; greeted a beauty queen from Texas; off-the-record gathering with members of the press corps.]

  Friday, May 18–Sunday, May 20

  Passed the physical with flags flying. I’m grateful to God for the health he has blessed me with.

  Nancy met me at the hospital & we helicoptered to Camp D. Weather was beautiful & 80 degrees for the weekend. We rode & swam. Phone was a little busy—back & forth with Bud & Cap & Jim. It had to do with Iran attacking oil tankers in the Gulf—Persian. We’re keeping in touch with the gulf states & our allies. I doubt the Arabs will ask for our help. They are afraid that Iran can kick up radicals in their own countries. Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.

  [Returned to Washington; reception for ethnic Republican groups; anticipated visit the following day by President José Napoleón Duarte of El Salvador.]

  Monday, May 21

  Summer has come all at once—almost 90 & humid. Pres. Elect Duarte arrived. He is a Notre Dame graduate. He told me I was his hero—as a freshman he went thru the Notre Dame indoctrination which includes seeing the film in which I played the Gipper. I think he’ll do alright before Cong. tomorrow. He’s outspoken against both the extremists on the Right & the Guerillas. He’ll also speak of the need for Am. help.

  [Spoke to Cuban American leaders, described them as “gung ho for our side.”]

  A touching moment with tiny Amy Smith. She is the Arthritis Poster Child—7 yrs. old & Arthritic since age 2. When are we going to find the answer to this terrible curse.

  [Ceremony launching coin sales for the Olympics.]

  Then a most enjoyable lunch with Prince Phillip, the Wrights & the Princes aide up in the Sun room. The Prince expressed a typical British attitude regarding the Olympics, namely that it is overdone & should get back to just youngsters having fun.

  Back at the Rose Garden after lunch I signed our legislation designed to help us come down on child pornography.

  Then a couple of hours practice for tomorrow night’s press conference.

  Tuesday, May 22

  N.S.C. meeting re our security measure at nuclear installations & nuclear weapon storage here & abroad. It was a good report but I’m astounded at the precautions we must take anticipating every imaginable thing that could happen.

  Walter Annenberg came by—he too has received the Eagle award. A lengthy taping session for a variety of meetings all the way from a Repub. convention in Ind. to a statement on the D-Day anniversary for France—6 in all. Then a pre-news conf. brief & finally at 8 P.M.—the News Conf. Nancy isn’t here—be back from N.Y. tomorrow. Everyone said the Conf. was the best I’ve done. Many Q’s. on Persian Gulf, Soviet-U.S. relations & Central Am. Thank Heaven Pres. Elect Duarte is here—he really did a selling job on Cong. & the press.

  Wednesday, May 23

  Fred Fielding came in—he’s worried because I turned our Pvt. Enterprise people loose to raise some money for Eureka College. They had to have $400,000 in 2 weeks or they’d be shut down. I think we saved the day. Fred’s pitch is that money was raised by invoking my name. Frankly I see no reason to worry. I’d have asked them to help any other college out that was forced with such a crisis.

  [Presented people successful in increasing exports; meeting with Senator Bob Dole (RKS) about gaining support for enterprise zones bill; meeting with Shultz about getting the Soviets “to bend their backs a little.”]

  Howard Cosell did a 5 minute interview with me on Sports. Finished up in Dr. Ruge’s office getting rundown on my physical. I’m in good shape. Told him I was worried about Nancy—she seems so lacking in energy. He’s worried too. He thinks she’s just not eating enough.

  Thursday, May 24

  [Met first woman to graduate first in class at Annapolis; spoke to CIA employees; lunch with Vice President Bush.]

  Jay Hair head of “Wildlife Fed.” came in with Bill Clark & Bill Ruckelshaus. Maybe we’re making a little headway with the environmentalists who declared war on me about 3 yrs. ago. I think Jay wants to be fair & heard some things today he hadn’t understood before.

  A Cabinet meeting to hear a report on how we’re doing on implementing the Grace Commission recommendations. We’re doing fine & have some already in action & others ready for action by Cong.—about 25% of them.

  [Met Multiple Sclerosis Father and Mother of the Year; honored as life member of AMVETS; met star City College of New York student, once a refugee from Vietnam; filmed more campaign ads; dinner at the home of Clare Boothe Luce.]

  Friday, May 25

  The usual staff meetings. In one of these I approved 400 Stinger missiles for Saudi Arabia—immediate delivery. This was under my emergency powers. I’ll ask Cong. for more.

  A briefing on the European trip & a meeting with Geo. Shultz. Then Nancy & I went up on Capitol Hill for the Unknown Soldier ceremony. He will lie in state in the rotunda til the Mon. funeral at Arlington. It’s impossible to describe our thoughts when you stand before that casket. Who was he? A son, a husband & father. The answers known only to God.

  Afterward we left immediately for Camp David.

  [Saturday, May 26: went swimming and riding. Sunday, May 27: riding. Monday, May 28: left Camp David at 11 am; attended funeral for Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery. Tuesday, May 29: two-hour briefing for upcoming European trip. Flew to Colorado Springs to tour Olympic training facility; fund-raiser hosted by Joe Coors; meeting with campaign workers; stayed the night at the Broadmoor.]

  Wednesday, May 30

  Up early & out to Air force Academy for commencement. There was a crowd of about 35,000 for the biggest graduating class in Academy history—993 & I shook hands with each & every one. It took hours. I was amazed & pleased by the number who expressed faith & prayer in the few words they had time to speak to me. The General (Scott) told me several hundred cadets can be found every day at 6:30 A.M. Catholic & Protestant services.

  Back to the W.H. & hosted a dinner for the foreign ministers of the 16 NATO countries. There is no question but that alliance is stronger than it has ever been.

  Thursday, May 31

  Last day before Ireland & it was hectic as h--l. At 9:00 A.M. met F. Ministers again this time in the Cabinet Room. Had some time for discussion of E.W. matters then a farewell in the Rose Garden.

  [Interview with Hugh Sidey on D-Day ’44; John Herrington, deputy assistant to the president, brought a list of appointees for approval; ambassadorial formalities; received book of letters collected by a radio station on Central American policy, noted, “One was from the sister of Fidel Castro who says he is a communist & seeks a world communist state”; met 4-H leaders; videotapings; interviews with foreign journalists.]

  A haircut—a last minute flood of paperwork & upstairs to pack for Europe.

  [Friday, June 1: flew to Ireland; formal reception.]

  Saturday, June 2

  We helicoptered to Galway where the Mayor made me an honorary citizen. Then the U. gave me an honorary degree. It was Galways 500th anniversary. Midway in my speech it began to rain & hail & I told them I was cutting the speech to what they’d heard & we thanked them & said that’s all. Back to Ashford Castle where we were met by the Mayo county council.

  [Radiocast; met with Americans with factories in Ireland.]

  Sunday, June 3

  This was the day. We helicoptered to Ballyporeen in Co. Tipperary. This was the home of my great grandfather who left there for America. After all the greeting ceremonies I went with Father Condon to see old Father Murphy keeper of the baptismal records. There I saw the hand written entry of Michael Reagans baptism in 1829. We then crossed the street to the church where the baptism had taken place.

  We walked thru the town shaking hands with as many people as we could on our way to the Pub that has been named for me. They are building a Community C
enter in my name. There I was presented the family tree as researched by Burkes Peerage. Our family line going back to Brian Boru has us related by way of Mary Queen of Scots to every Royal family in Europe. I’m a 6th cousin of Queen Elizabeth of Eng.

  I addressed the crowd in the street from a platform. There were entertainers—dancers & musicians. Then it was off to Dublin to Deerfield Park, our Embassy where we were met by the Lord Mayor. We called on Pres. Hillery & Mrs. Hillery. There was a tree planting ceremony. Then we were off to a state dinner at Dublin Castle. Finally back to the embassy for the night.

  Monday, June 4

  To the office of P.M. Fitzgerald for a private meeting. Then Nancy arrived & we went to the meeting of the Dail (Parliament). I addressed that body—the speech was televised. There was an interruption at my introduction. Three members—all Left Wingers—protested my presence & walked out. Other than that I was well received & took advantage of the opportunity to explain our Central Am. policy which is not understood in Ireland. I also called for the Soviets to join us in an effort for peace. The speech I learned was carried in Europe & caused quite a stir in my favor.

  [Lunch at the embassy; helicoptered to airport; formal farewell; flew to London; official greeting by Sir Geoffrey Howe; motorcade to Kensington Palace and met by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher; reviewed the Coldstream Guards; returned to U.S. Embassy for tea.]

  Tuesday, June 5

  Lunch at Buckingham Palace with the Queen & Prince Philip in their private quarters. It was a warm & pleasant visit. They are both nice & she is an outstanding human being.

  Back to the embassy for a few hours & then to 10 Downing Street for a one on one—then a working dinner with 5 of her people & 5 of mine—Sec. Shultz, Sec. Regan, Amb. Price, Jim Baker & Bud McFarlane.

  Wednesday, June 6

  The 40th anniversary of the landing on D. Day. We helicoptered across the channel. First stop was Pointe du Hoc where 40 yrs. ago our Rangers—225 of them climbed the 100 foot sheer cliff to establish a position. Only 90 were still combatable by the 2nd day. We met 62 who had returned for this anniversary. I addressed them & the large crowd. It was an emotional experience for everyone. Nancy & I went into the massive concrete pill box from which the Germans had 1st seen at daybreak the 5000 ships in the invasion fleet.

  Walter Cronkite did a 5 min. TV interview with me—then we flew to Omaha beach. This was the heart breaker—row on row of white marble crosses (& stars of David) more than 9000 of them. We have a picture of one—the grave of our Ann’s brother, we’re giving it to her. Pres. of France, Mitterrand arrived.

  Together we placed wreaths at the monument then I spoke. My speech contained many quotes from a letter I’d received a few days before the trip from a young lady whose father landed on D. Day. All her life she had heard his stories of what the day had meant to him. A few years ago he died of Cancer. He’d always said one day he would return to Omaha Beach. She promised she’d do it for him. We made it possible for the family to be there. I had difficulty getting through my speech. From there it was on to Utah beach. This was the biggest affair. Pres. Mitterrand made the only speech but on the beach were mil. formations of Ours, the French, English, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands & Canada. All the heads of state of those countries were there. The crowd was tremendous in size.

  British & American naval forces were off shore. One of ours was the aircraft carrier Eisenhower. On the way back our helicopter circled her while I addressed the 5000 crew members by radio. They were drawn up on the desk in a formation that spelled Ike.

  Thursday, June 7

  This was a busy one. Beginning at 11:30 A.M. I had a bilateral meeting with P.M. Nakasone of Japan. Then a working lunch with our gang in preparation for more bilaterals & the Summit itself. At 4:15 it was P.M. Craxi of Italy. At 5:15 Chancellor Kohl of W. Germany. At 6 P.M., Pres. Mitterrand (France). A quick shower & clean up & then to St. James palace for reception with P.M. Thatcher & all the others. The usual press coverage & photo ops. & then a working dinner. The main subject was East-West relations & the Persian Gulf.

  Friday, June 8

  An 8:30 working breakfast with our gang. Then to Lancaster house for 1st real summit session. A working lunch then back to a plenary session with ministers of finance & foreign affairs—in our case, Sec. Regan & Sec. Shultz.

  Margaret handled the meetings brilliantly. As we expected, P.M. Trudeau of Canada & Mitterrand were usually with a different viewpoint on some subjects—lot of it nit-picking. We overcame them with some compromise word changes.

  Back at Winfield. I taped my Sat. radio program.

  Then it was on to the Nat. Portrait gallery for a working dinner & a tour of the gallery.

  Saturday, June 9

  Another briefing breakfast 8:30 A.M. Then back to Lancaster house. The morning meeting went long—more protests by Pierre & Francois. We didn’t get to lunch until 2 P.M. There was blood on the floor—but not ours. As usual, Margaret, Helmut, Yasu & I stayed together & for the most part prevailed. It was a good summit & we did make progress on trade matters, East-West, plans if the Iran-Iraq war creates an oil crisis & agreements on 3rd world matters & handling the tremendous international debt.

  We were further delayed in getting to Guild Hall for the finale—the presentation of statements to the press, by 40,000 anti-nuke demonstrators who fouled up traffic. Before leaving we displayed a model of our proposed space station & I extended an invitation to all of them to join us.

  Into black tie & on to Buckingham for the dinner given by the Queen. It was a very nice affair & an experience to be in that historic palace dining with the Royal family & others. I was between the Queen & the Queen Mother who is a delightful person. Across the table was Nancy between Prince Phillip & Prince Charles.

  And so the Summit ends.

  Sunday, June 10

  A mini press conference in the garden at Winfield then photos with household staff & Eng. security people. Then out on the terrace to thank & farewell the embassy staff & their familys—about 1500 people. With that Charlie & Carole joined us in helicoptering to Heathrow where we took off for home. It is now late afternoon & we are in the White House. George B. & Barbara met us at Andrews. Maureen is here & we’re going to run some tapes of the way our TV covered the trip.

  [Monday, June 11: quiet day; telephoning to senators on MX bill; desk work, never left residence. Tuesday, June 12: not yet on Washington time, woke up early; met with Sen. Howard Baker and Rep. Bob Michel on compromise budget; meeting with Republican leadership in Congress, reported on Summit, briefed them on Central America; meeting with Defense Minister from P.R.C.; signed order allowing U.S. to sell defensive weapons to China; met National Council of Farm Cooperatives; concluded, “A haircut & now we’re on our way over to George Bushes to drink a birthday toast.”]

  Wednesday, June 13

  After staff & N.S.C. meetings—into a meeting with the Sens. & Rep’s. who had joined with me to draw up a “down payment” on the deficit. A triad of domestic spending cuts, defense cuts & tax revenues added by way of loophole closings—no hike in rates. The Sen. has passed it reasonably close to what we agreed to. The House version is reasonably close on tax revenues but more than doubles the Defense cuts & makes very little reduction on domestic spending. I told them to fight to the death. I’ll veto the tax cut if it comes to me unaccompanied by spending cuts.

  [Spoke at ceremony to open Missing Childrens Center, advocate John Walsh also spoke; received gift on behalf of 101st Airborne; greeted Boston Celtics, NBA champs; Maureen visiting, bestowed Father’s Day gift early.]

  Thursday, June 14

  A Cabinet Council meeting on Natural Resources—specifically off shore oil. Congress is talking of legislation which would give the states a veto over whether we could lease to oil companies off shore even though we are outside of state jurisdiction. They would also share in revenues. I’ve authorized the Sec. of Interior to do some quiet bargaining with Congress to see just what we are up against.
I’m all for states rights but this is ridiculous. Lunch with the V.P. & then a busy afternoon. Photos with the top brass of the Reserve Officers Assn. Also with the top man of the Elks Club. A newly appointed (by me) judge & his family came by—Bud Brewster. And Sen. Inouye presented me with a poster celebrating Hawaii’s 25th anniversary.

  Another taping session for 4 various events & then a meeting with Geo. S. & Bud. We dug into the subject of a meeting with Chernenko. I have a gut feeling we should do this. His reply to my letter is in hand & it lends support to my idea that while we go on believing, & with some good reason, that the Soviets are plotting against us & mean us harm, maybe they are scared of us & think we are a threat. I’d like to go face to face & explore this with them. I presented a White House flag to our Olympic team for the opening day parade. Then for a couple of hours in the theatre we briefed for the press conference. It is over & was successful. Everyone is calling it the best ever. My favorite moment was on a question about debating Walter Mondale & that Jimmy Carter had said I’d hide in a cave rather than debate. My answer, “There he goes again.”

  [Friday, June 15: photo session; met leaders of Amway; went to Camp David, “A swim, a sunburn, movie & to bed.”]

  Saturday, June 16

  Read in Baltimore Sun of a young lady, Cynthia Nevers in Portland Maine who ran across the street—cleared a chain link fence cutting her hand (40 stitches) & caught a baby that crawled off the edge of a 2nd floor balcony. Thru the A.P. I tracked her down & talked to her on the phone. She sounds very nice. I’m trying to find out about her hospital bill because she is evidently poor. Rode in the P.M.—It was cloudy all day.

  [Sunday, June 17: returned to W.H.; left for Long Island for opening ceremonies of the International Games for the Disabled; returned to W.H.]

  Monday, June 18

  Pres. Jayewardene of Sri Lanka arrived. We had the usual mil. ceremony. This time, however, I went out before his arrival & thanked the troops. The day was hot & muggy—11 people passed out including some of our m. during the ceremony. We had good meetings—one on one in the Oval office & then the plenary in the Cabinet Room. At the end of that one we went out on the S. Lawn where I was presented an 18 month old Elephant for the Nat. Zoo. She is a cute little thing—only 34 inches high.


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