The Reagan Diaries

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The Reagan Diaries Page 39

by Ronald Reagan

  Sunday, November 11

  Left the ranch at 7:55 A.M. (we’ll be back on Sat.). Back to the W.H. & on directly to the Vietnam Vet’s Memorial where I briefly addressed 100,000 people for the acceptance of the Memorial statue. It was quite an event & I hope it finally makes up for the way the Vietnam Returnees were treated when they came home.

  Tuesday, November 13

  [Visit by Grand Duke and Duchess of Luxembourg; formal ceremony and state dinner with entertainment by Twyla Tharp.]

  During the day we had a full cabinet meeting & I laid down the charge—we must reduce spending. By the time we got through Congress had passed $114 Bil. increase for ’85. I’ve told our people not to spend it.

  Wednesday, November 14

  An interesting lunch with Dr. Richard Leakey the anthropologist & the Nat. Geographic board. A good time was had by all. The Dr.—son of the Leak-eys who’ve done so much work on the origin of man, is carrying on & lives in Kenya. A long meeting with Sec. Shultz. We have trouble. Cap & Bill Casey have views contrary to George’s on S. Am., the Middle East & our arms negotiations. It’s so out of hand George sounds like he wants out. I can’t let that happen. Actually George is carrying out my policy. I’m going to meet with Cap & Bill & lay it out to them. Won’t be fun but has to be done. A more pleasant task—meeting then with task force on legal equity for women. They’ve made great progress & accomplished a great deal. Had to sit for a sculptor who is doing the inaugural medal—took about 40 minutes. Home & Mother.

  [Telephoned young man with terminal cancer.]

  Thursday, November 15

  At 8:20 A.M. called the crew of the Shuttle. Signal had worked out a connection with Houston Space Center so that I saw the crew on TV while I was talking to them.

  Thanks to Bill Buckley I had a meeting with an editor from Doubleday who brought suggestions on how I should keep records like this for an eventual book or books on my terms in office. He was a fine man & most informative—his name—Sam Vaughn. We had a 2 hour Cabinet meeting on the matter of our ec. program. The meeting of 2 days ago was on the front page of the papers yesterday. I wish we could learn who is leaking to the press. We had sworn everyone to secrecy & did so again today. It’s a d--n uncomfortable feeling & inhibits all of us from voicing opinions. We’re facing a battle to get the spending cuts we must have but I intend to take our case to the people. Cap W. came in re some defense problems. I didn’t take up the Sec. St. problem with him—pending a session with the V.P. who has some input on that matter.

  [Visitor at reception became ill.]

  Friday, November 16

  We’re all in an uproar over the continued leaks. Yesterday’s Cabinet meeting was on the front P. of the Wash. Post. Don Regan was so mad he sent me a letter of resignation. I refused to accept it & before noon he was cooled down. From now on we dispense with the back benchers—only Cabinet members will attend meetings.

  Then we had a session with Carol Dinkins of Justice & Shultz of St. Justice is pursuing a case—criminal charges of anti-trust violations with England’s Laker airline. P.M. Thatcher has really dug in her heels. George thinks our relations with U.K. are more important than the case. Hearing both sides I came down on the side of foreign relations—case closed. In N.S.P.G. what could have been an in-house battle—again involving State Dept. & CIA was settled peacefully in favor of CIA. […] Tomorrow morning I’m meeting with Cap W. & Bill Casey to iron out (if I can) some difficulties involving George S.

  Saturday, November 17

  Off to Calif. Nancy parted from me at Andrews A.F. Base. She went to Phoenix to be with her Mother. I arrived at the ranch in late afternoon. Barney & Dennis had started laying out the string lines for the irrigation system we’re putting in beside the house. I got to putting our wine in the new wine closet I’d bought on the last trip.

  [Sunday, November 18: missed Mrs. Reagan; rode; ranch work.]

  Monday, November 19–Sunday, November 25

  The whole week was wonderful as usual except that Nancy picked up a cold. The routine became morning rides & work on laying the pipes, etc. in the afternoons. Thursday—Thanksgiving, Patti & Paul, Ron & Doria, Maureen & Dennis & Moon & Bess came up for our annual turkey. Patti & Paul stayed over & went back on Friday. We set off the annual brush pile on Friday.

  Official Presidential Schedule for November 15, 1984

  8:30 am (5 min)

  Phone Call to Crew of Space Shuttle “Discovery” (Fuller)


  9:00 am (30 min)

  Staff Time (Baker, Meese, Deaver)

  Oval Office

  9:30 am (15 min)

  National Security Briefing (McFarlane)

  Oval Office

  9:45 am (15 min)

  Senior Staff Time

  Oval Office

  10:00 am (2 hrs)

  Personal Staff Time

  Oval Office

  12:00 m (60 min)


  Oval Office

  1:00 pm (30 min)

  Meeting with Sam Vaughn Principal Editor of Doubleday (Darman)

  Oval Office

  1:30 pm (2 hrs)

  Cabinet Time (Fuller)

  Cabinet Room

  3:30 pm (45 min)

  Personal Staff Time

  Oval Office

  4:15 pm (30 min)

  Personnel Time (Herrington)

  Oval Office

  4:45 pm (15 mins)

  Administrative Time

  1. Photo with Clarence Brown, Commander of the American legion (Whittlesey)

  2. Photo with Tih-Wu-Weng, Chairman of the Board, World Journal (Meese)

  3. Receive Report from the Presidential Advisory Committee on Small and Minority Business (Fuller)

  Oval Office

  5:00 pm (20 mins)

  Reception for the American Security Council’s Coalition for Peace through Strength (McFarlane/Rosebush) Official Presidential Schedule for November 16, 1984


  9:00 am (30 min)

  Staff Time (Baker/Meese/Deaver)

  Oval Office

  9:30 am (15 min)

  National Security Briefing (McFarlane)

  Oval Office

  9:45 am (15 mins)

  Meeting with Peter McPherson (McFarlane)

  Oval Office

  10:00 am (60 mins)

  Personal Staff Time

  Oval Office

  11:00 am (60 mins)

  NSPG Meeting (McFarlane)

  Situation Room

  12:00 m (75 mins)

  Lunch & Personal Staff Time

  Oval Office

  1:15 pm (10 mins)

  Presentation of Thanksgiving Turkey (Whittlessey)

  Rose Garden

  1:30 pm (30 mins)

  Meeting with Secretary Shultz

  Oval Office

  2:00pm (30 mins)

  Meeting with Foreign Minister Yaqub Khan of Pakistan* (McFarlane)

  Oval Office

  Word came of the firefight in Korea. A Soviet tourist ducked across the line in the demilitarized zone seeking sanctuary. The N. Koreans opened fire & the Am. & S. Koreans returned fire. One of our men was wounded—not seriously, a S. Korean was killed & the North Koreans lost 2. The Soviets must be serious about their decision to meet with us on Jan., 7 & 8. We feared they might get exercised about the defection & the shooting. They haven’t mentioned it. Sat., the 24th was our one bad day—cold, foggy & raining. Well it gave me a chance to catch up on some homework. Sunday was bright & beautiful & the flight back to Wash. was uneventful. One other sour note on Thanksgiving had to do with Mike R. He blew up at something on the TV news based on an interview Nancy had given. He called me & when I tried to straighten him out he screamed at me about having been adopted & hung up on me. […]

  Monday, November 26

  Back to the regular routine. George S. came by to tell me I should tell Lucky Roosevelt (Protocol Officer) I want her to stay. I’m not out to change anyone so if they don
’t tell me they want to leave, I first assume they are staying. Anyway I had her in & gave her the word & he was right—she bubbled over with joy.

  Deputy P.M. of Iraq Tarig Aziz came in—today we re-established diplomatic relations which Iraq had broken off 17 yrs. ago. We maybe helped in our peace efforts because Iraq is pretty cool toward Syria—the bad boy of the Middle East.

  For 2 hours we had our 1st briefing on the Treasury Dept’s. tax plan. I’m worried. I’ll hold my fire until I understand it better but as of now it sounds a little complicated & not as simple as I’d hoped.

  To top the day off I called Mike R. We talked for half an hour & I’m more than ever convinced that he has a real emotional problem that is making him paranoid.

  Tuesday, November 27

  [Visit from Prime Minister Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara of Fiji.]

  Howard Baker came by in a sort of farewell ceremony. He’s keeping his options open regarding a Presidential try in ’88. He’d like to keep a foot in govt. so I’m appointing him to P.F.I.A.B. He checked me out as to whether I’d be neutral in ’88. I must say this will be a tough one for me. I’ve always believed the party should choose the nominee but when the time comes I’m afraid my heart will be with George B. if he makes the run. An interview with 5 editors & writers from “Wash.Times.” I think it went OK—at least they are friendlies.

  Tonite dinner for Frank Sinatra. The Wicks, Laxalts & Shultz’s on hand. A good time was had by all. We should do this more often.

  Wednesday, November 28

  Called John Stennis (Sen.). He’s at Walter Reed Hospt. to have a leg taken off at the hip—Cancer. Met with the Cab. working group on bud. cuts. Dave Stockman presented a case to bring the deficit down to 4% of G.N.P.—then 3% by ’88—2%. It is a really draconian cut including elimination of scores of govt. programs entirely. Frankly it’s time to reverse the course of the last 50 yrs., but I can’t help but be suspicious that Dave made it so tough hoping we’d turn instead to a tax increase. Well I won’t. Met with Geo. S. re the upcoming arms reduction talks. We agree that since Chernenko has talked as I have of total elimination of nuclear weapons that should be our goal in the negotiations.

  Had a visit with representatives of the Alzheimer’s Disease Foundation. Yasmin—daughter of Rita Hayworth (a victim) was with them. She is a fine young lady totally dedicated to the cause. Went upstairs to do homework & select a pile of books to give the Anacostia High School Library.

  [Attended Senate Republican Unity dinner.]

  Thursday, November 29

  Met with new Sen. Leadership & Leadership of House (Repubs.) to discuss our attack on the deficit—spending cuts & tax reform. Consensus is to try & put it all in a single pckg & strive for a “freeze” on budget—making next yr.’s look like we are holding the line & repeating this yrs. Problem is defense. We can’t hold that down to no increase without endangering our arms reduction talks.

  In P.M. our Cabinet Core group resumed meeting on same subject. We’ll be at that again tomorrow. We’re making tough decisions on freezing, reducing or canceling about 130 programs. Later on I presented Congressional gold medal to Leo Ryan’s mother. He was killed in the Jones Cult Affair in Latin Am. Met also with Capt. & 2 seamen who rescued 85 Vietnamese “boat people.” They rcvd the International Nansen medals. Finished with some tapings. Another call from Mike. He is a really disturbed young man. I’ve contacted his Minister & believe maybe we can get through to Mike. […] Mermie is here for overnight.

  Friday, November 30

  Another meeting with the Budget Core group to find areas where we can cut. It’s a laborious process going line by line & weighing the effect. Things got sparked up a bit when Cap W. was called out several times for phone calls. It seems that a civilian oceanographic vessel under lease to the Navy had become disabled & drifted into Cuban waters—about 9 miles off shore. We had a Coast Guard cutter not too far away & called the Cuban govt. for permission to have it go into Cuban waters & tow our ship out. The Cubans refused & said they were sending a fast Naval vessel to take our ship in tow. We very much feared a hostage situation. Actually the law of the sea permits any vessel to go into national waters on a rescue mission. I ordered our Coast Guard vessel to go in. Just in case—we ordered the Carrier Nimitz in the Virgin Islands to move on Cuba & put planes in the air. Evidently the Cuban ship with a crew obviously manning it’s stern gun, put a line on the disabled ship. Somehow that line got cut & entangled the Cuban’s prop. Our cutter towed the ship safely into American waters. End of incident. Not knowing all the details the press has treated it as “much ado about nothing.” Frankly I think our Navy & Coast Guard deserve a “Well Done.”

  Helmut Kohl arrived & we had a good meeting & pleasant lunch. He’s a good friend & solid ally. He’s concerned about V.E. day coming in May & a repeat of Normandy D-Day with the Germans ignored. They suffer a great guilt complex over the Nazi period. I’m suggesting including them this time & making the occasion one of celebrating when the hatred stopped & peace & friendship began which has continued for 40 yrs.

  An N.S.P.G. meeting about the forthcoming arms talks with the Soviets. I made it plain there must be no granting of concessions (one sided) to try & soften up the Soviets. Off to Camp David. Had to cancel the movie—some kind of main fuse blew & shut off the power.

  Saturday, December 1–Sunday, December 2

  Sat. a quiet day of catching up on reading. Sunday back to the W.H. early. This afternoon the reception for the Kennedy Center honorees—Lena Horne, Danny Kay, Gian Carlo Menotti, Arthur Miller & Isaac Stern. Then to the K. Center for the program. The Shultz’s & the Roger Smiths (G.M.) in our box. The show got a little political this time—film biographies of Lena dwelt on her participation in the Civil Rights demonstrations. For Arthur Miller it was his persecution by Sen. McCarthy, etc. The show closed with a production number by Roberta Peters—opera star & a cast of hundreds dedicating the finale to me as they sang “Let There Be Peace.” I made it a point to be the 1st to stand & applaud when the last note was sung.

  Monday, December 3

  Asst. Sec. Crocker who has been doing a great job in Africa shuttling between S. Africa & Angola came in to report. It looks like progress is being made in a most difficult situation.

  [Budget meeting; looked at new poll numbers; met singer Lou Rawls regarding show to raise money for the United Negro College Fund; bipartisan congressional delegation reported on trip to famine-affected areas of Ethiopia; visit from Roy Brewer; met new members of W.H. press corps.]

  Bud McFarlane. He’s as irreplaceable as any one could be. He’s an 80 hour a week man & I keep trying to get him to spend more time with his family. He feels he can only do the job on his present schedule. Result—he feels he must leave out of fairness to his wife. I hope we can work something out.

  Tuesday, December 4

  A visit by Pres. Lusinchi of Venezuela—a bright cold day with a formal ceremony on the So. Lawn. Almost a diplomatic Faux Pas. I slipped into my topcoat. When time came for my opening remarks I took my notes out of my pocket & horror of horrors it was a speech welcoming “His Royal Highness” the Duke of Luxemburg. I couldn’t imagine how they could have given me the wrong speech. I started to ad lib & then remembered I’d worn my top coat last on the day of the Grand Duke’s arrival. Today’s speech was in my suit coat pocket. I made a switch & got away with it pretty well. In the afternoon Pearl Bailey & others of the Am. Lung Assn. came by to present me with the first page of Christmas seals. She’s a wonderful lady & a long time friend. She had a scarf for Nancy made up of a silk reproduction of the sheet of stamps. Then she unveiled a robe for me made out of 8 of those scarves.

  A long arduous Budget Core meeting—this time on Defense. No final decision but I know we can squeeze some out so as to make our claim of a freeze valid. We’re up to $33 Bil. of the $45 we need.

  [Visited Senator John Stennis (D-MS) in the hospital.]

  Tonite the State dinner for the Pres. of Venezuela. Andy William
s is entertaining. It was as usual a nice, warm occasion. Pres. Lusinchi was carried away by the fact that I told him & the others about the speech mix-up.

  [Wednesday, December 5: met freshmen Republican congressmen; Attorney General Bill Smith reported on finding a single building for his staff; cabinet meeting on budget; National Security Planning Group (NSPG) meeting to discuss approach to Soviets in upcoming meeting; signing ceremony for Food Aid to Africa program; donated four suits to charity.]

  Thursday, December 6

  Had the Repub. Leadership in for the whole load on our budget cuts. They took it pretty well although they expressed a desire to study some of the cuts & maybe they’d have a suggestion or two. We explained this was a working paper & that our Cabinet was reviewing it also & that we wanted their suggestions. I told them to please not go out & tell the press our proposal couldn’t get passed: that I would take our case to the people & they certainly had made it plain they wanted us to do what we’ve been doing. Good meeting.

  [Met Doug Flutie, winner of Heisman Trophy in college football, received honorary Heisman Trophy; met with Glenn Campbell, director of the Hoover Institution, and Martin “Marty” Anderson, fellow there, regarding location of presidential library at Stanford, commented, “I know I’m Pres. but I can’t get used to hearing that $90 mil. will be raised to build the Library & Museum”; briefing on international steel situation; visit from March of Dimes poster child, received from her a ten-week-old sheepdog, noted “There’s nothing so warm as a cuddly puppy.”]

  Taped a tribute to Joe Coors—did an interview with Human Events. Like a cloud over everything is the hi-jacked plane in Iran. It looks like they’ve murdered 2 Americans—officials in our A.I.D. program. Iran is if anything an irresponsible participant on the side of the Terrorists.


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