The Reagan Diaries

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The Reagan Diaries Page 47

by Ronald Reagan

  [Greeted winners of high school awards.]

  Another happy time in the Rose Garden—presenting the Medal of Freedom to Mother Teresa.

  [Photo session with president of international committee of the Red Cross; legislator from Arizona; Ray Charles, with representatives of disability organization; presented commendation to Willard Scott for the Today show for encouraging volunteerism. Friday, June 21: flew to Dallas; met families of hijacking hostages; noted, “We are proceeding with a plan to have the Algerians intercede & ask that the hostages be turned over to them. In turn they want to be able to tell Berri that once the hostages are free the Israelis plan to continue returning the Shiites they hold. We were able to get a statement approximating that F.M. Rabin (Israel) by going public with a statement that the U.S. should ask them to release the Shiites loused things up by establishing a linkage we insist does not exist”; speech to Lions Club convention; flew home and on to Camp David.]

  Saturday, June 22–Sunday, June 23

  On Sat. we dressed up & flew back to Andrews to meet the families of our 4 Marines who were murdered in El Salvador. This was an emotional trial—meeting their families but I believe the impressive Marine ceremony had to ease some of the pain of those whose loved ones were not combat casualties but victims of a vicious massacre.

  [Received report of Air India air explosion; mentioned that on Saturday, Vice President Bush, National Security Advisor McFarlane, and Assistant Treasury Secretary Craig Roberts lunched at Camp David and talked about the hijacking; Shultz on his way to speak to allies about anti-terrorism measures.]

  Monday, June 24

  Well my heart is broken—we all agreed that in view of the hostage situation we should cancel our trip to the ranch. I can do everything there I could do here but the perception of me vacationing while our citizens are held in durance vile is something I can’t afford—so no trip.

  Met with several Governors Repub. & Dem. regarding tax reform. Most were supportive. Gov Babbit of Arizona had a couple of questions—I think we answered them & that he’ll go along. After an issues briefing lunch we called an NSPG meeting re the Beirut situation. Bill Casey feels we must come up with a fig leaf for Berri or releasing the hostages would cause his assassination by the fanatics. Bill suggested a spokesman approaching him about offering Israel an assurance of safety in S. Lebanon for which they would free the 700+ Shiites they are holding. At the same time I’ve urged that we approach Assad of Syria to go to Berri & tell him he can be a hero by releasing our people or he can be stubborn & we will begin some actions such as closing down the Beirut airport, closing Lebanon’s harbors etc. until he releases our people. This is all being staffed out now. I can agree to the need for a fig leaf but there also has to be a threat of action (non-military).

  A meeting with Armand Hammer re the Bethesda research on Cancer which appears to possibly be a real breakthrough. He recommends more money to enlarge the trials—more Cancer victims treated, etc. He also has had a strictly 1 on 1 with Gorbachev & feels I should go to Moscow for a meeting. He’s convinced “Gorby” is a different type than past Soviet leaders & that we can get along. I’m too cynical to believe that.

  [Photo session with champion gymnasts from the University of Utah.]

  Tonight Nancy & I went to Teddy Kennedy’s home for a big fundraiser in a tent—purpose—money for the J.F.K. Presidential Library. John & Caroline had invited me some time ago. The whole family was most warm in their thanks. I wonder if Teddy will still be able to blast me as he has?

  Tuesday, June 25

  Met with Ambas. His Royal Highness Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia. His uncle, King Fahd had written me a letter about a message that someone had given him that his purchase of mil. weapons from us was contingent on his publicly supporting King Hussein’s middle east peace effort. King Fahd was understandably upset. I told the Prince to tell him there was no such linkage. There is however a plea from us; we have a better chance of getting Congressional approval of the sale—which isn’t easy, if we can point to the King’s participation in the peace effort. Then a meeting with Fred Fielding about another problem in Dixon Il. Bill Thompson one of the movers & shakers in the restoration of our boyhood home is off on his own as if he is an appointed ambas. for me. He reproduces autographed photos I’ve given him & his wife Jean & sells them etc. His wife is upset by what seems to be his obsession with me. So am I.

  [Lunch with congressional leadership of both Houses.]

  Then an NSPG meeting on Beirut—I’ve called for action now—beginning with the closing of the Beirut airport which would cut off a lot of revenue for Berri’s Arnal militia.

  [Photo session with golfer Andy North.]

  Wednesday, June 26

  Dropped in on Brkfst. downstairs for House Ways & Means Comm. Repubs. Another pitch for tax reform—a few had a sticking point re non-deduction of local & state taxes. We gave them some hard to rebut figures. I think we made some points. Then NSC & newest hostage development. A light at the end of the tunnel. Berri (Assam’s doing) has offered to let the hostages move to a Western Co. Embassy in Beirut or Syria—supposedly to remain until Israel frees the Shiites it’s holding. We prefer Syria & I have no intentions of letting them be held there. The Israelis are already planning to begin returning their prisoners. We want no linkage between what they’re doing & the release of the hostages. Berri released one today because of a heart condition. We are really optimistic. I’ve just learned that Berri owns a couple of mrkts & some oil stations here in the U.S. We might consider that a pressure point. A meeting in the P.M. with Repub. members of committees (Sen.) who confirm our appointees. We’ve had trouble with some of them going over to the Dem. side & mistreating our candidates. I put in a pitch for sticking together & showing that Repubs. have the capability of governing.

  In East room a pleasant gathering—141 finalists in the competition to choose the Am. Teacher who would be 1st teacher to go into space in the shuttle come January. Back to my desk for a load of mail & then home. Maureen is here but leaving tomorrow. Nancy is in L.A. after a visit with her mother in Phoenix. As usual this place feels empty as h--l.

  [Thursday, June 27: word of slight movement on hostage situation; report that “Quadafi talking to Iran & Syria about a joint terrorist war against us”; spoke to assemblage of local officials on tax reform; meeting with Senator Alan Dixon (D-IL) with plan for tax amnesty; received commemorative edition of Reader’s Digest; greeted race driver and supporter Richard Petty; gave medal to Camp David military commander.]

  Friday, June 28

  Yesterday we lost in the Judiciary Committee. Brad Reynolds nomination (by me) to be the No. 3 man at Justice was rejected. They even refused to pass it out to the floor with a no pass recommendation because of their fear the whole Sen. would do what they were unwilling to do—approve him. & they couldn’t have done what they did without the help of 2 Repubs. Sens. Spector & Mathias. Well there are 2 Sens. I won’t have to help campaign.

  [Flew to Chicago; visited school with local officials; met families of hostages and of kidnap victim; speech on tax reform; returned to Washington; National Security Planning Group (NSPG) meeting; received indication that hostages might be moved to Damascus the following day; noted, “We also launched a plan to strike by air a guerilla base connected with the murderers of our 4 Marines.”]

  Saturday, June 29

  We would be riding at the ranch if it were not for the hostage situation. We learned the hostages minus 4 had been moved by Red Cross bus to a bldg. a mile S.E. of the Beirut airport. I was ready with a statement for the press to be read at 9 A.M. Having breakfast in bed we turned on TV—there were our hostages still in Beirut not in Damascus—apparently neither Mr. Barri or Assam could spring the missing 4 from the bastardly Hisbollah. The hours passed & it became apparent there would be no further movement today.

  Now we pin our hopes on tomorrow. Cap & Don called & I went down to the Oval office where I’d be doing my radio broadcast. […]
r />   [Watched Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985) with guests.]

  Sunday, June 30

  No early calls—but later in the morning word came that the hostages were gong to leave in a Red Cross motorcade for Damascus. It was a long ride—we then were told that celebrations in small villages along their route was delaying them.

  About a quarter to 3 our time they arrived at the Sheraton hotel in Damascus.

  [Dinner at the Shultz home.]

  Monday, July 1

  Awoke with knowledge our people were in Wiesbaden at our air base there. As far as we know now they & some of their families who flew to Germany to meet them will arrive here tomorrow afternoon. Nancy & I plan to meet their plane. An N.S.P.G. meeting to plan strategy now. We are limited because the 7 kidnap victims are still being held. I phoned Assam to thank him & to call upon him to work for their release. He’s the only one who has any possible influence on the fanatics who did the kidnapping. He got a little feisty & suggested I was threatening to attack Lebanon. I told him nothing of the kind but we were going to do everything we could to bring the murderers of our young man to justice.

  A full Cabinet meeting to report on the whole episode. Upstairs early—with Congress gone these are an easy few days.

  Tuesday, July 2

  NSC briefing had to do with Gorbachev’s latest movement, the naming of Gromyko as Pres. of the U.S.S.R. It is a ceremonial job & possibly it was given primarily to get a new face in the Foreign Ministry.

  [Met with representatives of civic and business groups concerned with continuing spending cuts; greeted Disabled Veteran of the Year; also president of Rotary International, telephoned YMCA meeting.]

  Then Nancy & I went to Arlington Cemetery to put flowers on the grave of Robbie Stethem—the hostage murder victim. His sister was there. Then we helicoptered to Andrews Air Base to see the returning hostages & their families. It was nice homecoming ceremony & a heartwarming one.

  Wednesday, July 3

  We’re all agreed the new Soviet Foreign Minister is there to hold the fort for Gorbachev. We also decided—now that the meeting with him has been announced—that we should do nothing to raise public expectations. I said we must paint with a broad brush & not give the press specifics as to our agenda.

  Then we had a frustrating N.S.P.G. meeting re the 7 kidnap victims & the matter of Lebanon generally. Some feel we must retaliate. I feel to do so would definitely risk the lives of the 7. We are going to proceed to enlist other nations in closing down the Beirut airport. We are also going to maintain a posture that if another hijack takes place & the plane is headed for Beirut landing—we’ll get there 1st & bomb h--l out of the runway. We are also discussing a plan to take care of the Libya situation—including bombing some known terrorist training centers.

  We know the identity of the 2 hijackers who murdered Robbie Stethem. The problem is how do we get to them for trial in the U.S. All in all it’s d--n frustrating even though we are overjoyed at our success in getting the hostages back.

  That’s about it for the day.

  Thursday, July 4

  [Lunch on the balcony, saw people celebrating the holiday on the mall; cleaned out desk; took call from Robbie Stethem’s father; dinner party to watch fireworks included, as noted, “the Regans, Wicks, MacFarlanes, the George Wills, Oatsie, Bill Webster, Pam Wick & her boyfriend.” Friday, July 5: left for Camp David. Saturday, July 6: rode; contacted stewardess from hijacked plane. Sunday, July 7: swam and relaxed by the pool; returned to W.H. Monday, July 8: spoke to American Bar Association convention about using international law to combat terrorism; had lunch with Regan, McFarlane, and Vice President Bush; budget briefing; received new poll numbers, job rating up since hijacking crisis.]

  Tuesday, July 9

  Met with Repub. Cong. leadership—subjects bud. deficit, tax plan & legislative agenda. I made a pitch that we heal our difs. & prove that Repubs. are able to govern. Another regional press luncheon—took Q’s. I’m always impressed with the difs. between these press & media people from outside the beltway & the W.H. press corps. These people ask Q’s. that are legitimate requests for news not traps.

  [Signed bill on coins for Statue of Liberty fund-raising; videotapings; met with leaders of both parties on budget impasse, commented, “Made some headway but Tip was his usual pol. self.”]

  Wednesday, July 10

  Got word my brother is home after an operation for Cancer of the Colon & gall bladder out.

  [Stopped at breakfast for House Ways and Means Democrats, regarding tax reform; met with Vernon “Dick” Walters, the new U.S ambassador to the UN.]

  Then a meeting with Bud. Conf. Committee. Things got a little feisty & I sounded off on Govt. doing a h--l of a lot of things it had no business doing & gave examples. Meeting ran long then it was over to a W.H. lunch with U.N. people & women Maureen is taking to Nairobi for U.N. Women’s Conf.

  [Thursday, July 11: Cabinet Council meeting on Senator Alan Simpson’s (R-WY) immigration bill, intended to support it with addition of certain amendments; lunch with Regan to block out schedule for coming months […]; photo sessions; noted that Justice Department issued warrants for three hijackers and the murderers of Robert Stetham; noted procedure scheduled for the following day for removal of a colon polyp.]

  Friday, July 12

  [Mentioned previous day’s meeting with Senators Strom Thurmond (R-SC), Paul Laxalt (R-NV), and Orrin Hatch (R-UT) about a balanced-budget amendment; received good economic report; had cake in honor of McFarlane’s birthday; noted Senator Grassley (D-IA) was leveling attacks on farm and defense issues.]

  I’ve had 80 ounces of Golightly fluid since 9 A.M.—it’s now noon & I am drained.

  Fri. afternoon & on to Bethesda Naval Hospital. We were supposed to go on to Camp D. Saturday morning but plans changed. They had removed the small polyp from my colon & examined the entire colon. Far up in the colon they found a large flat polyp—the kind that with time can become cancerous. So we held a strategy meeting. Did I go home & then have to go through the whole preparatory business again or do I go back in & get it over with. That of course was the decision we made.

  I left the world—Sodium Pentothal, & awoke hours later somewhat confused. I had an incision that ran up past my naval to my chest. I was laced with tubes & very much a patient in for a stay.

  Saturday, July 13–Monday, July 15

  Nancy decided to decorate the place & brought pictures from home. They did make things better. But I was in a lot of discomfort which continued over through Sun. July 14. The polyp was not cancerous but they are checking around the Lymph nodes & we won’t know about them until Mon. Sun. night was a bad one—I didn’t sleep well.

  Mon. July 15—Awoke to the usual things I’m supposed to do to keep my lungs clear etc. Nancy came with more pictures & brought me up to date on messages, flowers etc. This morning though I went back to sleep & did pretty well until noon. It turns out there were Cancer cells in the tissue they’re checking—but they swear they got it all. It means however, I’ll have to have annual checks for the next 5 years.

  Tuesday, July 16

  Mon. night was miserable—I kept waking up & felt I’d had no good sleep at all. Did some walking around. Mon. nite was better & Tues. the 16th was a good day. Don Regan comes each day & we do what chores are necessary. Nancy brought more pictures. The walls are now pretty well covered with large framed, colored photos of us at Camp D., the Ranch etc. They really help. I’ve taken some short walks down the hall. Nancy visited the children’s ward & gave them some balloons that were sent & flowers. The children responded with home made cards. Nancy visited one 13 yr. old boy & his heartbeat went from 70 to 130.

  Tues. night was the best for sleeping—all the way thru til 5 A.M.

  Wednesday, July 17

  A big day—they took the tube that ran through my nose & into my stomach out. It was the suction pump that kept my insides clean. I continue to have some bodily functions & I now only have one tube in my a
rm through which I’m fed. Nancy wasn’t here—she’s out on a carrier talking about drugs to the sailors. Geo. Bush, Don Regan, Larry S. & Craig F. came & we had a pretty good meeting on the budget. Then miracle of miracles I had my 1st food by mouth. Only a couple of spoonfuls of broth, Jello, some water & ½ cup of tea. I’m waiting to see what happens. By evening I repeated that menu with good results. The Doctor says maybe he’ll take the feeding tube out tomorrow.

  Some strange soundings are coming from the Iranians. Bud M. will be here tomorrow to talk about it. It could be a breakthrough on getting our 7 kidnap victims back. Evidently the Iranian economy is disintegrating fast under the strain of war.

  Thursday, July 18

  A good night’s sleep until about 5:15 A.M. when I had a bathroom call. What a morning—the Dr. (Oller) took the metal clips out of my incision—what an improvement that made. Then I had a light breakfast & he told me he’d take the feeding tube out before lunch & he did. Such a feeling of freedom—no more tubes harnessing me to the machinery.

  Nancy & I had lunch. I find I can only eat a few mouthfuls. A lot of cards & messages to look at. Then around 4:30 P.M. a wave out the window to the press & down to X-ray.

  Bud came by—it seems 2 members of the Iranian govt. want to establish talks with us. I’m sending Bud to meet with them in a neutral country. Gorbachev has passed the word he’d like to establish a private channel of communications. We tried to get such a thing with his predecessors & couldn’t make it. I gave the word to proceed.


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