The Reagan Diaries

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The Reagan Diaries Page 52

by Ronald Reagan

  Saturday, November 30

  [Radiocast; weather not conducive to riding.]

  Then along about noon the skies cleared, the sun came out & we had an afternoon outdoors. I painted—(a little touch up) of our Rooster weathervane then Courtney, Barney, Dennis & I pruned the big walnut tree in the yard & hauled the cuttings to the dump. A letter, “for my eyes only” came from Bud MacFarlane. He wants to resign. He says after 30 yrs. in govt. service he owes it to his family. I can’t argue against that. I believe his successor should be John Poindexter—presently Buds Deputy in NSC.

  Sunday, December 1

  [Helicoptered to L.A. for Variety Club charity fund-raising dinner.]

  Right after we arrived I saw Bud M. for a few minutes to make sure he knew he could stay as long as I’m here but I could not put up an argument about his feeling he should retire for family reasons. He assured me that was his reason so we’ll part Dec. 31st.

  The Variety Club Dinner was a wonderfully warm event. The room was totally Hollywood—people we’ve known for years—some of whom we were in pictures with. Frank Sinatra M.C.’d—Steve & Eydie sang, Dean Martin, Burt Reynolds, Chuck Heston & on & on. Variety is naming a children’s hospital bldg. at U. of Neb. for me. Our family all there except for Patty & Paul (N.Y.) & Ron & Doria—he’d caught the flu.

  [Monday, December 2: flew to Seattle; spoke briefly at party fund-raiser; met schoolchildren; returned to Washington; met at airport by family with thirteen-year-old boy, ardent supporter, suffering from brain cancer.]

  Tuesday, December 3

  A crisp day—but finally bright sunshine all day & how I’ve missed it.

  [NSC briefing with Shultz; meeting with Republican congressional leadership, mainly about moving tax reform bill through Congress.]

  In the NSC meeting Bud brought up his retirement. John Poindexter was there & maybe Bud intended that I should name him then as his successor. I hadn’t discussed it with anyone so remained silent. Later talked to George & Don—then phoned Cap in Brussels & Bill Casey. Tomorrow we’ll announce I think—Bud’s resignation & that John P. will replace him. Over to the East Room to address a group who have set up an org. to link technology to help the disabled. Two young people who have been helped were present—one a young girl who cannot speak & can only move her thumbs. A computer scientist has worked out a method where by with thumbs alone she can create a message on a small screen attached to her wheelchair.

  A Cabinet meeting to discuss a bill before the Sen. to give the Pres. the power to shut off private credit & bank loans to the Soviet U. I came down on the side of not doing that.

  [Met with Senator Paul Laxalt (R-NV) to describe summit. Wednesday, December 4: spoke at high school in Maryland; met with Shultz on midlevel meetings in advance of 1986 summit; announced John Poindexter as McFarlane’s successor as National Security Advisor; visit from industrialist and philanthropist Eugene Lang; met with senior citizens group.]

  Thursday, December 5

  N.S.C. Briefing—probably Bud’s last. Subject was our undercover effort to free our 5 hostages held by terrorists in Lebanon. It is a complex undertaking with only a few of us in on it. I won’t even write in the diary what we’re up to.

  [Telephoned celebration of EPA’s fifteenth anniversary; met with Southern congressmen hoping for support of textile bill, commented, “I listened but feel I must veto it. It is pure protectionism”; spoke to retired members of Congress; flew to NYC for thirtieth anniversary party for the National Review.]

  Friday, December 6

  Kathy went out in the morning & picked up the new member of our family—a one year old “King Charles Spaniel.” Nancy had fallen in love with the Buckleys’ & this one is its brother. This is a small dog & we can keep it at the White House.

  Back in Wash. I was just in time for a meeting in the Cabinet room with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, OMB & others on the impact further defense cuts will have on our Nat. Security. I’m between a rock & a hard place. I can’t let the mil. budget be hacked away any more by Cong. & at the same time I can’t veto the Gramm, Rudman, Hollings bill—which threatens to do that. It is the 1st plan ever offered as a way to reduce the deficits. I fear a veto would set us off into an ec. tailspin as people lost confidence that anything would ever be done about deficit spending.

  [Met with Shultz and Poindexter regarding midlevel pre-summit meetings; cabinet meeting on 1987 budget; videotapings.]

  Saturday, December 7

  Day opened with “Rex”—(our new dog) on our bed. I then had a meeting with Don R., Cap W. & Bud M., John P., Geo. Shultz & Mahan of CIA. This has to do with the complex plan which could return our 5 hostages & help some officials in Iran who want to turn that country from it’s present course & on to a better relationship with us. It calls for Israel selling some weapons to Iran. As they are delivered in installments by air our hostages will be released. The weapons will go to the moderate leaders in the army who are essential if there’s to be a change to a more stable govt. We then sell Israel replacements for the delivered weapons. None of this is a gift—the Iranians pay cash for the weapons—so does Israel.

  Sunday, December 8

  A quiet day with our guests—then at 5:15 the reception for 350 guests connected with the Kennedy Center awards. Everything went well. The show was the best of these events since we’ve been here. The only sad note was the absence of one of the honorees—Irene Dunne. Irene is in Wash. but in George Washington Hosp. with the flu.

  Monday, December 9

  Bud is back from London but not in the office yet. His meeting with the Iranians did not achieve its purpose which was to persuade them to free our hostages 1st & then we’d supply the weapons. Their top man said he believed if he took that proposal to the terrorists they would kill our people.

  We had an issue briefing lunch & I’m calling reluctant Repub. Reps. trying to persuade them to vote for the tax reform even though it isn’t what we want. But we need it to pass it so the Sen. can take it up & hopefully correct it.

  Dick Wirthlin came by with new polling. No question but that curbing the deficit is the number one issue on the people’s mind.

  [Photo sessions; met Mrs. America pageant winner; haircut.]

  Tuesday, December 10

  [Meeting with congressional leadership to discuss Gramm-Rudman-Hollings budget bill, commented, “Not as good as we would have wanted but still a bill I’ll have to sign.”]

  Some of the time we talked tax reform. I’ve done a lot of telephoning all day & still don’t know whether it will pass. Bud M. back from Eng. & his meeting with the Iranian “go between” who turns out to be a devious character. Our plan regarding the hostages is a “no go.”

  [Bill signing for military appropriation; signed proclamation for Human Rights Day; ambassadorial formalities; photo session; attended annual congressional W.H. dance.]

  Wednesday, December 11th

  Several Rabbis of the Lubavitch came in to present me with a silver “Menorah” the Hebrew symbol of Hanukah. They have a giant one lighted in Lafayette Park. Then a Budget review meeting—wait til our Cabinet members see what we have for them—there will be blood on the floor. We’re going to try for all the cuts we couldn’t get last year.

  [Photo session with widow of William Loeb, publisher of the New Hampshire Union Leader.]

  Then a Cabinet room session with 52 top business leaders who are a Volunteer Committee to sell U.S. Savings Bonds. I had 3 meetings with Repub. Cong. men & women—about 20 in all, soliciting their votes for the tax reform. But up on the hill our Repub. Reps. led a Repub. attack that prevented the bill from coming to the floor. I saw them gloating on TV. Tip O’Neill on TV said they had “humiliated the man who led them to victory” (me) & d--n it they had.

  [Greeted independent business people in favor of tax reform; after dinner, participated in holiday receiving line. Thursday, December 12: staff and NSC meetings; presented awards to executives who saved the government money; lunched with Vice Presid
ent Bush, noted, “of course talked about what a foolish thing the (or some of) the Repub. Congressmen had done”; cabinet meeting regarding proposed budget; met with Republican Eagles about inaugural anniversary fund-raiser; greeted March of Dimes child ambassador; met officials of National Federation of Republican Women, noted, “I took advantage of the visit to urge them to pitch for observance of the 11th Commandment in the ’86 elections”; photo sessions; went outside with Mrs. Reagan and Rex to light the official Christmas tree; participated in holiday receiving line; telephoned Kentucky commander of 101st Airborne, which lost 248 soldiers in noncombat plane crash in the morning.]

  Friday, December 13th

  John Poindexter (NSC) reported in on his return from short but busy trip to El Salvador, Panama, Guatemala, Costa Rica & Honduras. It was a successful trip & tied up some loose ends.

  Our “Dreyfus” case with Cong. is on a shaky hold. Repubs. have offered up enough votes to carry the day if Tip will make a slight change in the rule under which the bill was blocked. Last word is that Tip is meeting with Rostenkowski. Mon. I’m going up to the hill to meet with the Repub. Conf.

  [Photo sessions; desk work.]

  Saturday, December 14

  A bright but crisp day. Did my radio show on 2 subjects—Tax reform & Nicaragua. in the 2nd half I referred to Ortega as a dictator in designer glasses. In N.Y. at the U.N. opening he & his wife bought $3500 worth of designer glass frames.

  During the day a meeting with Deaver & Glenn Campbell to see an architect’s idea for the Presidential library, then a greeting to all the S.S. & familys & the W.H. military. The day winds up with a dinner for the Foundation Bd. of Governors for the Library.

  The architect’s presentation was outstanding. His concept is a bldg. in the Calif. mission style—very beautiful.

  Sunday, December 15

  At 11 A.M. went down to the East room & spoke briefly to the Foundation board of Gov’s. Then at 2 P.M. Trent Lott came by to see me. He was one of the leaders (Repub. Whip) who surprised & disappointed me when he scuttled—or helped scuttle the Tax reform bill. As it turns out he’d like to be helpful but doesn’t think we could get the help in the Senate to improve the Ways & Means bill. He says Chmn. Packwood (Sen. Committee) has told him he won’t or can’t make the changes. Trent suggests we let the bill hang & create a bi-partisan task force to work something out.

  [Holiday reception and filming of Christmas show broadcast by NBC.]

  Monday, December 16

  This morning we flew to Ft. Campbell, Ky. home of the Screaming Eagles—the 101st Airborne. In a hangar there we were part of the memorial service for the 248 soldiers who died in the crash at Gander. I said my few words & then Nancy & I met each & every grieving “loved one,” wives, mothers & fathers, brothers & sisters & children. It was a heartbreaking time. They were all wonderful—we’ll never forget them.

  Back in Wash. I went up to the Capitol & met with all our Repub. Reps. It was a straight talk session with all sides having their say. I told them I was asking them to vote for a tax bill that I would veto if it reached my desk as is. If they’ll pass it my idea is that we get an improved version in the Sen. This will bring on a conference & here the Sen. will have my pledge that I won’t sign the Dem. version.

  Back to the W.H. I addressed a group working against drunk driving & then a meeting (brief) with wonderful Mother Teresa. Finished the day with a private dinner at the Richard Helms’. The Deavers & the Rex Harrisons.

  Meanwhile I’ve been told we have 50 Repub. Reps. who will vote for the “rule” vote on tax reform. Tip has said he’ll make a change to get the bill before the House if we get 50 Repub. votes.

  Tuesday, December 17

  An hour of meetings with 3 different groups of Congressmen. Apparently my meeting with the Repub. Conf. yesterday had an impact. The Cong. will vote on the rule & that depends on us being able to deliver 50 Repub. votes. Then they will take up the actual tax bill—if the rule has passed.

  We had an issues lunch in the cabinet room but our minds were on what was happening on the hill. The end of the afternoon was a farewell reception for Bud M. & his family. The news began to come in—the rule had passed & we delivered 70 Repub. votes. Then came the bill & it passed by voice vote.

  Appropriately the evening was very pleasant. We had the Baldridges & the Sideys for an early dinner & then to Kennedy Center—all of us for the Claudette Colbert & Rex Harrison play.

  Wednesday, December 18

  Everybody’s spirits up & no one calling me a lame duck since yesterday’s vote. Cap came by for the NSC briefing. Things are going fairly well for Defense budget items.

  [Signing ceremony for the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings bill; lunch with leading medical researchers on new developments; received new poll numbers, noted, “my ratings are up quite high.”]

  Last night I vetoed the Trade Bill which was a protectionist attempt for textiles, shoes & copper. I called Strom Thurmond—author. He took it better than I thought he would.

  [Met with Shultz on his return from Eastern bloc trip; holiday reception for Secret Service agents.]

  Thursday, December 19

  A lot of talk last night about signing a bill before midnight & then getting the office phone calls telling me Congress had adjourned. I signed the bill alright at about 10:30 p.m. in bed. Then we waited for the 2 phone calls. When you are expecting a phone call you don’t go to sleep. We turned the lights out around 1 A.M. but we weren’t doing too well. Then the phone rang at 15 min. to 2. It was the operator telling us there wouldn’t be a call because they didn’t want to wake us.

  We had a budget appeal meeting—Dept. of Defense offering a compromise figure in response to the O.M.B. proposal. I haven’t given an answer yet but I definitely lean to the compromise.

  Then there was a joint meeting of the Ec. policy & Domestic policy Councils & again I held my fire.

  [Received list of appointee recommendations; photo for American Legion magazine; greeted Park Mounted Police; photo sessions; videotapings; staff dinner party, entertainment by Peter Duchin Orchestra.]

  Friday, December 20

  A flap has blown up about our plan to utilize Polygraph tests in trying to uncover espionage. In Europe Sec. Shultz was badgered by press who played it up as a widespread compulsory program involving 100,000 employees including Cabinet members. This of course is untrue & a distortion of an NSPG directive to come up with an anti-espionage program. I think we got it settled down now that I’ve had a chance to straighten it out with George who is a nonbeliever in lie detector tests.

  [Send-off for Margaret Heckler as ambassador to Ireland; shared in birthday cake for Regan; met with NASA officials on budget appeal, commented, “Once again I’m going to settle for a compromise on funding of the Space Station that won’t delay it’s progress or crimp our research too much”; swearing-in of Dr. Otis R. Bowen as secretary of Health and Human Services; received Christmas card from town of Westminster, Maryland; went to Camp David.]

  Saturday, December 21

  Did radio show, called Walter Annenberg to ask him to serve on exec. committee for our library foundation. […] Then a call to Casey to stroke him a little over the polygraph flap. Mostly it was a day in front of the fire.

  [Sunday, December 22: noted cold temperatures; returned to W.H.]

  Monday, December 23

  Mac Baldridge came by with his report on the meeting with Gorbachev. It was somewhat similar to mine. G. on human rights gave him the same pitch I got that the basic human right was everyone’s right to a job & in the Soviet U. everyone is given a job. Of course he doesn’t also add that they can’t choose a job—they take the one the govt. tells them to.

  [Signing ceremony for farm bill; interviewed by local broadcasters with Secretary of Agriculture John Block; photo sessions.]

  Tuesday, December 24—Xmas Eve

  [Made telephone calls to service personnel around the world.]

  We’ve spent most of day opening gifts so the
tree will be clear tomorrow for Dick’s family & Maureen & Dennis. Tonight the annual affair—dinner at the Wicks. It’s Mary Jane’s turn to be Santa. It was as always a most enjoyable time—all the Wicks & Doug’s bride-to-be. Nancy has been the marriage broker on this one. Then Nancy’s brother & his family & Maureen & Dennis. A good time was had by all.

  Wednesday, December 25—Merry Xmas

  The day began at 11 A.M. with gift opening & closed with a 5 P.M. Xmas dinner. All of last nights group plus the Deavers & our special guest Claudette Colbert, also Nancy Reynolds & her son. This, too was a fun time & Claudette was wonderful as always.

  Thursday, December 26

  Some homework & signing to do & some thank you calls. Don R. gave me news that Japan teetering between European Airbuses & Boeing 747’s came down on the side of Boeing for 25 planes. It’s another indication they want to maintain a solid relationship & better reciprocal trade.

  Everyone (our guests) have departed so it’s Nancy, Rex & me.

  Friday, December 27

  Sport clothes & all—off to Calif.

  On Sat. the 28th did my radio cast at the Century Plaza where we were staying & taped my New Years greeting to the Soviet people. This is a big 1st. Gorbachev is doing one for us Americans—it’s never been done before. There’ll be no editing & we each provide our own translator.

  Ron & Doria came by for dinner. In the afternoon I was measured for new hearing aids that have the ability to muffle background noise when I’m at a noisy shindig.


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