The Reagan Diaries

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The Reagan Diaries Page 57

by Ronald Reagan

  Tuesday, May 6

  The big & final day. Morning session spent on Ec. statement Yasu would deliver to press. A lot of nitpicking but in the main everything worked out. I have never seen an Ec. summit where there was so much real unity.

  A pleasant lunch at the Okani then back to Embassy for bilateral with Mitterrand & Chirac—it went well. Finally the press session & Yasu’s report. Back to the Hotel & into a tux for dinner at the Imperial Palace as guests of the Emperor & entire royal family. It was truly an Imperial affair with a table easily 150 ft. long with 2 shorter tables across—one at each end of long table. My dinner partners were the Crown Prince & his younger brother.

  Wednesday, May 7

  A press conf. at 10 A.M.—most Q’s. about summit & terrorism. Then a farewell thank you to Embassy staff & on to Haneda Airport for 12:15 take off for Alaska & home—14 hours of flying & an hour for refueling. Crossing the dateline makes for our interesting situation. We leave Tokyo on a Wed. noon & arrive at the W.H. lawn at a little after 1 P.M. on Wed. In between is the refueling—an entire night & sunrise. It can be confusing. You fly into darkness & through it into daylight again. We managed to sack out for a few hours sleep & then got our meals on to Wash. time so that dinner tonite in Wash. will be at the regular time following breakfast & lunch at 8 A.M. & noon Wash. time.

  A crowd of several thousand plus Geo. Bush & the Cabinet were awaiting us. Maureen is here & now dinner time approaches.

  Thursday, May 8–Sunday, May 11—“Mother’s Day”

  [Haircut; cabinet meeting to report on trip; went to Camp David; rode and swam in heated pool.]

  On Sun. I called Kay Graham about a story the Post has been sitting on but threatened to run. It refers to a really top secret achievement of ours with regard to our ability to intercept USSR communications. She promised to take the matter up with Ben Bradlee. She doesn’t want to order him—says that wrecks an editor’s influence on the writers etc. Sun. morning has gone by without the story appearing. I hope we’re in the clear.

  Sleeping is coming hard to both Nancy & myself—we’re having trouble re-adjusting to Wash. time—13 hours different from Japan.

  [Monday, May 12: swearing-in ceremony for James Fletcher as director of NASA, commented, “I think morale will be restored there among the people”; caught up on desk work; luncheon for Medal of Freedom recipients Earl Henry “Red” Blaik, Vermont Royster, Dr. Albert Sabin, General Matthew Ridgway, Barry Goldwater, Helen Hayes MacArthur, and Walter Annenberg; photo session with schoolchildren for Parade; videotapings; dinner party with friends the Annenbergs, the Wicks, and Ted Graber.]

  Tuesday, May 13

  [Met with Republican congressional leadership, delivered report on Tokyo summit, discussed budget and tax reform; learned that friend had been diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease; addressed high school students.]

  Another Congressional meeting—this time with some Sen’s. who voted against me on the sale of arms to Saudi Arabia. Now I’m trying to persuade them to uphold my veto of the thing they voted for. Jewish groups lobbied them hard & some are politically scared.

  Met with Anatoly Scharansky. It was fascinating to hear the story of his imprisonment by the Soviets. I learned that I’m a hero in the Soviet Gulag. The prisoners read the attacks on me in Tass & Pravda & learn what I’m saying about the Soviets and they like me.

  [Met with gathering for Responsible Government for America. Wednesday, May 14: staff and NSC meetings; met with Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC), discussed why he voted against arms sales to Saudi Arabia; greeted Vietnam veteran who overcame disability; spoke to Tax Reform Action Committee; meeting with Shultz on negotiating with Soviets for reduction of land-based nuclear missiles; desk work.]

  Thursday, May 15

  A brief meeting with the Vice Premier of China—Yao Yilin. He’ll be here for 3 days—meetings scheduled with George S. & George B. & Sec. Baldridge. Our relationship with China seems to be on solid ground & they continue to swing more & more to a free mkt ec.

  [Lunch with Vice President Bush; made appearance at luncheon for former press secretaries; signed proclamation of Transportation Week.]

  A meeting with Sen. Gordon Humphrey of N.H. He’s been opposed to us on Saudi arms. I think we answered his legitimate Q’s. on a few points & maybe we’ll have his support.

  Then an NSC meeting on getting NASA back in operation of launching satellites. It’s a tough problem & a costly one. We arrived at no answer.

  [New poll shows approval rating of 75 percent; photo session with departing Secret Service agents; received word that House passed a budget bill; stopped by dinner for W.H. photographers.]

  Friday, May 16

  At staff meetings I took up matter of 5 Soviet soldiers (all 20 or 21 yrs. old) who deserted in Afghanistan & came over to the Freedom Fighters. They want to come to America. All or each of them wrote me. Their letters came to me by way of a lady from “Freedom House.” I’m determined we should give them sanctuary. I’m told the problem is Pakistan through which they’d have to come to reach the U.S. Well I want to try. We had an N.S.P.G. meeting about how to break the deadlock on aid to the Contras in Nicaragua. Phil Habib reported on the meetings he’s held in Central Am. re the Contra Dora effort to get a treaty signed. Our Cong. is afraid the Sandinistas will sign & won’t mean it & our aid would be wasted. I think the other way—the only way the Sandinistas can be brought around is if the Contras represent a threat.

  My meeting with Sec. Shultz was wide ranging. He’s planning a trip to the Middle East with some ideas of getting the Arab-Israeli peace talks on track. I agree. Saw 5 Ambas’s. & their familys off to their stations & called it a day. Nobody home when I got here—Rex is being operated on.

  [Saturday, May 17: had lunch with members of the Honor Guard; radiocast; Rex returned in good condition. Sunday, May 18: Mrs. Reagan went to Boston; watched panel shows; homework; Mrs. Reagan returned; Maureen visiting.]

  Monday, May 19

  [Met with Foreign Minister Jean-Bernard Raimond of France; scheduled meeting with Jewish leaders postponed.]

  In the Rose Garden a signing of a proclamation on trade week, then presentation of E & E star awards to about 20 businesses. It was a beautiful day. We issued a statement critical of S. Africa for sending armed forces into 3 neighboring countries. I have sympathy & understanding for the complexity of S. Africa’s problem but there is no justification for acts of this kind. An issues briefing lunch—1st in some time. Bill Wilson came in—suggested resignation from his Ambassadorial Post (The Vatican). I was relieved & told him so. The Capitol Hill Lynch mob has been gearing up to go after him as they have so many others. He has made some mistakes—trying to stay on Board of Penzoil, visiting a high official of Libya, etc. I didn’t want to see him smeared by the little gang that has done this to so many in my admin.

  Another bill signing—this time S-49, the McClure-Volkmer bill that undoes so much of the 1968 Gun law which was a lemon.

  [Photo sessions.]

  Tuesday, May 20

  Suzanne Massie came by for a half hour visit—Nancy joined me. It should have been an hour at least. She is the greatest student I know of the Russian people. She’s convinced the Russians are going through a spiritual revival & are completely tuned out on Communism.

  Nancy stayed with me for the signing of a proclamation naming “Just Say No” week. It’s catching on as a real anti drug program for youngsters.

  Prince Bandar back from Saudi Arabia told us the King has withdrawn the request to buy “Stingers.” We’ve passed the word to the Sen. & I think picked up some votes to support my veto.

  [Met with Senator Russell Long (D-LA) regarding Saudi arms deal; expressed thanks to Senate Finance Committee for work on tax reform plan, commented, “A few of them started suggesting amendments. Most felt we should leave well enough alone. I agree.”]

  After lunch & some desk time Paul Laxalt brought Jack Dreyfus by. Jack has spent $50 mil. of his own money on a foundation trying
to get the drug Dilantin (used for Epileptics) recognized as useful in dozens of other ailments. He has no financial interest—it’s purely a belief that we are neglecting a great beneficial source of relief. The villain in the case is the Fed. Drug Admin. & they are a villain. Then a meeting with a dozen Jewish leaders on the Saudi arms sale with mixed results.

  [Wednesday, May 21: staff meetings; spoke to high school students; Senator Chic Hecht (R-NV) changed vote to side with administration on Saudi arms resolution; met with Shultz, on his way to Middle East; signed proclamation on risk of skin cancer; photo session with party contributors; large GOP fund-raising dinner.]

  Thursday, May 22

  After the usual meetings I went over to the E.O.B. & addressed the Am. Retail Fed. This group is a good supporter of our program & policies. I pushed tax reform this A.M.

  Lunch in my new patio & then some desk work plus a drop by—Bill Casey on the problem of leaks. Then Jerry Carmen with his resignation as our U.N. Ambas. in Geneva. He’ll be back with us in another job I think. He’s done a great job in everything we’ve asked him to do.

  A photo with the speechwriters & staff. They’re a great bunch. Ben Elliott—head man is leaving. We’re thinking of giving the job to Jim Brady whose Dr. says it would be good for him to have more to do.

  [Presented medal to longtime W.H. employee; greeted football coach Eddie Robinson of Grambling University; said farewell to military aide.]

  Then a lengthy taping session & upstairs. Two phone calls—one to the Queen of Eng. who is visiting her racing stable in Ky. And the other to an 11 yr. old Vietnamese girl who won her state’s (Hawaii) contest for best essay on “What the Statue of Liberty means to me.”

  Friday, May 23

  Last night I learned I’d been invited to stand in the “Hands Across America” Sunday at 3 P.M. I also learned the line would go right past the W.H. Security of course had ruled out my participating. Upon learning the line up was past the W.H., Nancy, Mermie, Dennis & I got the idea of having the line come through the W. gate & out the E. gate. Then we’d ask our people—staff—W.H. employees, etc. to volunteer & that would take care of the security problem. Mermie & Dennis volunteered to go door to door in the E.O.B. getting volunteers. I took the idea to Don at the staff meeting & the plan is on it’s way & announced to the press already. Each vol. is supposed to give $10.00. We told them it was already taken care of. Don R. & I split the bill for about 225—the number it will take from gate to gate.

  N.S.P.G. meeting was cancelled due to absence of 2 members. So I lunched on the patio, then stayed there for meeting with George S. Subject was S. Africa. We’re going to send their mil. attaché home just to emphasize our feeling about their raids into 3 neighboring countries.

  Dick Wirthlin came in with some astounding figures. My approval rating is still 74%. Finally I did a P.B.S. interview with long time friend Bill Rusher. I think it was a good one. It will be pieced into a 90 min. special. Then upstairs for a short day.

  [Saturday, May 24: attended celebrity tennis tournament on W.H. grounds. Sunday, May 25: participated in Hands Across America day. Monday, May 26—Memorial Day: ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery; waited for word on hostage situation in Lebanon.]

  Tuesday, May 27

  Well let’s start by saying we still don’t know whether our hostages will be freed. Bud’s call revealed that 2 of the Iranians who had involved us were on the phony side. However through them Bud was put in touch with a rep. from the P.M.’s office. Outrageous demands were made by the Hisballahs [Hezbollah] such as Israel must leave the Gulan [Golan] Heights & So. Lebanon. Kuwait must free the convicted murderers they’ve tried & imprisoned etc. Bud said no dice so they got back to the original price—sale of some weaponry—now we’ll know possibly in the next 48 hours. Next event was arrival of Pres. Azcona of Honduras. We had very satisfactory meetings with him & reps. of his Congress & Cabinet capped by a luncheon meeting. He’s a solid citizen & totally approving of our aid to the Contras. Then a drop by of a meeting of top heads of all phases Fed. law enforcement.

  Then an hour & a half meeting with Chief Justice Burger who is also heading up our commission to plan 1987 observance of the 200th B.D. of the Const. His main mission was to tell me he wanted—well—he didn’t want to but will resign from the Court at the end of this session in July. We’ll keep it very hushed up ’til closer to the date then try & announce it plus his successor & if it’s a present member of the ct. who his replacement will be.

  Then a reception for 175 members of Citizens for the Republic. This is the org. I created with left over campaign money in 1976.

  And waiting for us after the reception were Don & John. Another call from Bud in Iran. Again they tried to exact some outrageous terms—delivery of the weapons & spare parts before release of the hostages. Bud told them deal was off. They backed down & said we had a deal—but they’d have to get through to the Hisballah in Beirut. Bud thinks Iran—conscious of the Soviet forces on their border & their own lack of competence want a long term relationship with us & this could be what’s behind their negotiations. Now we wait some more. The deal is the plane carrying the material takes off from Tel Aviv. If at the end of 3 hours we have not received the hostages we signal the plane to turn back.

  Wednesday, May 28

  And that’s just what we did—signal the plane to turn back after over ½ hour. It seems the rug merchants said the Hisballah would only agree to 2 hostages. Bud told them to shove it, went to the airport & left for Tel Aviv.

  This was a heartbreaking disappointment for all of us.

  [Lunch with twenty cartoonists, commented, “The laughter was continuous.”]

  Then Nancy & I taped a little segment for a comedy bit on Ron to be played at a big ABC shindig.

  And that wound up the day.

  Thursday, May 29

  A meeting with the 2 new Chiefs of A.F. & Navy. Everything has been settled peacefully. They are good men.

  [Addressed the National Association of Manufacturers.]

  George B. & I had lunch on the new patio & then a meeting with Ed Meese on the coming retirement of Sup. Ct. Chief Justice Burger. We’re holding this close until we can also name his replacement. Right now I lean to Rehnquist. A photo with Al Singer’s Cabinet affairs staff. Then personnel time with Bob Tuttle followed by a lengthy Admin. time.

  [Presented Harmon Foundation trophies to Senator Goldwater and NASA test pilot; received report from Boys Clubs of America; met with Public Diplomacy Advisory Board; greeted Arthritis poster boy, escorted by Victoria Principal; met retired NYC policeman running for Congress.]

  Nancy & I dropped by the dinner of the Vets of O.S.S. & I rcv’d. the Bill Donovan award. Then we went on to the Kennedy Center where with the Helms & Regans we saw Chuck Heston in the “Caine Mutiny.” It was a great evening & the show was magnificent.

  [Friday, May 30: presented posthumous medal for Captain Joseph Rockefort, WWII cryptographer; greeted finalists of the National Spelling Bee; addressed business gathering on tax reform; went to Camp David. Saturday, May 31: rode and swam. Sunday, June 1: some homework; returned to W.H.]

  Monday, June 2

  [Noted hot weather; staff and NSC meetings; attended luncheon for volunteer action group led by George Romney.]

  Then I went to the Map Room & did 7 tapings for various events. From there to the Situation room for an N.S.P.G. meeting on how to get a handle on leaks—particularly those revealing classified info. that threatens our Nat. Security. I’m holding out for going to the Nat. Publisher’s Board & persuading them to adopt a code of ethics by which they’ll come to us with tips or leaks they get which could endanger our Nat. Security. No decision as yet. A haircut & upstairs to get ready for dinner at George Stevens, Jr.’s home. The Hestons, Andy Williams & John Guares [Guare]—the playwright who won 4 Tonys last night will be there. Well it turned out to be a most enjoyable evening. Pierre Salinger’s French wife was there—very charming & approving of our country.

  Tuesday, June 3

  [Positive meeting with Republican congressional leadership.]

  A brief NSC meeting—in which we talked about yesterday’s N.S.P.G. meeting on leaks & how our account of the entire meeting was on the front page of today’s Wash. Post.

  After lunch a meeting with Cap which is going to become a regular thing. A quick trip over to the E.O.B. to say a “well done” to our W.H. Personnel Liaison team. They round up the people we appoint to jobs & they do great work. Then a lengthy meeting with Geo. S. & a discussion about the Soviets & what they are trying to do. They certainly are sending mixed signals. A sneeze shot & upstairs for rest of day.

  Sent a check ($500) off to Mrs. Sheila Petersen who has created a program—run out of her kitchen to help familys with a child requiring more medical care at home than the family can provide.

  [Wednesday, June 4: visited Parris Island, South Carolina, basic training center for the Marines; attended fund-raiser in Greensboro, North Carolina; returned to W.H.]

  Thursday, June 5

  9 A.M. breakfast in St. Dining room with about 75 of our 100 Sen’s. Dem. & Repub. It was a good session & I think reduced some acid in the partisanship. They are even talking about a clean sweep—100 votes for tax reform.

  At the office later saw our Ambas. Don Lowitz off to Geneva—he is in charge of our efforts to get an agreement on chemical warfare.

  George B. & I lunched on the patio then he took off for the Hill to preside over the Sen. which was taking up the matter of overriding my veto of their resolution to prevent the Saudi arms sale. About 2:30 when the dust settled my veto was upheld 34–66. For me that’s a big win.

  [Photo session with staff; greeted Asthma and Allergy poster child; went to Camp David.]

  Friday, June 6

  A meeting with Sec. of Agri. Dick Lyng. Because of the law—we are spending $24 Bil. this yr. on the farm problem. One farmer is getting $12 mil. A number are getting a mil. or more. He confirmed what I’ve been saying—those parts of agri. not in the govt. programs are having no problems at all. We have to find an answer to this.


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