The Reagan Diaries

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The Reagan Diaries Page 67

by Ronald Reagan

  [Meeting with staff to boost morale; photo session with Time magazine; went to Camp David. Saturday, March 7: radiocast; telephoned British prime minister Margaret Thatcher with condolences on ferry accident in North Sea; telephoned widow of Senator Edward Zorinsky (D-NE).]

  Sunday, March 8

  An early start home—We have a musical at the W.H. at 5 P.M.—Marvin Hamlisch, MC—Vic Damone, Liza Minnelli & Bobby Short—part of “In Performance at the White House.” It was a fine show & wonderful evening.

  Monday, March 9

  Jack Koehler resigned this morning. I guess he & the job just didn’t jell. He’s going to be a consultant over at Charlie Wick’s shop & couple that with a private enterprise job.

  [Staff and NSC meetings; heard positive report from Shultz on recent trip; lunch with Republican National Committee Executive Board; legislative strategy meeting.]

  Cap W. came by. I read him the statement I’m putting in next Sat’s Radio cast about him & George S. putting to rest the criticism of them in the Tower report. He told me how our mil. has already moved equipment & men into Ecuador to give aid in the Earthquake area. I had a call from President Febres-Cordero asking for help.

  A haircut & upstairs. Mermie is here.

  Tuesday, March 10

  A meeting with GOP Cong. Leadership. We had a session on Contra aid which Dem’s are opposing. Then a session on the budget. Our opponents want us to join them in a summit. Well we’ve presented a budget—they haven’t. We all agreed it would be silly to have a summit before both sides have presented their budgets. It was a good meeting.

  [Brief NSC meeting, projected ideas for future foreign-policy speech; lunch with Vice President Bush; domestic-policy meeting regarding ways to help Prime Minister Brian Mulroney of Canada, who had been criticized for being overly friendly with the U.S.; dental appointment.]

  Wednesday, March 11

  I wrote a sample letter to the editor rebutting an article in People magazine quoting a Prof. of Pol. Science at Duke U. who took me apart on supposed misstatement of FACTS back all the way to W.W. II when I suspect he was only a child. Howard Baker & George Bush applauded my letter but thought someone else should sign it. I think they were right.

  [New polls show upturn in approval rating since March 4 speech; National Security Planning Group (NSPG) meeting with Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Michael Armacost, who was going to meet with the Soviets in Moscow, commented, “I told him to give them h--l about getting out of Afghanistan.”]

  A Bi-partisan Cong Leadership meeting. We briefed them on Central Am. and the negotiations in Geneva (Max Kampleman). It was a pretty good meeting. A half hour with Geo. Shultz followed the NSPG meeting which was entirely about SDI—the ABM Treaty and we were all pretty much in agreement that SDI would stay within the narrow interpretation as to research until December 31, then go into the broader interpretation. George’s meeting was on his intended trip to Moscow & whether I should send a personal letter to Gorbachev re a summit this summer here in the U.S.

  [Ceremonial meeting with former Supreme Court justice Warren Burger.]

  A brief meeting with Ed M. on his way to a board meeting of trustees of Presidential Library. They are going to discuss whether to take it away from Stanford since there are demonstrations protesting it being there. I’m in favor of USC. Then Dick Allen brought in a wonderful little Korean gentleman C.J. Chung. He raised a mil. $ for a program in true pvt. enterprise fashion. His son—a student here interpreted. Chung took Korea from the wreckage of war and literally created its industrial system.

  [Dinner party with friends at the home of Nancy Reynolds.]

  Thursday, March 12

  This A.M. we agreed on Ken Duberstein to be Howard’s deputy. It’s great having him back on board. NSC was brief & no sensational news. Later dropped in on PFIAB having regular meeting in Roosevelt room. Henry K. gave a brief sum up of meeting with Gorbachev in Moscow. I’m afraid I can’t agree with one of his views. He doesn’t think we should go for zero option we’re negotiating with Soviets on INF. He says they have missiles not counted, hidden, & even on site inspection wouldn’t reveal them.

  [Meeting with President Daniel Arap Moi of Kenya, commented, “Kenya thanks to him is the best organized country in Africa & the most free enterprise one.”]

  Some desk time then admin time—photos with Ambas. Constable & her family—she’s Ambassador to Kenya. A group of the “Citizens for Reagan” came by—they are working hard to line up public support for our aid to the Contras. Yesterday afternoon the House voted a moratorium which I will veto if it passes the Sen.

  [Greeted departing Secret Service agents and military guards; read through new wills and trust agreements.]

  Friday, March 13

  [NSC briefing on situation regarding arms control with Soviets and Central American policy; spoke to gathering of leaders who support balanced budget amendment.]

  Got word NBC has a leaked story & has aired it about a ship load of T72 Soviet tanks on their way here—a deep dark secret we wanted to hold. At my suggestion we arranged for Jack Welch, CEO of GE (which now owns NBC) to come to Camp D. later this P.M. with Frank C. & Gates.

  [Regular visit with Shultz, noted, “wanted to outline continuing peace efforts in Middle East. I’m all for it”; ambassadorial formalities; greeted newly appointed senator from Nebraska; went to Camp David.]

  Our visitors arrived. My idea was that we see if Jack Welch would be interested in getting media leaders to set up their own Code of Ethics about going public with leaks like this one about the tanks. He’s definitely in favor. We told him we’d heard NBC News had another about our Mi-24 Soviet helicopter […]. They all left with Jack agreeing to pursue our idea. This very evening NBC came on with the Mi-24 story

  Saturday, March 14–Sunday, March 15

  Radio address—I gave a sound plug to Geo. S. & Cap W. I think they deserved it. By the evening news it was being played as rebuke to the Tower Commission which it wasn’t. Called Ed Rollins in hospital for operation. Received call from Henry Kissinger with some ideas about arms control—some of which I do not agree with. Sat. nite a wet snow was falling

  [Sunday, March 15: returned to W.H.; dinner with the Howard Bakers and the Carluccis.]

  Monday, March 16

  Staff time was short with no issues to speak of. NSC brought up some strategy problems for Contra aid etc. Later in the morning Howard, Dave Abshire & our new legal counsel Culvahouse came in for a brief session on the upcoming press conference. Also they need to see my diary so they gleam any further notes on Iran problem. Otherwise the special prosecutor & or the Sen. might raise a fuss & demand to see it themselves.

  [Issues-briefing lunch, noted, “no great problems & all in all a pleasant time.”]

  3 P.M. Howard, Dave, Culvahouse in for a session on upcoming press conf. We’re all convinced it will mainly be about Iran. Then Jim Baker—re the Aug. end of term for Volker as Chrmn. for the Fed. Reserve Board. We’re going to see if Alan Greenspan will take the job if Paul will step down gracefully.

  [Photo sessions with guests chosen by various members of Congress. Tuesday, March 17—St. Patrick’s Day: NSC briefing with light load of subjects; greeted Soviet sailors rescued on freighter by U.S. Coast Guard; attended St. Patrick’s reception at Irish Embassy and holiday lunch hosted by Representative Jim Wright (D-TX), noted, “By the time they were over I was talking with a brogue”; met with Howard Baker, Abshire, and lawyers to prepare for upcoming press conference; visit from Senator Larry Pressler (R-SD) with idea for recruiting religious leaders to approach pro-Sandinista Americans; videotapings.]

  Wednesday, March 18

  [NSC briefing, including report by Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Michael Armacost, on recent visit to Moscow; met bipartisan group of senators favorable to Contra aid; further preparation for press conference.]

  Had a meeting with George Shultz. He presented some material on his coming trip to Moscow having to
do with Human Rights. He really wants to go after observance by the Soviets of the Helsinki Pact.

  He also laid out some ideas on our Central American policy—the shortcomings of the Arias (Costa Rica) proposal. Hooray!!—Phone call first to tell me the Sen. voted 52 to 48 for the $40 million aid to the Contras. I’d thought I might have to veto.

  Thursday, March 19

  Nancy off to Atlanta, GA back this afternoon. Our Staff & NSC meeting involved with Ross Perot who wants to go on his own to Hanoi on the P.O.W. matter. He says he’ll only go if they assure him he’ll be able to talk to American P.O.W.’s still being held. He also wants a letter from me saying I approve his going.

  [Lunch with Vice President Bush; visit from Florida supporter Tommy Thomas; two hours’ rehearsal for press conference; staged conference in evening; regarded response as positive. Friday, March 20: signed proclamation for Afghanistan Day; lunch with regional campaign directors; met with Shultz regarding strategy for upcoming meetings with Soviets; received word that diplomat Max Kampelman suffered mild heart attack; interviewed by Trudy Feldman; went to Camp David with reports on energy and Soviet arms. Saturday, March 21: reading. Sunday, March 22: returned to W.H.; Mrs. Reagan left for NYC; received word that plane flown by Dean Martin’s son, a National Guard pilot, was missing in rugged California terrain.]

  Monday, March 23

  Howard B. reported Ross Perot who is evidently upset about something or other having to do with Vietnam & our POW’s. He had told me his arrangement with Hanoi was that they had to write him that he could meet some of our POW’s still being held captive if he’d go to Hanoi. Well no such message came. It was due Friday.

  Colin took Frank’s place at the NSC brief. Frank is in South America. Most of this meeting was taken up with report on Dean Martin Jr. He & his crewman it is known bailed out over San Gorgonia peaks but still no word of them. Weather has been interfering with the search. Nancy & I called his folks Dean & Jeanne—they of course are all torn up.

  Late morning with Wm. Webster. He requested that he not be made a Cab. Member as Dir. of CIA. I’d done that with Bill C. and found out he shouldn’t be in the Cabinet so we had no problem with Bill W’s request.

  [Issues lunch; met with Bob and Elizabeth Dole regarding highway bill and hope to sustain veto of it; photo session with editors of Conservative Digest; National Security Planning Group (NSPG) meeting on Persian Gulf strategy, noted, “I made it plain that if Iran tried to close the Gulf—we’d reopen it”; meeting with Weinberger regarding Special Services Command.]

  Then a haircut & upstairs—Mommies home.

  Tuesday, March 24

  [Report that Martin and crewman did not bail out; Mrs. Reagan left for Florida.]

  A GOP congressional leadership meeting. Much of the time spent on the Highway Bill & my veto of same. Bob Dole made a speech about supporting me that drew applause from his colleagues—1st time I’ve ever seen that.

  Then to NSC briefing—info on Space Station which costs out above our estimates. Also selection of Army Chf. of Staff—Gen. Vuono & Geo. S. & Cap’s differences on SDI & whether to go for the broad or the strict interpretation of ABM.

  [Spoke to American Business Council; cabinet meeting, with report on management-improvement program.]

  Later a meeting with our advisor group for them to recommend how to promote our agenda.

  Then a session with biographer Edmund Morris.

  Later a visit by Howard & Frank C.—we’ve found another spy—a Marine Guard at Moscow embassy. He’s confessed and has probably compromised our communications […].

  Wednesday, March 25

  [Short meeting with Howard Baker and Vice President Bush regarding highway bill and Bank Board appointment.]

  At NSC the talk was mainly on the upcoming visit of Sec. of State to Moscow. I think we’re going to have some differences between Geo. S. & Cap on arms negotiations involving SDI.

  [Spoke with Congressional Republican Conference; met with Archbishop of Greek Orthodox Church, noted, “His Eminence whispered that P.M. Popandreau would like an invitation to Wash.”; visit from Shultz on arms deal topics to be presented to Soviets; meeting of conservatives hosted by Senator Paul Laxalt (R-NV); greeted foreign-exchange high school students. Thursday, March 26: received word that Martin and crewman were confirmed dead; flew to Columbia, Missouri, appeared at schools; returned to W.H.; photo session with terminally ill boy; Maureen visiting.]

  Friday, March 27

  Staff meeting was light—a few minor items. Then NSC and the subject was our spy case in Moscow—but only preparing for a later meeting. Then a matter of $10 million worth of arms from present supplies to Chad which seems to have Quadaffi on the run.

  British Labor party leader Neil Kinnock along with former Defense Minister Healey & the Eng. Ambassador came by. It was a short meeting but I managed to get in a lick or two about how counter-productive “Labors” defense policy was in our dealing with the Soviets.

  [Signed veto of highway bill; meetings with congressmen.]

  Lunch with V.P. then a meeting with George Shultz about the coming trip. Finally down to the Situation Room. First subject was about Chirac’s meeting next week (P.M. of France). Second the security matter at the Moscow Embassy. We think the 2 Marines did us great damage with regard to security […]. We’re busy planning how to restore things. Present was Jack Matlock our new Ambassador to Soviet U. Had a photo with his family. A few more photos during day with friends of our people—then desk work & home.

  [Saturday, March 28: radiocast; spoke at Gridiron Dinner, received laughs. Sunday, March 29: Maureen visiting; received word that William Casey, gravely ill, was moved to his home.]

  Monday, March 30

  Six years ago today I got shot. Howard, Ken, George & I talked over a few domestic problems. Then NSC—reports we have a big disagreement between Sec of St. & Sec. of Defense over SDI & our approach to the Soviets. I don’t want it negotiated at all.

  [Spoke to three thousand federal employees at Constitution Hall; meeting with R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr., founder of American Spectator magazine; honored vigilant inspector general; meetings with Senators Thad Cochran (R-MS) and Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to elicit support for highway bill veto; visit with Daniel Boorstin, retiring Librarian of Congress; videotapings. Tuesday, March 31: briefing on visit of Prime Minister Jacques Chirac of France; arrival ceremony; meetings on private initiative program and announcement of agreement on joint research on AIDS; photo with disbanding team of David Abshire, W.H. Special Counsel investigating Iran-Contra scheme; courtesy call from King of Spain; state dinner.]

  Wednesday, April 1

  A staff meeting—spent most of our time talking about the Sen. vote on my veto. We don’t know whether we’ve got the votes to sustain or not. But when 1 Dem. Terry Sanford broke ranks & voted with us—the winning vote—Bob Byrd switched his vote to us so he could demand reconsideration. You have to be a vote on winning side to call for reconsideration. All day on A.F.1 & in Phil. We’ve been back & forth on the phones trying to line up votes by then Byrd has been busy too. Terry Sanford stood up and announced he was changing his vote. It looks likes we’re behind.

  [Flew to Philadelphia; spoke at bicentennial celebration for College of Physicians; greeted political donors.]

  Ride home in A.F.1 was again a series of phone calls to the Sen. I’m afraid we’re going to lose.

  Thursday, April 2

  Staff time again on the Highway Bill. I decided to go to the Hill & make my pitch to our Repub. Sen’s including the 13 who are voting to override. Some of them thought I would only look worse if I was overridden. I decided I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t go.

  In NSC the subject was a presentation for the Joint Chiefs delivered by Colin. They feel in our arms talks we need more than 5 yrs—6 or 7—in order to offset the advantage to the Soviets in conventional weapons.

  [Had good meeting with Lord Peter Carrington, secretary general of NATO.]

en I left the meeting & headed for Capitol Hill. I met 1st with a large group of Sen’s in old Sen. Chamber. Then with the 13 in Bob Dole’s office. I knew when I left I’d failed but I have no respect left for that 13. They were voting on strictly the pressure they were getting from the construction industry and they were voting against trying to balance the budget.

  [Greeted women’s NCAA basketball champions from University of Tennessee; economic policy meeting on upcoming Canada meeting; received word that veto was overridden; greeted group of Hasidic Rabbis, then members of American Cancer Society escorted by Minnie Pearl.]

  Friday, April 3

  Stop by the Doctor for a look at my nose—clean bill of health. Staff meeting—very short. NSC—report on brkfst. Meeting with Sec’s Weinberger & Shultz. They have differences regarding arms talks but nothing that can’t be worked out.

  At 11:35 Intel. Board came by with an interim report on Iran. On their own they were overseeing the “intelligence” situation. Then a little ceremony in the Roosevelt Room with Elizabeth Dole. She presented me with a check for $1,575,000,000.00 the purchase price we got for selling Conrail.

  [Lunch with donors to the presidential library; meeting with Shultz on foreign-debt problem, specifically countries that owe so much they probably won’t be able to pay it back; greeted men’s NCAA basketball champions, Indiana University. Saturday, April 4: read Canada briefing book; radiocast. Sunday, April 5: flew to Ottawa, Canada, formal arrival ceremony; initial meeting with Prime Minister Brian Mulroney; dinner reception.]

  Monday, April 6

  Meeting 9 A.M. with John Turner, Leader of the opposition party & Sec. Shultz & Charles Bouchard, Policy Leader of opposition.

  About 9:30 meeting over—left for Parliament Hill. Signed books for both Houses of Parliament then a meeting in P.M.’s office. About 10:30 a plenary meeting in Cabinet Room. It went well & I think we resolved some difficult problems having to do with Acid rain, Arctic waters sovereignty problem & defense budget.


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