The Reagan Diaries

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The Reagan Diaries Page 69

by Ronald Reagan

  [Issues lunch; ambassadorial formalities; met with Republican members of Ways and Means Committee regarding debt ceiling; noted Mrs. Reagan away until Thursday.]

  Tuesday, May 12

  At 9 A.M. a phone call (secure) to Helmut Kohl (W.G. Chancellor). This was a session on our intermediate range nuclear missiles. I wanted him to know we weren’t going to pressure him on the short range missiles. They have real concerns about being left with nuclear weapons that would explode on Germany & being left with Soviet superiority in conventional weapons. But I think he’ll be cooperative.

  Then it was a good meeting with the Repub. Cong. Leadership. Main problem is getting an extension on debt ceiling before May 28 when if we don’t have an extension we’ll be in default. Talk is of getting a 60 day extension so something can be worked out. I asked them to consider a ceiling based on Gramm, Rudman, Hollings (G.R.H.)—to carry us until budget was balanced with the ceiling each year based on G.R.H. deficit allowed each year.

  Then back to an NSC meeting—subjects Nicaragua, Contra leaders are planning a Democratic government system. Then the Philippines election. It looks like Acquino will win big. On Malta there has been an election & for 1st time in years a pro U.S. Prime Minister has been elected.

  [Addressed Council of the Americas; signed proclamation for Just Say No to Drugs Week; meeting with Shultz on arms control; photo sessions; visit from Rush Hill (friend from California government); met with Kuwaiti journalist; attended reception for Eureka College Reagan Scholarship Fund.]

  Wednesday, May 13

  [Staff meeting; noted that House voted for a sixty-day debt extension.]

  NSC briefing dealt with my call to Kohl but mainly with the Persian Gulf & Iran’s attacks on neutral shipping. Question is—will Kuwait sail its ships under American flag. If they will we will respond forcefully to any attacks on vessels flying our flag.

  [Meeting with President Vinicio Cerezo of Guatemala, noted, “I spoke to him about need to stay aligned with Honduras & El Salvador at coming meeting of Central American Presidents”; briefing for interviews with magazine writers the following day.]

  Thursday, May 14

  At staff meeting received some recent figures by Wirthlin. They are encouraging. My approval rating holds at 53%. Then some discussion on the press coverage of the hearing & the way in which they have linked Iran & the Contras as if it’s one incident & I’m covering something up. I’ve been going public for several years on aid to the Contras. Then it was NSC time. Frank reported on Cerezo visit & his other meetings while here. We seemed to have done well. Mrs. Cerezo attended a dinner on the yacht Sequoia former Presidential boat sold by Carter. I think before I leave I should get the craft back for future Presidents. A report on the Sofaer study of the ABM Treaty with regard to our SDI development. It proves the ABM Treaty does not forbid our testing of SDI. We are paying a price because of this SDI debate. Otherwise friendly members of Cong. opposed to the liberal interpretation of the treaty turn against us on other issues.

  [Photo session with Philippine-U.S. business committee; briefing and then half-hour interview with writers from four national magazines; signed personal financial statement; videotapings; finished the day, as noted, “Upstairs & waiting for Nancy’s return & and here she is. Me & the dog are very happy.”]

  Friday, May 15

  A staff—quite an agenda. We looked over a list of names for AIDS Commission. List included Nancy’s brother Dick. Then I learned that Jonathan Miller who was mentioned in testimony yesterday as helping an aide of Col. North cash $1,000 in travelers checks for distribution to the Contras immediately resigned. But it seems he had already informed us he was resigning as of today several days ago before there was any such testimony. Press of course is declaring he resigned because of the testimony.

  NSC—Cap W. & George S. apparently have conflicting views on proposed INF treaties with regard to the zero zero proposal vs. leaving some short range missiles in place. And there is possible disagreement about SDI and whether Cap should send report to Cong. directly bearing on progress & relation to ABM Treaty or go through State Dept. In this one Cap is correct, the law is very specific on how it’s to be done.

  Rcvd. word RENAMO—the insurgent group in Mozambique has kidnapped an Army Nurse. We have asked the Red Cross to provide us with some details. I want her rescued if we have to blow up the whole d—m country.

  Then some discussion of Pakistan & their request for an AWAC plane.

  [Interviewed by journalists from regional media; took afternoon off; quiet evening. Saturday, May 16: addressed commencement for military doctors; radiocast; attended Mrs. Reagan’s annual tennis tournament to raise funds for anti-drug program; reception afterward; sat with Tom Selleck; telephoned Yasmin Aga Khan about death of her mother, Rita Hayworth.]

  Sunday, May 17

  A beautiful, easy day—until I got a call from Frank C. In the Persian Gulf off the coast of Bahrain our Frigate the USS Stark was hit by 2 missiles fired by an Iraq Mirage F.1. The USS Wadell went to the scene—both ships made port. One American injured. We have filed a protest. Apparently the plane did not have visual aim but fired at a radar image. More bulletins through the day & situation looking worse. Dinner with Mermie & Dennis.

  Monday, May 18

  Staff Time—some talk on schedule & how to announce the ship situation. Then NSC and more news on USS Stark. We’re still waiting for an apology from Iraq’s Pres. We’ve heard from Foreign Minister but that’s not enough.

  [Meeting with President Mário Soares of Portugal; presented awards at World Trade Ceremony; issues-briefing lunch; meeting with speechwriters requesting input on upcoming speeches; new polls indicated falling approval rating, though some categories were positive.]

  Then to Situation Room for hour meeting on USS Stark. I’ve declared that we let everyone know I’ve ordered our naval vessels to open fire any craft positioning itself as a possible attacker. Saw 8 Ambas’s & their families off. A haircut & up to get ready for dinner at Dick Helms. A small group Bill Webster & Sally Thomkins, Senator & Ann Simpson, John Brass, Evangeline Bruce, Mr. & Mrs. Robbie Evans, the Hank Greenbergs, Mel Laird, & David Rockefeller. A most enjoyable evening.

  Tuesday, May 19

  To the office 1st Geo. Bush has called Sulzburger about an editorial which actually calls me a liar. So much for the New York Times. I’m waiting to hear the outcome. We decided I’ll order flags half mast on the USS Stark tragedy.

  [NSC meeting; Frank Carlucci brought unconfirmed report that West German chancellor Helmut Kohl was open to administration position on short-range nuclear missiles; flew to Chattanooga, Tennessee, to speak at high school commencement.]

  Before leaving for Wash., I phoned Harry Carrey in the mist of his broadcast of the Chi. Cubs—Cinn [Reds] B.B. game in Chi. He has returned to being the voice of the Cubs after on absence because of a stroke. Finally home & Mother.

  Wednesday, May 20

  Opened day talking about news story that Navy wasn’t providing transportation for the next of kin to memorial service in Jacksonville Friday. I changed that quick. Later called parents in New Jersey named in story & told them they’d be hearing from the Navy. Then a little talk with Howard & Ken about Solicitor General Fried who issued a ruling that Unions could use Union members dues for political purposes without their permission. I’m in total disagreement.

  NSC—It seems Dobrynin is passing word Soviets can & will cancel missile reductions if I don’t call off S.D.I.

  Then a meeting with Foreign Minister Yaqub Khan of Pakistan. I got in a few words about nuclear weapons & how they must not build any. Later a talk with or mainly by R. Perle. He’s brilliant & gave a great presentation about the arms reduction process & the course we should follow. Basically it was to stay tough. Then over to EOB met with & addressed a group of great teachers & principles. Bill Bennett presented me with 3rd book on “What Works”—title of the one—“Schools That Work—Educating Disadvantaged Children.” Great progres
s is being made all across the land in upgrading education.

  Met with George S. He asked that we send someone to W. Germany to talk to Kohl about 0-0 in S.R.I.N.F. I agreed & Linhart is on his way. George moved onto L.R.I.N.F.—he’s all for 0-0 there. Also discussed modernizing our Lance Missiles. Then some discussion of Middle East Peace process. And finally a problem with our designated Ambassador to Mozambique—Melissa Wells a Foreign Service Officer. Sen. Helms is blocking her approval by Sen. Committee. I want her approved. Then our meeting with Chinese delegation headed by Yang—a top level man in their govt. It went very well. Then a meeting with Baker & Meese re the choice for head of the FBI. List is down to 3—we picked one but won’t make it final ’til Ed has discussed it with Webster. Then upstairs to do my exercises before the 6 P.M. reception of 220 Repub. women holding elective office across the country. Mermie is hosting the affair. I speak & then a reception line. It was a fine time & we shook every hand.

  Thursday, May 21

  Word has come from Iraq Ambas. that they will pay compensation to the family’s of the victims on the USS Stark. Space Shuttle set for 1st flight, June of 88. Geo. S. said there was talk of Soviet Summit here in late Sept. or early Oct. I’ve agreed to meet with the Independent Investigator as I did with Tower Commission. Then a briefing on tunnel that is going to run from Oval O. to the W.H. shelter. End of meeting.

  [NSC meeting with report that West German chancellor Helmut Kohl will make decision on short-range intermediate-range nuclear forces (SRINF) by early July; group called RENAMO admitted to kidnapping missionaries and American nurse; awaited word on semiconductor situation with Japan; signed bill lifting regulations on natural gas; met with Chancellor Franz Vranitzky of Austria, noted, “Purpose to make it plain our banishing of Austrian President Kurt Waldheim did not mean any lessening of our friendship with Austria.”]

  After lunch Personnel time then NSC meeting to discuss foreign policy issues likely to come up at Ec. Summit. A meeting with Cap W. I have a problem—Geo. B. want to settle treaty with Soviets including 100 missiles in Asia & Alaska. Cap wants us to go for 0-0. Frankly that’s what I want.

  [Photo session with departing appointees; meeting with Michel Rocard of France; presentation at W.H. by booksellers of several hundred books; attended reception for Vote for America group. Friday, May 22: flew to Jacksonville, Florida, for memorial service honoring those killed on USS Stark; returned to Washington, then on to Camp David.]

  Saturday, May 23

  Mixed clouds & sunshine. Nancy had to go back to Washington to get an honorary degree from Georgetown Medical College. I lunched with the troops at Camp David then had my 1st ride in a long time. Nancy returned. I took a dip in the pool & it was Saturday night as usual. Ran a movie about Big Foot & to my surprise I was in it—a shot of me & Bonzo on a TV set.

  [Sunday, May 24: rode; signed condolence letters for Stark family victims; swam; watched taped show on Hollywood’s one-hundredth birthday.]

  Monday, May 25—Decoration’s Day

  It was foggy & gray & chilly. Moved up departure time to 2 P.M. & back to the W.H. There I received word Ray Donovan & the others been found innocent of all 10 charges. Justice has truly been done. The only injustice was that the indictment was handed down in the 1st place. I’ve always suspected some conniving in the N.Y. prosecutor’s office.

  Tuesday, May 26

  At staff I brought up my brother’s query to me about whether he could go fishing off the Mexican coast as a guest of a friend who lives there. A couple of years ago someone here in Wash. told him no. I cleared that up—he can go fishing in Mexico. Then some discussion again about the “hearings.”

  NSC—Well first some discussion of how to re-open negotiations about doing away with the 100 missiles each on China border & ours in Alaska. We won’t go public but bring it up in negotiations.

  We have a problem with our friends in Canada—they sell natural gas across our border but they pile most of the cost of production into the price they charge us. Top Secret—We’ve tapped a line that gives us access to much of Libya’s (Quadaffi’s) communications.

  [Briefing for interview with foreign journalists; gave interview.]

  After lunch a brief meeting with Howard & Culvahouse & his assistant. This is going to be a weekly thing to give me legal opinions & inside on hearings etc.

  [Photo with Crown Prince Felipe of Spain; presummit briefing; swearing-in ceremony for William Webster as CIA director; videotapings.]

  Wednesday, May 27

  In our 1st morning meeting we decided I’d sign the Farm Disaster Bill & later in the morning I did. It’s somewhat controversial but it isn’t a typical farm subsidy bill. It really is a disaster bill to compensate farmers who were prevented from planting or lost crops because of the weather.

  Then Joe Coors name came up to my surprise. He wants a job in the West Wing. He’s a great guy & obviously does not need a job. He just wants to be of help. We’d have some problems public relations wise. I decided we should put him on one of our temporary commissions (such as the AIDS group) for a few months & then find a place for him. Next subject was the Persian Gulf & what we are doing there. Then Bob Byrd’s 50th Wedding Anniversary. We’re having him & a few people to a lunch Friday in the study off the Oval Office. Final topic was Paul Volcher’s term winding up—to re-appoint or not. Well he told Howard Baker he wants to leave. So we put a list of possible replacements together.

  NSC—First subject was need for me to meet with President of Mexico—in Mexico. I’ve tried to meet each year with him & P.M. of Canada. This time it’s Mexico’s turn. We’ve decided I’ll see him in a border city on way back to Wash. from the ranch in August. Another less pleasant subject was evidence we have that Govt. of So. Africa is planning terrorist operations against the A.N.C. We’re looking into how we can turn that off. Subject of Ambas. Straus Hupe (Turkey) came up. He’s 85 & getting a little slowed down. We discussed a replacement. Last item was W. Germany & the matter of their Pershing missiles & the SRINF.

  Then Ed Meese came in for a brief meeting. First item was possible extradition of terrorist Hamedi from W. Germany. They hold him for trial there but he is the murderer of one of our Navy men in the hijacking of our plane. Problem is terrorists in Beirut have kidnapped 2 W. German business men & are demanding a trade. Then came problem of new director of FBI—another prospect turned us down. Now we’re going to look at a L.A. Police official—named Vernon. Last subject was a group of our Sens are demanding we appoint former Sen. Slade Gorton (Wash. defeated in 1986) to Court of Appeals. We might settle for a district judgeship if there’s an opening—but he has been an opponent of everything I’ve tried to do.

  [Television interviews with foreign journalists; met with Shultz regarding Persian Gulf; met with Prime Minister Amintore Fanfani of Italy; long phone call with Trudy Feldman, reporter for Trans-Features.]

  Thursday, May 28

  A very brief staff time with little to report—then at 9:15 A.M. into Cabinet Room & a meeting with the Repub. Cong. Leadership. First subject was budget & budget process the onto Persian Gulf. There were a few there who were challengers as to why we were in the gulf & why weren’t our Allies there too. Pete Dominici asked why we didn’t ask Japan to share the expenses. We had the answers to all those Q’s. Whether we satisfied them remains to be seen.

  Then NSC & more Persian Gulf. Some of the Sen’s have been pushing Sen. DeConcini of Arizona for FBI Chief. Apparently he has good qualifications but their real reason is that they believe we could grab off his seat in the Sen. by way of Arizona Repub. Governor.

  [Meeting with Prime Minister Wilfried Martens of Belgium; addressed annual meeting of National Association of Manufacturers; lunch with Vice President Bush with, as noted, “a discussion of the ongoing hearing on Iran-Contra & the press handling of the same”; appeared before Republican support group, Go-PAC; Domestic Policy Council meeting on AIDS; session on new appointees; photo session with departing Secret Service agents.]<
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  Friday, May 29

  Staff time turned over to NSC. A full agenda. Persian Gulf—we’re submitting a report to Congress but in meantime will continue to defend ourselves & the Gulf. I think some of Dem’s agree with this although others are making a fuss. Cap W. is going to rebut press stories that we’ve decided to delay escorting Kuwait vessels. We’re going ahead as soon as they have raised the American Flag.

  Frank C. had called me last night to say it looks like Kohl is going to join us on the SRINF idea. I’m to expect a call from him Monday morning at 9 A.M. Then at 9:30 (today) we went to the NSPG meeting in the Situation Room. This was all about Gulf. Navy briefed us on plans etc. We’re all agreed on what we want [to] be prepared to do. Then my meeting with Geo. S. Won’t be seeing him now until Venice. Our talk was about the disarmament talks & things are looking better.

  [Lunch party, including Bob Strauss, Howard Baker, Senator and Mrs. Byrd.]

  My lawyers meeting again re the continuing Iran-Contra hearings. An interview with Edmund Morris—on the biography. I also did a Persian Gulf statement to the press. Into ranch clothes & off to Camp David. On way had photo with 13 year old girl who won the Nat. Spelling contest. Some 700 of the contestants were on hand to see us off as were some 22 wives of all our helicopter pilots.

  Saturday, May 30

  A beautiful, hot day—the usual schedule—the radio broadcast, lunch, & a horseback ride followed by a swim. The 17 yr Cicadas serenaded us for lunch. I phone Paul Laxalt about the strained relations between Frank F. & Mermie. Also phone Helen—Scoop Jackson’s widow re the memorial service being held for him.

  Sunday, May 31

  Some homework and home early—leaving Camp D. at 1:20—threat of thunderstorms. Tonite 8 P.M. to big program on AIDS—Elizabeth Taylor in charge. I addressed group before dinner & then we leave. Well I addressed them in a tent. Well received until I mentioned routine testing for AIDS. A block of the Gay community in the tent booed me enthusiastically. All in all though I was pleased with the whole affair.


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