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The Reagan Diaries

Page 70

by Ronald Reagan

  Monday, June 1

  [Staff meeting, discussion of AIDS commission; NSC meeting on message from Japanese prime minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, noted, “he’s desperate to have us do something about the sanctions we’ve imposed. I’m not sure we can do that before the Summit”; visit from Nina Shea, head of group publicizing Sandanista persecutions; met with Ambassador Perkins regarding South Africa’s reluctance to adopt reforms; met student winners of essay contest on U.S. Constitution; signed bill to make G.I. Bill of Rights permanent; presummit briefing; speech on summit, accepted Paul Volcker’s resignation as chairman of Federal Reserve Board; phoned Alan Greenspan who accepted post.]

  Tuesday, June 2

  [Staff meeting, discussed gay demonstrators who heckled AIDS speech.]

  NSC—Ed Meese came in for a few minutes to report on the Ministers meeting in Europe regarding terrorism. He was very upbeat & found a lot of unanimity among the Ec. Summit countries. Our need at the summit is for all of us to loudly re-affirm the decision on terrorism we agreed to last year in Tokyo. We discussed the problem of how to handle Iran’s missiles—the “Silkworms.” If they move them on line do we shoot or wait & fire back? Problem is if we wait ’til they fire we may lose a lot of lives—there isn’t much chance of intercepting a Silkworm. I think we have to do what we’ve decided about hostile aircraft. If they deploy their Silkworms we have to assume they have hostile intent & defend ourselves.

  [Announced appointment of Greenspan; photo session for Time magazine; call from West German chancellor Helmut Kohl affirming support for administration zero-zero proposal on INF; visit to doctor regarding bug bite received at Camp David, no cause for concern; packed for European trip.]

  Wednesday, June 3

  [Flew to Venice.]

  We were met by Fanfani’s and Ambas. & Mrs. Rabb. I reviewed the honor guard & then it was Marine 1 to Condulmer—an ancient palace. Very beautiful but not quite as convenient as a Hilton hotel. It was about midnight when we arrived and 1:30 A.M. for lights out. I took a Dalmaine & actually dropped off to sleep & awoke at 8:45. I sneaked out of bed & had breakfast. Nancy awoke at about 10 A.M.

  Thursday, June 4

  Condulmer is a 300 year old palace which has become a hotel complete with pool and 18 hole golf course. But now it is again a palace for us. The St. Dept. took it over & it’s manned by W.H. Stewards. We took a walk around the gardens this A.M. After lunch it was studying for the coming meetings. We ran tapes also of last night’s U.S. news & tonite a John Wayne movie—video cassette of course. Sometimes I have to say these grand old buildings are beautiful, magnificent with their marble floors, tapestries, & paintings—and inconvenient. This last word has to do with bathrooms & showers & no place to put your razor, toothbrush etc. Finished evening with old John Wayne movie.

  Friday, June 5

  A beautiful sun shiny day. Took a morning walk—after I did a TV speech for “Worldnet” and taped my weekly radio broadcast. We lunched by the pool and basked there (under umbrellas) for a few hours. I had brief meetings with Frank C. & Ken D. It seems Kohl & Genscher are at odds over handling the shortest range nuclear weapons but I think it’s a matter that can be resolved. Word came that Paul Laxalt has cleared the way to run for President. He has settled his suit against the McKlatchy press out of court Back in our Ancient castle—more homework—shower, hair wash & ready for dinner—followed by a Laurel & Hardy old movie.

  Saturday, June 6

  Departed 9 A.M. by helicopter for Marco Polo Airport—met by Venice Prefect and his wife—Ugo Trotta. They saw us off on A.F.1 for Rome. Arrived at Ciampino Air [Force Base] at 10:15 A.M.—a sizable greeting party included Papal rep’s & Air Force Base Commander. Boarded Marine 1. Arrived at the Vatican at 10:40. Motored 5 minutes to Pontifical Palace. Much pomp & ceremony—with Swiss Guards and all. Nancy went on a separate tour while Bishop Monduzzi took me to the Papal library where I met the Pope. We talked for an hour—an interesting hour. I filled him in as best I could on Nicaragua & General Secretary Gorbachev. Then Nancy arrived, press photographers, our entire team & his. He recited my prepared remarks—he responded, gifts were exchanged. Then we left the Pope & went to the Sala Clementina room to meet & be greeted by the American Seminary students from No. Am. College. From there it was to the motorcade—back to the helicopter & off for Castel Porziano. There we lunched Pres. Francesco Cossiga, P.M. & Mrs. Fanfani, & 2 interpreters. It was very pleasant. Then back to the motorcade, Marine 1 to Marco Polo, A.F. & A.F.1. From there to Ciampino A.F. back into a helicopter & on to Villa Condulmer. We were greeted there by the 6th Grade students (American) from Aviano Elementary School (U.S. A.F. base) a nice bunch of kids.

  Upstairs—tired & time to peel down for a quiet dinner & evening.

  [Sunday, June 7: slept late (until 9:15 am); decision needed on Soviet point regarding scientists having access to nuclear testing in each other’s countries; preparation for meetings.]

  Monday, June 8

  Get away day—breakfast at 7:45 then up & going. I left at 10 A.M. for the Cipriani Hotel on one of the small islands of Venice—our home for the next 5 days. Nancy left at 10:15 for Stockholm—another program in the anti-drug crusade. She’ll rejoin me on Wed. This was a busy day. We helicoptered to an Italian Naval station then took a boat to the hotel—many official greeters along the way. Arriving at the hotel a little before 11 A.M. then to a room for briefing on bi-lateral with P.M. Fanfani & his team.

  [Meeting on farming and subsidies; working lunch; briefing for meeting with Chancellor Helmut Kohl of West Germany.]

  I had a phone call from P.M. Mulroney—Canada about taking some action on S. Africa. I urged him to hold off until after Margaret Thatcher’s election Thursday.

  Finally, my meeting with old friend Yasu Nakasone, P.M. of Japan. I was able to tell him of a partial lifting of the sanctions imposed because of the transistor dumping by some of their companies. They’ve made some improvement so we lifted $51 million of $300 million in tariffs. This was made public at 4 P.M.

  [Dressed; participated in formal inception of summit.]

  Then dinner lasted til midnight mainly because Margaret & Helmut did battle over whether to go zero on the very short range & tactical nuc. weapons. She says no & I had to differ with her although I explained it shouldn’t happen until after we had negotiated on end to chemical weapons & reduced conventionals.

  For a while it looked as if they were going to try to settle the whole summit in this one evening. Bed at last.

  Tuesday, June 9

  Up at 7 A.M.—a short night. A briefing then a meeting with Margaret Thatcher only half an hour—as usual we were on the same wave length. Then on to the morning. Most of the session taken up with farm situation. I think we’ve come out with a good position. A half hour break & then lunch with some of our Sherpas. Back to the meeting—a plenary this time—Sec’s & Ministers of State & Sec’s & Ministers of Finance. Much of the day devoted to economics. A news item came that a car bomb & several missiles had exploded outside Am. Embassy in Rome & British Embassy—no deaths or injuries. Later a report that a floating mine off Venice was detonated. That turned out to be an old water heater. Back to the hotel—homework waiting & then after shower back to a dinner meeting. Well it was really a social dinner at a large round table—30 ft. across, in a magnificent palace.

  Wednesday, June 10

  [Plenary meeting in morning.]

  Ended meeting at 12:30 had half hour quiet time with Howard, Jim & Geo. S. I reported to them on talk I’d had with Helmut K. They intend to try Hamedi for murder of our young flyer (Navy) during hijacking. We thought they were only going to try him for a relative minor crime they’d caught him doing in Berlin. I see no point in extraditing him now. Then over to the Palazzo Ducala for our last lunch at 1:30 P.M. Then by boat to Giorgio Cini Foundation for bilateral with Mitterrand and Chirac. From there into Foresteria Ante Room where Fanfani was reading our statement to press & audience. That ended the summit & it was back to the Ci
priani where Nancy was waiting—just in from Sweden. Now a quiet, private dinner in our suite.

  [Thursday, June 11: bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Brian Mulroney of Canada to make progress on free trade; staff meeting to prepare for press conference; held press conference; went to Agnelli home to meet Private Sector Initiatives Task Force; quiet evening with Mrs. Reagan.]

  Friday, June 12

  [Prepared to leave; helicoptered to airport.]

  At the airport we were met by Fanfani’s, the Rabb’s, and several others. There was the usual ceremony—Nat. Anthems, reviewing troops then goodbyes & aboard A.F.1. We had a brunch and arrived at Templehof Central Airport in West Berlin at 11:45 A.M. Met by Ambas. Rich Burt & Gahl as well as a considerable group of West German officials. A ceremony there—Nat. Anthem & review of troops—American. From there to the Berlin home of Pres. & Mrs. Von Weizsaecker accompanied by Mayor & Mrs. Diepgen. A lot of press photos then a pleasant half hour or so indoors. At 1 P.M. we drove to the Reichstag—the Kohls joined us. We viewed the “Wall” from balcony. We saw the exhibit of the Marshal Plan & Germany’s rebuilding. Met several elderly ladies who had been part of the female force that cleaned bricks from the rubble & played a role in Berlin’s rebuilding. Then it was on to the Brandenburg Gate where I addressed tens & tens of thousands of people—stretching as far as I could see. I got a tremendous reception—interrupted 28 times by cheers.

  Then it was back to the airport and on our way to Bonn except at airport we viewed displays of Berlin Airlift. Met 3 pilots of that airlift, one the father of my Mil. Aid Steve Chealander.

  Finally inside building several thousand people—mainly Am. mil. & family’s etc. Again well received in a speech tailored for that audience. A birthday celebration with cake for Berlin’s 750th anniversary. And then we flew to Bonn with Kohl’s & Burt’s on board. Left for Bonn about 4:45 P.M.—The Nat. Anthems—review of troops. There were meetings & photos with various people in Bonn Airport building. Then a bi-lateral with Kohl & finally back out for farewell statements to largely American crowd and back to A.F.1.

  Departed 7:45 P.M. for Andrews A.F. Base 8 ½ hours away. I was surprised that we traveled in bright sunshine for about 8 of the 8 ½ hour flight. It didn’t get dark until a little less than an hour out and yet it was after 3 A.M. back where we left. Well home at last.

  [Saturday, June 13: radiocast; massage. Sunday, June 14: noted that it was Flag Day; awoke early; telephoned Hugh Sidey to acknowledge supportive television appearance night before; reading.]

  Monday, June 15

  1st meeting with Ken D. & the V.P.—Howard late getting back from Tennessee. Some talk about Sen. Biden—now cand. for Pres. I saw him on CNN last night speaking to the John F. Kennedy School at Harvard U. He’s smooth but pure demogog—out to save Am. from the Reagan Doctrine.

  [NSC meeting included ambassador to South Korea with report on student riots there.]

  A meeting with bipartisan Cong. leaders—Byrd, Jim Wright, Bob Michel, Bill Armstrong etc. We talked mainly about the budget & the Dems of course took no blame for the deficit. I sort of corrected them on that with the 50 years history of deficit spending under Dem. control.

  [Staff meetings; haircut; rested in afternoon; telephone Jeane Kirkpatrick in France to thank her for a supportive column; delivered nationally televised speech on economic summit; telephoned Jack Kilpatrick to thank him for positive comments on PBS show Agronsky & Co.]

  Tuesday, June 16

  [Staff meeting; approved David Ruder of Northwestern University as chairman of the SEC.]

  NSC—a little difference between Cap & George about an upcoming nuc. missile test. Geo. wants to announce it as in keeping with SALT II Treaty which we’ve said is no longer binding. Cap wants to just go ahead & forget SALT II. On this one I lean toward Geo.—not because of the treaty but because we’re on a kind of friendly basis with Soviets leading toward the arms talks. Just learned we have a new Ambas. from Israel. This has been hanging fire for 6 months—an argument between Shamir & Perez.

  [Photo session with departing W.H. reporter for AP; appeared before regional journalists; had lunch at Capitol with senators, noted, “Weicker had the gall to question me—I think I did him in”; National Security Planning Group (NSPG) meeting regarding the Persian Gulf, commented, “We have some Congressmen stirring up popular sentiment against our presence there”; addressed reception for Republican Congressional Leadership Council.]

  Upstairs—Nancy was entertaining Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme. I stopped in for a few minutes & then headed for the gym. Early to bed.

  Wednesday, June 17

  Staff meeting & NSC kind of ran together—much discussion of the Persian Gulf. Charges are being made that we are being frivolous in basing some naval vessels there & running unnecessary risks of casualties. I brought up the fact that our naval strategy since W.W. I has been to base elements of the fleet all over the world where our national interests are involved. We’ve based ships & planes there in the Gulf & the Arabian Sea for 38 years. I’ve proposed explaining this to the people on Saturday’s radio cast.

  Some briefing for meeting with Pres. Arias of Costa Rica. He has a peace proposal he wants to make on behalf of his Central Am. neighbors & to us to the Sandinistas. We’re in favor of the idea but believe his plan has some loopholes the Sandinistas could take advantage of to get rid of the Contra threat & hold on to their power. Meeting with him was to take 15 min’s. It took 45 & we went round & round. I don’t know whether I sold him but our group thought I did well.

  Lunch on the patio then photos with 5 of our outbound Ambassadors & their families. A meeting with Cap W.—I persuaded him to notify the Soviets of our missile test but not to mention we were doing it as a requirement of SALT II Treaty. For us SALT II does not exist.

  [Greeted presidential scholars.]

  Then a taping session for a half dozen events—a Happy Birthday call to Holmes Tuttle & a call to Ed Meese in Vienna. I’m leaning toward appointing Senator DeConcini (Dem) to Dir. of FBI. A lot of our Senators want this very much & truth is he’d be replaced by Repub. Sen.—Ive just made the call to Ed & he really cooled me down on the Sen.—maybe that is not the way to go. Ed will be home next week & we’ll talk about it.

  Well a quick jump in the gym, the shower, early dinner, & to the Sheraton Hotel to do a fundraiser for Orrin Hatch. He raised $530,000 & I was home at 8:20 P.M.

  Thursday, June 18

  The V.P. is back in off the road and says the people out there are fed up with the Iran-Contra hearings. Howard & Ken are opposed to my talking about the Persian Gulf on Saturday. I’m still not convinced. They thought it would tempt Iran into a hostile or terrorist act. My belief is the Ayatollah already hates us with an insane passion. Word has now been received that an American press man has been kidnapped off the street in Beirut by the Hezbollah. We also have evidence […] that Iran ordered the crime—our man was accompanied by the son of the Lebanon Defense Minister—he was also taken.

  NSC—More of the same debate plus more info on Iran’s acquiring Silk Worm Missiles—even a photo of me.

  A brief session with Culvahouse checking my memory against some of the “hearing” testimony.

  Dick Wirthlin came in—not with a poll but with his “pulse” taken on my speech—a couple of low points but mostly good.

  [Presented Medal of Art awards.]

  Then a meeting of Domestic Council. I’m faced with making a decision on instructions to our team on what we seek world wide in reduction of Fluorocarbons that are destroying the Ozone layer. Right now I don’t have the answers.

  [Signed agreement with Israel for Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty installations; session to review appointees; photo sessions.]

  Friday, June 19

  Short meeting & a crowded morning. I gave in on the radio script & said “no” to doing it on Persian Gulf. It will be on the Budget. I also started something on Presbyterians 189th meeting in Biloxi, Miss. They’ve passed a resoluti
on against us helping the Contras in any way. They sent a group of laymen & clergy to Nicaragua. They were given the Sandinista tour & came back anti-freedom-fighters. I called Rev. Donn Moomaw last nite & gave him some true pictures. He volunteered to help so I started our gang on getting together with the Presbyterians top people.

  NSC was very brief—just long enough to say that if CIA was sending their Persian Gulf paper to Congress we should send a notice under the War Powers Act.

  [Reviewed upcoming bills with GOP Senate leaders; briefing and then meeting with President Hissène Habré of Chad, commented, “He’s quite a guy & I think we made him happy—he deserves it. He did a great job on Quadaffi”; vetoed bill to perpetuate fairness doctrines in broadcasting; went to Camp David; had swim. Saturday, June 20: radiocast; had ride, just barely outran thunderstorm; telephoned president of Argentina, on vacation in San Diego. Sunday, June 21: returned to W.H.; attended gala evening at Ford’s Theatre, noted, “Nancy was a hit when they took her up on stage & she danced with Baryshnikov.”]

  Monday, June 22

  Off on Marine 1 for Andrews & A.F.1. There was a little boy on the Lawn jumping up & down waving a paper pad & a pen. I couldn’t resist. I ran over to him & signed the autograph. Found out later he had only recently lost his father. His mother they tell me was shedding tears of happiness.

  [Flew to Melbourne, Florida; met with Representative Bill Nelson (D-FL) en route; toured Dictaphone; addressed Chamber of Commerce.]

  Only dark spot of day was a real one—a notice that Fred Astaire had died. He was a truly wonderful man.

  [Returned to W.H.]

  Tuesday, June 23

  More talk about our budget campaign. It was also decided I wouldn’t call Bill Nelson on his interview after I left Melbourne yesterday in which he took a crack at me after being like an ally all day.

  At 9:30 a meeting with Repub. Leadership of House & Sen. This too was mostly budget talk. I campaigned for our Repub. to get together & unite to make this issue a contest between the 2 parties & the people would be on our side. We finished with some talk about the Persian Gulf. We had some disagreement.


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