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The Reagan Diaries

Page 74

by Ronald Reagan

  After lunch met with & was photographed with 35 top Repub. leaders of La. who are supporting Cong. Livingston’s run for Gov. Then it was usual meeting with Geo. S. He brought Ambas. Jack Matlock with him who reported on changes Gorbachev is trying to make in Soviet U. George has an idea that perhaps this change can be used to involve Soviet U. in our effort to bring peace to Middle East. We never could have accepted that idea under previous Soviet leaders.

  [Photo session with Hispanic Scholarship Fund representatives; went to Camp David; received list of senators voting against administration to limit SDI.]

  Saturday, September 19–Sunday, September 20

  Two days of looking out the window at solid bank of fog & sitting by the fire. Did our usual short hike after my radio broadcast & stopped in to see the newly completed S.S. bldg with all its security measures. Very impressive. Saturday, P.M. called Judge Bork after he finished his testimony before Senate Judicial Committee. They never laid a hand on him.

  Sunday—still deep fog—back to W.H. by about 2 P.M.

  [Monday, September 21: flew to NYC for appearance at U.N.; meeting with Secretary General Javier Peréz de Cuéllar, and leaders of Pakistan, Japan, and Guatemala, finally with eighteen foreign secretaries on nuclear disarmament; returned to W.H.; received word of Iranian attack on British ship.]

  Tuesday, September 22

  An early morning call; our Navy has boarded & seized the Iranian ship. Three of the Iranians were dead, 2 missing, 4 wounded & 26 taken prisoner. This was subject of our brief staff meeting. Then we discussed Pres. Arias of Costa Rica who was going to meet with me prior to addressing the House of Repr’s. That continued for a few minutes of NSC meeting then he arrived. He admitted to being concerned that Sandinistas would try to cheat & agreed the Contras should be supported. Then he went up to Cong & reversed himself.

  Then a very disturbing meeting with Jim Miller, OMB, Will Ball, Cap Weinberger, Jim Baker & of course our staff. The subject was the bill to extend the debt ceiling which expires tomorrow. They have loaded that simple bill with a cut in Defense so great we’d have to kick 400,000 out of the service. I’d have to agree to bil’s of $ in new taxes & on & on. Jim Baker says if I veto we could conceivably have a world crisis financially because we’d be defaulting on $24 Bil. worth of bonds. I have to come up with a decision on—do I sign or do I veto. Everything in me cries out to veto.

  Then a meeting with group of Conservative leaders who through Paul Weyrich had appealed for a meeting with me at intervals to discuss issues. They’ve been off on belief that I’m violating my conservative principles. It went fairly well & I believe we should meet fairly regularly.

  [Desk work; photo with Swedish editor; haircut; farewell visit with departing staffer.]

  Wednesday, September 23

  [Discussion of congressional opposition; NSC meeting with reference to president of Iran’s speech at U.N. General Assembly; photo with Mr. & Mrs. Anatoly Shcharansky; greeted Boys Club Youth of the Year finalists.]

  A meeting on whether I should sign or veto the debt extension bill. I’m really torn on this one. I’m sure my gang think I should sign but everything in me says veto. Watched a while—the Bork Hearing on TV—then lunch & some desk work. Three top officers of Farm Bureau came by—they are supporting us on Bork, taxes & even our effort to get rid of farm subsidies world wide by year 2000.

  Eddie Serrano came by with his family & his son who was sworn in as a Navy Ensign. Meeting with Cap Weinberger—he’s for a veto. Interview with Edmund Morris my biographer. He’s been talking to old friends in Hollywood, Des Moines etc.

  [Congressional picnic at W.H., with entertainment by Marine Band playing music of Meredith Willson.]

  Thursday, September 24

  What turned out to be a hectic day started with staff meeting. I have decided to sign the debt extension bill but with a hard statement to the effect that it’s probably the worst legislation ever sent to me. But I must sign to keep us from defaulting on $24 Billion worth of Bonds. Then NSC—most of time taken up with a stop by of Egyptian Foreign Minister.

  [Met with Republican congressional leadership, found they supported decision to sign debt extension; signed proclamation for Historically Black Colleges and Universities; visit from Congressman Christopher Shays (R-CT); had lunch with Vice President Bush; greeted hockey teams in town for exhibition, noted, “I shot a goal past a uniformed goal keeper on my 3rd try”; new poll numbers positive; cabinet briefing on Canada fair-trade problem; greeted Asthma poster child from Nebraska, officers of Associated Builders and Contractors group, leaders of the Sons of Italy; visit from the president of European Parliament.]

  Friday, September 25

  Ken D. & I were the staff meeting. Howard B. is in Tennessee & the V.P. is in Europe. I’ve discovered the Soviet Poetess who has been released from the Gulag is living in Chicago so we are making contact to bring about a meeting with Irina Ratushrinskaya. That will be in October. I’m told the Sen. may confirm Judge Session as new Dir. of FBI. We have some dissension on the AIDS Commission—some has to do with the Gay Dr.

  [NSC discussion of possible coup in Fiji.]

  The Sen. is battling over a bill that would undo the flagging of Kuwait Tankers in the P. Gulf. They are insane. Word has come we are going to sink the Iran mine layer ship possibly this afternoon.

  Just learned that “60 Minutes” Sunday will have a story that Bill Casey before his death gave Woodward of the Washington Post 40 interviews for a book that will charge among other things that we planned assassinations in Lebanon with my approval.

  At 10:40 went over to Va. to address the 4th Annual Convention of the “Concerned Women of America.” There were about 1,300 (Nat. membership is around 600,000). It was inspiring. They are all for Bork, also aid to the Contras. They were on their feet cheering for most every line of my speech.

  [Dinner with King Juan Carlos and Queen Sophia of Spain, considered them “good friends & truly nice people.”]

  Saturday, September 26

  Did my radio show on Dem. blackmail in connection with debt limit extension. A quiet day at home. Phoned Justice Powell & discussed the politics of the Sen. committee on confirming Judge Bork to take Powell’s place. He’s going to have a talk with Justice (Chf) Rehnquist. So far Powell has thought it improper for him to endorse Bork. I hope he can see his way clear to do it. Things liven up after dinner. Ron & Doria & Nancy’s brother Dick & wife Patty arrive.

  [Sunday, September 27: concert by Soviet pianist Vladimir Feltsman, noted, “Ron had met him in Russia a few years ago. That’s how we became aware of his plight.”]

  Monday, September 28

  Staff meeting started with Bob Woodward’s claim in his book & his interview last night on “60 Minutes” that he’d interviewed Bill Casey just before Casey’s death. He’s a liar & he lied about what Casey is supposed to have thought of me. Then Howard B. told me Bill Brock wants to retire as Sec. of Labor. Some talk about possible replacements—I suggested possibly our 1st Sec. of Labor Ray Donovan. Some concern it might cause a rumpus over his trial even though he was not guilty.

  NSC—More talk about Casey & his wife Sophia. Then the UNSC & Resolution 598. Iran is apparently building another Silkworm launching pad. Sen. Byrd has another bill that would amount to de-flagging the Kuwait Tankers. Savimbi has freed the Swedish prisoners he was holding. Then we talked of the arms Saudi Arabia wants to buy from us. As usual there is resistance in Congress.

  [Desk work; appeared at gathering for Presidential Library Foundation lunch; photo with W.H. groundskeepers; interviewed by Arnaud de Borchgrave for the Washington Times.]

  Upstairs—no Nancy, she is overnight at the Grunwalds place. As usual I’m lonesome & so is Rex.

  Tuesday, September 29

  Meeting began with Bill Brock coming in to tell me he wanted to resign as Sec. of Labor toward the end of the year. Then it was Bork & our concern that the Sen. might do us in. I’m starting to meet with some of those Sen’s tomor
row. I told Howard & Ken if the Sen. didn’t confirm him I’d favor letting the Court stay at 8 judges til I’m gone. Some talk about Woodward’s vicious attack on Bill Casey & his lies about having a death bed interview. Ed Meese who with Don Regan did visit Bill confirm that he was incapable of understanding or communicating.

  NSC—Word that after 6 weeks of Gorbachev’s silence & rumors that he might be ill—he has appeared in Moscow. We have a letter from 64 Sen’s opposing our sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia. This is disgraceful & a blow to our diplomacy. Then some talk about Canada & the free trade negotiations. They are back in the meetings again.

  [Addressed joint meeting of World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF); NSC meeting on nuclear plants; signed bill extending debt ceiling; report from Webster on trip to Mideast; videotapings. Wednesday, September 30: staff meetings on various efforts, including Robert Bork’s Supreme Court confirmation, Persian Gulf, and defense funding; met with Commission on Privatization; addressed several hundred supporters; photo session with W.H. chef and departing Secret Service agent; telephoned Senator John Stennis (D-MS) on Bork confirmation, noted, “He’s not decided yet. Has material he wants to study over the weekend”; greeted 450 Republican Eagles at W.H.]

  Thursday, October 1

  This was a day that shouldn’t happen. Got an early phone call that the swearing in ceremony for Judge Sessions as FBI Director was off. He’s in hospital with a bleeding ulcer.

  Then staff meeting—a lot of talk about Bork & my talking to some Sen’s. It seems Specter has announced he’s against Bork—things look bad. Then Howard said Jim Miller had gone to the hill to propose some tax increase we might go for. Howard had him in & told him from now on Jim Baker would deal with Congress on budget affairs. A U.S. District Court upheld my proposal for drug testing employees.

  NSC—Soviets tested a new monster missile near Hawaii & are said to have another which they’ll shoot right over the islands. This is unprecedented & we’ve told them no.

  Now some controversy with defense—they want to send the Battleship New Jersey into the P. Gulf. We’re a little concerned about that.

  Sen. Warner is suggesting a change in the War Powers Act. Cong. would have to vote to disapprove our action & I of course would have a veto.

  Howard B. brought Ed Meese in while I was having lunch. More troubles on Bork. They had been up on the Hill button holing Sen’s without much success.

  [Photo session with Legal Task Force from Iran-Contra hearings.]

  Personnel time with Bob Tuttle then Cap W. to tell me he was going to resign as Secretary of Defense—his problem is his wife’s bad health. I can’t argue about that.

  [Photo session with departing staff; meeting with CEOs working on behalf of Robert Bork; met Senator Howell Heflin (D-AL), still undecided on Bork; more photo sessions; visited Judge Sessions at hospital. Friday, October 2: staff meeting to plan Bork strategies; NSC meeting to discuss Persian Gulf situation; meetings with four senators regarding Bork; attended farewell party for Elizabeth Dole; met with Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC), noted, “he’s going to get [out] of the way and allow Varity to be confirmed as Sec. of Commerce”; signed proclamation for German-American Day; interviewed by Fred Barnes of New Republic; went to Camp David; ran Knute Rockne All-American (1940), featuring Ronald Reagan as George Gipp. Saturday, October 3: radiocast; ongoing discussions about free-trade talks with Canada. Sunday, October 4: agreement set with Canada; watched NFL game with strikebreakers playing.]

  Monday, October 5

  [Clarification of unchanged stand against tax increases; progress on seating new secretaries of Transportation and Commerce; NSC meeting on Iranian flotilla in Persian Gulf.]

  Speaker Wright has deserted his & our agreement on how to make peace in Nicaragua & charges us with being guilty of breaking up the peace efforts. Lies, Lies, Lies. A visitor, Pres. Chissano of Mozambique. A half hour visit but worthwhile. I urged him to meet with their insurgents the RENAMO.

  Then in the Rose Garden—271 High School Principles—winners of the nationwide recognition for excellence in Ed. On the way across the grass on my way back to Oval Office Sam Donaldson yelled a question as to was Bork out as Supreme Ct. nominee—I said “Over my dead body.” The Principles cheered & then move in on the press giving them h--l.

  [Issues-briefing lunch, commented, “as always worthwhile & fun”; desk work and calls to senators on Robert Bork vote; met with Suzanne Massie, who reported mixed feelings in USSR about glasnost; haircut; videotapings. Tuesday, October 6: news that Bork confirmation was defeated in committee; met with Republican congressional leadership; photo session with Crown Prince Akihito of Japan; planned to keep Weinberger resignation secret for the time being; greeted Associated Press board of directors; went to doctor for allergy shot, blood pressure recorded as 128 over 84; dinner party for Prince Akihito and Princess Michiko, entertainment by cellist Yo-Yo Ma.]

  Wednesday, October 7

  Went into office at 10 A.M. At 10:15 Bork came in. I told him I’d go all the way in trying to get the Sen. to confirm in a floor vote. He’d been talking to some in the Sen. who have him pretty convinced he can’t make it. He’s going to talk to some more but I have a feeling he’s leaning toward taking himself out of the race. We won’t know for a few days. Meanwhile I met with Ted Stevens he’s going to vote yes & he seems to think there may be some who’ll join him.

  [NSC meeting included Soviet secretary of Agriculture Viktor Nikonov, who talked about collective farming; presented Minority Enterprise Development Awards; addressed Organization of American States (OAS) regarding Nicaragua; presented Medal of Freedom to Judge Irving R. Kaufman, presided over Rosenberg spy case; meeting with Shultz, on his way to Middle East hoping to induce Israel to approve international group to work on peace treaty.]

  Later in day asked Admiral Watkins to take over as Chairman of our AIDS Commission. He said yes.

  Upstairs to a lonely old house. Nancy is in Chi.

  [Thursday, October 8: staff and NSC with routine discussion; met with bipartisan congressional leadership to speak out for money for Freedom Fighters in Nicaragua; and for arms sales to Saudi Arabia, noted, “Before day was over we made a settlement with Cong. & the sale goes forward”; met with President Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia; announced nominee for secretary of Transportation, James Burnley; received bronze replica of Navy monument; visited GOP candidates in special elections; photo session with chairman of black mayors organization; Mrs. Reagan home, noted, “Nancy’s home & faces—next week a biopsy to determine if she has a cancer in her breast.”]

  Friday, October 9

  Opened day with news that Sen. Cohen had announced for Bork—also Sen. Boren. The opposition still has enough votes to win unless we can persuade some to change. A little talk about Len Garment who has been a little evasive about the affair. Senator Specter has 2 candidates for Fed. Judgeships—after his performance I’ll not reward him for his no vote on Bork.

  [Discussion of War Powers Act, added, “which I claim is unconstitutional”; and of defense budget; report on incident in Persian Gulf; met with Deng Pugang, son of Chinese premier, in a wheelchair and working on behalf of handicapped; interviewed for C-SPAN; attended United States Information Agency (USIA) luncheon.]

  Then upstairs to a meeting with Judge Bork who has decided to stay nominated for the Sup. Ct. At 3 P.M. he went on nat. TV & announced his decision. It’s an uphill fight all the way but I’m with him. Then off to Camp David.

  [Saturday, October 10: radiocast; rode. Sunday, October 11: read by fireside. Monday, October 12: returned to W.H.; photo session with portrait painter Aaron Schikler; attended birthday party for Charles Wick.]

  Tuesday, October 13

  Up early—Nancy had to give the Dr. & Nurse some blood for her upcoming surgery. Staff meeting without the V.P.—now that he’s a declared candidate he’s out on the trail. Talked mainly about the Supreme Court & possible replacements for Bork. Howard brought up the name of a lady. Brock had dec
ided to announce his resignation as Sec. of Labor to handle Doles campaign. NSC—discussion of INF Treaty as it appears to be & question as to whether we can get it ratified. The Dem’s in the Sen. are feeling their oats.

  [Flew to New Jersey for tour of Somerset Technologies plant; spoke at forum of CEOs; addressed Chamber of Commerce at luncheon; attended party fund-raiser; met with blind little girl, a cancer victim; returned to W.H.]

  Wednesday, October 14

  A wide ranging discussion of several subjects—Bork, Brock’s resignation & possible successor, also successor to Cap W. when he leaves etc.

  [Briefing for state visit of President José Napoleón Duarte of El Salvador, who kissed U.S. flag in arrival ceremony; discussion of Contra Aid; National Security Planning Group (NSPG) meeting on nuclear arms proposals; made speech on Robert Bork’s nomination.]

  Then—the State Dinner for the Duartes. It turned out to be a wonderful evening. My dinner partner was Madam Nien Cheng—the woman who was imprisoned & tortured for 7 years during the Chinese Cultural Revolution. She is an amazing woman—soon to be an American citizen.

  Thursday, October 15

  Day started at 10 A.M. a half hour staff go around. A little talk about Bork & my broadcast yesterday. The Dem. response, Sen. Terry Sanford was the height of demagoguery. We also talked about offices to be filled—Sec. of Labor etc. Suggestion was made that we should look for women & Hispanics etc.

  [NSC briefing on budget problems for defense and Central American strategy; met with Senate Steering Committee, commented, “I assured them I would not soften my requirements for a Supreme Ct. Justice & please the lynch mob”; met with Shultz before his trip to Mideast and Moscow; desk work; met with Roy Brewer, who had collected copious documentation of the domestic communist scene; signed proclamation for use of seat belts; met new commander of the VFW, family of late fraternity brother from Eureka College; videotapings; addressed party fund-raiser.]


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