The Reagan Diaries

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The Reagan Diaries Page 78

by Ronald Reagan

  Then at 9:30 I met with Bob Dole & several Sen’s for more talk. They wanted to hear from me once more that I would absolutely veto the bill if we didn’t remove the “Fairness Bill.” They heard me say h--l yes I’ll veto.

  The balance of the morning was desk time—then an issues lunch in the Cab. Room. I always enjoy those. Then a long stretch of desk time. I even got some drawers cleaned out & as usual finding a few documents I’d forgotten I had. Photos with 4 staff members.

  [Received report of Private Sector Initiative commission; ambassadorial formalities; had allergy shot; attended another holiday reception.]

  Tuesday, December 22

  A wild day—the schedule was reversed about umpteen times. Ed Meese came in on the staff meeting. He’s concerned about some of our Cong. & Sen’s having a misperception about me—that I’ve changed etc. He suggested some meetings with those individuals to straighten them out. I think he’s right. We didn’t have word until mid-afternoon about the C.R. & the Reconciliation. The Housing Bill I learned had been passed & they had met our figures. A msg. from Geo. Shultz that I should veto the Authorization for St. Dept. because it called for using the Polygraph on St. Dept. employees. But if I did I’d also be vetoing the money to run the St. Dept.

  NSC—Soviets allowed our verification team to see the new radar site—but hold out on some things. Team is convinced they are violating the ABM Treaty. Ambas. Matlock says Dobrynin was pumping him as to what we’ll do in Afghanistan. They (the Soviets) are showing some willingness on 2nd UN Resolution in Iran. They also still want to talk about SDI. Then we talked about verification problems in connection with possible START Treaty.

  Then I had some desk time until 11 A.M. when I had to go to the dentist. It seems I woke up with evidence of an abscess. Well I spent 2 hrs in the chair having that lanced but mainly having a root canal job.

  I got back to the office just in time for a call from Tom Foley & Bob Michel to tell me the bills had been passed & they were reporting that the House had adjourned for the Holidays. Finally I had the boys put a bowl of soup on my desk. At 2 P.M. A. B. Culvahouse & Howard B.—re Ed Meese problem with special investigator.

  Then a photo with John Rogers who is leaving government. Then a meeting with both Bakers, Jim Miller, & Ken D. This was a report that 300 our people had gone through the 1,000’s of pages of the bill & they were OK for me to sign. So at 3:45 I signed both bills—following which Bob Byrd & Bob Dole called me with their msg. that the Sen. was adjourning.

  [Brief meeting with Frank Carlucci on defense budget; photo session with W.H. schedule staff; attended holiday reception for senior staff party, entertainment by Rich Little.]

  Wednesday, December 23

  With Congress on its way home—the heavens smiled, blue sky & sunshine. Also the day was light. Our staff meeting was really general conversation. NSC much the same. Colin reported on Philippines ship collision—ferry boat & tanker—1,500 dead. One 5 yr. old boy found floating on a piece of driftwood. Then a day of mostly photos such as with Stewards (Eddie’s gang) Staff had a small Christmas Tree put in study off the Oval O. Then a taping—for Rose Bowl Parade—NBC—then a speech to Soviet people & finally my radio casts for next 2 Saturdays. A lot of picture signing. George Bush & I lunched together. Tommy Thomas came by.

  Some bill signing—including the one George S. had wanted veto. I think he changed his mind when he found it would cut off Defense [State] Dept. appropriation. Stopped by Dr’s office to have my sore elbow looked at. No diagnosis as yet.

  Home for the rest of the day & opening of Xmas gifts. That gets to be a chore—at same time it is heartwarming to bask in affection & friendship of so many generous people.

  Thursday, December 24

  Over to the office 1st to see A.B. re some Q’s in writing from the special investigation. Then call to 6 overseas mil. personnel representative of 5 branches to wish them a Merry Christmas.

  Back upstairs for photos in front of the tree. There was quite a lot of bill signing before that however. Lunch in the solarium. More gifts opened. Dick, Pat, Ann & Dan & Geo arrived & we all went over to the Wicks for our usual Xmas Eve dinner with their family & a few friends on hand. As always a wonderful time was had by all.

  Friday, December 25—MERRY CHRISTMAS

  Slept in ’til 9 or so and then a gathering around the tree for more gift opening. That’s finally done & a good time was had by all. A late lunch—some time off & ready for dinner party at 5 P.M. It was a great success—family & friends—N.C.R. & son, George Will & the Laxalts. Early to bed.

  Saturday, December 26

  The day after Xmas & some of our time spent packing. We’ll be off to Calif. tomorrow morning.

  [Sunday, December 27: had allergy shot, as noted, “so I’ll be ready for Dr. Bookman tomorrow”; flew to L.A.; received word sailor died of injuries sustained in terrorist attack at USO club in Barcelona, Spain.]

  Monday, December 28

  A haircut & then allergy tests by Dr. Bookman. Press account of Sailor’s death (Ronald Strang) reveals he has a 19 year old pregnant wife—new widow. I’m trying to get her number so I can call. Call is made to Widow & his Parents—not a joyful task. Nancy is out seeing our future home. Tonite Doria & Ron for dinner. A nice visit & early to bed.

  Tuesday, December 29

  And this is off to Palm Springs day. But 1st some office work & a few things to sign. Then at 10:45 Nancy headed for the hair dresser. At 11 A.M. Mike Abrams came by to check on my exercises etc. He told me our gym equipment at the W.H. belongs to us not the W.H. I’ll have to look into this—if so then our exercise room at Belair house we’re looking at is all set.

  As he left Dr. House & his crew plus our doctor & nurse came by to make ear molds for my new hearing aids. They are actually going to be smaller than the present ones and with a remote control device so I won’t have to take one out for a phone call.

  Lunch—some more desk work. The wind & rain storm has broken so we’ll helicopter to the airport at 3 PM.

  We took A.F.1 to Palm Springs & motored to Sunny Lands. We are 1st guests there—others coming tomorrow morning. An early dinner with Lee & Walter & to bed.

  Wednesday, December 30

  Weather clear—a little chilly but a sweater took care of that. I went over to Walter’s driving range & hit a few—and strangely enough hit them perfectly & it’s 1st time I’ve swung a club since last year. The Wilsons, Jorgensens, & Smiths arrived also the Deutchs. After lunch we golfed—2 threesomes. I wasn’t as good as on the range. Some good shots—but didn’t bother to keep score.

  This was the night of the annual Wilson-Jorgensen dinner party at the Country Club. As usual it was great to see so many old friends—most of whom will also be at the Annenberg’s tomorrow night.

  Thursday, December 31

  Some morning bill signing & a meeting about our future plans with George Sharfenburger who has been managing our blind trust. Then a buffet lunch with other additional guests who have arrived such as Ambas. Charles Price, Wicks etc.

  After lunch a golf game with Walter, Geo. Shultz, & Charley Price. I was terrible & again did not keep score. George & Charley had a match—one dollar a hole going.

  And then the annual New Years Eve Ball. It was great—better than ever. Dolores Hope, Dinah Shore & Frances Bergen sang some songs of our time. Bob Hope told some jokes & then it was midnight & Old Lang Syne.



  Friday, January 1—Happy New Year

  Slept late—didn’t get in bed til 2 A.M. Then a little desk work. Read Gorbachev’s New Years greeting to the American People to our friends. Spent P.M. watching Rose Bowl game. Mich. St. beat U.S.C. 20 to 17. Charley Wick told me he wants to resign after Moscow Summit next summer.

  Tonite a dinner party for about 40—very informal—but also a lot of fun. Singing around the piano.

  Saturday, January 2

  A few shots on the practice tee, then over to the tennis court to
watch mixed doubles—Howard Baker & Jean Smith against Bill Webster & Betz Bloomingdale. Before lunch a phone call to Brian Mulroney (P.M. Canada) and then the signing of new trade treaty between the U.S. & Canada—an historic occasion.

  A pleasant lunch in the game room & out for 9 holes of golf. I got one par & some good drives. In to pack & off to the Cultural Center to present an award to Bob Hope. It was a fun evening—good entertainment by Lucille Ball, John Forsyth and a number of others. Then home to a late supper & to bed.

  Sunday, January 3

  Get away day—up at 7:30 & airborne a little after 9 A.M. Day cloudy & chilly. Had a talk with Howard B. about plans for year ahead. Then a meeting with him, Geo. S., Colin P., Bill Webster on a letter I was handed in L.A. by a Filipino Dr. & his Dr. wife. It was a charge that President Acquino was playing footsie with the Reds & that we should be helping Marcos return to power. […] We are now trying to find out how the Filipino’s make contact with me.

  Monday, January 4

  The bomb fell early—the Dr. in the hall told me I should see the dentist in the afternoon. So at 3 P.M. there I was in the chair for 2 hrs & 15 min. having another go at the previous root canal job.

  [Staff meeting: planned for budget meeting and upcoming legislative schedule, discussed, as noted, “a possible travel schedule for me about which I am not enthused.”]

  NSC—Colin gave us an update on Israel, Gaza Strip & W. Bank. Max Fisher has told Howard that he has notified the Israelis not to send trouble makers out of the country. Colin is going to check. Then Nicaragua & a proposed peace process for Jan. 15. We’re talking about asking Congress for Contra aid after my St. of the Union Address. Colin is off to Central Am. end of this week.

  Armitage is meeting Gen. Noriega in Panama—not our favorite person. We’ll give the INF Treaty to the Sen. after January 25. We think we’ll make Ambas. Rowell to Bolivia our interim appointee to Portugal.

  [Telephoned Ambassador Mike Mansfield, in hospital for heart surgery; met Sports Illustrated’s six honored athletes; met with Howard Baker and James Baker on stabilizing dollar; long-duration dentist appointment.]

  Tuesday, January 5

  Staff meeting—discussed outline on planning major speeches for coming year. We’re thinking of sounding out Ken Khachigian as editor—if he can take a year off from his private life. Then some happy news. In early Feb. I’m slated to do a fund raiser in Calif. for Pete Wilson and a meeting (one day) in Mexico with Pres. De La Madrid—then about 4 or 5 days at the ranch.

  NSC Time—Colin brought in our expert on Soviet U. He sees a split developing between Gorbachev & Ligachev. We’ll soon see an Ec. plan to make Soviet enterprises self supporting. In June the once in every 4 yrs Soviet Cong. will meet. There should be some hint as to division in Soviet U. under the Glasnost plans.

  [Desk work; farewell photo with staffer; presented awards to government executives; budget meeting; allergy shot; reception for W.H. Fellows. Wednesday, January 6: Howard Baker will be doing interview with Hugh Sidey; positive news on markets; NSC meeting with discussion of son of Zimbabwe diplomat victimized by abuse; report of Taiwan producing nuclear weapon; talk of upcoming visit of Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita of Japan and of bilateral agreement with USSR on drugs; decided to attend NATO summit in Brussels in March; desk work; signed farm-credit bill; photo session with Dr. Hutton; met new military aide; meeting with Shultz on foreign policy plans for upcoming year; taped ABC special with children asking questions. Thursday, January 7: report on causes of October ’87 stock market crash; discussion of Howard Baker’s travel plans; NSC meeting on Takeshita visit; message from Frank Carlucci regarding Bahrain and from Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Mike Armacost on Pakistan; word from National Security Advisor Colin Powell on Haiti, commented, “They now have 13 cand’s seeking the presidency”; desk work; met with INF treaty negotiators; photo sessions.]

  Friday, January 8

  The V.P. in Iowa—Howard in Florida so meeting was Ken & myself. We just visited. Then NSC—Negroponte reported that Pakistan P.M. had sent a warm “thank you” message to me for our continuing aid to Pakistan. We have word 3,000 more Cuban troops on way to Angola. N.Y. Times did a story based on a leak that revealed […] Lybia—they are making chemical weapons. Duarte (El Salvador) worrying about Contra (Freedom Fighter) radio on El Salvador territory. We’re hoping he wont try to close it down. […] Then it was desk time all the way to lunch. My appearance at Army-Navy Club dedication postponed ’til Tuesday.

  After lunch met with George Shultz who delivered a pitch for all of us getting on the speaking circuit to sell our plans for the country’s future now before the ’88 campaign really gets underway. Made a call to Cong. man Pepper—just finished a cancer operation. Then dropped by a birthday celebration for Dr. Edward Teller’s 80th B.D. Followed by a meeting with Nick Brady’s task force which has been studying the stock mkt. problem & now has presented report.

  [Left for Camp David. Saturday, January 9: received news that former aide Ed Hickey died suddenly; called Richard Nixon on his birthday. Sunday, January 10: telephoned Hickey’s widow; returned to W.H.]

  Monday, January 11

  [Flew to Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. Reagan in NYC; addressed City Club; attended fundraiser; returned to W.H.; telephoned Frank Kuehl in hospital for surgery.]

  At 5 P.M. George Bush came by—he had called yesterday about a private meeting. We talked about campaign & the latest Wash. Post effort to portray Geo. as having some untold secrets about Iran-Contra & that I was ordering him to remain silent. It was a good talk & we’re agreed on how to handle this canard. Then my exercise, dinner & an evening in front of the TV missing Nancy.

  Tuesday, January 12

  [Noted that Howard Baker returned from Florida where he was visiting his wife, ill with emphysema; discussed budget and economic commission specified in reconciliation bill, commented, “I don’t think I’ll go for that. We came here to cut down on commissions.”]

  NSC—Colin met with 4 Pres’s in Central Am. They want us to keep supporting the Freedom Fighters but none of them want to come out & say so. Arias continues to ignore the Sandinistas intransigence. Colin told the 4—it was show time for the F.F’s if Congress is to give us the money for them.

  In the P. Gulf we retrieved one of the Iranian boats our helicopters sank some time ago. It was armed with a Stinger we had given to the Mujaheddin including the missile.

  At 9:50 we had a short meeting in the Cab. Room about the Soviets setting dates for leaving Afghanistan.

  [Attended opening of rebuilt Army Navy Club; visit from James J. Kilpatrick and family; signed proclamation for a Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. holiday; met with board of governors of Hoover Institution; NSC and E.P.C. meetings on future plans; economic meeting with H. Baker, J. Baker, Sprinkel, and Greenspan; ambassadorial formalities; undertook cardiac stress test, commented, “I was proclaimed healthy as a horse.”]

  Wednesday, January 13

  At about 3:30 A.M. I awoke & realized I had to upchuck—which I did in Nancy’s bathroom. At 6 A.M. I repeated. Now the problem became—can I go to Ed Hickey’s funeral & run the risk of having to run out of my 1st row pew & try to get to the growler while the Funeral Mass is going on. At 7 A.M. we called Dr. Hutton.

  He was already up & dropped in at 7:30 A.M. Decision was made that Nancy would do the honors for the both of us. The Dr. tends to think that it’s a bug that’s been going around. I’m inclined to believe that I ate something last night that disagreed with me. Temperature, blood pressure even Electro-cardiogram were all on the nose.

  Schedule was switched—I went at 10:30 A.M. for briefing on visit of P.M. of Japan. My breakfast was a glass of Ginger Ale. Everything went well—the 1 on 1 (brief) with the P.M. then the Plenary meeting in the Cabinet Room & over to the WH. for working lunch, the farewell in the East Room & the goodbye at the Dip. Room Entrance. Lunch was Consomme, Ginger Ale & Sorbet.

  Then the problem was can I go to the dinner ton
ite where I’m supposed to present Roger Stevens with Medal of Freedom as he retires from the Kennedy Center directorship—well actually he’s Chairman of the Board.

  At 3 P.M. Dr. Hutton came up—my blood pressure is normal and actually I feel fine. So decision is I go to the dinner—same menu as for lunch.

  If between now & evening I get a bout of barfing—we’ll change signals.

  Nope—I felt fine & we went to the dinner & a good time was had by all. Home about 11 P.M.

  Thursday, January 14

  A discussion of how to reach the people during the year about our goals & achievements. Then a talk about the continuing belief by so many that we had been less than candid about Iran-Contra.

  NSC—a Korean spy story—the 24 yr. old woman arrested in Bahrain for the bomb plot against KAL plane has confessed her guilt & that she was a N. Korean agent ordered to sabotage the coming Olympics. Talk about the death of Pres. Chaing (Taiwan). We’re going to ask Ford to be representative at funeral.

  Ed Meese came in with letter from Bork who is going to resign as an Appeals Judge. We made an immediate statement. Met with Ann McLaughlin our Sec. of Labor. She’s getting into – child care problem for women workers in a very intelligent way.

  Lunch and then meeting with Sec. Carlucci on his Middle East visit. Kuwait is solidly supportive as is Saudi Arabia. They can’t understand our Congress resistance to selling arms to them.

  [Domestic Council meeting regarding acid rain; farewell meeting with staffer; met new commander of American Legion; videotaping; took tea with Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita and his wife.]

  Friday, January 15

  Dr. Hutton & nurse came by at 8 A.M. While I was still in bed. Drew some blood & started me on my every 15 minute schedule of drinking 10 oz. of Golightly. No breakfast. First meeting discussion of who should represent us at Chiang’s funeral in Taiwan. I suggested Paul Laxalt & possibly Warren Burger—found out later they couldn’t do it.


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