The Reagan Diaries

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The Reagan Diaries Page 81

by Ronald Reagan

  Wednesday, March 2

  Breakfast in bed at 9 AM Then up & a briefing with Colin & George S. Then we left for NATO H.Q. & joined everyone at noon for opening ceremony & family photo. And back to meeting. Lord Carrington called on me for a statement. At 1 P.M. broke for lunch. I ad-libbed one that was hailed by all. Then back to meeting—a number of speeches by heads of state. Finally a break & back to Chateau—then reassembled at Val Duchese for dinner—really a social time & a lot of fun. Back to Chateau & a good nights sleep.

  Thursday, March 3

  Up at 7:30—brkfst. in bed then up for a 9:15 brf. by Senior Advisors. And on our way to NATO H.Q. Working session began at 10 AM We broke at 11 for press session. I made a statement then turned it over to George S. for Q’s. Then I had a brief meeting 1 on 1 with King Baudoin. He’s a most gracious & unassuming man.

  We had also a private bilateral with Margaret Thatcher, & one with P.M. (Belgium) etc.

  Finally a farewell to our employees at NATO—then a farewell to several hundred Americans at airport & on board A.F.1 for 8 hr. & 20 min. ride home.

  Nancy met me on lawn & here I am. Good news—Jim Wrights Contra plan was defeated while we were landing.

  Friday, March 4—Our 36th Wedding Anniversary

  [Slept late; greeted group of Mexican congressmen; had allergy shot; Howard Baker and staff organized anniversary party; desk work.]

  Colin sent secret memo—our Frigate USS John Moore fired on Iranian Speed Boats in Northern Persian Gulf (2). No word as to any hits.

  [Saturday, March 5: radiocast; farewell visit with departing speechwriter; helped sister of W.H. photographer with college project on speeches; massage; watched home movies.]

  Sunday, March 6

  A truly beautiful day—temp. in the 50’s. Watched morning talk shows then lunch upstairs. Got a secret memo—Iranians fired on 2 of our helicopters. Fire came from an oil platform & some small boats. No damage & we didn’t return fire. Well the afternoon passed slowly—then dinner in the study & the day was over.

  Monday, March 7

  The best day yet—sunny & in the 60’s. Howard B. is in Tenn. so Ken D. stood in. We discussed the So. Carolina primary & George Bushes victory—also Super Tues. Some talk about Dems. attempt to increase the minimum wage. Every time it’s been increased unemployment has gone up. I can support a certain amount of increase but not what the Dems. want.

  We’ve decided Drew Lewis will be our choice to serve as Co-Chairman of the Presidents Ec. Commission along with the Dems. choice.

  NSC—[…] Saudi Arabia is building a training center for ballistic missiles. We believe the missile will be Chinese. Wu says China will not sell nuclear missiles to Saudis.

  [Discussion of Panama Canal and Noriega; noted congressional action on sugar imports; addressed VFW convention; then media executives on drug initiative; received latest poll results (did not note numbers); reception for media executives.]

  Tuesday, March 8

  Another bright day. Howard B. will be back around noon. Ken D. & I talked about the Grove City bill. It presents a problem. It passed overwhelmingly in both houses but it is a lousy bill I’d like to veto—but the veto would be overridden & this could adversely affect our candidates.

  Ken talked about having some W.H. stag dinners for small groups of public leaders. Then I had some desk time. Colin NSC came in at 10:30 & brought in Ambas. Bandar (Saudi Arabia). We talked about missile base being built […]. Then Chinese F. Minister Wu came for his meeting. It was a good meeting.

  [Lunch with Senator Paul Laxalt (R-NV); spoke at reception for Winter Olympic team; brief cabinet meeting on NATO; economic briefing, commented, “I approved an outside committee to look at answers to Brady Commission report”; photos with officers of U.S. League of Savings Institutions; videotaping.]

  Wednesday, March 9

  A little time in the office. Howard & Ken & I discussed again the Grove City bill. There is no doubt my veto will be overridden. I must present at the same time specifics on what needs correcting in the bill.

  We have a problem concerning Sam Pierce & an appointment in New York re his dept. Our Senators have mobilized in support of one candidate & Sam has a different choice. I have no choice but to give in to the Senators. Both candidates are top rate. Howard wants me to have a talk with former Sen. John Sherman Cooper. I’ve said yes. His subject is Nicaragua.

  [NSC meeting with report of helicopter accident; also mounting trouble in Haiti; flew to South Bend, Indiana, for appearance related to Knute Rockne; flew to Washington.]

  Thursday, March 10

  Ann McLaughlin came in & we discussed the minimum wage bill. She’s doing great as Sec. of Labor. We’re going to try for a beginner’s minimum lower than the regular.

  Howard got Sec. Bennett & Ed Meese together on their differences on drugs. Then we discussed a pardon for John Howell of Texas. Pat Jacobsen is coming in today & she’s been pleading for this for several years. He is no longer in jail & has been removed from probation but our legal staffs resist a pardon.

  [NSC meeting with talk on situation between UK and Argentina, Afghanistan, in which Pakistan wanted temporary government in place when Soviets withdrew; word that Taiwan is building a nuclear weapon, concern that Contras were in short supply and needed help; briefing for interview with European journalists.]

  Then lunch & afterward our NSPG meeting on Panama & Gen. Noriega. We’re agreed we must not let down or lose on this. We must get rid of him.

  [Photos with fund-raiser for presidential library; greeted Air Force Academy football team, departing staff member; dinner to raise funds for presidential library.]

  Friday, March 11

  Started a beautiful Spring day talking about Noriega. There are reports of Bulgarian & East German agents on the scene possibly with Soviet money on the scene. Then we switched to Contras—there are indications Sandinistas may be mounting a major assault across Honduran border.

  In Geneva the U.N. Human Rts. meeting adopted a resolution to send a Human Rts. investigating team into Cuba—first time we’ve ever gotten a consensus & doing this.

  NSC—Colin came in & we did some summing up on our troop situation in Panama. We agreed on anti-Noriega actions we’re going to take. Then the subject turned to Shamir who’ll be here next week & who is being bullheaded about our peace proposal. Suzanne Massey just back from Soviet U. came by. Her reports on attitudes in Russia are very interesting. She says my appearances on their TV what with the summit have made me pretty popular among the Russian people. Then desk time—lunch & over to E.O.B. to address Coalition on Trade. I blasted the protectionist proposals of Congress. Back to Oval O. & meeting with George Shultz. We covered subjects already talked about—But he is following release of my Noriega statement to press with a press conference. That took me upstairs for a clothes change & off to Camp D. A beautiful afternoon—a good movie that evening.

  [Saturday, March 12: radiocast; exercised; finished reading Michael Reagan’s book.]

  Sunday, March 13

  Partly cloudy—rained in middle of night but only a shower. A “secret phone call” from Colin—a request from Defense & State & NSC for permission to quietly send about 100 Marines trained in guard work to Panama to guard our oil facilities & aircraft. I said yes—we’ll make no announcement of it. I’m phoning Mike R. about his book which is fine. Left Camp D. at 2 P.M.—back to W.H. before 3 & did some desk work for tomorrow. A phone call from both of us to Mike R. to praise his book.

  Monday, March 14

  Gray & cold. Our team (Advance) is back from Moscow. They report Soviets are different. They really want the summit & want it to succeed. They want the Start treaty to be ready for signing. Then NSC Colin brought Prince Bandar who delivered a reply to my letter to King Fahd (Saudi Arabia). […] After he left the subject was Noriega. It’s true Spain & Paraguay have indicated they will offer him sanctuary. Word is possibly Dominican Repub. will also. No word yet though as to whether he’ll leave Panama.
  Word from or regarding Afghanistan is that Soviets want accords signed in Geneva on March 15—tomorrow.

  [Met with Manfred Woerner, new secretary general of NATO, considered him amiable; addressed Foreign Policy Analysis Conference on SDI; briefing lunch; met with Frank Carlucci on his way to Switzerland to meet with Soviet defense minister, noted, “He’s going to have at them over such things as harassing our mil. etc.”; went to dentist for teeth cleaning.]

  Tuesday, March 15

  Colin came in briefly to tell us S. Africa was going to execute 6 people—5 men & 1 woman who had been arrested quite a while ago in Sharpsville, S.A. P.M. Thatcher has notified she’s protesting & I joined her. It seems there were some people killed by demonstrators. The 6 did not do the killing but under S.A. law they were equally guilty because they were part of the demonstration.

  Then I was told that an Opera is opening at Kennedy Center & I should go but unfortunately it’s the night of Gridiron. The Opera is about Nixon opening China.

  [NSC meeting, reviewed schedule for European trip in May; briefing on meeting with congressional leadership, commented, “Got a little hot & heavy on subject of Contra Aid. We must do something quickly for Contras are in a bad way”; noted that signing over Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan probably postponed due to Pakistan position, talk of Panama; National Security Advisor Colin Powell to go to Spain; addressed P. Ministers Club—foremost Jewish group; meeting with Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce; greeted Miss Teenage Oklahoma and other visitors; met with Shultz on his meetings with Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir of Israel; addressed Inner Circle party fund-raising dinner, commented, “Surprise—2 really old friends were there as members—Joel McCrea & Frances Dee his wife.”]

  Wednesday, March 16

  Bright but cooler. George B. back from campaigning so part of our meeting again. We arrived at decision—I will veto “Grove City Bill” even though it will likely be overturned.

  [Planned to send Congress supplemental appropriations bill.]

  We’re facing a Congressional play to increase drastically the minimum wage. We’re trying to get it changed—plus giving us a separate minimum for beginners.

  [NSC meeting covered possible coup attempt in Panama, Sandanista-Contra military clashes in Nicaragua; desk work; briefing for and then visit by Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, ten-minute private meeting, commented, “I let him know we were determined to remain a close friend & ally but did want to find a way to bring peace to Middle East”; further meetings with others present.]

  At 2 P.M. a meeting in Oval O. with Jim Stewart—he’s back here doing some lobbying against the computerized coloring of old classic black & white pictures. He makes a good point. I’m going to look into it to see if I can be of help. Then brief visit with Japanese Painter who is doing a painting of me for Repub. H.Q.’s that is going to be named the R. R. bldg. Then upstairs for fitting of coat the tailor in Brussels made for me—it needed some alteration. And at 5 P.M. down to the Blue Rm. for a social type meeting with Repub. Cong. Leadership. It turned out fine & our people were aroused over the Sandinistas assault & crossing the Honduran border.

  After dinner a call from Colin & Howard B.—they asked to come up & of course did. We’ve gotten a msg. from Pres. Azcona of Honduras. He asked for a show of support by us. He’s getting it. I said yes to 2 Btns [battalions] of the 82nd airborne & 2 btns of light infantry plus a number of helicopters for moving troops.

  Thursday, March 17—St. Patrick’s Day

  First talk was about 23 indictments against Col. North, John Poindexter, Gen. Secord & Harkim. Nothing much to say really.

  NSC—The 1st plane load of our soldiers took off at 7:03 AM this morning for Honduras. By end of day tomorrow all 3200 will be in place. Last loads of 82nd will parachute in.

  Noriega has given hints he’d like to speak to reps. of our govt. Our Chiefs want to send more M.P.’s to Panama—I’ve OK’d another 100 tomorrow.

  [Noted Italy had new prime minister, Saudi Arabia enlarging and adding missile facilities; Irish officials arrived to celebrate holiday; took Jack Kilpatrick to Irish restaurant in Alexandria; stopped by Representative Wright’s St. Patrick’s party; made calls eliciting support for Grove City bill veto; photo session with departing staff; stopped in W.H. kitchen staff’s St. Patrick’s party.]

  Friday, March 18

  We’ve had an informal request—but no follow-up regarding our helicoptering Honduran troops to the battle zone. No action taken as yet.

  [Discussion of appointment of deputy counsel; noted Congress was using administration budget as basis for negotiating.]

  NSC—Panama—2 St. Dept. reps. are on way to Panama to meet with Noriega at his request. Later in day we were told they’d had a lengthy meeting & made plain we want his departure—soon—from Panama. He’s meeting now with his lawyers & has asked for a second meeting maybe—tomorrow.

  Several of Noriega’s staff have defected including his personal pilots of 727 & helicopter. They’ve asked us for asylum. Pilots claim they flew 48 tons of Soviet weapons & ammunition from Cuba to Noriega. Defectors are now in Fla.

  Word from Honduras is that Sandinistas so far have not gotten Contras store of supplies.

  Last word from Colin was that Saudi’s missile plans are going forward.

  [Received report from commission on privatization; interviewed by reporter from Paris Herald Tribune; lunch with Vice President Bush; photos with departing staff; usual Friday meeting with Shultz, indicated he’d like to return to Middle East, reported on diplomatic meeting with Noriega; greeted members of Young Republican National Federation; made calls to congressmen regarding Grove City bill, commented, “It’s just possible we might get the veto sustained even though I made it with the belief we had no chance.” Saturday, March 19: read most of the day. Sunday, March 20: watched panel shows, read.]

  Monday, March 21

  Just Howard—Geo. is back on the campaign trail & Ken is taking his little boy to the hospital for some kind of surgery.

  Howard & I talked about chance to get Sen. Kassebaum’s Contra Aid bill through Cong. (we have a fair chance) & same goes for upholding my veto of the Grove City bill. We face possible trouble from Cong. on I.N.F.—they might delay ratification ’til after Moscow Summit just out of sheer orneriness.

  [NSC meeting included discussion of location of U.S. troops in Honduras and Contra aid bill; desk work; telephoned President José Azcona of Honduras to congratulate him on joint operation; photo with Advance Office staff; issues-briefing lunch; signed proclamation for Afghanistan Day.]

  Some more desk time—phone calls to nominate 2 Ambassadors & 3 calls to congressmen soliciting support for my veto. Then a meeting with the Sens. & Reps. who went down to El Salvador as witnesses of yesterdays election. The guerillas did their best to louse things up—death threats, shut off power in the entire country etc. A haircut, a taping session & upstairs to a lonely White House. Nancy is in N.Y. Did my exercises & now Rex & I are in front of T.V.

  Tuesday, March 22

  [Met with Republican Congressional Conference; staff meetings.]

  Then NSC—Colin was tied up, John N. discussed our nuclear agreement with Japan & the coming Sen. Vote. Then Panama & the strike—it is 90% effective. French Bank is threatening to make money available to Panama which would louse up our plans. The Nicaraguan cease fire talk has started. Sandinistas want the cease fire to be accompanied by Contras disarming. That just won’t work.

  [Spoke to local GOP officials about importance of Federalism program; watched Senate override of Grove City bill veto; photo with editors of Defense Daily; visit from Basque president José Antonio Ardanza; ambassadorial formalities; attended party fund-raiser at Shoreham Hotel.]

  Wednesday, March 23

  This is a day that shouldn’t have happened—but it turned out O.K. It was a jammed up schedule but fortunately with an early quitting time. The only break for desk time was ½ hour at 10:30 AM

  [Reviewed new
summit schedule submitted by Soviets.]

  Then we had a little post mortem on the veto.

  On I.N.F. Sam Nunn, a highly over rated Sen. is kicking a tantrum which could cause trouble in getting it ratified.

  [Short NSC meeting; visit from ex-president Chun Doo Hwan of South Korea, commented, “I complimented him on how much change he had brought about that led to the peaceful transfer to a new Pres. by way of election”; spoke to American Business Conference; briefing on Eduard Shevardnadze’s visit; met with Shultz, decided to proceed with travel advisory on Middle East.]

  Panama is the only country that has an embassy in Israel. We believe Israelis have some connections with Noriega. We’re going to ask them to urge him to leave Panama. We discussed some Ambas. problems also some concerns we have over cease fire talks in Nicaragua. There may not be a cease fire. Finally Afghanistan & the accords negotiated with Soviets by Pakistan. Sen. Byrd is upset & doesn’t seem to have a grasp of the situation.

  I went out on the lawn & had a photo taken for use in the Leukemia Fund. effort. Then back in for some bill signing etc. & finally upstairs. Nancy is back from N.Y. & all is right with the world.

  Thursday, March 24

  Now Jim Wright is all for Contra non lethal aid since the Sandinistas have announced a cease fire for 60 or 90 days. Some of us are afraid some games are being played.

  NSC—Our meetings (hours of them) with the Soviets are ended. We didn’t make much progress. Sticking points for Soviets—Cruise missiles—air launched & sea launched, plus right of inspections. S.D.I. suddenly became an issue again. Soviets seem to want a treaty using lines from the Dec. Joint Communique having to do with Space & Space Defense. Cong. is beginning to put together a Contra Aid Program.


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