The Reagan Diaries

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The Reagan Diaries Page 84

by Ronald Reagan

  Wednesday, May 4

  A short meeting—some talk about this astrology mess Don Regan’s book has kicked up. Some gal in L.A. claims she’s a visitor to the W.H. & that she gives us frequent readings. She even claims she advised me on choosing Geo. B. for V.P. We’ve never seen her in our lives & don’t know her at all.

  [NSC meeting: approved letter to Representative Bob Michel (R-IL) protesting budget cuts in SDI, report on Israeli invasion of south Lebanon, noted that development of new technology on space information satellites facing budget cuts; flew to Chicago for speech to Foreign Affairs Council; appeared at GOP fund-raiser; returned to W.H.; received news of explosion at Nevada plant making solid rocket fuel; did exercises. Thursday, May 5: telephoned radio personality Alden Aaroe in Atlanta with birthday greeting; also Senator Chic Hecht of Nevada offering help in wake of explosion; noted that Health and Human Services sent 100 million copies of flyer on AIDS, noted, “We did no tampering with it in compliance with the law”; NSC briefing for NSPG meeting later in day, report on invasion by French security officials of hotel rooms occupied by Americans in France, French government said it would stop; Israelis pulling out of Lebanon, noted, “Polish govt. is getting rough on the strikers”; heard details on cause of explosion in Nevada; greeted Kilgore Junior College women’s basketball team; NSPG meeting with discussion of issues to be faced in Moscow; greeted NCAA hockey champs; received as honor season’s first Atlantic salmon; signed bill for National Day of Prayer; then met head of GOP in Delaware, commented, “it’s possible he is a terminal cancer case”; then Hispanic business leaders; Boeing executives; Admiral James Stockdale (ret.), chairman of Commission on W.H. Fellows; did exercises.]

  Friday, May 6

  Word that unemployment is 5.4% & 62.6% of the total potential pool is employed.

  There is some argument about my veto message of the trade bill. Geo. S. & a few others think I should veto on basis whole bill is bad instead of just the plant closing feature. I’m afraid I can’t agree.

  Don Regan is doing a press conf. Sun. to plug his book which is a vile attack on Nancy. I expressed that today in answer to a press Q.

  N.S.C.—As of 7:15 AM Poland had not turned police etc. loose on shipyard strikers in Gdansk.

  Tass has commented on my Ch. speech & said I confessed to human rts. violations in the U.S.

  [Noted dispute over elections in El Salvador; meeting with Alfred Dregger, majority leader of West German bundestag; met with Josip Vrhovec, Yugoslav leader, commented, “that once Communist country is really moving into a free enterprise system”; cabinet briefing by Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Samuel Pierce on housing; photo session with organizers of Public Service Week; telephoned GOP fund-raising volunteer; staff photo, commented, “with whole press office staff including Jim Brady”; usual meeting with Shultz; reviewed plans for summit; went to Camp David. Saturday, May 7: radiocast; watched Russian movie recommended by NSC; received call from National Security Advisor Colin Powell and approved possible terms for deal with Noriega.]

  Sunday, May 8—Mothers Day

  Another bright day but temp. only around 60 degrees. Watched TV talk shows. They are driving Nancy up the wall with their gossip that we both (but especially Nancy) live by our horoscopes & won’t make any decisions without checking the stars. It’s a phony but the press is making a big phony thing out of it. Left Camp D. at 2:30 & back to the W.H.

  Monday, May 9

  A little conversation about Don Regan’s book & how we’re going to handle this.

  NSC—There seems to be a 50/50 chance that the plan Kozak & others are working on with Noriega might work. If it doesn’t come together this week it’s probably dead.

  I.N.F.—Maybe Dan Quale [Quayle] (Sen.) is softening on his beef about “futuristic weapons.” Colin thinks he’s coming around after making some other gains.

  Then Ed Meese joined us—this too was about Noriega. He thinks dropping the drug indictment as part of the plan would kick up a fuss but he’s for it on grounds—our choice is Nat. Security.

  At 11:30 AM a truly fine old friend came by—Yasu Nakasone—former P.M. of Japan. He’s staying active as an elder statesman. It was good to see him.

  Then Lunch with Howard B. & Carl Rowan. I’d asked him for this when we sat together at the Gridiron. It wasn’t an off the record meeting. He brought his tape recorder & it was on the record. I think I did alright.

  Then some desk time & finally a ceremony in the Rose Garden—awarding plaques for the 2 top rated small businessmen in the U.S. Most of the audience were state winners. At the end Sam Donaldson yelled a Q. about the Regan book saying I made decisions by Astrology & was I going to continue. I said I can’t because I never did.

  [National Security Planning Group (NSPG) meeting regarding arms treaties in preparation for Moscow summit; met with Frank Carlucci regarding cuts in defense budget; photo session with David Rockefeller and Council of the Americas; telephoned François Mitterrand during the day to congratulate him on winning the French presidential election.]

  Tuesday, May 10

  Most of meeting was spent on Don Regan. Another falsehood corrected—book says I sent Geo. B. to ask Don to resign. George came to me & said he wanted to talk to Don & tell him he should go but wouldn’t do it if I was against it. I gave him permission to do it on his own.

  Then we talked about games Sen. is playing with I.N.F. Tricks also by Dems. re the Trade Bill—they seem to be stalling about sending bill up for my veto. “Defense Authorization” is due up this week also.

  [Meeting with Senators Bob Dole (R-KS), Richard Lugar (R-IN), Simmons (D-NC), and Ted Stevens (R-AK) regarding INF; NSC meeting on positive outlook on Noriega situation; visit from Vice-Premier Tian Jiyun of China, commented, “A pleasant half hour—no major issues to discuss”; lunch with Lord Carrington, secretary general of NATO; meeting with Shultz, on his way with Colin Powell to Geneva to tend to details on INF; interviewed by biographer Edmund Morris, as noted, “my regular session”; videotapings; allergy shot.]

  Wednesday, May 11

  Started day talking about Trade Bill. Jim Wright is staging a circus as he signs order sending the bill on to me. He’s having some Union members around him talking about getting fired etc. All this has to do with my objection to the plant closing part of the bill. Then it was drugs. Cong. is talking legislation to bring military into drug war as a major factor & the appointment of a Drug Czar.

  NSC—We have a problem getting help to Contras. Sandinistas have gone back on their word to allow neutral delivery of food & such to them. […] Head of Soviet C.W. program was recently in Syria.

  [Meeting with Republican congressional leadership on INF, trade bill, commented, “First meeting with Congress people that didn’t go longer than scheduled—wound up 5 min. early”; stopped by W.H. mail office to thank volunteers; had lunch with eight experts on USSR.]

  Later in office Tommy Thomas brought some relatives & friends in. Then photos with about 50 major donors to tonite’s fund raising meeting. Upstairs for a time—then at 5:30 down to East Room for a reception with a larger group of major donors. Upstairs to get into Black tie & off to dinner which has raised $5½ mil.

  The evening was just great—very successful & a most enthusiastic crowd—several thousand people & I concluded my remarks by announcing I’d be campaigning for Geo. B. for Pres.

  Thursday, May 12

  Started the day at 10 AM talking about Don Regan. Then discussed my Sat. Radio show & the Trade bill & what game is Cong. playing. Then Drugs & a possible summit with Cong. to come up with a plan. Ed Meese agrees. A little talk about my graduation speech to Coast Guard Academy. There is also talk of Blue Angels doing a fly by as we leave for Moscow. Then Nancy & I are both going to get a briefing on security.

  NSC—Agreement has been reached in Geneva on futuristic weapons & 9 other disputed points. Negotiations in Panama still going on. We’re still waiting to hear from Japan on some idea of helping they had. July 1
st will be the 20th anniversary of opening a treaty on Nuc. testing.

  [Desk time; meeting with leaders regarding plight of Soviet Jewry; photo session with staffer; met with leaders of Goodwill Industries; with officials of Non-Commissioned Officers Organization; attended dinner for donors to presidential library.]

  Friday, May 13

  Bob Byrd wants a report from me on I.N.F. before he takes it to the floor. There is a firestorm in the House about the news reports on Noriega & the deal we are trying to make. They don’t seem to realize the only alternative would be a military invasion of Panama.

  On drugs some on the hill are demanding the military be given the power to arrest. We are totally opposed. For 200 yrs. it has been against our every principle to give the mil. that power.

  NSC—Colin is back from Geneva. Evidently George & Shevardnadze worked out an agreement on I.N.F. that should eliminate all the Senate reservations about ratification. In addition we’ll have several bilateral agreements to sign on various things like fishery rights etc. Some progress was made on Angola & nuc. testing but none on S.L.C.M.’s. A little on A.L.C.M.’s We’re hoping for an agreement on Noriega next week.

  [Received personal financial report ready for filing, commented, “Frankly I think it’s an invasion of individual rights”; signed proclamation for National Safe Kids Week.]

  A last min. addition to schedule—a meeting with Ed M., Ken D., Jim Baker, Colin P., Elliott Abrams, Negroponte, & a few others about Noriega & our using cancellation of drug indictment against him to get him out of Panama—but again there is no alternative & we can’t use the indictment anyway because Panama law does not allow extradition.

  [Went to Camp David.]

  Finally Camp D. & my first swim of the season. Watched a John Wayne movie.

  Saturday, May 14

  Did radio broadcast on Trade bill. Lunch outside & I finally got in a ride—it’s been a long time. Then I hit a few golf balls. A call from Colin—our negotiators are coming back from Panama. Evidently there is no Noriega deal. We’ll meet on Monday George S. will be back then. Tonite we run an Astaire-Rogers golden oldie.

  [Sunday, May 15: watched panel shows, noted misinformation on Noriega situation and that “Don Regan was on ‘Face the Nation.’ He’s apparently trying to cool down a little but not much”; returned to W.H.; Maureen back.]

  Monday, May 16

  I sounded off about Noriega & the media’s treatment based on leaks & unfounded gossip. Then I.N.F. hearings we’re told will start this afternoon. Soviets may fudge a little on futuristic weapons. I meet Sen’s. Dole & Boren tomorrow morning. Recent word about N. Korea moving ground to air missiles near the border. […]

  [NSC meeting regarding plan to get money to Contras for food.]

  At 11:00 AM I met with Geo. Shultz who gave me some outlines & proposals about the upcoming summit—there’ll be a lot of that from now on. Then at 11:30 a larger meeting with Att. Gen., Sec. of Treasury, Geo. S. plus one of our negotiators from Panama, Colin Powell & a few others. Subject was Noriega & what to do about him. Finally I interrupted the debate & told the negotiator to go back to Panama—lay down our terms & if Noriega doesn’t go along, tell him we’ll send in our military. That ended the meeting.

  [Discussion of drug policy; desk work; addressed students in U.S.-Soviet exchange program, commented, “Why don’t we let the young people run the world—there wouldn’t be any wars”; met with leaders of National Federation of Republican Women; received report from Intermarket Working group on improvements for stock market.]

  Tuesday, May 17

  Panama on 1st—Dole has introduced a resolution as an amendment to Defense bill—that resolves we must not kill the indictment on Noriega. Before day was over it passed overwhelmingly—they just don’t know what they are talking about.

  I’m enclosing some drug talk in my Coast Guard Academy commencement address tomorrow.

  Howard told Ed M. he has to support our Panama policy.

  NSC—Kozak is waiting to see Noriega today. He’ll tell Noriega we must have an answer on our proposal.

  A very brief meeting & then a meeting with Sens. Cohen & Boren. This had to do with funding space science—they went away happy. A little desk time then Vice P.M. Peres of Israel came by. We had a good but brief meeting. He is all out for our Mid East peace proposal. I wish Shamir felt that way.

  [Photos with GOP candidate; met with Americans working for human rights in USSR; National Security Planning Group (NSPG) meeting with, as noted, “nothing exciting”; met with Meese about staff departure; rehearsed presentation for W.H. photographers dinner; received positive news on poll numbers; videotaping; allergy shot. Wednesday, May 18: flew to Coast Guard Academy in Connecticut; delivered address; returned to W.H.; did exercises; watched broadcast of concert at the White House on PBS with Mrs. Reagan and Maureen.]

  Thursday, May 19

  As of last night Kozak in Panama had no reply to the ultimatum he delivered to Noriega—he plans to leave at 10 AM our time today & come home.

  [Howard Baker gives positive chance of INF ratification; decided to hold up veto of trade bill as long as possible.]

  I’m facing a bill on Vets remuneration for Cancer if they were in the forces at the testing in Nev. or based near Hiroshima & Nagasaki in WWII.

  NSC—Colin commented on the anti INF measure proposed by Jesse Helms—it was defeated 92 to 6 in the Sen.

  Word came at 10:25 AM our time that Kozak was on his way to the plane when a messenger gave him word that Noriega has accepted our terms.

  This was a cut up day—first I’m working out of the study, the Oval office is torn up for TV interviews I’m doing. A brief meeting on what to do about Noriega. Geo. Bush is back & feels very strongly that we shouldn’t quash N’s. indictment for drug running even if it does result in his stepping down & out of Panama. My position is that since Panama law prohibits extradition the indictment is meaningless & if we don’t follow through N. can stay in Panama as mil. dictator & we can’t touch him.

  [Interviewed for foreign television outlets.]

  Lunch turned out to be a hastily called meeting in Cab. room to go on about Noriega. A division of ranks supporting my position & the VP’s. Shultz was with me & I stuck by my decision.

  Then after lunch an interview between me & 3 news magazines. A photo for a Finnish newspaper with which I’ve done a written interview. A photo for a Soviet News magazine. A meeting with Sen’s. Murkowski & Al Simpson—they prefer a veto on a veterans bill—Cancer again. I heard them out but believe I’ll sign.

  [Photo session with Blue Angels team scheduled for fly-over on president’s departure for Moscow summit; attended W.H. photographers annual dinner and showed slides in humorous speech; received news a horse at ranch broke a bone and would need a long rest.]

  Friday, May 20

  Very short staff & N.S.C. meetings. Discussed news that a bank in Colombia was providing bank in Panama with a $27 mil. deposit. Bank in Colombia is reported as one that laundered drug money. If this is part of our deal we are really in trouble at home. But as proving went on we learned bank wasn’t in the dirty money business but also that wasn’t connected in any way with our Noriega deal.

  [Photo session with Johnny and June Carter Cash; interview with Soviet journalists; lunch with Vice President Bush; addressed group on Cuban Independence Day.]

  Another 20 mins. at desk then a meeting with George Shultz followed by meeting with Joint Chiefs of Staff. They briefed us on their views of arms reduction treaties. Then a meeting hastily called by Geo. S., Colin P., Frank Carlucci, V.P., Howard B., Ken D. & me. It was on deal which looks like it’s coming together in Panama. I made decision that we delay consummating the deal just while Kozak flies back here for weekend to bring his report & then goes back to give N. our decision. We will then announce our decision before we leave for Summit.

  [Dinner party at home.]

  Mermie is here for dinner. After dinner an argument over Noriega. Both Mermie &
Nancy are against me on Quashing his indictment. “Looks to public like I’m giving in to a drug dealer.”

  Saturday, May 21

  Armed Forces Day—that was theme of my noon radio cast. At 10:30 AM a meeting—10 of us in Yellow Oval room. Subject same as last night’s—Noriega & his indictment. Kozak flew back from Panama with terms agreed on in negotiations with Noriega & his lawyers. He is willing to announce now that he’s retiring as Commander of the nat. military on Aug. 12 & shortly thereafter he’ll leave Panama ’til after the 1989 election. We in turn are to Quash the indictment Aug. 12. My position is it’s a good deal. The indictment is meaningless because the Panama Const. prohibits our extraditing him. H. Baker, Jim Baker, the V.P. & Ed Meese want us to refuse the deal because of the politics—how it will look giving in to a drug dealer. I say what will it look like backing down & letting him continue as the absolute Dictator of Panama & still in the drug business. I had to duck out at noon & do my radio cast but was back in 15 min. & we went on ’til about 1:15. Geo. Shultz, Colin & I are practically alone—well no—include Kozak. I finally moved for thinking it over ’til Mon. & meeting again.

  So Nancy (she disagrees with me) & I had lunch on the balcony.

  An afternoon of reading then a Black Tie evening at the “Preservation Ball” of the “Am. Film Institute” at the Grand Hyatt Hotel. It was a wonderful evening—a tribute to Fred Astaire. Bunny Wrather was chairwoman & there were a lot of old friends—Marge Champion, Nanette Fabray, Betty Furness, Joan Leslie, Cyd Charise & a newer friend, Mikhail Baryshnikov. Film clips of Fred’s movies were shown & finally a clip from “This is the Army” in which I starred & then I said a few words & we came home.

  Sunday, May 22

  A quiet day—caught up on some reading—getting ready for Moscow. Then a phone call from Colin & I end up the day with an 8 P.M. meeting in the Oval Yellow room. The same group—all 10 of us—on the Noriega matter. No one’s minds had been changed so I made the decision. Kozak left for Panama & when we get the word from him, I announce that Noriega is stepping down, leaving Panama & we are dropping the indictment against him. Even Nancy is against me on this one but I’m absolutely convinced it’s the only way to go.


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