The Reagan Diaries

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The Reagan Diaries Page 88

by Ronald Reagan

  I have to make a correction in yesterdays item about our young air-crews in U.S.S.R. They were on 6 missions carrying Dept. of Energy drilling equipment to Semipalatinsk near Chinese border. This is in support of U.S—U.S.S.R. joint nuclear testing agreement.

  [Addressed gathering of Take Pride in America; meeting with Shultz on his return from extensive travels, noted, “His report was very interesting & also he said the U.S. was at the highest level of popularity world-wide that it has ever been.”]

  [Photos with departing employees and with party donors.]

  Then a photo session with donors to Repub. Senatorial Committee. An N.S.C. briefing—Dr. Edward Teller & a distinguished group of scholars displayed a new & most secret means of destroying nuclear missiles. It is technology that is almost unbelievable. After some desk time a meeting with Korean War Veterans group who are working to create a Korean war memorial. Tomorrow is anniversary of end of that war. Gen. Von Fleataway with them. He is 96 yrs. old—his grandfather fought in the revolutionary war. Bill Archer came in to talk about legislation. Bill Webster report on covert operations etc. Congressional Photo time—photos with friends & family of several Reps. And now—I forgot to report that day began with a meeting in Cab. room with Repub. Cong. leadership. It was a good session. I listened to each one of them make proposals about what should we do in these 6 mo’s. to insure our achievements would be carried on after I’m gone.

  [Mrs. Reagan on one-day trip to NYC for funeral of Gloria Vanderbilt’s son.]

  Wednesday, July 27

  [Positive report on economy from Beryl Sprinkel.]

  Cong. working on some supplementals & calling them “Dire” supplementals. Have to do with things like Black Lung etc. Drought bill is getting the Christmas tree treatment—an airy subsidy etc. Our leaders think they can eliminate some of the tree ornaments.

  We discussed a definite date of departure for Ed. Meese. A group of Repub. legislators are meeting with me tomorrow to discuss D.O.D. authorization bill on whether to sign or veto. Jesse Jackson has asked for Secret Sve. protection. We’ll do it for 30 days—then he’s on his own. Some talk for my campaign appearances.

  NSC—Talk of Covert operations in general. […]

  Then briefing for visit with P.M. Grosz of Hungary. He is also Gen. Sec. of the Communist Party of Hungary Then the meeting—brief 1 on 1 in Oval O. then plenary in Cabinet R. & lunch at the WH. He’s an Hungarian Gorbachev. He’s putting in reforms & encouraging pvt. investment etc. We got along fine. A half hour meeting with Shultz. He reported on his trip.

  Some photos—daughter of my 2nd cousin Lea Wilson—with her family—husband, daughter & son. Some S.S. departure photos. A meeting with A. B. Culvahouse who is meeting with Ollie North’s lawyer tomorrow. He wants me to be a witness—A.B. says no—so do I. It would set a precedent for future Presidents. A Pres. cannot testify or make public classified material to which he is privy.

  [Early dinner.]

  Thursday, July 28

  The morning was a little hurried. Ken reported that Speaker Wright & Rostenkowski say they will pass the U.S.-Canada Free Trade Bill before the Repub. Convention. No word yet from Byrd on the Sen. side.

  Got word that Lee Greenwood whose great song was played at the Dem. Convention much to his annoyance will sing at the Repub. Convention on the date of tribute to Nancy & me. Beryl Sprinkle & Jim Miller were in with more good Ec. news. Earnings are up & so is Disposable Income.

  [NSC meeting, with report that Soviets wanted review of ABM treaty in September, Iraq wanted direct talks with Iran, noted, “Both sides are now using chemical warfare”; met with congressional leadership representatives regarding defense authorization bill; spoke to Student Congress on Evangelism.]

  Back to W.H. & lunch with George B. We talked possible V.P. cand’s. Both of us are without a firm choice.

  [Photo with departing staff member; addressed Future Farmers of America.]

  Dr. Ian Macdonald reported on Aides [AIDS] findings of commission I’d appointed. He has the situation well in hand.

  Then the Bush campaign spot ads & finally upstairs to await visit by Richard Nixon. As always, he had some campaign suggestions that make great good sense.

  Friday, July 29

  Another hot day. We started by talking leaks to the press—suddenly there is a new wave. One about covert operations is so destructive to what we’re trying to do with regard to Noriega could actually get a few people killed. I think it’s disgraceful the press would use it.

  [Meese requested meeting for following Monday; commented that congressional bills on drought relief have costly additions attached.]

  Dukakis has accepted our offer to provide intelligence briefings during the campaign. Plans are going forward with regard to both cand’s in regard to where their personal residence would be in the event of becoming Pres. etc.

  NSC—Leadership of P.O.W.-M.I.A. organization is concerned about whether the new administration will continue our work in seeking information & remains of the MIA’s. We will urge that it be carried on. Laos & Vietnam are proposing a joint operation. We anticipate some problems when P.M. Prem of Thailand steps down. We’re not happy about some of his possible replacements. Things are stirring in Cambodia. We’re hopeful Prince Sihanouk will play a major role.

  [Visit from Franz Josef Strauss, president of Bavaria; spoke to National League of POW/MIA Families; photo session with Pakistani foreign minister Yaqub Khan; meeting with Shultz who described upcoming Central American trip; photos with party donors; went to Camp David. Saturday, July 30: radiocast; exercised; telephoned Elizabeth Dole with birthday greetings.]

  Sunday, July 31

  Watched the TV shows “Meet the Press” & “This Week.” Lunch outside—a little cooler. Back to the W.H. by about 3 P.M. Then Jim Baker came by—he’d asked for a meeting. Jim, Ken D., Nancy & I met about half an hour. Jim is going to resign as Sec. of the Treasury to be George’s campaign chairman. I think it’s great & George needs him. We’ll ask Nick Brady to take Jim’s job & hope we can make announcement next Fri. P.M. Then some exercises for me because I can’t tomorrow night. Dinner & so to bed.

  Monday, August 1

  Another muggy, steam bath day.

  Ed Meese came in for a part of the 1st meeting. He wants his successor, Gov. Thornburgh to be a part of N.S.C. as he is. It’s fine with me. Then he made a pitch for Gov. Sununu’s recommendation on Nuc. Power Plants emergency regulation & an executive order. On S.D.I. being gutted in Defense authorization bill I should veto bill & make the S.D.I. an important part of my veto message. Again I agree. Then he left & meeting went on. Tomorrow I’ll meet with Cong. leaders on Plant closing bill. I think I should let it become law without my signature—no way it wouldn’t be over ridden if I vetoed. We’re releasing Aides [AIDS] report today (my task force).

  NSC—Sec. Herrington has made a wise decision on locating new nuc. material plant. There’ll be 2—1 in S. Carolina using “heavy water” system. The other in Idaho using gas.

  It looks good for getting Congressional approval of sale of F.18’s to Kuwait.

  [Meeting with President George Vassiliou of Cyprus, commented, “He’s quite a man & determined to wipe out the Greek-Turkey split & reunite the island”; lunch with Republican leaders in state legislatures; met with members of student choir.]

  Back to Cabinet Room for a Domestic Policy Council meeting. Subject was about international program calling for reduction of pollutants—Nitrates & Oxides etc. We are ahead of most nations in eliminating or reducing emissions now.

  [Briefing on Yellowstone park fires; Nick Brady agreed to replace James Baker; went to doctor for prostate exam, noted, “verdict excellent”; attended party fund-raiser.]

  Tuesday, August 2

  Decided I’d let the Plant Closing bill become law without my signature. Marlin made a press announcement this morning. Then a summary of outstanding bills & whether we should push some to be acted on before the Aug. reces
s & which should be left for later. Actually the situation is up in the air.

  NSC—There is consideration as to whether we & the USSR should destroy our chemical weapons. We’re considering approaching them on a proposal that we do it & each side watch the other one do it.

  We’re making progress on F 18 sale to Kuwait. It’s up to the Sen. now.

  A short meeting in Roosevelt Rm. with 4 Repub. Cong. leaders. Bob Michel absent but Dick Cheney took his place. We were all pretty much agreed on Defense Authorization Bill (I should veto) & the plant closer.

  [Desk work; presented awards to government employees.]

  Back to a lunch with Suzanne Massie (just back from Russia). Nancy, Colin & Ken D. on hand. It was a strange one. We expected her usual insider type of information but instead it was almost like a travelogue. She did say the Russians have a real feeling of friendship for Nancy & me.

  Then I went into Oval O. & did TV footage for 16 of our cand’s.—14 for Sen. & 2 for Gov. That over, Nancy joined me in Roosevelt Rm. for reception for Jim & Sarah Brady & the Brady Foundation donors.

  [Photo session; ambassadorial formalities; allergy shot.]

  Wednesday, August 3

  Made it public I was vetoing the Defense Authorization bill. On this Saturdays radiocast I’ll talk about the veto & why. More legislation discussed—the compensation for the Japanese interred in W.W.II.—Aides [AIDS] discrimination—O.K. for Fed. employees but having Justice Dept. look into legalities of applying it to Pvt. sector. Then faced with leaks of report on Iran plane shoot down. Press asking questions—but neither military high command or my office have received the report as yet.

  NSC—Took up that same matter re the shoot down. Then desk time until I signed the veto message on the Defense authorization—it THE BILL was 100’s of pages long. I went into the press room & reported on my veto & why.

  [Briefed press on Central America; had lunch with Citizens for America; sat during refinements on bust for presidential library.]

  Thursday, August 4

  Defense has always pouted because the budget for building a space station came out of Defense. Well now it’s coming out of H.U.D. We need to officially name Nick Brady for Treasury Sec. so F.B.I. can do their field check on him. I have O.K.’d for new Ed. Sec.—the Pres. of Texas Tech. He is an Hispanic, Larry Cavazos. Twice faculty voted a no confidence in him. Once when he agreed with Bd. of Regents that spending should be reduced. Second when he voted against tenure for entire faculty. He’s our kind of guy.

  Sen. has passed a trade bill we support 85 to 11—it includes repeal of windfall profit tax which I’ve been trying to get for 5 years.

  N.S.C.—Aug. 24 is date for review of ABM treaty. Question is do we declare Krasnoyarsk Radar a “Material Breach” of treaty or leave it as a “serious violation.” If now we were to make the change—wouldn’t it raise an inquiry as to why now? Chiefs are opposed to changing it & so am I. This is not a time to kick up a storm. Word from Sov. U. is that Ziemans family are leaving next Wed. for the U.S. I’ve got my fingers crossed. Contra Aid. Dem’s. put an impossible package on table yesterday. Only weapons they’ll permit & that will be questionable are the $18 mil. worth stored in warehouses awaiting delivery.

  Ed M. wants us to appeal judges ruling that we can’t close the P.L.O. information agency in N.Y.—part of U.N.

  There is a news story out of Managua that a boatload of people including religious group of Americans were fired on from the shore—a number wounded. We know there are no Contras in that area. My belief is the Sandinistas did it & so as to deliberately frame the Contras.

  I sneaked up to the 2nd floor this morning to say Happy B.D. to Bob Tuttle.

  [Meeting with Senator Tribble (R-VA) with idea for summit of all Western Hemisphere nations on drug policy; meeting with defense experts, commented, “They are all behind my veto of the Defense Authorization bill”; photo sessions; exercised.]

  Friday, August 5

  Drought aid bill cleaned up in Conference.—the $5 & $6 Bil. Xmas tree was brought down to $3.9 Bil. That I can sign.

  [Congressional Democrats fighting Contra aid; Senate holding up approval of appointees to Federal Regulatory Commission.]

  NSC—We’ve learned that over the years the Soviets have used the Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia for spying. This is very hush, hush—[…].

  [Possible progress on negotiated withdrawal of Cuban troops from Angola; woman kidnapped in Panama released; Secretary of Agriculture Richard “Dick” Lyng reported on drought aid; photos with departing staffers; received new poll results, commented, “It appears that Dukakis has a big lead on George but much of it was direct result of the Dem. Convention”; received gift of Boehm bird sculptures; greeted Meese’s daughter, but did not attend farewell party for Meese.]

  Then it was over to Dr. Hutton who had a couple of specialists in to look at my lip—suspicion of possible Carcinoma. They decided it had gotten better since last look so things are going right. Upstairs to work on Convention Speech. Then back to Oval O. to meet Jim Baker & Nick Brady. Today is day to announce Jim’s resignation & Nick as replacement. We went into the press Room at 4:30. I made the announcement, then Jim said a few words followed by Nick & the show was over.

  [Rehearsed appearance for PBS show In Performance at the White House. Saturday, August 6: slept late; radiocast; read all afternoon; appeared in PBS show. Sunday, August 7: quiet day; caught up on homework.]

  Monday, August 8—The 8888 Day

  [Flew to Cincinnati, Ohio; made speech at U.S. Precision Lens factory; had lunch with bipartisan group of governors.]

  After lunch into the Gov’s meeting (46 of them), plus an audience of 800. My speech on Federalism was very well received. Then back to the chopper & to Ky & A.F.1. Got word Geo. Shultz’s motorcade in Bolivia was target of a bombing. But while there was some damage to cars—particularly the one Obie was riding in—there were no injuries. Back to the W.H. at about 3:30—upstairs & days end. Exercises dinner & bed time. Oh, I did stop on the way at the Dr.’s office & got my sneeze shot.

  Tuesday, August 9

  A sum up of bills still to be brought up & which ones we might expect before Cong. takes off in a week or so. A little talk about my proposal to do an explanation of the Iran Contra affair in my speech (Convention) Mon. Some are against it.

  [Received news of legislative progress on drought, trade and fair-housing bills.]

  NSC—The Contra Aid bill looks like we’ll have to compromise with Byrd to get anything. I favor doing that rather than having the Contras face a complete rejection.

  [GOP leadership arrived to make legislative plans.]

  At noon Nancy & I went into the East Room for the Medal of Arts lunch. We handed out 12 medals—1 to Helen Hayes I’m happy to say.

  [Photos with departing staffers; saw Secretary Wall, just back from visit to Persian Gulf; announced new director of Education; photos with presidential exchange executives; haircut; did exercises.]

  Wednesday, August 10

  Everybody is overruling me on the Iran-Contra insert I wanted to put in the Convention speech. They may be right that it would take away from the rest of the speech & be the only thing the media would latch on to.

  Claude Pepper & Hatfield have been promoting our F.D.R. memorial for a long time. They have come up with an idea that seems to have caught on—cost $5 mil. Ed Meese has announced tomorrow will be his last day. Sen. Judiciary Com. has passed Thornburgh & he’ll probably be voted in this week. House passed U.S.-Canada free trade bill but there is a question as to whether Sen. will get to it before this recess or in Sept.

  NSC—Dole & Byrd each have Contra aid bills. Byrd has offered his if Dole will let his be defeated. It’s lousy politics but even Dole says Byrd is better than nothing.

  [Powell suggested tentative schedule for U.N. visit.]

  Sen. Helms is off again—this time a letter charging that Gen. La Joie stood by while Major Neilson bled to death after being shot by Sov
iets. Colin took Jesse on but good. Gen. La Joie is a fine officer & did no such thing.

  [Briefing for and visit by Prime Minister Thorsteinn Palsson of Iceland; signed Bill 442 (providing restitution for Japanese Americans interred during WWII); convention speech completed; photo with departing National Park Service official; did exercises; watched broadcast of “In Performance at the White House.”]

  Thursday, August 11

  [Received word that Soviet dissidents, the Ziemans, due to arrive; commented, that congressional Democrats holding up appointments; received positive news on auto sales; Congress would start clearing ambassadorial appointments, commented, “Jesse Helms was blocking them—now he’s relented.”]

  Heard a story of Jim Wright throwing a tantrum in front of annual “Gym Dinner” when Bush tried to say hello to him.

  Looks like we may get U.S.-Canada Free Trade bill 1st week in September.

  NSC—George S. got in at 6 AM this morning from his Central Am. trip U.S. will contribute to U.N. Peace keeping force in Middle East.

  Frank Carlucci has decided to retire our SR 71’s. These are fast (1800 miles an hour) high flying spy planes. Operation costs are $350 mil. a year. Now our space satellites are doing the job. Frank is working with Hill to improve D.O.D. appropriation bill.

  [Signed drought bill; briefing for and then interview with Hugh Sidey, commented, “In Sat. talk show he is always the most fair when some of the media hatchets are slashing at me”; photo sessions; met with Meese on his last day; met with Shultz on travels and ongoing relations with USSR; meeting with Joint Chiefs of Staff on START, which they support.]

  A call from Ken D. just before dinner—Sen. confirmed Thornburgh—85 to 0. I’ll swear him in tomorrow. Dinner, ran a tape of Larry King interviewing Kirk Douglas who has written a book. Then to bed.

  Friday, August 12

  Lots of things to talk about—speeches—Sun. Mon. noon & night. A phone call to be made to the Ziemans tonite. Cong. has gone home ’til Sept. Sen. has cleared almost all the Ambas. appointments they’ve been stalling on.

  The so-called Dire supplemental is progressing. This is funding for things like Black Lung etc. Welfare reform is put off ’til Sept. Strom Thurmond for some reason is blocking clearance of the other 3 justice dept. appointments.


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