The Reagan Diaries

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The Reagan Diaries Page 91

by Ronald Reagan

  [Authorized commemorative silver dollar for Eisenhower; meeting with Prime Minister Edward Seaga of Jamaica, looked at hurricane pictures; haircut; desk work; attended two GOP fund-raisers.]

  Colin called—we have further information but no proof on hostage. According to information it would be Singh the Indian Professor at Am. U. in Beirut. He may be on his way to American Embassy in Damascus.

  Tuesday, October 4

  Nancy off to a luncheon in N.Y.—Anti-drugs again. My 1st meeting—at 9 A.M. Learned Sen. had put the death penalty we want in the drug bill. Polls in Canada look good for P.M. Mulroney in coming election He was way down but apparently has recovered.

  I’m faced with a cliff hanger—the votes to sustain or override my veto of Textile bill is going on in the House.

  NSC—Discussion about Nicaragua & the Contras—doesn’t look like we have the votes to get military aid for them.

  In Iran Fadlallah says more hostages not coming out. Then the 9:30 meeting with Repub. Leadership. It was a good meeting & ended up with almost every one of them paying a great tribute to me for what they called my leadership to the world. I was touched.

  [Met with President Joao Vieira of Guinea-Bissau; desk time; presented awards in ceremony for Minority Enterprise Development Week; had lunch with 114 party donors of $100,000 or more; greeted pageant winners; met with Senator Bill Armstrong (R-CO), who suggested executive order banning pornographic material on federal property (including bases), commented, “I’m in favor but must check out some constitutional problems”; allergy shot; telephoned congressmen seeking support for veto of textile bill; went to party event, learned veto had been sustained.]

  Wednesday, October 5

  A beautiful Fall day—clear, sunny, cool & no humidity. First meeting 9 AM. Talk about the veto vote of course. Dan Rostenkowski (Dem.) Chmn. House Ways & Means Comm. was of tremendous help to us. He’s been that way on a number of important issues. He is truly bipartisan.

  Some discussion of my use (in speeches) of the figure 62.7% of Ams. male & female from age 16 & up employed is not completely clear to the audience. I think I can add a little explanation that will clear things up. It is the highest percentage in our history.

  Colin brought A. B. Culvahouse in to explain a situation that was distorted in the press. Charge has been made that I have decided on exec. order & will now approve assassinations as part of anti-terrorist programs. Truth is I have not. My order against such acts is still in force.

  [Problem with ice breaker caught in Canadian territory; visit from President Joseph Momoh of Sierra Leone; desk work; laid cornerstone for Holocaust Memorial Museum; photo with Secretary of Transportation James Burnley and Governor Jim Martin (R-NC) to promote program against drunk driving; photo with candidate from Wisconsin; videotapings; photo session for Vanity Fair; greeted Ziemans, formerly of USSR; watched vice presidential debate with Maureen and Mrs. Reagan, commented, “I think Quayle did very well & Bentsen got away with some blatant falsehoods.”]

  Thursday, October 6

  First meeting—we spent some time re-hashing the debate. Then got report Sen. Judiciary Committee had voted to send 11 of our judge appointees to the floor. That leaves 14 still waiting. Sen. & House conferees made it easier to close obsolete mil. bases. I was told Helen Thomas wrote a good column about me.

  NSC—More talk about closing bases. Then a rumor that our Lt. C. Higgens—kidnapped in Lebanon, is dead. But we can’t get any confirmation.

  One of Gorbachev’s new appointees, Medveded is making speeches that sound like he’s pushing for free enterprise.

  [Visit from President Moussa Traore of Mali; desk work; met with Frank Carlucci, who was pleased with new military authorization bill; attended ceremony for German-American Recognition Day.]

  At 2:00 P.M. the Grand Duke of Luxembourg for a brief visit. He was here in 1985 for a State reception & dinner. Bob Dole & Bob Michel came in to get my urging that we get the drug bill before Cong. goes home. And that did it until the State Dinner for Pres. Traore.

  Again, a wonderful evening. Some old friends on hand but all in all a good mix. After dinner entertainment was Pete Fountain, the great clarinet player & his group of 6. Then some dancing & by midnight upstairs to bed.

  [Friday, October 7: flew to Detroit, Michigan; spoke at high school; at Chamber of Commerce lunch, commented, “actually made my speech a partisan campaign speech for Bush & Quaale [Quayle]. It was received as if they wanted a Repub. rally”; spoke at party fund-raiser; returned to Washington; went to Camp David. Saturday, October 8: slept late; radiocast; walked; rode; homework; movie in the evening. Sunday, October 9: watched panel shows; rode; homework; movie.]

  Monday, October 10—Columbus Day

  A bright day. Finished my book by Larry Mc Murty—“Anything For Billy.” Some homework—lunch & off to the W.H. Arrived there about 2:30. Watching playoffs game between Dodgers & Mets for awhile after arrival. Dodgers won—now one to go in L.A. tomorrow. Dinner & bed time. Ted Graber was on hand for dinner.

  A call from Ron. I don’t know who he’s been talking to but we had a debate. He’s convinced I’m not protecting the environment.

  Tuesday, October 11

  [Discussion of Canadian election; of prospects for drug bill.]

  We need to provide the Contras with some hope. A proposal has been made that I threaten to call the Congress back in a special session to get them to act now.

  Some talk about Marcos. Justice dept. want to indict him—I believe we should suggest a deal—he gives Philippine govt. a bundle of money & we lay off.

  [Talk about remaining speeches.]

  NSC—Colin brought up Contra matter. He supports idea of me threatening to call Cong. back.

  Duarte (Pres. of Salvador) back in hospital here. I called him. He says it was to check & that his liver cancer is reduced by half.

  In keeping with I.N.F. treaty we’ve notified U.S.S.R. we’ll be taking space photos of SS25 missiles in its garage. They are to open the door so we can see it’s not an SS20. Treaty lets us do this 6 times a year.

  [Report on progress of icebreaker in Canadian waters; short meeting with Prince Sihanouk of Cambodia; photo with Reserve Officers Association; visit by cousins, Virginia and Harry Smith; NSC meeting briefed on security measure […]; interviewed by biographer Edmund Morris; taped ads for candidates; heard that friend Bunny Wrather (Bonita Granville) died of cancer; attended party fund-raiser. Wednesday, October 12: flew to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; spoke at high school; spoke at party fund-raiser; paid visit to Archbishop Bevilacqua; met with family of police officer slain in the line of duty; flew to Newark, New Jersey; spoke at Italian American society; meeting with major donors; returned to W.H.]

  Thursday, October 13

  Started day at 10 AM. Talked about legislation permitting some closing of obsolete mil. bases. We’ve tried for a long time to get this.

  Also talked of N.Y. Times poll shows my approval rating at 60%. It was 45% last Nov. Then the Drug bill—about 100 amendments are kicking around & holding up progress.

  NSC—Word on Duarte isn’t as good as he led me to believe. Apparently he’s trying to stay through next election in March.

  France has agreed to go to a Human Rights meeting in Moscow. Thatcher is saying no.

  [Photo sessions with staff members; visit from delegation of Asian-Indian Americans; then delegation of Ukrainian religious leaders; signing ceremony for welfare-reform bill; farewell reception for departing director of Office of Management and Budget Jim Miller; taped commercials for candidates; exercised; watched debate.]

  Friday, October 14

  [Proposal for Mrs. Reagan to speak at U.N. on drugs.]

  Then talk of doing a retirement event (me) for Jack Kemp. Some progress is being made on drug bill in the Sen. A statement approved by me about aid to Contras if Sandinistas attack.

  A Prof. (History) has refuted Sen. Bentsen’s claim to have been a close friend of J.F.K.

  NSC—Report th
at our soldiers in Korea fired on an N. K. soldier who was seen in the demilitarized zone. He was seen to fall down but nothing further is known.

  Pakistan about to realize & report their version of plane crash that killed Pres. Zia. We have no more information than that.

  Our negotiations regarding war in Angola have come down to, how long Cuba can take to remove their troops. Angola govt. is holding out for 30 months. Strangely enough the U.S.S.R. is asking for a shorter time—which is what we also want.

  [Noted that Mexico’s minister of finance was meeting with Secretary James Brady regarding currency exchange rates; pollster Dick Wirthlin optimistic regarding Bush campaign; attended ceremony for astronauts; photo session; signed alternative-motor-fuels bill; greeted officials of Congress of Independent Unions; greeted rabbi brought out of USSR with help of two senators; regular meeting with Shultz, most of discussion on negotiations on Angola.]

  Some more photos in Oval O. & Dip. Rm. then upstairs to a lonely W.H. Nancy is in N.Y.—due back for dinner. Did my exercise. Surprise, surprise, Nancy arrived about 5 P.M. I’m trying to get her to toss me a baseball a few times. Tomorrow night she’ll be in Los Angeles tossing out the ball for the 1st World Series Game at Dodger Stadium. Well she gave in & we did it in the Center Hall. She did very well. Dinner, a quiet evening & so to bed.

  Saturday, October 15

  And Nancy is off again, this time to L.A. to throw out the 1st ball tonite at the World Series starts. A leisurely morning here & then my radiocast—this time on who is responsible for deficits in Fed. Spending—who? The Congress.

  Well—spent the day reading & checking over things for the Library. Then exercise—shower & dinner. Watched 1st game of World Series. Saw Nancy throw out the 1st ball—she done good. Also told crowd & TV audience about the need to step up the anti-drug campaign. Dodgers won 6 to 5 with an exciting come from behind finish. And so to bed.

  [Sunday, October 16: read newspaper; watched panel shows; watched football game; Mrs. Reagan expected back, noted, “Nancy due back at 6:25—but she arrived at 6:10. Hooray!”]

  Monday, October 17

  In the 1st meeting a little summing up as this is last week Congress is in session. The drug bill has to go to conference—differences in House & Sen. bills. That may mean a delay ’til after recess. Then some talk about the lousiest pol. trick ever played. A discharged employee of Designer Jimmy Galanos has hit the press by way of “Time mag.” Claims he’s writing a book on the Reagans. Then he claims Nancy has bought $1.4 mil. worth of gowns at special favor prices. That she’s borrowed & not given back scores of others etc. If what he says was true she could be in for tax evasion etc. None of this crud is true & her assailant is a Greek—way out in front for Dukakis. Does anyone say this isn’t a political trick.

  [Talk of schedules and campaign.]

  NSC—We’re waiting for word on the plant [base] closing negotiations with the Philippines. I’ve another letter on the way to Pres. Aquino. Another meeting here with the Mexicans. I think we’ve arranged a 3½ bil. $ loan to help them out.

  Pakistanis have made official their claim Zia’s plane was sabotaged. Some talk about Korean & Pres. Roh’s efforts to bridge the gap with N. Korea.

  Assad (Pres. of Syria) made a secret visit to Moscow. Our information is that Moscow is now demanding cash payment for military supplies. A brief desk time then over to the high school. Cardinal Hickey took me up to the chapel 1st to see the altar used by Arch Bishop Carroll more than 200 yrs. ago—the first Catholic altar in the U.S.

  [Addressed students; returned to W.H.; luncheon for recipients of Medal of Freedom; desk work; mostly photo signing; exercised.]

  Tuesday, October 18

  Some talk about Nancy then newest poll on Bush in Wall St. Journal—he’s jumped way ahead of Dukakis. Something like that has happened in Canada—Mulroney is in first place with 43%. Then we decided I’ll attend the dinner where Nancy is being honored Thursday. And some talk about my campaigning.

  NSC—An attempted coup in Haiti—3 Lt’s. taken captive. More about the Mexican loan. Papandreau, P.M. of Greece—open heart surgery—now a relapse & infection set in. After NSC meeting—Ken D. stayed behind to recommend some promotions for a number of my people including Kathy & Jim K. After a desk session—bill signing etc. A photo & short visit with Patriarch Sabbah—of Philistine Catholics in Israel. Then lunch & at 12:45 photos with 8 West wing guards. At 12:50 Dr. Hutton—at his office. Sneeze shot & molds were taken of my ears for new hearing aids.

  At 1:30 Kathy & Fred Ryan for some talk about my office in L.A. We’ll have a staff of 13 & Nancy will have 4 of her own. Then a meeting with George S. Talked mostly about Central Am. But 1st a brief meeting with Sen. Stennis about a promotion for Admiral presently assigned to NASA. I’m in favor. A session of tapings—7 all told. Then upstairs for exercise & shower. Nancy is very upset about the fuss raised over her wardrobe. Dinner & bed.

  [Wednesday, October 19: flew to Columbus, Ohio; spoke at Ohio State University; went to Bowling Green; spoke at rally; went to Cincinnati, attended campaign dinner; returned to W.H., commented, “It was an overwhelming day. The warmth of my reception at every stop was very moving.”]

  Thursday, October 20

  Started day at 10 AM Some talk of budget for 1990. Under the law I submit such a budget & the succeeding Pres. can change it. I decided we should do our best to come up with the budget I’d want if I were going to administer it. At same time confer with Bush so he would have some change he’d like to make.

  Then some talk about the pending immigration legislation. It’s on hold because my friend Al Simpson (Sen.) objects to a couple of points that are important to me. Ken is working on him.

  [NSC meeting with details of suicide bombing along Lebanon-Israeli border; former Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos, defying subpoena, was charged with contempt of court; visit from Bettino Craxi, former prime minister of Italy; visit by President Roh Tae Woo of South Korea, commented, “Discussed our trade problems, his efforts & ours to establish a relationship with N. Korea”; greeting George Nash with new book on Herbert Hoover, along with Hoover descendants; photo session; reviewed appointments.]

  Then over to the Dr’s. office to be fitted with a form of magnifying glass mounted on a pair of spectacles.

  Upstairs for exercise & shower & dress up for testimonial dinner for Nancy—a really big nationwide affair. Kiwanis, Lyons, Sentorna, Scents & a host of other service & fraternal org’s. joined in a salute to Nancy for the fight against drugs. Bob Hope was a surprise guest, speaker after speaker gave her praise & named her as the leader in the war on drugs. So to bed.

  [Friday, October 21: flew to Raleigh, North Carolina, and Bowling Green, Kentucky, for campaign appearances, including one at Western Kentucky University basketball arena, commented, “I went down some steps from the dais to a toe marker & shot—with 12,000 watching a basket—missed on 1st try & sank the next one”; went to Camp David with the Dubersteins. Saturday, October 22: cold day, but rode anyway; watched That’s Entertainment, Part II (1976).]

  Sunday, October 23

  Wouldn’t you know—the sun was shining & it was a beautiful day. We boarded Marine 1 at 11:30 AM & were at the W.H. a few mins. after 12. So lunch—an afternoon of TV (The Red Skins won), a lot of reading. Nancy & I called Sandra Day O’Connor in the hospital. She’s just had a mastectomy. Nancy was most helpful to her. Then I called Lew Wasserman to thank him for all he’s done to help us on the Library & my office. Dinner & to bed—well not quite that simple. Nancy had to appear at the Nat. Horseshow—but she was back around 10 P.M.

  Monday, October 24

  Dave Gergen had a column in U.S. News & Report. For a change he was quite nice to me. John Henderson replied to Ohio’s Gov. Celeste for me. He had written a letter about the leaking nuc. plant in Ohio. John explained it would not reopen ’til it was absolutely safe. Some discussion of the bills we got & didn’t get before Cong. went home. One we got was V.A. becoming a Ca
binet post & the plant closing. We did not get U.S.I.A.’s World Net. expansion, nor did we get U.N. Peace Keeping appropriation. Did get Bermuda tax treaty & the Immigration bill. The Nat. Adoption bill was killed by Jim Wright.

  NSC—More on Marcos & some of the wild rumors in the media—that he contributed to my campaigns & that we’re indicting him to get a settlement on the mil. bases in the Philippines.

  Shultz is asking permission to tear down our Embassy (half built) in Moscow & start over—question is where does the money come from. Soviets want a meeting on Krasnoyarsk. We want them to tell us what they are thinking of 1st.

  [Haitian president requested help with major drug bust; desk work; greeted 550 American Olympians; photo to launch United Federal Fund Campaign; signed base-closing bill; greeted twelve-year-old essay winner from Vote America Foundation; Mrs. Reagan in NYC for address at U.N., commented, “Slept lousy—at 1 AM I tried reading for an hour.”]

  Tuesday, October 25

  A lot of press about my meeting with the Olympic team. Some talk about a radio speech on competence & ideology in campaign. I say we talk about both. Tomorrow I’m to call Lou Cannon for 3 Q’s. he’s doing a campaign article. Congress is working on an ethics bill.

  N.S.C.—A letter from Gorbachev—he is now President as well as Gen. Sec. Soviet Space Shuttle is going up without a crew. We never did that. E. Germany had paid no reparations to Jews who went through the Holocaust. Mujahadeen are laying seige to Kabul. We have 17 Americans in our embassy there. Japan is upset by our wanting to sell rice to them. Then brief meeting with Pres. Conte of Guinea. He’s making progress on the economy. He spoke eloquently about how great our Peace Corps volunteers are. Then some desk time & at 10:30 AM I left for Ft. McNair where I addressed a large crowd of mil., veterans & officials on the 5th anniversary of our landing on Grenada. Then I signed legislation making dept. of Veterans Affairs a Cabinet position.

  [Bill signings; photo sessions; received gift from refugees from USSR.]


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