The Reagan Diaries

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The Reagan Diaries Page 95

by Ronald Reagan

  [Taped radiocast for Saturday; many more photos; dinner party for friends in W.H. residence; concluded, “Then to bed & watched my interview with David Brinkley. O.K. I guess.” Friday, December 23: made statement to the press regarding the Pan Am tragedy; flew to L.A.; went to new home in Bel Air, commented, “Nancy worried all the way that I wouldn’t like it. It’s beautiful”; got to work hanging pictures and unpacking boxes.]

  Saturday, December 24

  Up a little early considering we’re in Calif. & it’s Sat. A dismal, rainy day but O.K.—we’re indoors still surrounded by cardboard boxes. But as day went on we are finally just about finished. Ted, Peter & Nancy concentrated on picture hanging. At 10 AM I made calls to overseas forces & an individual in each of the mil. forces. They were stationed in Panama, Puerto Rico, Egypt & a little island in the Bering Sea. I made one to our Navy Man in Japan at 3 P.M. We’ve learned that Ron & Doria won’t be here tonite. They are going up to Lake Arrowhead. Well they actually showed up at the Wicks after dinner. It was the usual Wicks Xmas eve party with Charlie at the piano. As usual it was a time of old friends & most enjoyable. Santas arrival is always a big moment. This time it was a well padded young lady—CZ’s fiancé. Home & to bed nearing midnight.

  Sunday, December 25—Merry Xmas

  Rain all gone & a beautiful sunny day—a little cool. We’re still unpacking & opening Xmas gifts. The basement is the scene of action for the 1st. We’ve discovered we have a set of those shipboard high powered binoculars we can install out on the patio. An easier day than we’ve had. Ken D. called—[…] has found some fragments of the Pan Am plane that do indicate—it was a bomb explosion. An early dinner with Ron & Doria, Merme & Dennis, & Mermies friend Jeanne—a lovely person—totally blind. A pleasant evening & then to bed.

  Monday, December 26

  Another beautiful day—not a cloud in the sky. We’re waiting for Ted G. He was due at 9 AM. Now we learn (at 10 A.M.) he was on time & the S.S. wouldn’t let him through the gate. Nancy got on the phone & got things straightened out. It had to do with his car. The boys just wanted the bomb dogs to sniff it. He wasn’t suspect—the security is concerned that someone coming to see us might not know that someone slipped a bomb under the car attached to a magnet.

  Well Ted & Peter are here & once again it’s picture hanging etc. It was an unpack plus desk work day. Come shower time & we couldn’t. The hot water was shut off because of a faucet’s failure that wouldn’t shut off. Dinner & bed.

  Tuesday, December 27

  Still no hot water. Sunny day. About 11 AM I went out on the patio in slacks & blazer for photos by Pete & MaryAnn. After lunch Bea O. came by with some desk work & to accompany me to the Fox Plaza to see our suite of offices. I’m overwhelmed—they are of course not completed. It’s the top floor of a new bldg. but they are going to be magnificent. Nancy has an office as well as mine & then space for a staff of 13. Back to our home & desk work. Called Lew Wasserman who was responsible for us getting that office space to thank him. We now have hot water.

  Out to Chasens for dinner with Wicks & their 41st Wedding anniversary. All their family including CZ’s fiancé & Ron & Doria. We had a table for all of us in a new addition to which I had never been. The old Chasens is bigger. A good time was had by all.

  Wednesday, December 28

  Bright day—57 degrees. A call from Colin before breakfast. The British have completed their examination of the Pan Am 103 crash & are announcing today that it was a bomb explosion.

  Barney & Aggie came by—also Ron & Doria—twice. Ron took slippers he’d given me for Christmas & exchanged them for a bigger size. There was more moving in & unpacking. Also some packing. Tomorrow we go to Palm Springs. Back to desk work. Then dinner & early to bed.

  Thursday, December 29

  Up for breakfast at 8:30. Some reading—P.D.B. etc. Then up. Not much “moving in, work.” It’s go to Palm Springs day & it’s a beautiful one—a little warmer than we’ve had but still below Calif. normal. Got some telephoning done. Called Peewee & Nancy Wms. also Lee Clearwater’s son. His son who I last saw 8 years ago is now a Marine. A late lunch then off to the airport. Before getting on A.F.1 I told the press about our position on Pan Am 103. It was a bomb & we are going to do all we can to track down the bomber. At 4:15 P.M. we landed at Palm Springs. A 20 min. drive & we were at Sunny Lands—met by Lee & Walter. It’s beautiful as always. Ardie Deutsch had gifted me with a massage—a new kind. It was great & I feel great. Then it was dinner with Lee & Walter & an early bed time.

  [Friday, December 30: lunch with friends; golfed and noted, “I’ve really forgotten all the things that should be automatic in a golf swing. This once a year golf game has left me a real duffer”; dinner party at El Dorado Country Club.]

  Saturday, December 31

  A sunny day to start with—warmer than we’ve been having. Afternoon clouds came in probably because of rain in L.A. Did my radiocast, then photo of me signing one agreement with Canada Free Trade act. Phoned P.M. Mulroney. He & his family are in Fla. They were taking their children to Disney World. Geo. Bush called me from Camp D. to thank us & say Happy New Year. Two great golfers of the pro tournaments were here—Lee Trevino & Watson, George S. & I made a 4 some with them for 9 holes before lunch. It was quite an experience. Then after a luncheon we did another 9. We had a gallery—all the house guests. We all had a lot of fun. Then it was time for a little desk work & clean up for the New Years ball. It was grand as usual. Dinah Shore, Mrs. Bob Hope & Mrs. John Gavin sang after dinner. Bob Hope entertained with some funnies. Geo. S. spoke & said some nice things about Nancy & me—so did our host Walter A. I responded to the toast—then it was 12 & Happy New Year. Bed about 1:30 A.M.

  Sunday, January 1, 1989

  Up but not too early. Sun & scattered clouds—somewhat warmer than it has been. Hit a bucket of balls on the driving range—did pretty well. Then at noon a meeting with George Scharffenberger. He handles our blind trust. That of course will end on January 20 then lunch—about 40 of us & as always a lot of fun. A quiet afternoon, some homework—then TV & the last half of S.F. defeating Minn. in the playoffs. Nancy had a massage. Cleaned up & dressed (no necktie), dinner for all the house guests & a few others in the dining room & again it was a very pleasant time. Nancy was so tired we left right after dinner & into bed.

  [Monday, January 2, 1989: went back to L.A.; desk work; watched football.]

  Tuesday, January 3, 1989

  Scattered clouds but warmer than it’s been. Got right down to desk work. Interrupted once to pick places for planting a peach tree & an apple tree—both gifts. Problem is to keep them from blocking out our magnificent view when they grow up. Right now they are about 3 feet tall. Back to my desk—then lunch & a drop by of Ken D. & Colin. They brought me up to date on my decision & George Shultz’s to tell Gorby we’ll go for the human rights conference which will wind up in Moscow in 1991. We’ve worried about P.M. Thatcher—if she’d go along. Well I have a message from her that she will. Then 2 P.M. Dr. Bookman & staff to test me for some different allergys. Apparently I still just have the old ones. I got my usual sneeze shot. Betts B. came by to see Nancy. I went back to my desk to work on my farewell address—Peggy Noonan has sent a 1st draft.

  Now it’s shower time. Dinner & bed—while TV experts try to discover why all of our sets are suddenly haywire. Now we learn—other people are having the same problem. It must be at the sending end.

  Wednesday, January 4, 1989

  At 2:45 AM Colin phoned to tell me 2 of our F14’s from the USS Kennedy shot down 2 Mig 23’s from Libya. There have been signs that Quadafy is antsy about a possible attack on his chemical factory. This time the ship & plans were on their way to Israel & 600 miles East of his factory when they fastened on to our F.14’s & turned on their afterburners, our pilots decided they were hostile & knocked them down. So back to sleep. Dr. Hutton brought 4 local Doctors in he has lined up for us. Then I had Pearl & Sam for a manicure & haircut. Then a photo outdoors
with men who installed our new house security provisions & their wives.

  More homework including some changes in Peggy N’s. draft of the Farewell address. Sent it over to Ken D. for any suggestions he might have. Nancy over to rehearse for tonight’s program. It’s a big evening in support of the “N.R. Drug Center.” 1000 people at $1000 each. A receiving line for a special group of fundraisers then a film clip on scenes from the last 8 yrs. Dinner & a program of Merv Griffin singing—Mary Martin, Don Rickles—we both said a few words. All in all a very pleasant evening with a lot of old friends—Maureen & Mike. Ron is in Yosemite. Home to bed.

  [Thursday, January 5, 1989: returned to Washington; decided to submit to Congress recommended pay raises for judges and others; dinner with Graber.]

  Friday, January 6, 1989

  Into Study near Oval O. at 10 A.M.—Oval O. being set up for my interview with Mike Wallace on “60 minutes.” Meetings with Ken & Colin very short—a little talk about my approval of wage increase & a little mention of our shoot down of 2 of Quadafi’s Migs. Then a brief for my interview. It & the interview started at 11:30—Mike ran over so lunch was at 12:20 back in the study. Then at 1:15 I taped tomorrow’s radio cast because tomorrow I’ll be at Walter Reed Hosp. getting my finger operated on. Did some desk work ’til about 3:20 then upstairs to Join Nancy in more 60 min’s. Finished & off for the Hosp. Had dinner at Walter Reed with Nancy then to bed early.

  Nancy went back to the W.H.

  Saturday, January 7, 1989

  Up at 6 A.M.—shower & scrub left arm & hand with special disinfecting soap. No breakfast. In fact, nothing, not even a drink of water after midnight. A lot of briefing by doctors etc. then into the operating room for 3 hrs. 2½ of them actual surgery. My arm was totally deadened plus some mild intravenous anesthetic which made me a little woozy. Operation over & back to room for lunch with Nancy & Dick who came down from Phil. He left in the afternoon but Nancy stayed for dinner—I ate in bed. I was in bed for the afternoon with my left arm propped up & hanging from a pole. Dinner in bed—I’m learning how handicapped one is with the use of only 1 hand. After dinner Nancy went back to W.H. I watched some TV—read awhile & then lights out.

  [Sunday, January 8, 1989: received smaller bandage; returned to W.H. after lunch; watched football; Graber a guest at dinner; watched “60 Minutes” and “Murder She Wrote.”]

  Monday, January 9, 1989

  Into the office—my bandage improved on way by Dr. Hutton. Ken D. told me Peggy was fired up & against some of suggested changes in my Farewell address. Met with her later in morning & smoothed things over.

  NSC—Still trying to get Vietnamese out of Cambodia. A new development—it looks like China is willing to meet with Soviet U. on jointly getting V’s. to leave.

  Japan—funeral has been set for 47 days from now. Geo. B. will attend. Geo. S. is back from Chemical Warfare symposium in Europe. Quadaffi invited world press to come to see his bldg. which we say is making poison gas & he says it isn’t. Well the press arrived & had a picnic in desert several miles from plant for them. Kept them there ’til dark then drove them past the plant whose lights were all out & took them back to town. Soviets have resumed troop withdrawal from Afghanistan. After Peggy—Lunch. Then Personnel with Bob Tuttle.

  [Met with business group regarding budget; photos with staffers.]

  A session with Edmund Morris—probably last as Pres. Stopped by Dr’s. office. He notified me he’s been put on list to get his Generals star. Upstairs to shower & dinner with Merme & Ted G.—Nancy’s in N.Y. getting an award from Stylists. Back tomorrow P.M. Forgot to note—this afternoon I went over to the Japanese Embassy & signed the Condolence book re the death of Emperor Hirohito. And so to bed.

  Tuesday, January 10, 1989

  Into the office after a stop at the Drs., at 9 AM. I really had a bad night—woke up at one point—4 AM & read for awhile.

  Dennis (our son-in-law) called Ken to tell him his company had signed on to represent Uganda. The Dr. Koop’s report is not really a report. It is a letter to me expressing a need for research on how to evaluate the abortion set up. The matter of a pardon for North is now being looked at as—the judge should drop the charges. I signed the annual Ec. report.

  NSC—Colin told me 450 Cubans are leaving Angola. Also, Soviets are stepping up their withdrawal from Afghanistan. A former Navy Petty Officer who was kicked out of Navy has been picked up for trying to sell info to Soviets.

  [Addressed W.H. Workshop on Choice in Education.]

  Then desk time & a budget meeting. I presented bound volumes of budget to a few who helped on budget. A short lunch ½ hour then on our way for a drop-by at Fundraiser lunch at Nat. Archives for F.D.R. Library. F.D.R. started the idea of Presidential Libraries.

  [Dropped by meeting of old friends from Sacramento days; met with President José Azcona of Honduras; allergy shot; Mrs. Reagan suffering from sinus infection; dinner party for cabinet and spouses.]

  Wednesday, January 11, 1989

  To the Dr. at 9:30 AM—bandage changed. A much smaller one & the splint—made of piano wire on back of hand & finger. Then to the office by 10:10. Ken told me the Justice Dept. will file a motion today to quash the subpoenas for Geo. & me in the North Case.

  Nancy Risque has ordered “Council on Environmental Control” to kill a proposal re the greenhouse effort. It would have made practically everything illegal. I’m to call Trent Lott this afternoon.

  NSC—Libyans have agreed to return the body of American flyer they’ve been holding since 1986.

  Greeks & Turks are working out a compromise re a Turkish Port the Greeks thought should be under some kind of international control.

  A very hush, hush problem […].

  [Presented medals at ceremony to honor Mr. and Mrs. Anatoly Shcharansky; meeting with Economic Commission on the budget; more photo sessions.]

  Regular meeting Geo. S. reporting on Chemical Warfare meeting in Europe. Things are looking pretty good. Also spoke of easing some sanctions on Libya because they are hurting some Americans worse than they are hurting Quadafi. Then into Cabinet Room for official photo with Cabinet. They presented me with my cabinet chair. They bought it for me—$1200.

  [Received report of the Export Now Commission.]

  Then in Oval O. received printed report—1st copy of W.H. publication of the Reagan Admin. record—what we promised & what we delivered.

  Some desk time—phoned Trent Lott who has a candidate for position having to do with sport & commercial fishing in Mississippi. Over to Dr. to check on a little bleeding in my hand. Nothing serious. Shower, dress, dinner & at 9 P.M. farewell TV address in Oval O. to the people. It was well received. Our exec. office staff stayed on & listened to the speech in the Roosevelt Room. They had a buffet. I dropped in for a few mins. after the speech. They kept the party going for quite awhile. Then upstairs & bed.

  Thursday, January 12, 1989

  Stopped at Dr. for a look at my bandage etc. Then over to office. Ken told me about Bill Bennett who retired to get out in the world. He has repented & Geo. B. is making him drug Czar. A lot of talk about last night’s speech & the transition to new admin.

  NSC—Geo. S. is going back to Vienna this weekend. The resolution at U.N. against us on the Libyan shoot down failed. We’re having problems on our refugee allotment program. They all want to come to the U.S.

  Then a visitor—P.M. Charles of Dominican Republic. Good to see a long time friend. She is a real leader in the Caribbean states.

  [Attended armed forces salute in president’s honor at Andrews A.F.B., commented, “I puddled up when the Marine Band played ‘Auld Lang Syne’”; lunch with Vice President Bush; received keys for new limousine built by Ford; briefing for interview in CNN; photos with congressmen; went to doctor for new bandage; attended presidential library dinner.]

  Friday, January 13, 1989

  Another 10 AM start. 1st meeting some talk about Dr. Koop & the mix-up of his letter on abortion. It seems he never wanted
it made public. Then A.B. came in with regard to the Ollie North trial. The Judge asked that the Attorney Gen. make a formal request to drop charges 1 & 2. The Rep. of Justice Dept. will have in his possession a signed statement by Attorney Gen. in his pocket. Dan Crispen [Crippen] came in with some replys to Dem. charges that I have increased taxes 13 times.

  NSC—Very brief—a little talk about our […] artillery based in Germany.

  [Greeted leaders of Layman’s National Bible Association; Joint Chiefs of Staff arrived to say good-bye and presented lighted world globe.]

  Lunch & over to E.O.B. for meeting with Russian & Am. students, representatives of schools (30 each) in the 2 countries. It is my proposal to Gorbachev for a youth exchange fulfilled.

  Then a photo with W.H. Science Council. And scattered through day were numerous photos of departing govt. employees & their familys & friends of friends etc. Day became quite busy.

  [Flew to NYC for Knights of Malta dinner; talked first with Peter Grace and Cardinal O’Connor; returned to W.H.]

  Saturday, January 14, 1989

  I slipped out of bed early & left Nancy sleeping—she’s worn out between the flu & her packing. Brkfst. in the study—timed my radio broadcast & did some desk work. Then over to Oval O.—did broadcast—back to the W.H. & a couple of photos in dip. room with family & friends of staff. Upstairs Nancy & Ted G. were packing odds & ends—I joined in some odds & ends of my own. P.D.B. arrived late but after lunch I got it read. Back to packing until our 3 P.M. departure for Camp D. More photos on departure. A different kind of chopper—not very comfortable. It’s something new they wanted us to see. It was 21 degrees at Camp D. & then it started to rain. Usual routine—showered, washed my hair & then dinner & movie—“Cattle Queen of Montana.” And to bed.

  [Sunday, January 15, 1989: watched “Meet the Press”; bade farewell to staff and rangers; returned to W.H.; packed; Graber on hand to help; went to doctor for new bandage; dinner included Graber and Maureen; watched “60 Minutes” with segment filmed previous week at W.H.]


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