The Reagan Diaries

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The Reagan Diaries Page 104

by Ronald Reagan

  State Unemployment Insurance

  Statler Brothers

  Statue of Liberty

  Staubach, Roger

  “Stealth,” Steering Commission of Democrats

  Stein, Jules

  Steinem, Gloria

  Steinhoff, General

  Stenholm, Rep.

  Stennis, John

  Stern, Isaac

  Stethem, Robert

  Stevens, George, Jr.

  Stevens, P.

  Stevens, Roger

  Stevens, Ted

  Stewart, Gloria

  Stewart, Jimmy

  Stewart, Potter

  Stivers, Ted

  Stockdale, James

  Stock Exchange

  Stockman, David

  stock market

  Stoessel, Walter, Jr.

  Stone, Marvin

  Stone, Richard

  Stout, Bill

  Straits of Hormuz

  Strang, Mike

  Strang, Ronald

  Strangeland, Rep.

  Strategic Arms Reduction Talks


  Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)

  Stratton, Joanna

  Straud, Herr

  Straus, Franz Josef

  Straus, Peter

  Strauss, Robert

  Student Congress on Evangelism

  Suazo Cordova, Roberto

  Success, Sudam


  AWACs provided to

  Suez Canal

  Sugar Babies (film)

  Suharto, President of Indonesia

  Sullivan, Kathy

  Sultan, Prince of Saudi Arabia

  Sulzberger, Arthur Ochs “Punch,”


  Sununu, John

  Super Bowl

  Supreme Court, U.S.

  Kennedy sworn in on

  and line item veto

  RR’s lunch with

  Runyan decision and

  vacancy on


  Susumo Nikaido

  Sutherland, Jean

  Sutherland, Joan

  Suzuki, Zenko

  Svahn, Jack

  Swaebe, Geoff

  Swain, John



  Symms, Al

  Symms, Steve


  in Lebanon

  Taft, William


  Takeshita, Noboru


  Tandy, Jessica


  “Tar Baby,” Task Force on Arts and Humanities


  Tau Kappa Epsilon (TKE)

  tax bill

  tax cuts


  on energy

  tax increase

  tax reform

  Tax Reform Action Committee

  Tax Reform Coalition

  Taylor, Elizabeth


  Teenaged Republicans

  Teke house (T.K.E.)

  Teller, Edward

  Tennessee, University of

  Teresa, Mother


  Tess (film)

  Testaverde, Vinny


  Texas Bar Association

  Texas Rangers


  Tharp, Twyla

  Thatcher, Margaret

  Falklands Islands and

  That’s Entertainment, Part II (film)

  Theisman, Joe

  Thimmesch, Nicholas

  This Is the Army (film)

  This Week,

  Thomas, Clarence

  Thomas, Danny

  Thomas, Dennis

  Thomas, Helen

  Thomas, Lee

  Thomas, Tommy

  Thomkins, Sally

  Thompson, Bill

  Thompson, Jean

  Thompson, Jim

  Thompson, Mel

  Thompson, Tommy


  Thomson, Virgil

  Thorn, Gaston

  Thornburgh, Richard “Dick,”

  Thornton, Tex

  Thumbs Up (Dickinson)

  Thurmond, Strom

  Tian Jiyun



  Times (London)

  Times of India, Timken Company Faircrust steel


  Tinderman, Foreign Minister of


  Tip, Max F.

  To Be or Not to Be (film)

  Today Show, Tokyo summit

  Tomlin, Lilli

  Torf, Brian

  Tormé, Mel

  Tower, John

  Tracy, Spencer

  trade bill

  Trade Representative’s Office


  Transportation Department, U.S.

  Transportation Week

  Traore, Moussa

  Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The (film)

  Treasury Department, U.S.

  Treen, Dave

  Trevino, Lee

  Trible, Paul

  Tribute (film)

  Trilateral Commission

  Trissler, Courtney

  Trotta, Ugo

  Trudeau, Pierre

  Truman, Bess

  Truman, Harry, ix

  Truman, Margaret

  Tudor, Antony

  Tuition Tax Credit



  Tunnerman, Ambassador


  Turki al-Faisal, Prince of Saudi Arabia

  Turner, Carlton

  Turner, John

  Tuskegee Institute

  Tuskegee University

  Tuttle, Robert Holmes


  Tutu, Desmond, Bishop

  TV Guide,

  Tyrrell, Emmett, Jr.


  Ueberroth, Peter




  United Federal Fund Campaign

  United Jewish Appeal

  United Kingdom

  economy of

  expulsion of Cuban diplomats by

  Falkland Islands and

  United Nations

  Arafat’s desire to visit

  Arms Limitation Conference

  Colonel Higgins and

  Gorbachev’s speeches at

  Human Rights Commission

  International Conference on Drug


  Iranian speech at

  Iran-Iraq war and

  Peace Keeping appropriation and

  Poland Human Rights bill in

  RR’s speeches at

  U.S. dues owed to

  Zimbabwe in

  United Negro College Fund

  United States Information Agency (USIA)

  World Net program of

  United Steel Workers Union

  United Way

  Universal Studios

  University of Houston

  University of Nevada

  Uno, Sousuke

  Unser, Louis

  Unser family


  Urban League


  U.S.A. Law Day

  USA Today, U.S. News & World Report,


  Ussery, Mike

  Vail, Tom

  Valenti, Jack

  Valenzuela, Ambassador

  Valladares, Armando

  van den Broek, Hans

  Vanderbilt, Gloria

  Vangelatos, Andrew

  Vanity Fair,

  van Lennep, Emile

  Vanocur, Sandy

  Variety Club

  Vassiliou, George


  Vaughan, Sarah

  Vaughn, Sam



  Ver, General

  Vereen, Ben

  Verity, William, Jr.

  Vernon (L.A. police official)

  Verstandig, Lee

Vessey, John, Jr.

  Veterans Administration

  veterans bill

  Veterans of Foreign Wars (V.F.W.)

  Vidor, King

  Vieira, Joao


  Vietnam memorial

  Vietnam MIA

  Vietnam Veterans Leadership Program

  Viguerie, Richard


  Vincennes, USS

  Virginia, University of

  Virgin Islands

  Voice of America

  Volcker, Paul A.

  Volunteer Action Award

  Von Fleataway, General

  von Hayek, Frederick

  Von Stabe, Fredericka

  von Weizsäcker, Richard

  Vote America

  Vote America Youth Initiative

  Vote for America

  Voting Rights Act


  Vranitzky, Franz

  Vrhovec, Josip

  Vuono, General

  Wagner, Jack Elwood

  Wagner, Lorraine

  Wagner, Richard

  Waite, Terry

  Waldheim, Kurt


  Walesa, Lech

  Walker, Ambassador

  Walker, Bob

  Walker, Ceny

  Walker, John Anthony, Jr.

  Walker, Ron

  Wall, Don

  Wallace, Chris

  Wallace, Mike

  Wallenberg, Raoul

  Wallison, Peter

  Wallop, Malcolm

  Wall Street Journal,

  Walsh, John

  Walsh, Judge

  Walsh, Mrs. John

  Walter Reed Hospital

  Walters, Barbara

  Walters, Gen.

  Walters, Vernon “Dick,”

  Waltons (TV show)

  Wang, Mayor

  War and Remembrance (TV movie)

  Ward, George

  Waring, Fred

  Warner, John

  War Powers Act

  Washington, George, ix

  Washington Post,

  on China

  Falklands War in

  racist incident in

  Washington Redskins

  Washington Times,

  Washington Touchdown Club

  Wasserman, Lew

  Watkins, Admiral

  Watson, Tom

  Watt, James

  Wattenberg, Ben

  Wayne, John

  Way the West Was Won, The (film)


  Weaver, Sigourney

  Webb, James

  Webster, William

  Weicher-Packwood filibuster

  Weicker, Lowell

  Weinberg, Mark

  Weinberger, Caspar

  and ABM treaty

  budget and

  Canadian trip of

  China trip of

  and Daniloff case

  defense budget and

  East Asia and

  El Salvador and

  as “hit band” target

  and hostages in Lebanon

  and Iran

  and Iran arms deal

  Israeli remark of

  King Fahd and

  Marine bombing and

  on military communications system

  Mubarak and

  and MX missiles

  Nicaragua and

  Philippine election and

  resignation of

  Ryan’s meeting with

  and SALT II

  SDI and

  on Soviet treaty violations

  and Special Services Command

  Tatcher’s meeting with

  War Powers Act and

  Weinberger, Mrs. Caspar

  Weir, Reverend

  Welch, Jack

  Weld, William

  Weldon, Mrs.

  welfare reform

  Wells, Melissa

  Werblin, Leah

  Werblin, Sonny

  West Bank

  West Germany

  West Point

  Weyrich, Paul

  Whalen, Dick

  Wheat Act

  White, Byron

  White, Cliff

  White, Danny

  White, Theodore

  Whitehead, John

  White House, preservation of

  White House Correspondents Dinner

  White House Historical Association

  White House Office of


  White House Press Corps dinner

  White House Science Council

  Whitmore, Kay R.

  Whittlesey, Faith

  “Why We Were In Vietnam”


  Wick, Charles

  Wick, Cindy

  Wick, Doug

  Wick, Pam

  Wieghorst, Olaf

  Wiesel, Elie

  Wiesenthal, Simon

  Wilcox, Susie

  Wildlife Refuge

  Wild Scenic Rivers Act

  Wiles, Lanny

  Wilkins, Judge

  Wilkins, Mrs. Roy

  Wilkins, Roy

  Will, George

  Williams, Andy

  Williams, Arlin, Jr.

  Williams, Ed Bennett

  Williams, Juan

  Williams, Roger

  Williams, Senator

  Willoch, Prime Minister of Norway

  Willson, Meredith

  Willy Mays Day

  Wilson, Betty

  Wilson, Bush

  Wilson, Gordon

  Wilson, Lea

  Wilson, Margaret Bush

  Wilson, Pete

  Wilson, William

  Winchester ’73 (film)

  Winn, Philip

  Winning Team, The (film)

  Winston Cup

  Winter, Tom

  Wirthlin, Dick

  Witcover, Jules

  Wörner, Manfred

  Wohlstetter, Albert

  Wohlstetter, Roberta

  Wolf, Frank

  Wolf Trap

  Woll, Mrs.

  Women in Business Conference

  Women’s Economic Club

  Women’s Sports Foundation

  Wood, Mich

  Woodward, Bob

  Working Seminar on the Family and

  American Welfare Policy

  World According to Garp, The (film)

  World Affairs Council

  World Bank

  World Conference on Women

  World Council

  World Fair

  World Food Day

  World Gas Council


  World Network

  World Series

  World Trade Ceremony

  World War II

  Wrather, Bunny, see Granville, Bonita Wrather, Jack

  Wright, James

  Wright, Joe

  Wriston, Walter

  Wu, Foreign Minister of China



  Wymbs, Norman E.

  Wynette, Tammy

  Xie, President of China

  Yale University

  Yalta Pact


  Yankee Doodle Dandy (film)

  Yao Yilin

  Yaqub Khan, Sahabzada

  Yasmin Aga Khan, Princess

  Yastrzemski, Carl

  Yeager, Jeana

  Yeutter, Clay


  Yoon, Defense Minister of S. Korea

  Yorktown, Battle of

  You’ll Never Get Rich (film)

  Young, Beverly

  Young, Don

  Young, Gerald R.

  Young, Loretta

  Young American Artists

  Young American Talent

  Young Artists program

  Young Astronauts program

  Young Presidents Organization

  Young Republicans

  Young Talent

  Youth 200 Week

  Youth Volunteers

>   Yugoslavia

  Yurchenko (KGB agent)

  Zabloski nuclear freeze bill



  Zanone, Valerio

  Zaub, Frank

  Zepp, Vick

  Zhang Wenjin

  Zhao Ziyang

  Zia-ul-Hag, Mohammad, President

  of Pakistan

  Zieman, Yuri


  Zimbalist, Efrem, Jr.

  Zoeller, Fuzzy

  Zorinsky, Edward

  Zumwalt, Elmo (Admiral)

  About the Author

  DOUGLAS BRINKLEY is professor of history at Tulane University and the author of several books, including The Unfi nished Presidency, The Boys of Pointe du Hoc, and The Great Deluge. A contributing editor at Vanity Fair and an in-house historian for CBS News, he lives in New Orleans, Louisiana.

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  Jacket design by Will Staehle

  Jacket photograph © Michael Evans Photo, courtesy of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library


  THE REAGAN DIARIES. Copyright © 2007 by Ronald Reagan. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, down-loaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of HarperCollins e-books.

  ePub edition May 2007 ISBN 9780061751943

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