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Hatsukoi Page 13

by Hildred Billings

  Reina remained straight lipped. “Sure.” She leaned forward. “Come here.”

  They wrapped together, kissing, rubbing. Nudity allowed them an intimacy Aiko had never experienced before, as she felt her lover push against her thighs and splatter her lips over all available skin. This feels fine as is. If they never did anything more, Aiko was convinced she could feel content for the rest of her life.

  But Reina wanted “more.” She had established that she would always want “more.” She left a trail of kisses down Aiko’s face, her chest, and her stomach, stopping just above her pubic hair. The dithering lasted a second – Reina lowered her tongue and plowed through.

  Breath arrived before anything else, and that alone made Aiko quiver and sink into the pillow. Now there’s a woman’s mouth on my…omanko. Maybe Reina was right. Maybe that was a nice word.

  Her tongue rounded the outline of Aiko’s labia before fingers spread lips apart and dove in. The tongue was tender at first, lingering toward the bottom of the folds and eliciting satisfied sighs. Ah, it wasn’t so bad after…

  The tongue moved up and hit a spot on Aiko’s body she never noticed before. Oh my God! Her insides surged in intense delight: it shot from her stomach all the way up to her brain, stopping off in her mouth and exploding as a shout.

  “How’d you like it if I fucked your pussy real good?”

  She’s doing it!

  Now Aiko knew what “toe curling” meant. Reina took the positive response with another lash of the tongue. It abandoned the original pleasurable spot and sank down… down… down. When Aiko thought it couldn’t go down any further, the tongue swirled in placed and deepened.

  Inside her.

  Her eyes widened, but she saw nothing. Hysterical blindness – that’s what it was, right? – overtook her, and all she knew in the world was her spread legs and the head feasting between them. Reina opened her mouth wide and encompassed everything Aiko had, lips puckering, tongue rubbing, and a sound coming that only processed as “sex.”

  Everything was “sex.” Is this what I’ve been missing out on? It seemed the more this sex went on, the more she wanted it, and the more wonderful it felt. Aiko learned the utmost carnal bliss of having a woman tend to her sexual gratification, even if she had told her no fingers. She didn’t think she could handle them anyway. I would die. I would literally die.

  Her thoughts ended coherency. Aiko’s body spoke in a primitive sexual language, comprising of echoing moans, sparking skin, and neurons on fire. It all centered on what Reina did to her, but her brain also abandoned ship and her heart beat so fast she assumed it was normal. Her eyes regained sight just long enough to see Reina’s dark head bobbing up and down between two raised legs, and then blank again. Reina’s tongue and what it accomplished was all that existed.

  A pressure unclipped from its harness inside Aiko’s stomach and jumped out the emergency exit. It left behind it a bomb, about to go off, if Reina would just light the damn fuse already. But Aiko could feel it, from the way her feet shook and her hands grasped at her breasts. She couldn’t control her whimpers and moans, nor did she care to.

  She came.

  Control waylaid to pleasure; pleasure waylaid to euphoria. Aiko saw herself running up a hill, looking for the ejected pressure. She found it crumpled on the hill top, and when she touched it…she tried to stay on top of that hill as long as she could, but a harsh wind blew against her back and toppled her over the edge.

  And just like that, she crashed. Reina’s mouth became a nuisance, Aiko’s clitoris too sensitive to tolerate that invading tongue any longer. Her hips stopped buckling and her breath recollected itself, and Reina lifted her head, amused.

  She said nothing and crawled across Aiko’s body again, rearranging their legs so they intertwined in such a way that one body locked against the other. She’s so hot and wet. Aiko’s brain was malfunctioning, but she latched on to the sensation of Reina’s pelvis bumping against her own.

  Those next few minutes were a cherry on a sundae. Reina thrust against her with increasing force, her own moans echoing directly into Aiko’s ear before she buried her face in the crook of her neck. The bed jerked back and forth although no headboard existed to bang against the wall – Aiko wished there were. She wanted to hear the beat of their lovemaking, and she wanted to hear Reina shout in time to it.

  “Iku!” Reina’s voice was a foreign howl, but her body continued its familiar thrusts. Something hot and wet covered Aiko’s labia before Reina slammed against her and shouted inconceivable syllables into the bed sheets. Am I doing that? Is my body making her feel so good? A little spark alit in Aiko at the thought of it, and she joined Reina in her cries.

  Breathless, and sore, they collapsed into final tranquility. Reina panted into Aiko’s ear.

  How long they stayed like that, Aiko couldn’t say. But at some point Reina rolled off and fell limp on the other side of the bed. “I don’t think you’re a virgin anymore,” she wheezed.

  Aiko didn’t reply.

  “Holy shit.” Reina sat up and looked around for her bag. From it she pulled out her carton of cigarettes and a lighter. When she fell against the wall again she had already lit the cigarette, the smoke pouring from the end. “Want some?” She offered the cigarette to Aiko. “I know you don’t smoke, but it’s fucking fantastic after sex.”

  “No thanks.”

  Reina relaxed with her cigarette for another minute before shoving it into a nearby ashtray. She flung herself next to Aiko again, one arm wrapping around her while smoky breath heaved. “Do you know what time it is?”

  A clock hung on the wall by the bathroom. “We have a little over an hour left.”

  “Good. Because I’m not moving for at least another hour.”

  Her hand massaged Aiko’s breast. I can’t believe I just did that. “Merry Christmas, Reina-chan.”

  “Merry Christmas, Ai-chan.”

  Aiko could get used to this.

  The party bubbled with all the “regulars,” women who had been a part of the lesbian scene for most of their lives, or at least long enough to give them comfort and confidence about who they were. Reina knew most of them, either from affairs or just shop talk, and of course, they all knew her. Most of them knew Michiko, too, who trailed behind Reina, ordering drinks and saying hello to everyone while puffing on a cigarette.

  Throughout the underground bar Reina heard the pulsing Western dance music and rabble of women laughing and yelling at each other. Lesbians are such a noisy bunch. She pried Michiko away from an older woman admiring her beauty, and directed her to an empty table in the far corner of the dimly lit room.

  “Hm, I love a good Christmas party in Japan.” The moment Michiko sat down, two more women showed up to chat and share drinks. Reina ignored them. “All that’s missing is some fucking fried chicken.”

  One of the new women offered to go out and get some, but they all declined. What’s so weird about eating fried chicken on Christmas? Just another little cultural quirk Michiko the American thought she had to comment on every chance she got. Reina loved her, as far as her love could go, but sometimes even she became annoyed with the constant attention stealing and odd remarks. They just like her because she’s foreign.

  In these circles, Reina wasn’t as popular. The older women were settled in their monogamous relationships or saw her as an oversexed child. So while she flipped through an English magazine and looked at the pictures, Michiko flirted with a couple of butches and convinced one to order another vodka for her.

  “You getting drunk tonight?” Reina tossed the magazine onto the table.

  “I better be. I’m gonna party and hope one of these women feels me up in the bathroom.”

  Reina looked over Michiko’s pulled back hair and feminine make-up. “Shit, I could do that for you.”

  All she got was a wink.

  The other women got up and went to get a round of drinks, their figures instantly lost in the flashing lights and heavy sounds of t
he bar. “So I went on a date with Aiko again yesterday.” Reina kept her eyes on the magazine.

  “Huh? Really? I thought you’d be bored with her by now. What is that, two dates?”


  “Four dates! You must be smitten.”

  “What? No way.” Aiko was cute, even pretty, and she entertained Reina with a clever mind and willingness to try new things, but smitten? She’s not my girlfriend. “We’re just dating.”

  “Must be boring.”

  Cigarette smoke oozed from Michiko’s direction. “I fucked her yesterday.”

  For a moment, Michiko gaped at Reina, her cigarette idling in the stuffy bar air. “Really? I never thought she would go for that. Huh.” She put the cigarette in her mouth. “Was it awful?”

  “No. Pretty basic.” Reina pulled out her own cigarettes and waited for Michiko to offer a light. “Apparently she was a virgin.”

  “I could’ve told you that.”

  “Oh, yeah? Well, why didn’t you?”

  Michiko shrugged. “That was her business.”

  “I guess.” The other women returned, with a round of beers and an extra vodka for Michiko. She made shorter work of it than Reina had of Aiko’s virginity.

  Gag. Reina didn’t know where she fell in the Aiko divide. On one hand she enjoyed dating her – especially now that sex was a possibility – but on the other she feared Aiko would turn into another one of those girls who caved into obsession and couldn’t handle it when Reina refused to alter her lifestyle. I give it another month. If she were lucky, she’d get a few more rounds in bed with the little lesbian initiate. She wasn’t bad. Not bad, just ridiculously inexperienced. A smile curved on Reina’s face as she recalled Aiko’s sudden, orgasmic shout the day before. It was probably the first one she ever had.

  The other women had to go talk to somebody, leaving Michiko and Reina alone again. They ordered two more vodka shots apiece and downed them in sync. The alcohol burned Reina’s trachea, but once it settled she felt more relaxed than Aiko post-orgasm. Why do I keep thinking about her?

  “Hold this.” Michiko tossed her purse into Reina’s lap. “I’ve gotta go to the toilet. If I don’t come back soon, it’s because I either passed out or I’m getting fucked.”

  She stumbled away from the table and disappeared into the bowels of the bar. Reina huffed, her new position as “purse wench” almost as uncomfortable as it was ridiculous. She, who had never owned a purse in her life, knew everyone was now pointing and laughing.

  Something jingled inside the purse, prompting Reina to look into its open top and sniff through it. Why not? Maybe there was something to eat inside. Bars overcharged for their snacks – after those vodkas Reina needed something salty.

  Keys. Make-up. More keys. More make-up. A tampon. Pocket mirror. Wallet. Loose change. Train pass. And a…Reina stopped sifting through Michiko’s belongings when she saw a tiny, white bag. No, the bag wasn’t white. The powder inside it was.

  Reina had her hands on the drugs when Michiko returned.

  “Believe or not, there is nobody to fuck in the toilet.” She sauntered to her seat, a little woozy. “Seems kinda weird for this time of…”

  Reina met Michiko’s widening eyes. “Mi-chan.” She pulled the little bag up just far enough to see. “What’s this?”

  She stuttered, but the fear on her face betrayed her. “Oh, that? Sugar.”

  Lowering her voice, Reina said, “This is coke!”

  Michiko leaned over the table and snatched her purse back. “It’s not mine,” she insisted. “I’m not using it.”

  “Then why do you have it? If you get caught with that…”

  “I won’t get caught.” Michiko rearranged the contents of her purse and zipped it shut. “I’m holding it for a friend.”

  “What kind of friend uses that stuff?”

  “Be quiet.” Michiko attempted to put a finger over her lips, but her anger met the alcohol in her body and she swayed instead. She put both hands over her face and mumbled something in English.

  You fuckhead. Reina didn’t know how different things were with drugs in America, but in Japan, Michiko could get in so much trouble so fast she wouldn’t know she was in jail until a week after it happened. Jail for a long time. And what about her citizenship? A “normal” citizen would just rot in jail forever, but Michiko’s dual-citizenship made her a likely candidate for having her Japanese citizenship revoked with her body deported to America to deal with. Either way, I’d never see her again. Reina didn’t know if Michiko used. She drank a lot sometimes, and had occasional reckless sex, but drugs? Even Reina would never stoop so low. But she knew some of the other people Michiko hung out with sometimes: other Americans who weaseled around and did shady business. Reina knew of them, but rarely saw them. The most prominent was another Japanese-American woman who liked to drag Michiko around like a sack of rice.

  Reina looked at her fragile face and wanted to vomit. If anybody hurt her, or got her in trouble… Then again, how many times in high school did Reina turn a blind eye to the occasional bruises and scratches Michiko got from these other “friends?”

  Suffocating, Reina launched out of her seat and vacated the area. She wandered past other women getting drunker and friskier with each other as the party wore on into the early morning hours. I want to go home. The trains wouldn’t start running again for another couple hours, and she couldn’t afford a taxi.

  She found a safe space around a corner. Reina leaned against a poster promoting safe sex and stared down at her feet until she noticed somebody stood beside her.


  But it wasn’t Michiko. Another young woman had come, whom Reina knew in an instant from the way she held herself and hung her head that they had met before.

  “Maa…look who it is.” The poetic irony of it all. “What’s somebody like you doing in a place like this?”

  The girl – to Reina, all these sexually confused souls were “girls” – wrung her hands together. “I can’t stop thinking about it.” She sounded just like a girl, too.

  “So you’d thought you’d come and find some random young pussy to score.” Reina snorted. “Or were you looking specifically for me?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Reina extended her hand and groped an arm. She tried to remember this girl’s name, but again, they were all the same. I’ll start calling them all Mago-chan. “Confused Girl” seemed to fit the bill enough. Now what does this Mago want from me?

  As if Reina had to ask.

  “Ii yo.” She pulled Mago-chan against the wall and put a hand on her stomach. “I remember what you like.”

  Mago-chan said nothing, until Reina attempted to feel a breast beneath the blouse. “Right here?” Poor Mago looked about to faint by the shock on her visage.

  “Sure.” Reina leaned in closer to her companion’s ear. “You like it public, right?” She kissed her.

  Some things never changed. As Reina engaged in one-sided sex with her new friend, she thought back to those years in high school, when classmates giggled in front of her and poked at her behind her back. They all hated me for who I was. Reina knelt on the ground, pushing Mago’s skirt up. Hated me until they wanted me to fuck them, always in the open.

  Thrills were had in various forms, she knew. Of course she knew. She loved a good sexual thrill as much as anyone. But for those girls in the Catholic school uniform, it was about the ultimate thrill of being caught, of not only a sadistic nun finding out about their grievous sins, but God, too. Even though none of them believed in this so-called God from the West. They knew enough from the nuns and headmistress to know this God frowned on a girl getting her omanko eaten and prodded by another.

  And that’s all Reina was ever good for. She tasted that Mago-chan’s omanko, already wet with arousal and shame. Reina couldn’t remember the girl’s real name, but she remembered the bitter taste of a body crying in betrayal to everything it knew and wanted from life. A rich husband and a bunc
h of clever kids. Disgusting.

  Reina didn’t even put her fingers inside Mago. She didn’t have to. Within a minute the girl gasped and undulated against the wall like any common schoolgirl from back then. They come to me, wanting to use me as a tool, in front of God. They take my services and leave, to laugh at me in class while telling their friends after school about where they can get good head. How was it any different now that Reina was an adult?

  She choked on something and pulled away from Mago-chan’s body. Instantly the girl rolled her skirt down and scrambled away from the wall. She bowed at Reina, who remained crouched on the floor, coughing, and scuttled away, just like she had in high school.

  Go on. Reina caught her breath and struggled to stand. You don’t need me anymore. Just leave.

  I’ll probably be fucking your friend tomorrow.

  “You want to try what?”

  Aiko didn’t think her request was so strange. But she supposed any request made when sitting naked on a bed could be considered strange.

  “You know.” Aiko motioned to Reina’s bush between them. “That thing you did to make me feel good last time.”

  Reina read Aiko’s mind, as if judging her bedroom candidness. “You mean omonkuu. Right? That’s what you mean?” If incredulity were somehow an international competition, Reina would take home the gold medal for a stunning performance.

  Of course that’s what I mean! But how like Aiko to ruin the mood…again. She thought she had scored points for forwardness when she suggested they go to a love hotel again after lunch and perusing the post Christmas sales. Between the two of them they could only afford one hour, but it wasn’t like Aiko was a virgin anymore. She swore she could handle a quickie with Reina. Until she got the bright idea, somewhere between getting undressed and kissing with a side of heavy petting, to prove herself worthy of being Reina’s lover. Or something.

  “Huh. I don’t believe it.” Reina tossed her arms out, her nipples thrusting toward Aiko’s face. “You sure? We don’t have that much time.”


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