Three of Spades

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Three of Spades Page 11

by W. Ferraro

  With the way he covered her, it left one beautiful tight firm breast close to his mouth. With little effort, he teased the relaxed bud with the tip of his tongue causing the connected body to giggle. Dylan released the responsive nipple, lifted his head and looked at Natalie who lay against his pillow, in his bed, looking thoroughly sated.

  With his smile so close, a piece within Natalie squeezed tight. She lifted her hand and caressed the scruff of his jaw. “Thank you Dylan, that was wonderful.”

  “My pleasure, Babe,” Dylan answered, as he looked down into her smiling face. He broke the few inches that separated them and kissed her lips softly. “Are you sore?”

  Even after what they had done, all that he had seen, Natalie was still embarrassed by the question. She wished she could control the blush that spread across her cheeks.

  With a wicked grin, he reluctantly climbed off his soft perch and stepped down. He confidently padded across the floor and disappeared into a door on the far side of the room. Natalie propped up on her elbows to see where he had gone. She called out to him, but no response came back. Then she heard the unmistakable sound of running water. Moments later, Dylan returned in all his naked glory and helped Natalie out of the bed.

  “Come on Babe, let’s get you in a nice warm tub to soothe out some of your discomfort.”

  They walked hand in hand into the new space and Natalie was once again amazed at the beautiful master bath. Unlike the rest of the home, this space featured white and black granite on almost all surfaces. The opaque cubes that allotted some privacy between sections added an elegance that Natalie would have never thought of. In the center of the room was a gigantic oval shaped black tub that was close to becoming full. The gooseneck faucet poured steaming water into the growing pool. Even the towels hanging from the multiple racks screamed luxury high end. Their embroidered roped ends lay perfectly straight against one another.

  Dylan placed his hand on her shoulder, and as Natalie turned her head left she noticed the full wall of mirrors. Her reflection spoke volumes to her. There they stood together, with his dark hardened hands against her small pale shoulder. Natalie looked at his returned gaze in the mirror and she swore his eyes blazed. The distinctive bulge pressing into her back confirmed the message his eyes were sending. She began to feel the nerve endings throughout her body react to his look. It was then that she noticed the evidence of what they had just shared. Oh goodness, could anything be more embarrassing than this?

  Reading her mind, Dylan said, “It’s not a big deal, Natalie. It washes off.”

  Knowing that he knew exactly what she was uncomfortable about made her feel even more humiliated.

  Wishing she could just hide in a hole, she tried to sound casual as she said, “If you just let me know where I can find a washcloth, this won’t take me but a minute.”

  “Natalie, just step into the tub,” Dylan said, sounding somewhat exasperated.

  He could not possibly expect to stay in here as she washed up? Then she thought he probably wanted to wash as well. Was he going to get in the massive tub with her? With that fleeting thought Natalie’s eyes opened wide and her nerves increased tenfold.

  Natalie moved slowly over to the deep basin and slid down into the wonderful warm water. Once she was in and settled, Dylan slid into the other side shutting the faucet off. They sat there in silence for a few minutes. Natalie could not bring herself to look across to Dylan, so she focused on the clear unmoving water.

  Dylan was beginning to become annoyed. She went from looking happy and satisfied to looking like he drove over her puppy. After what they just shared, did she really feel ashamed over a little blood? When he could not take her lack of eye contact and silence anymore, he barked towards her. “Babe, considering what just occurred in the other room, you need to get over your tendency for shyness. I mean, if you wanted to use my toothbrush it would not be unheard of.”

  Her head snapped up at his words. Was he really annoyed that she had a problem with leaving her lack of worldliness on him?

  She could not help but retort back with her own version of irritation. “Well, I’m sorry if my maiden indication left its mark upon you and I have a self-conscience feeling toward it. Perhaps the next man I share my body with will thank his lucky stars that he wasn’t the one who had to deal with such unpleasantness.”

  Dylan didn’t know if it was her temper, her words, or her voicing that she would be with another man that shot him over the edge. All he knew was that he moved with exceptional speed until they were nose to nose. He lifted her easily, placing her bottom in his lap. With more force than necessary, he ripped the cloth off the closest rack and with one hand applied the shower gel. Still, with no words spoken between them, he brought the saturated cloth down under the water and with decisive strokes began washing Natalie. After he cleaned her thoroughly with the cloth, he then dropped it letting it sink to the bottom. Dylan used his hand to take over the job. His fingers slid along the map of her body, not taking the exquisite care that he should have on her most sensitive of places. He was rough. His brain told him to go easy but his fingers, and need, would not allow the change. Natalie was accepting of his pace. Soon she was closing her eyes in response to the growing need that he was creating. Dylan felt the need to claim her, even if he could not bring himself to voice the words. Where did this strong primal feeling of possession come from? He had never felt anything such as this before, with anyone. What was it about this naïve schoolteacher that had him in knots? He was hoping once he had her the obsession would go away, but he wanted to sink into that tight warm wonderful sheath that was her again, right now. With his fingers pressed into her, he could feel the quiver of inner muscle grasping for their hold. He let his thumb find her hidden spot and began a rotating beat of pressure and speed. Her sighs and moans grew in volume as his thumb massaged at an incredible quickness. With a final flick of his thumb, she screamed out her completion. His name left her mouth as she flew apart once again.

  Her responsiveness was enough to make Dylan want to fall to his knees and thank above. It had never been a secret or frowned upon knowledge that Dylan enjoyed giving his partners gratification. Watching Natalie ride out an orgasm had to be the best sight of his life. Her complete abandonment of all things proper, drove him mad. Dylan played her body like a well strung instrument with the keys in perfect pitch. His concern for her physical tenderness was peaked but he would give anything to be able to slide back into her. He made quick work of finishing his cleansing of her. By the time he was finished, she, once again, was completely comprehended. As was becoming normal for them, without words, Dylan let out the water and stood. He made quick work of drying himself off and wrapped one of the plush towels around his waist. He grabbed another and held it open for her. Natalie quietly stood up and was treated to another sensual moment, literally at the hand of Dylan Cross. He expertly dried her, giving special attention to certain areas. When even the motion of drying her became too much for his lower half to withstand, as evident with the sudden expansion of the towel, Dylan gently wrapped the towel around Natalie tucking the end in between her breasts. He stepped out and held out his hand to help her exit the tub. When they were both on the toasty warm floor, courtesy of the heaters below the tiles, Dylan left the room without uttering a word.

  Given what Dylan just taught her about herself, Natalie suddenly felt bad that she snapped at him. She didn’t know if she was supposed to leave or what she was to do. Standing here alone in the bathroom seemed silly but if he was truly mad she didn’t want to experience that either. She took some time making work of cleaning up the mess from their liquid rendezvous. When there was nothing else to do, Natalie took a quick deep breath and took the first hard step toward Dylan’s bedroom. When she fully entered the room, she realized she was alone. Feeling like a stone had dropped into her stomach, she dressed in her previously discarded clothes and walked over to the dish
eveled bed. Seeing that the mess wasn’t limited to their bodies, she quickly stripped the bed and was happy nothing had seeped through. Not wanting to rummage around in his closets to look for a change of sheets, Natalie left the bed unmade. She neatly folded the pillow shams and duvet and stacked them on the bedside chair. Taking one final glimpse of the beautiful chamber, she exited, making sure to close the door behind her.

  As she descended the stairs she looked around but could not find Dylan. She stepped out to the back veranda and didn’t find him there either. Would he leave her here alone? Nonsense Natalie, he’s probably waiting in the car for you so he can drop you off a.s.a.p. Natalie walked over to the closed garage door and opened it. Unlike what she expected, to find him inside the Challenger, Dylan was leaning over the front end of the shelled car underneath the lifted hood. Music blared from a nearby radio. The tune sounded angry but seemed familiar somehow. He made no move or acknowledged her presence. When a minute turned into several, Natalie became more and more uncomfortable. She was just considering letting herself out the front door and beginning the long trek to her house, when Dylan suddenly spoke.

  “Babe, hand me that socket wrench by your foot, please.” He didn’t lift his head, just stuck out his hand waiting for his request to be completed.

  Natalie was starting to get mental whiplash at the hand of this man. She looked down at her feet to the multiple pieces of different automotive tools. She had no idea what a socket wrench was, so she guessed. She picked up the “T” looking tool with a long stick piece and a round open thing on the end, and then placed it in his waiting hand.

  Dylan knew when the cool zinc-plated surface touched his hand that it wasn’t what he asked for. He stood up, walked over to the tools and retrieved the socket wrench. He went back to working on the Cuda’s engine. Knowing that Natalie was glaring at him from her vantage point, he finished tightening the bolt and placed the tool on the closest flat surface. He withdrew the oil-covered rag from his back pocket and slowly wiped his hands, as he casually leaned against the front grill. She stood still with her hands politely folded in front of her. Her sweater had quite a bit of wrinkles in it from his earlier careless toss. But she looked just as fine standing there in his garage as she would if they were at a five star restaurant.

  “Are you hungry?” Dylan asked, as he watched the confusion cross and settle on her face.

  “Don’t you want me to leave?” Natalie asked in a small voice.

  Dylan didn’t know what he wanted her to do but leaving was certainly not it. He threw the oily rag into the growing pile in the corner and walked toward where she stood. Once he reached her, he let out an audible breath and with a soft fingertip, brushed a wayward lock of hair off her forehead.

  “No, I don’t want you to leave Natalie, but if you choose to, I would not keep you here.” When she didn’t say anything he continued, “It isn’t very gourmet but there are sandwich fixings in the fridge.”

  Immediately aware of her earlier forgotten hunger, Natalie agreed to a quick sandwich. Once they were both in the kitchen, they worked in comfortable silence as each created the sandwich of their choice. With a growing nip in the air, Dylan chose to light a fire in the massive fireplace. With the crackling warmth radiating from the building fire, Dylan set up a make shift picnic on the floor including a blanket for them to sit on.

  Dylan finished his sandwich before Natalie had even eaten a half. He added another log to the fire and stood with his back to her and his hands on his hips. The view he created made Natalie soon forget about her remaining meal. He looked so rugged and sexy. His jeans molded to his chiseled physique. Even his back was powerful. Natalie warmed as she thought of how all those rippling muscles felt nestled against her body. In this natural pose, Natalie envisioned Dylan could have been quite at home in a more pioneering era; here in his log home amongst the trees and mountains.

  When he turned to face her once again, the smoldering sexy gaze was only amplified by the glow coming from the burning timber behind him. Natalie looked up at this kind gentle man who she was sure could be deadly if he needed to be. But she didn’t feel at all frightened. If anything she felt cared for, even if it was only temporary and not for attraction or lust.

  Natalie stood and walked slowly toward him. She grabbed onto his shoulders and stood up on tiptoes then placed all that she was feeling into communication from her lips. At first, she thought he would not return the kiss. He soon wound his arms around her letting his hands come to a stop on her behind and pulled her toward his once again throbbing pelvis.

  Dylan had done what she asked of him. He actually had thought he would be able to have a casual sexual relationship with her as if she was anyone else, but his conscience was voicing its own opinion. He took her even though he knew he shouldn’t have. Natalie deserved better than him. Better than a happily unattached bachelor. But God help him, he wanted her again. He tormented himself when he took her in the fashion he had in the tub. But he could not control himself. He needed her to feel what her body naturally deserved. He wanted her to let loose with abandonment and see the spectra of color that only a fantastic orgasm could give. When he left her upstairs, he was furious with himself for being so rough. Natalie did not deserve that, she had a right to be angry, she was new to sex and bodily reactions. He should have had more patience with her feelings, rather than act as he did. But he would not take back what he made her feel, or what she let him feel. The way his fingers sought her body caused even a tingle now. It’s as if his fingers came alive when they came in contact with her skin. Not to mention what the rest of him felt when any other part of him brush against her. Even now, he wanted to sink down and take her.

  As if Natalie read his mind, she spoke her first set of words since the confusion in the garage. “Please Dylan; let me know again, what it’s like to feel you deep inside.”

  Christ, did she have any idea she was handing him a one-way ticket to the front doors of Hell? He had done what she asked of him and he would keep his word. He would go through with the act of being in love to give her closure with her mother, but he just could not feel her delectable body hugging his rigid wanting cock again. A man could only take so much.

  “Natalie, I don’t think that is a good idea,” he said against her soft palatable lips. He knew she would take his words as if she had done something wrong. Perhaps he should let her think that. It was the cowardly thing to do but it would get the needed results.

  Natalie pulled back slightly so she could look up into his eyes. But this time, it was different. Her thoughts did not go immediately to her doing something wrong. No, there was something else going on. He still had her in a firm embrace. She could feel his reaction probing her stomach.

  “Why?” she asked softly yet firmly, as she started placing kisses along his exposed neck.

  Figures! She chooses now to become aware of her sexual power. The magic of her lips on his neck were causing the devil on one shoulder and the angel on the other to think they should go into business together. As she nibbled and licked, she began making soft moans and audible sounds as her lips moved from place to place. He knew he was willingly accepting and holding on to the one-way ticket as he said, “Fuck it!”

  He claimed her lips in a demanding fashion. This would not be soft and easy. This would be the action that his raging body demanded. He needed the animal to come out. To roar and toy with its prey.

  His lips and hands moved at a growing speed. They kneaded and flexed over inch of lovely inch. From breast to ass, he just touched her everywhere. He was soon removing the closure of her pants and shoving them down. Without waiting for instructions, Natalie shuffled her feet out and kicked them away as she tried to get closer to him. Her sweater, bra and panties followed. Soon she stood there in full nudity. Dylan found the unknown strength to step away from her and remove his shirt. His jeans remained in place, but he undid the button to give som
e room to the uncomfortable fit. Giving her one final long full kiss on her pink lips, he picked her up wrapping her wonderful legs around him. Her exposed wet center brushed against his abs and Dylan shuttered. He went down on his knees and laid her down on the blanket. He adjusted the pillow so her head was comfortable. With his forearm, he shoved the remains of their meal away, not caring of the mess it caused. He looked down at her beneath him, lying in her gorgeously nude body. Her slight frame looked beautiful and womanly with the swell of her breasts naturally sending them upward. Her ribs, navel and abdominal muscles moved as her breathing grew quick. Without knowing the consequences, she placed her hands on her stomach and moved them from apex to breast in a quick moment of modesty. But Dylan saw it as the most arousing of pictures; Natalie touching herself sexually. Without further ado, he leaned his dark head down and kissed her navel. With wet kisses focusing on her skin, his skillful hands caressed her breasts. Teasing and squeezing her nipples until Natalie’s moans spoke volumes. He started his travel to his favorite of all destinations. When his lips brushed the inside of her thigh, Natalie gasped. With a quick soft, “shh,” he continued his oral assault. The first lap of his tongue against her folds made her fear disappear. Soon he was devouring her as if this were his final meal on earth. His tongue sought and took. His hands traveled south, appreciating everything in their path until they came to rest under her. He forcefully pulled her apart giving him the best access to everything. Soon Natalie was yelling out in a language she had only read and dreamed about. Her verbal ability fueled Dylan further. She was soon screaming for him to never stop. Finally, Dylan removed his tongue from within her opening and easily slid two fingers in then focused his tongue on her clit. Natalie combusted; she quivered and convulsed. Dylan watched as her bodily effect radiated over her. He placed soft kisses along the inside of one thigh and then the other. When her breath changed to a slower speed, Dylan moved his wonderful mouth up her body until his larger frame covered hers.


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