Three of Spades

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Three of Spades Page 17

by W. Ferraro

I Love You. Natalie could not believe she had said them aloud but they were as true as they could be. She loved Dylan with everything she possessed. He had given her so much, taught her things about her body and wants that she would never have learned from anyone else, she was sure. How was she going to live through the moment when he said goodbye? She could only imagine curling up into a ball and letting the misery and loss take over. Would her life be worth living when he was gone? This started as a deed for her mother, but quickly turned into a necessity for Natalie. Knowing that she was riding out the downward slope of their time together, Natalie let the tears that pooled in her eyes fall silently. She listened to the man she loved breathing slow while his heart remained lock tight denying her wanting entrance.

  In a much quieter corner of Cal’s, Wes watched as the last stragglers of patrons shuffled out slowly. He had remained much later than he intended but he could not bring himself to leave. He watched as the beautiful barmaid continued to radiate as she mingled and chatted with the dwindling crowd. However, every time she would look up in Wes’ direction her face would change again and again. He watched as young and old, male and female, suitor or not, engaged her time and time again. She radiated with personality and beauty with each and every person, except for him. Yet, he could not get his body to move from the spot he planted himself in. As it was now closing time, he continued to watch her clean and stock the bar for the next day. Willing her to look at him; wanting to see the same spirit that she shared with others given to him. But she didn’t. If he did not know better, he would say she was deliberately avoiding him and his gaze.

  “Wes, what are you still doing here?” Cal, the owner, asked him.

  “Oh, you know, just making sure everything went as you planned and if you are ready for Saturday,” Wes answered, as he and the old man chatted. Over his companions head, Wes watched as the mysterious striking enigma looked for an opening, saw it and decided to leave. Not able to hold out any longer, Wes asked, “So, you hired on a new bartender, huh?”

  The older man’s face lit up thinking of his newest employee. “Yeah, that’s Lola. She came recommended and I have to tell you, I’ve never seen anyone tend bar the way she can. It’s like she brings business in with her wit, and lay-it-all-on-the-table style, not to mention that attractive package she comes in. I say, if I wasn’t old enough to be her granddaddy, I would not mind getting to know her a little bit better.”

  After a couple of more minutes of pleasantries and idle jabbering, Wes bid Cal farewell and headed out to his Lexus. Thinking the entire way home of how he planned on getting to know Lola personally. Wes looked forward to his new pursuit. Confident he would learn everything about her, including explicitly and intimately, now that she was on his radar.


  After confirming her agreement to attend the Gala with him, Dylan was relentless in the number and places they had sex. With the exception of one evening, Natalie had spent every evening of the week at Dylan’s. They would stay up late making love in the quietness of night or wake with the birds and start their day off with touches and caresses, ending with screaming climaxes. Today being no different.

  As Natalie stood under the hot spray from the shower, she thought of the fun she had with Robyn and Mae last night dress shopping. She was so glad she talked them into going to CeCe’s place. Both Robyn and Mae looked gorgeous in their chosen dresses while Natalie could not seem to find anything she liked. However, when CeCe unveiled the creation she had been working on, Natalie finally felt like a true Cinderella. The blush colored dress was completed and breathtaking. The material clung to Natalie’s body as if made specifically for her; something CeCe tried to sell as not being the case. Natalie especially liked the shoulder embellishment. She thought it twinkled when she had seen it before but it sparkled one hundred times more under the lights of the dressing room. Her reflection in the antique mirror made her feel she could have been in films with the likes of Garbo, Leigh, or Harlow. When she emerged from the dressing area, all three women went on and on about how stunning Natalie looked. Robyn gushed about how jealous she was that she would not be able to pull off such a dress. Mae insisted that she had the perfect shoes and clutch to go with the dress. Before Natalie knew it, CeCe had her stripped out of the dress, with a promise that it would be perfectly pressed and ready for the Gala.

  Finishing her shower, she shut off the decadent warm water and wrapped herself in one of the lush towels. She had just knotted it between her breasts when Dylan cleared his throat announcing his presence.

  “Hey Babe, all squeaky clean?” Dylan asked, as he placed a kiss on her bare shoulder.

  He wished he had finished his phone call five minutes before, so he could have joined Natalie in a little water play. He still needed to mull things over that his friend, the private investigator, had dug up. He needed to figure out how he was going to handle the situation before he told her the news. With another lingering kiss, Dylan swatted Natalie’s behind then stripped and stepped into the shower.

  Natalie looked at the clock and hated that she was running late. She was fully dressed and ready to go when Dylan left the bathroom completely naked.

  “Want to get all dirty again?” Dylan asked, as he bobbed his eyebrows a couple of times.

  Blushing as usual, Natalie stood up on tiptoes and kissed his lips. When he rewarded her with a close embrace and wet reminder of his shower, she shoved away from him, wiping the water drops off her blouse.

  Dylan walked with her out the front door to where her sedan was parked in the driveway. He was the first to notice the two flat tires. Suspicious that she would have two, Dylan kept silent as Natalie fretted over what she was going to do.

  “Why don’t you take the Challenger? I would drive you but I have that meeting in Shelby. I’m not sure if I’d be out in time to pick you up when school got out. Besides, with the Challenger you’ll have the access switch to the garage, so you can come directly here and wait for me.”

  Uncomfortable about driving his beautiful car, she was touched that he would entrust her with not only it, but also, to be in his home while he was not there. Natalie agreed and thanked him for his kindness. When she was in and buckled, she slowly pulled out of the garage and headed toward the school.

  She was close to the center of town when the dashboard started ringing. Looking around and trying to figure out what the sound could be, she finally pressed the small button that was flashing in harmony with the ringing.


  “Dylan!?! How are you calling me?” She realized she sounded silly but it could not be helped.

  Laughing boisterously, Dylan explained the navigation system also had hands free calling capability.

  “Oh,” was all Natalie could say.

  “Look, not that I didn’t want to hear your sexy voice, but I forgot to mention that I’ll be later tonight than I had thought. I just remembered that I have to go back to the office after my meeting and finish some things up there for the weekend. Just go in and make yourself comfortable. I’ll see you later, Babe. Ok?”


  After disconnecting the call, Natalie revved the engine of the car and enjoyed a few moments of speed and wildness. Bringing speed and control back down to acceptable standards, Natalie completed her commute uneventfully. As she settled into the start of her day, Natalie began, “So, today class, we are going to learn all about emotions. Emotions are feelings we express. Like happiness, sadness, frustration or, my favorite, love. Now, I bet everyone in this room loves someone, right?” As Natalie listened to each child tell her who they loved the most, Natalie thought of the person she loved the most.

  Dylan’s day went by in a blur. His meeting brought about knowledge of problems receiving the requested materials. Assuring his client that they would bring back a suggestion of equal quality materials, they decided to reconvene next week. He was now
back at the office filling out the proper forms to apply for permits and work orders for both the county and state. Dylan looked up at the clock and was surprised when it read almost 7pm.

  “D? You about to call it a night?” Seth asked, as he leaned against the doorframe on his way out of the office.

  Leaning back in his chair, Dylan threw the pen down on the stack of papers and let out a huff.

  “Yeah, time just got away from me. I was hoping to have these permit requests in and processed by end of business but we are still waiting on surveying’s coordinates.”

  “Well, call Andersen and light a fire under his ass. That’s what we are paying him for,” Seth said with his Irish temper a flare. Knowing Dylan knew exactly how to handle it; Seth stepped further into the office and asked what his wife was sure to ask him when he got home. “So, how are things going with Natalie? I have to admit that I was surprised when I saw you two involved but, after spending time with you both together, I see the connection. You two are balancing to each other, you know like ying and yang.”

  Dylan didn’t know how he felt about this line of questioning. Focusing on the first of his remarks on the subject, Dylan probed. “What do you mean that you were surprised we were involved? Am I that much of a douchebag that I can’t attract a nice girl?” It came out as more of an accusation than an inquisition.

  Knowing he touched a nerve, Seth folded his massive arms over his equally massive chest and waited Dylan out.

  “All right, sorry man. I just have a lot on my mind.”

  “Anything you care to share? By the way, what ever happened with that whole business proposition from the lady at Cal’s?”

  Dylan’s body froze hoping Seth would not put Natalie and the business pitch together. When his friend didn’t seem to make the connection, Dylan decided to come clean to Seth about the first. “So, I bet you didn’t know that Natalie is the younger sister of Reggie and Sam Parker.” Dylan watched as the tidbit settled over Seth.

  “That sweet thing is related to those blow holes?” As Seth thought about it, he guessed it made sense giving small town connections.

  “Yeah, and big brother Reggie doesn’t seem specifically keen on me courting his sister. Well actually, he doesn’t seem to be the big brother type, but with me in the equation it gives him just another reason to be his cruel and usual self. And let me just say, the years haven’t changed him,” Dylan said, giving Seth an insight to the situation. “So, on two occasions, Natalie and I have had run ins with Reggie. The second time, the jackass was actually ransacking his own mother’s room. I figured he was looking for something, thinking it was somewhere in the house. Going on my hunch, I put a call into Jarod, and guess what he uncovered?”

  Seth was more than intrigued at this point, “Oh, do tell.”

  “Well, apparently good old Reggie has been skimming from some of his wealthier investors and someone has found out. The dumbass is being blackmailed to keep that little bit of information out of the news and his lifestyle intact. So, I’m guessing that he’s waiting for their mom to pass, so he can take the house and cash in. He needs to repay what he’s embezzled, before anyone else is the wiser.”

  “God, that guy is scum of the earth isn’t he? So, what do you think he was looking for; her will?”

  “That would be my guess.”

  “So, what does Natalie say about all this?”

  “I haven’t told her yet. I wanted to figure out how to handle it, before I told her that her brother is a felon,” Dylan said without hesitation.

  Seth laughed a humorless laugh. “That, my boy, is a very slippery slope you are attempting. Think long and hard before you dictate to her how to handle her family situation.” It wasn’t the same situation but Seth thought of the turmoil and agony over his own accusations, when he was misinformed of Mae’s handling of his eldest son. Seth almost ruined his second chance at forever with his temper and his lack of trust in Mae. Thank God, she was willing to give him another chance. He would forever be making up for that fuck up, not because she demanded it but because he insisted on it. “Look D, all I’m saying is that before you handle the situation for her, maybe you should handle it with her.” On that note, Seth fist pumped his friend and headed out to his home, where his beautiful delectable wife and his three wonderful children awaited him.

  Dylan decided to call it a night and head out. Knowing Natalie waited for him, he was eager to get there. He shut off all the office lights and locked the door. Just as he reached his truck, his cell rang.


  “Hey, Dylan, it’s Alex. I’m at your house, ready to drop off the car. However, I wanted to check with you seeing there is someone else here.”

  Dylan smiled and said, “Yeah, you can leave the car with my girl.”

  “Roger that. Just as you wanted, you will not be disappointed. Thanks for the business, man.”

  “You too. No one else I’d trust to paint my cars.” Dylan disconnected the call and chewed on what Seth had advised. Dylan thought, maybe tonight, he would tell Natalie about her brother and they could figure out how best to handle him, together. With another reason to make haste, he drove toward his house, the newly painted Cuda, and his girl.

  As Dylan pulled up his drive, he noticed the house had a soft glow. A light burned in the kitchen as well as in his bedroom. The sight made him think that this was how a house was supposed to look when someone came home. With a beautiful woman waiting for him, so they could share their days, challenges and triumphs, together. Dylan parked the fiery red truck in the drive and walked around to the front entrance. He unlocked the door and was surprised when Natalie did not greet him at the door. He called out for her a couple of times, but received no response. He was about to shout for her when he heard soft music coming from the garage. The light glowed underneath the door. He slowly opened the door and thought he was going to go into cardiac arrest from the sight that awaited him. The Cuda was there, gleaming like a freshly polished green apple. The duo of wide shiny black racing strips glided from fender to fender. The chrome at the wheels and at each end, polished to a high shine, gave the ability to see ones reflection in them. It was a beautiful machine and an incredible sight. However, Dylan could not have given a fuck less about the car right then. Draped across the hood in a provocative pose was Natalie. Her scrumptious body was scantily covered in the most cock teasing lingerie ever imagined. The black barely there teddy accentuated more than it covered. The sheer mesh loosely covered her nipples letting her breasts weigh down naturally. The mesh entwined around itself down over the centerline of her navel then it expanded to a scarcely small covering of her womanhood. From where he stood in the doorway, downplayed were the usual aromas of the space. All he could smell was the musky scent signaling her arousal, attuned was he to the scent. She had even gone so far as to apply red lipstick. She was leaned back on her hands with one leg bent, a classic seductive pin up girl pose.

  Dylan walked with slow calculated steps. With each step he removed a piece of clothing, so when he reached the car, he was buck-naked. Without saying a word, he placed his large hands on her milky thighs and pulled her toward him with deliberate slowness. When her opened thighs wrapped around his hips and her erect nipples grazed his chest, Dylan placed a soft kiss on the tip of her nose. That was the last of slow and soft. He gripped her hair in his fist and pulled her head back, so her gorgeous neck was exposed completely to him. He attacked her with seeking lips and his exploring tongue. With his other hand, he traced the seam of her lingerie, memorizing the little amount of skin it actually covered. He pinched and pulled through the thin material. Soon, he was moving it out of his way all together. He laid her down, so he could use both hands to explore and ravage. Pushing the material away so her beautiful breasts were freed, Dylan leaned down and took one into his mouth, aggressively sucking and biting, building her arousal upward and beyond. He mov
ed to the other mimicking the same erogenous torture. He was ruthless in his journey to bring her to the brink. As his hands roamed lower and lower, he found her covered treasure. When he probed her with his finger, he was met with a moist welcoming. He easily inserted two digits into her and she audibly called out in satisfaction.

  “That’s my girl, wet and waiting for me.”

  He added his thumb to her pulsating bud, Natalie’s senses were lost to the sensation he was creating within her. She rotated her hips in accordance with his manual motion. When she was at the summit of desire, he removed his hand from her completely. Natalie’s eyes shot open and she looked at him concerned. It was then he pushed his throbbing muscle into her until he was as deep as could be. She was shocked from his harsh refusal to let her shatter, but filled with instantaneous, literal and figurative, pleasure at their joining now.

  Dylan pulled her back up into a sitting position. He gripped her sweet ass as he began to rock into her at a demanding and intense pace. This was mating at its basic. He hammered into her repeatedly.

  Natalie continued to be pushed over the edge by his arduous plunges into the deepest part of her. When she was sure she could not take any more, Dylan stopped the intense pace and slowed to a just as excruciating stride. She bit down on her lower lip, hoping she could endure this new assault.

  “Look at me, Natalie!” he said between clenched teeth. She opened her brown, heavy with desire eyes, until they locked onto his molten chocolate gaze. “Look at us, look at how our bodies connect and fit.”

  Natalie turned her gaze downward and was stunned at how erotic the sight was. His engorged muscle was sliding in and out of her. The scene was sensual, pleasurable, and at the same time unbelievably real. He was touching a part of her that was causing her nerve endings to ignite. She grabbed on to his neck and began aggressively seeking what her body demanded; she ground against him and they both combusted into carnal exquisite orgasmic completion.


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