Natasha's Awakening

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Natasha's Awakening Page 16

by J. a Melville

  “Wonder if he’ll get me to send myself something?” She whispered to herself, feeling a little bitter that she would soon join the list of many other women discarded when his interest waned and it would, it always did. Eric just couldn’t do long term relationships.

  Natasha wiped at the tears which suddenly overwhelmed her and backed away from the bed, hurrying from the room as she didn’t want him to wake and see her standing over him with tears threatening to fall. “Get a grip Natasha.” She scolded herself. “You knew what you were getting yourself into. Stop crying over something you can’t change.” She shook her head to clear her moment of weakness and with one final look at Eric’s sleeping form, she left the room.

  When she got to the walk in robe, she dug around in her bag and pulled out her bikini. Eric might not like her going anywhere, but she felt like a swim and the hotel had a beautiful indoor pool, so she was going to swim in it, whether he liked it or not. She was suddenly compelled to not allow herself to become too reliant on him, to not willingly go along with his every desire and she needed to get out of the suite for a while. She would never lose herself with any other person, but when it came to him, her feelings for him weakened her and a part of her knew that was a mistake, she was setting herself up for a world of heartache and pain.

  She pulled on the tiny bottoms to her bikini and quickly slipped the top on, tying it up until it was comfortable. It was a black bikini with silver chains that held the front and back triangles of fabric to the panties together and the top had the same kind of silver chain between the cups that covered her breasts, or just covered them anyway. It made her feel good when she wore it and grateful for her naturally slim build.

  Hunting around in her bag again, she found her sarong in various shades of blue and tied it in place. Once she was done, she headed back to the bedroom to see if Eric was awake.

  He was still sleeping when she got back to their room and she debated whether to wake him and tell him what she was doing or leave him a note.

  “Because that worked so well the last time.” She said to herself. She sat down carefully on the bed and put a hand on Eric’s arm but he didn’t move. Slowly she moved her hand up his arm until she got to his shoulder and gently she shook him.

  Eric’s eyes opened sleepily and he blinked at her several times, his gaze unfocused until finally he cleared the sleep fog from his brain enough to really see Natasha properly. His brilliant blue eyes travelled the length of her and his brow rose when he saw how she was dressed.

  “Why are you dressed like that.” He asked his voice husky from sleep.

  “I’m going to the hotel’s pool for a swim.” She told him. “I need to get out and get some exercise Eric, I can’t stay in here like a prisoner every day.” She said.

  Eric pulled himself up until he was leaning against the headboard of the bed.

  “Is that how you feel staying with me?” He asked. “Like a prisoner?”

  “No,” she said. “But I’m not used to being inside all day and night as I am here. I had fun yesterday, going out, shopping, going to the beach. I know we can’t go out anywhere together, but I can go for a swim in the hotel’s pool, get some exercise. I need that.” She explained to Eric.

  “I think you’ve been getting plenty of exercise.” He gave her his lopsided grin. “Much more of all the exercise we’ve been getting and there’ll be nothing left to us.” He joked, but immediately his expression sobered and he studied Natasha’s face carefully, looking for something, although she wasn’t sure what.

  “Would you like to do something together?” He asked her.

  “Does it involve leaving the bed, leaving this room?” She asked him.

  “Of course.” He replied. “Believe it or not baby I am capable of getting out of this bed and leaving the room.

  “Do you have anything in mind? You would risk us been seen in public together?” She gave him a look of disbelief.

  He nodded, “Of course, unless you don’t wish to risk being seen with me.”

  Natasha looked at him, trying to keep just how excited she was at the prospect of going somewhere, anywhere with Eric from showing on her face. “Don’t be ridiculous.” She told him. “Of course I’d be happy to go out with you, but where are we going?” She asked.

  “What would you like to do?” Eric asked her. “You choose. I’m happy to go along with whatever you’d like to do baby.” He grinned at her.

  “Well, since I’m dressed for swimming, can we go to the beach?” Natasha’s face lit up. “I never got to swim yesterday since I didn’t have my costume, it was kind of a spur of the moment decision to go to Bondi.”

  “If that’s what you want to do, then yes we can but give me 10 minutes to get ready.” He climbed out of the bed, stretched and disappeared into the bathroom. “I won’t be long.” He told her and closed the door behind him.

  While Eric was showering, Natasha packed a bag with towels and a few things she thought she would need for the beach, then she poured herself a glass of water and stood at the living room window looking out at the stunning views from their penthouse suite.


  She smelt him before she heard him and inhaled deeply when his strong arms closed around her from behind. He smelt divine a combination of his aftershave and that scent that was just all Eric. He kissed her neck before releasing her and she turned to face him. He was wearing the hotel’s robe and she raised an eyebrow at him. “You’re going like that are you?” She asked him.

  “Well apart from the fact that I don’t think Bondi Beach is a nudist beach, chances are the hotel won’t appreciate me heading out the door wearing one of their robes.” He said. “I’ll go and get changed then we can go.” He dropped a kiss on her head and walked off to get dressed.

  When Eric came back he was dressed in faded blue jeans and a black t-shirt and thongs. Natasha couldn’t help gaping at him as she’d never seen him dressed so casually before.

  “You’re not going to swim?” She asked.

  “I’m already wearing my swimmers under my jeans.” He told her. “So are you ready, I can call the limo?”

  Natasha stared at him open mouthed. “Are you serious? You can’t take the bloody limo Eric. If you want to get around out there without drawing attention to yourself, the damned limo is going to draw the attention of every person at the beach. Trust me, no one goes to the beach in a limo.” She told him. “We either get a taxi, take public transport or I’ll drive us in my car at least.”

  Eric sighed. “I’m not going by public transport, I don’t do public transport.” He said and Natasha snorted. “What was that snort for?”

  “Could you sound any more pompous Eric? I would have thought you’d be used to public transport given your upbringing.” She couldn’t help but remind him of his poor upbringing. He really could be an annoying ass at times.

  “That’s why I won’t do public transport anymore Natasha, because of my upbringing. Where we lived was rough, the other kids were rough, I was small for my age, I got attacked sometimes on the bus and there is no way in hell you will ever get me on a fucking bus again, so judge me if you damned well please, I’m not going by public transport.” Eric’s tone made it quite clear there was to be no more discussion and Natasha stepped forward, touching his arm.

  “I’m sorry Eric.” She said quietly. “I wasn’t trying to make you take the bus, I had no idea it is something you associate with bad memories, but I do have to say.” And she smiled up at him. “You say you were small for your age?” she questioned him and Eric nodded. “Well, you sure made up for that one, didn’t you?” Her eyes travelled up and down the length of him while she tried to picture in her mind, Eric as a boy and a boy who was undersized for his age too. No matter how he’d started out in life, he was a perfect example of the male form now, tall, muscled, sexy as sin as far as she was concerned.

  “Ok, enough of this.” Eric said obviously n
ot wanting to discuss anything more about his past. “Lets get out of here, we’ll take your car then, but I’m driving.” He told her.

  “I don’t let anyone drive my car.” Natasha protested.

  “I’m not going to damage your car Natasha, trust me, if I do something to it, I’ll buy you a new one.” He said and she looked at him in amazement.

  “You are not going to buy me a damned car Eric.” She said and he just grinned at her.

  “Well, then trust me when I tell you, I’ll look after your car, ok?”

  Realising this conversation was just destined to go around and around in circles, Natasha sighed and stormed off to get her car keys, depositing them quite forcefully into Eric’s hand when she came back with them. He grabbed her and pulled her against him, cupping her buttocks with one hand and dropping a quick kiss on her lips.

  “Come on baby, don’t sulk.” He said, flicking one of her curls. “I promise to take good care of your car.” And he grabbed her hand, heading for the door. Natasha scooped up her bag and together they left the penthouse and once they were down in the lobby, they walked out of the hotel, Eric’s hand still firmly gripping hers.

  The valet came over and Eric handed him Natasha’s car keys and he disappeared to go and bring her car around. While they waited, he reached into his pocket and brought out a pair of sunglasses which he slipped on. They were the kind with the really dark lenses so it was impossible to see his eyes once they were on but Natasha was pretty sure he was wearing them so he wouldn’t be recognised by anyone.

  A part of her tried hard not to be upset by that, that he didn’t want anyone recognising him because if they did, then they’d want to know who she was but at the same time, she knew she was also being a little ridiculous about it all. Eric was big enough that if you googled him, he was there with various photos of him from over the years.

  There were also plenty of photos of him with women that had been linked to him and there had been quite a list. She could understand his need to conceal his identity and she needed to stop taking it personally and just enjoy the fact that he was taking her out. He was prepared to be out in public with her and that was a huge change in attitude from when he’d first suggested their week away.

  The valet turned up with Natasha’s car and they climbed in, Eric settling behind the wheel, adjusting the driver’s seat back to give him more room for his long legs. With a squeal of the tyres, they left the hotel and Natasha scolded him for doing that with her car. He just grinned at her, but she had to concede, he drove confidently and weaved his way through the Sydney traffic like a professional, so it was obvious he didn’t always travel everywhere by limo.

  When they arrived at Bondi Beach, Eric found parking not too far from the beach and once Natasha had gathered up her bag with everything she needed for their time there, they made their way down onto the sand.

  There were people everywhere as per usual but they found an area fairly free from others and Natasha spread out her towel and untied her sarong, folding it and putting it into her bag. When she turned around to get ready to sit down on the towel, Eric was staring at her, his eyes raking up and down her body. He frowned, showing definite displeasure as he looked at her.

  “What’s wrong?” She asked him. He didn’t seem very happy at all and she had a moment where she suddenly didn’t feel so confident in her bikini.

  “Why are you dressed like that?” He asked his expression darkening the longer he continued to stare at her.

  Natasha couldn’t help smirking at him. “Well, this is a beach, I intend going in the water and I’m wearing my swimsuit for SWIMMING!” She said, sarcasm lacing her tone.

  “Don’t get smart with me.” Eric warned her. “I don’t like the fact that everyone can see you dressed like that.” He said and Natasha couldn’t help it, she laughed.

  “Look around Eric, everyone is dressed like this and some have even less on, like them.” She said pointing as a group of young women walked past wearing g-string bikinis.

  Eric glanced at them and one of the women smiled at him, her smile and the look in her eyes showing she was definitely liking what she was seeing. Natasha watched his face as he acknowledged the woman with a small tilt of his lips and a stab of jealousy shot through her.

  “So how come you don’t have a problem with the way they’re dressed?” She asked him, drawing his attention back to her and he stepped towards her, his hands coming up to cup either side of her face,

  “Because they aren’t you.” He told her, dropping a kiss on her lips before releasing her. With just that one comment and that kiss, he knocked the wind right out of her sails and she felt a burst of happiness inside her. He didn’t want anyone else looking at her, that was obvious and she wasn’t sure what she should read into it, but if it meant he was showing some kind of possessive attitude towards her, then she was going to simply enjoy that moment.

  Natasha bent over to pull her sunscreen out of her bag, hearing Eric’s harshly drawn breath when he saw just how little fabric there was making up her bikini bottom. Although not as revealing as the ladies who had walked past in their g-strings, there wasn’t much left to the imagination all the same.

  She turned to face him, holding out the bottle of sunscreen. “Can you put some on me please?” She asked him and he took the bottle from her.

  “Dammit Natasha, you’re going to kill me aren’t you?” He ground out. He took the bottle from her, squeezing some onto his palm before stepping behind her to start spreading it over her shoulders and back. His touch was warm and more like a caress than him merely rubbing in the lotion. She was sure he was trying to punish her for the way she was dressed in his own way and by the time he’d finished covering her in sunscreen, she was feeling a little flushed.

  “I want to go for a swim. Are you coming?” She asked him and his answer was to drop down on her towel.

  “Not yet, I can’t.” He told her.

  “Why not?” she asked him and he gestured to his groin.

  “Lets just say, seeing you dressed like that isn’t helping much and I can do without the embarrassment of being seen with a raging hard on.” He said jokingly.

  Natasha’s eyes dropped to his crutch. “Oh.” she said.

  “Yes, oh.” Eric repeated.

  “Well I’m going to get my feet wet at least.” She told him and turned to walk off down to the water’s edge. She couldn’t help gasping when the cold water curled around her ankles and she braced herself before stepping deeper into the water until it surged against her thighs. As the waves washed against the shore then flowed back out again, the sucking sensation of the sand under her feet, took her by surprise and Natasha felt herself starting to overbalance. She tried to right herself but just when she thought she was going over and braced herself for the shock of the cold salty water, strong arms grabbed her and hauled her against a hard chest that was damp from the waves.

  She gasped and turned her head, ready to thank her saviour and was surprised to see Brodie, the young man who had woken her yesterday on the beach smiling down at her. “Natasha.” He said, grinning widely. “What a surprise, seeing you here again.”

  “Brodie.” A huge smile lit up Natasha’s face. “You came to my rescue again, thank you. Do you make it your life’s mission to save damsels in distress do you?” She laughed as they made their way back onto the sand.

  Brodie dropped his head with fake modesty. “Yeah, that’s me, the Knight in shining armour to any damsel who needs me.” He glanced down at himself. “Well make that the Knight in a wetsuit.” He joked and Natasha laughed again. She looked up into his face. He was so attractive in a far more boyish way than Eric’s overwhelming sexiness but he was more open, less complex, far easier to read. He was just an incredibly likeable person and easy to talk to. She didn’t have to try and get in his head to see what he was thinking, it was written all over his face and Natasha could see the interest, the attraction for her clearly showing in his expression, that spark of inte
rest in his eyes.

  “So what brings you to Bondi again Natasha?” he asked. “Is it my overwhelming charm and damsel saving skills?” He grinned and Natasha punched him lightly on the arm. It was so comfortable being with someone like Brodie, he was funny, attractive and fun to be around. They barely knew one another, but she liked him, he had the potential to become a good friend. Talking to him, laughing with him felt like she’d known him for years, not that they’d only met yesterday. Maybe if she wasn’t so in love with Eric, she could have enjoyed getting to know someone like him more. Still her and Eric would be parting ways soon and Brodie might be a good one to help take her mind off Eric, although she knew deep inside that it wouldn’t be fair to use Brodie like that.

  “I’m actually . . .” Natasha started to say when suddenly Eric’s voice cut her off mid sentence.

  “Natasha, what are you doing? Who the hell are you?” He turned to Brodie, tension clearly etched on his face, his eyes scanning over where Brodie’s hands rested on Natasha’s waist.

  Natasha pulled away from Brodie and his hands fell to his sides as he looked at a very angry looking Eric standing before him. Eric approached them, tension clearly visible in his rigid stance. He’d removed his jeans and t-shirt wearing just a pair of black speedos, something that Natasha normally hated, but which he managed to make look extremely sexy. His muscles rippled in the sunlight as he walked towards her and Brodie and for Natasha glancing between them, despite Brodie’s good looks, there was just no comparison between the two men in her eyes. Eric was simply in a league of his own as far as she was concerned. He was sex on legs, a fine example of a beautifully sculptured male in his prime.

  When he reached Natasha, he slipped an arm around her waist, pulling her back against him. She could feel the tension in his body and she placed a hand over his arm trying to calm him down a bit but when she dared to take a quick glance at his face, he was still glaring at Brodie, who to give the younger man credit, hadn’t backed down at all and was still maintaining direct eye contact with Eric.


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