Natasha's Awakening

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Natasha's Awakening Page 31

by J. a Melville

  Natasha couldn’t believe that she could feel yet another orgasm building in her. She threw her head back, eyes closed and pushed herself up, dropping down again, gasping when he slammed into her buried deep, as far as he could go. Her breasts bounced up and down and Eric trailed his hands up her sides to her breasts, cupping them briefly before moving back to grasp her hips in his firm grip again.

  Eric pushed up, thrusting his hips hard as his own release drew closer and he began to breathe heavily, his breath hissing through his gritted teeth. “Fuck baby, fuck.” He gasped, “Fuck this is it.” He groaned and his groan became a shout as his own release hit. He bucked wildly, slamming into her hard and she could feel him pumping hard up against her cervix, his warm seed flooding her. He pushed into her again and with a low cry, Natasha’s orgasm hit. Weakly she collapsed on his chest and his arms came around her. They lay like that for a while before finally Natasha lifted off Eric and lay down on the rug beside him.

  Without the condom she felt the warmth of his seed running down her thigh and Natasha couldn’t control an almost overwhelming sense of satisfaction that he derived that much pleasure from her body. She loved it when he came inside her bare. To have that evidence of his passion inside her body excited her.

  Eric got up and put some more wood on the fire and padded through the house naked coming back with a damp cloth. He also had a blanket under one arm. “I thought we could sleep here tonight baby, if you want.” He said and Natasha nodded sleepily. It was so warm by the fire and the rug was thick and surprisingly comfortable. “Move your legs sweetheart.” When she opened her eyes, she saw he was waiting to take care of her. Natasha parted her legs and gently Eric wiped her down, running the warm cloth over her thighs, rubbing gently over her mound until he was satisfied. Once he was done he disappeared to the back of the house again but he was gone only a short while before he dropped down alongside of her, covering them with the blanket.

  Eric pulled her into his arms and Natasha yawned widely. She heard his chuckle in her ear. “Tired baby are we?” And he laughed when she yawned again. He tucked her in close, his body molded to hers and his lips placed soft kisses down her neck and over her bare shoulder. As she dozed, she heard Eric’s low voice telling her how beautiful she was, how sexy she was and with every word spoken, he kissed her.

  Natasha tried to stay awake to hear him, but she was so tired and Eric’s quiet words were soothing her, making her sleepy. He whispered in her ear about how much he wanted her and needed her but just before sleep claimed her, he said something so low, she couldn’t quite work out what it was. For a moment she thought he’d whispered that he loved her but she knew that had to be her imagination playing tricks on her.

  “What did you say?” She mumbled, as sleep tried to claim her.

  “Nothing baby, it doesn’t matter.” Eric said and too tired to think about it any longer, Natasha gave herself over to sleep.


  Natasha woke slowly, her body a bit stiff and sore from sleeping on the floor. She could hear Eric’s voice coming from the kitchen and she opened her eyes just in time to see him hang up his phone. He walked over to her already dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt, his hair damp so he must have had a shower. “Baby that was Thomas. He and Maggie are dropping round in an hour.” He told her.

  Her eyes shot open and she looked up at him wide eyed, panic clearly showing in her expression. “An hour?” She squeaked, throwing off the blanket and scrambling to her feet, staggering slightly until Eric grabbed her as her legs threatened to give way. “An hour Eric? How am I supposed to be ready in an hour.” She demanded, hands on her hips as she confronted him.

  He smiled at her. “You look so adorable when you’re angry.” He said and Natasha snorted. “You look sexy when you’re angry too, especially when you’re about to tell me off while you’re naked. “ He pointed out grinning at her and Natasha’s eyes dropped down to herself. Damn, she’d forgotten in her panic that she was naked.

  “Oh shut up Eric.” She snapped and stormed off, running up the stairs to start getting ready, bristling in indignation when she heard his laughter behind her.

  She showered as quickly as she could, washing her hair and brushing her teeth. She dressed in an emerald green dress with large white polka dots. She loved this dress. It was a retro style dress, with a tight fitting bodice to the waist, but the skirt was full and fell to just below her knees. She pulled on some green shoes which perfectly matched her dress and then with the aid of the blowdryer, she hastily dried her hair and applied some light make up. Once she was satisfied with her appearance, she walked back downstairs.

  All evidence of their night by the fire was gone, Eric must have cleaned it up but the man himself was nowhere around. Natasha looked in the fridge for something to drink and found a bottle of orange juice. She poured herself a glass then wandered out onto the back deck to see if Eric was around. He came from the wood shed pushing a wheelbarrow along that was filled with split logs of firewood. When he spotted Natasha his eyes moved over her and he grinned. “So you did it then? You got ready in time. You look stunning baby.” He told her. When he got to the large bin near the door, he started stacking the firewood into the bin from the wheelbarrow. Once he was done, he took the wheelbarrow back and Natasha walked back inside to rinse off her glass and stack it in the dishwasher.

  Eric came back inside, pouring himself a drink before going on his laptop again to check emails. Natasha couldn’t help but notice he was spending more time on his computer lately so maybe he was starting to get concerned about how the company was going without him there to run things. She knew they were going to have to go back, that their ideal little world would end, but she certainly wasn’t looking forward to returning home at all.

  While Eric worked on his computer Natasha went for a walk outside taking advantage of the beautiful sunny Tasmanian autumn day. The gardens surrounding the home were beautiful and well maintained, a great example of the care Thomas obviously put into the grounds. There were gardens of stunning roses in full bloom so she snapped off a few and took them back inside to put in a vase. She had to go through all the cupboards before finally finding one so she could arrange them and she set the vase in the centre of the table, bringing a little colour to the room.

  Eric had just finished on his laptop when they heard a car coming up the driveway. Natasha felt herself tensing up a little. She always got nervous meeting new people but given she was the first woman Eric had brought to his home, she didn’t want Thomas or Maggie speculating on that or perhaps scrutinizing her too closely. She was terrified that others might see what Eric fortunately hadn’t seen, that she loved him.

  Before Thomas and Maggie could get to the door, Eric swung it open, a big smile on his face as he welcomed them. They stepped inside and Natasha greeted Thomas warmly before her eyes moved to the quite petite woman standing alongside of him. Maggie had long dark hair streaked with grey that she wore in a bun at the nape of her neck. Her face was quite attractive for an older woman, her smile beaming as she pulled Eric into her arms and hugged him. Eric had to bend over quite a bit to hug her due to her size which made Natasha smile as he hunched over holding the tiny woman.

  After she’d extracted herself from Eric’s arms, she turned to Natasha. “Introduce me to your bonnie lass Eric.” She said and Natasha smiled at Maggie’s thick Scottish accent.

  “Maggie this is Natasha, Natasha this is the famous Maggie.” He said and Maggie laughed.

  “What’s with this famous rubbish?” She asked and Natasha put up her hand.

  “That was me.” She admitted. “With all the food you got to stock this place and the mouth watering meals you prepared, I said to Eric that I couldn’t wait to meet the famous Maggie.” Natasha explained.

  “Oh bless you lass. I’m glad you’re enjoying the meals, although you’re not eating enough lassy, you’re too skinny.” She said. Natasha laughed
at Maggie’s words. She had never been one to starve herself, she didn’t need to. She was lucky she could eat anything and not gain weight so Maggie’s concerns that she was picking at her food were unnecessary. “Put the kettle on Eric, I brought something for us to have for morning tea. It’s out in the car. Thomas go and get it for me would you please?” She asked him and he trotted outside to get whatever culinary delight she had brought them. Natasha fought to keep her face straight at how Thomas seemed to be well and truly under the thumb of his wife.

  “So where did you two meet?” Maggie looked between the two of them and Eric told her that Natasha worked for him.

  “She’s my PA.” He explained.

  “Oh, how lovely.” Maggie smiled. “So you fell in love then, in the office?” She beamed at them both. Natasha squirmed under her gaze and when she risked a glance across at Eric, she could see dark colour heating his cheeks. When Maggie noticed how uncomfortable they looked, her face fell. “Oh dear, I’m sorry. Jumped the gun a bit did I? That’s my biggest problem. I do love a happy ending.”

  Before things could get anymore awkward Thomas came in carrying a large cake tin. Maggie took it off him and placed it on the table, lifting the lid to reveal an assortment of home made cup cakes.

  “Wow Maggie. You’ve outdone yourself.” Eric said. He reached in to take a cup cake but Maggie slapped his hand away.

  “Oh be away with you. You’ll wait until the tea and coffee is made lad.” Thomas laughed at Eric’s face and Natasha had trouble hiding her grin when a woman of Maggie’s tiny stature told him off.

  While Eric moved into the kitchen to make a pot of tea for Maggie and Thomas and poured the coffees for Natasha and himself, Natasha set the table for them all. When Eric was ready he brought over the pot of tea and she carried the coffees.

  Everyone took a cupcake and as soon as Natasha bit into hers, she rolled her eyes back, a low groan escaping her. She closed her eyes savouring the burst of flavour in her mouth and her tongue came out to lick the lemon icing from her lips. When she finally opened her eyes, Eric was watching her, a hint of amusement in his intense gaze. “Good baby?” he asked and Natasha nodded.

  “Oh Maggie these are amazing.” She told the older woman and Maggie laughed.

  “Glad you like them lassie. Have another, you need some meat on those bones of yours.” She moved the tin closer to Natasha. Unable to help herself she did, picking one with thick decadent looking chocolate icing and biting into it. She was about to lick the icing off her lip when Eric reached out and ran his thumb across her plump bottom one, before sticking his thumb into his mouth to suck the icing off.

  He didn’t notice the way Maggie and Thomas viewed their exchange, their gazes moving between the two of them, but Natasha saw it. Maggie asked Eric how work was going, she asked Natasha questions about her family and at one point asked the awkward question about working for Eric. “He’s a good boss. I like my work.” She told Maggie.

  “Oh lassie, come help me clean up the kitchen and you can answer that question truthfully.” She laughed. She stood up and started clearing the empty plates and cups. Natasha got up too and helped carry everything into the kitchen.

  The two men got up and walked outside. Eric called out that they were going out to the garage as Thomas needed to discuss what to do about some mechanical problems he was having with the ride on mower he used to keep the lawns neatly cut.

  After they’d gone, Maggie and Natasha cleaned up. Maggie rinsed the dishes and Natasha loaded them into the dishwasher. “So lassie.“ Maggie said, turning to Natasha “When are you going to tell that young man that you love him?”

  Natasha almost dropped the plate she was holding. “But I. . .” Natasha’s voice trailed off as Maggie stuck up a warning finger.

  “Don’t try and deny it lass, it’s written all over your face. Eric’s a good man, but you would know already he’s not real good at commitment.”

  “Oh I know that.” Natasha said a trace of bitterness in her voice. “He doesn’t love me Maggie, he never will. He’s never been able to stay with a woman for longer than a couple of months.”

  Maggie touched her arm. “I know that lass, but take heart in the knowledge that he’s never brought a woman here before. You’re the first. That has to mean something. He cares about you, I can see it in his eyes. That man can barely take his eyes off you.”

  Natasha snorted. “That’s just sexual attraction, not love.”

  “Maybe so lass, but it’s more with him, I’m sure.” Maggie assured her. “Eric’s a complex man, there’s many layers to him. I’ve known him a very long time lass.”

  Natasha looked at Maggie in surprise. “How is that possible?” She asked. “Eric’s only had this property 4 years he told me that himself.”

  Maggie nodded. “That’s true, but what he probably didn’t tell you is he bought the property and had a home built on a part of it which he gave to us. We have 10 acres at the far end of Eric’s property. He signed it over to us, but it was his land. He then built this place for himself. Eric takes care of us. He pays us well to look after his home for him lass.”

  Natasha’s head was reeling with the information Maggie had given her. “Are you related to him?” She asked the older woman and she laughed. “Oh goodness me no lass but I’ve known him since he was a young lad. I was a neighbour of him and his Mother. What has he told you about his childhood?” She asked.

  “He told me his Father died when he was very young and that his Mother raised him alone. They were very poor and went hungry a lot. He said his Mother had loved him though and when he started making his fortune, he bought his Mum a home and looked after her financially until she died from cancer.”

  “Oh the dear boy.” Maggie sighed. “That’s the version he prefers to tell everyone lass. The reality is a little different to that.”

  Natasha’s curiosity was peaked. “Why what happened to him?” she asked.

  “Lass if I tell you, please don’t let Eric know I’ve told you, but I truly do believe that he is letting you in. You’re getting under his skin and you should know what hides inside the man. It’s true that Eric’s Father died when he was young, but not young enough for Eric to have no memory of him unfortunately.” Maggie eyes grew sad. “The poor boy, what he endured. His Father was a violent man lass. He beat Eric, he broke his arm one time. That boy suffered terribly. He lived in fear of his Father and his Mother didn’t fair much better. She was horribly beaten by her husband, Eric’s Father. He put her in hospital once or twice. He was an alcoholic just to add insult to injury. Drank their money away he did and there wasn’t a lot of money to begin with.” Maggie told her. Natasha’s heart ached when she thought of Eric as a small boy being hurt by one of the two people he should have been able to trust more than anyone else. “It was a damned good thing when he died. Killed himself behind the wheel, drunk of course.” She said.

  “That’s so sad.” Natasha whispered and she felt tears burning at the back of her eyes. She blinked trying to hold them at bay.

  “Aye it was lass, but his Mother never quite recovered. She didn’t cope well on her own, trying to raise her child alone. She went through so many men trying to find a new husband and a Father for Eric she almost needed a revolving door in her home.” Maggie said. “Not many men at that time wanted a ready made family. They showed no interest in Eric. None of the men wanted him only Kate. Some were down right cruel to him but Kate either didn’t see it or more than likely didn’t want to see it. She was just so hell bent on finding a new man.”

  “So how did you come to play such an important part in Eric’s life?” Natasha asked.

  “The lad came over to me after school most days lass. I’d feed him what I could. The poor boy was so thin, not an ounce of meat on those bones of his. Stunted his growth a bit I think. He was always small for his age.” Maggie smiled at Natasha. “Not that you’d realise that when you look at him now right?”

  “So you showed him love.” Na
tasha said and Maggie nodded.

  “He was a good lad, but he hasn’t come out of it without some scars lass. He has trouble trusting people and he’s not good with putting his heart on the line as you probably already know.” Maggie looked over at Natasha and she nodded.

  “Not much,” she said. “Sometimes I think he cares but he’s been so freaked out over the idea that I might be. . .” Natasha broke off mid sentence suddenly realising she had almost told Maggie she could be pregnant.

  “You could be what lass?” Maggie pressed her. “I…it’s nothing.” She said.

  Suddenly realisation dawned on Maggie’s face. “Oh lass, you’re worried you might be pregnant aren’t you?” She asked and Natasha dropped her head, colour flooding her cheeks.

  “Yes.” She whispered.

  “Oh my lassie.” She reached out and took both of Natasha’s hands in hers. “What will you do? I’m not surprised that Eric is scared lass. He’s had no good role model from a man as a child. Of course he’d be terrified. What’s he suggesting if you are?”

  Natasha felt tears well as she whispered. “He wants me to have an abortion.” She raised her eyes to Maggie’s. “But I can’t. I could never give up Eric’s baby even if that means he’s not in my life. I don’t know what to do, I’m so scared. I’ve already bought a pregnancy test kit just in case, but I couldn’t even tell Eric I’d bought it. I can’t do what he wants. I’ll go far away from him if I have to. I’d sooner give up Eric, than give up his child.” Natasha said, her voice cracking from the tears she struggled to contain.

  “Oh lass. No point worrying until you know if you have reason to worry but if God has intended for you to carry Eric’s child, you have to believe that things will work out in the end. Eric’s a good man, don’t forget that. He might be scared and he might be damaged from what he suffered through as a child, but I can’t believe that he would really push you to abort if you were dead against that idea, which you’re making perfectly clear isn’t an option for you.” Maggie squeezed Natasha’s hands. “I have to believe that even if he leaves you, he will eventually come back to you. He cares about you lass, I can see it in his face but he’s a man you have to remember and sometimes it takes them longer to understand something than we women do.” Maggie quickly wiped down the kitchen bench then turned to Natasha again. “Come on lass, enough of this. We don’t want the men to wonder what we’ve been talking about. You go splash some water on your face and then we’ll go see what they’re doing, ok?”


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