Natasha's Awakening

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Natasha's Awakening Page 38

by J. a Melville

  “Eric loves you baby girl. I’m sure of that. I saw it in his face when he came over that night with the pregnancy test strip. You hurt him badly. That man’s face held so much pain.” She told her daughter and Natasha snorted.

  “He doesn’t love me Mum. He’s never once told me he loves me and he hurt me too you know. I’m not sure what he’s trying to prove by being so attentive all of a sudden but I think I’m just a novelty for him and sooner or later he’ll get bored. He always does. I’ve seen it over and over again with the various women he’s been with.”

  Her Mother just shook her head. “Ok baby girl, you have it your way, but one day you’ll find out I was right.”

  After their lunch together, Natasha headed home and suffered through another round of vomiting. Drained and bone weary she had crawled into bed and slept the rest of the day. The constant nausea was starting to get to her and she could tell she was losing weight as her clothes didn’t fit as well as they used to. She hadn’t seen Eric for a few days, but that didn’t surprise her as he’d told her he had to fly to England on business and he wasn’t sure how long he’d be gone for. He’d found the time to ring her every day to see how she was though. Natasha had played down the severity of her all day sickness so she wouldn’t have to endure a lecture from him.

  It was rapidly drawing near to the time when she would have to make another appointment to see her doctor and she hoped that he might be able to give her something to help with the morning sickness since she was having trouble keeping anything down, including water.

  She was lying on the lounge early one evening after another day of vomiting, feeling very weak and incredibly tired when someone knocked at her door. Stumbling to her feet and struggling to control the rolling of her stomach which being upright seemed to trigger, she made her way carefully to the door and after a glance through the peep hole and seeing it was Eric, she swung the door wide for him. He was carrying a huge bouquet of flowers and Natasha managed to smile weakly at him.

  “Natasha, baby.” He groaned, pulling her into his arms and holding her tight. She sagged in his arms and Eric set her back from him to look her up and down. His expression darkened as his eyes travelled the length of her.

  “Bloody hell baby, you’ve lost weight. That can’t be right. What’s wrong with you? Are you still sick?” His voice was filled with concern and Natasha promptly replied by doubling over and vomiting over his shoes. Tears filled her eyes when she saw what she had done and she looked up at him to apologize but she couldn’t see him properly, he was fading behind a grey haze that filled her vision.

  “Eric.” She said, her voice croaking from her throat that was raw from vomiting and past her dry cracked lips, the result of her dehydration and vomiting.

  “Natasha, baby, god, what’s wrong, you’re as white as a sheet.” He said. He didn’t seem too concerned that she’d just soiled his shoes and that the acrid smell of vomit was rising between them. Natasha struggled to focus on him and she blinked a couple of times but the grey was getting darker and darker and it was becoming harder to fight it. Slowly she crumbled in front of Eric as her legs gave way and she was just vaguely aware of his voice as he shouted at her, and his strong arms closing around her, before she was sucked down into the darkness.

  Chapter 22.

  Natasha came too slowly. Her throat burned and was so incredibly dry that when she tried to swallow, it hurt. She could hear a steady beep, beep noise and voices talking in hushed tones but Natasha was reluctant to open her eyes. She groaned, moving her head restlessly on the pillow beneath her and she realised that her hand was being held in a firm, warm grip, which tightened when she groaned again. “Natasha, baby. Wake up, please baby.” Eric’s voice came from nearby.

  Slowly she opened her eyes, blinking against the bright overhead lights. The lights were unfamiliar to her, this wasn’t her house and as Natasha’s eyes adjusted, she looked around and finally her gaze settled on Eric’s face as he leaned over her, worry clearly evident in his intense blue eyes. “Eric.” Her voice croaked and he smiled at her, relief evident in the look he gave her.

  “Yes baby, it’s me. How do you feel?” He asked.

  “My head hurts, my throat hurts, it’s too bright in here.” She said. “Where am I? Water, I need water.” Eric poured her a glass from the jug next to her bed and held it to her lips. She swallowed thirstily, enjoying the soothing wash of the cold water against her burning throat.

  “Better?” And Natasha nodded.

  “Where am I?” She asked again.

  “You’re in the hospital baby.” Eric told her. “You fainted when I came to see you. You’re lucky I showed up at your house when I did, otherwise you could have ended up in serious trouble. You scared the hell out of me. I thought I was going to lose you and the babies.” He said, raising her hand to his lips and Natasha could see he meant it when she saw the fear in his eyes.

  “I feel like crap.” She told him. Suddenly her eyes grew really big. “What…did…you…just …say?” And Eric told her again how scared he’d been.

  “Not that Eric. I must be still out of it a bit because I could have sworn you said babies as in more than one, plural. You didn’t say that, did you?”

  Eric’s eyes were serious when they met hers. “Yes baby, I said babies. We’re having twins.” His smile was rueful as he watched her reaction. “Who would have thought? That’s part of the reason you’ve been so sick baby. When you collapsed, I rang for an ambulance and once they got you here, the first thing they did was check the baby but they got two heartbeats. God, can you believe it?” Eric raked a hand through his hair. “I was terrified about becoming a Father to one child, but now there’s two of them.”

  “Are they ok.” Natasha asked, her eyes filled with worry, but Eric assured her they were fine.

  “They’re doing better than you baby. All the vomiting had severely dehydrated you. You were dangerously ill sweetheart. Why the hell didn’t you say something? I could have helped you.” His eyes were tortured. “See, this is my fault. I get you pregnant and now my seed could have killed you. I’m bad news baby and now those babies carry my bad blood and you paid the price. You could have died.” And she watched, as Eric’s voice cracked and tears began to roll down his cheeks.

  Natasha felt tears welling in her eyes as she stared at Eric, her heart breaking for him because it was obvious how much his childhood had damaged the man he’d become. He seriously thought he was like a curse or something for her but that couldn’t be further from the truth. She wasn’t sure how she was ever going to convince him that he wasn’t the monster he seemed to think he was. Her hand reached out to cover his, squeezing him gently. “Eric please, this is not your fault. I couldn’t be happier to be carrying your babies. Ok, it’s a bit of a shock to hear there’s going to be two of them, but they will be perfect and beautiful babies because they carry your blood.” She told him as she dropped kisses over his hand. She would have loved to hold him, but lying in a hospital bed with tubes coming out of her stopped Natasha being able to wrap her arms around him.

  “Eric, this is silly. A lot of women get sick when they’re pregnant and I’m not the first one to need time in hospital because of dehydration. The only reason I’m here is because of my own stupidity. If I’d paid more attention to how bad the vomiting had become and gone to the doctor, I probably wouldn’t be here now, but I was stubborn, convincing myself it would improve soon. It’s got nothing to do with the babies being yours. These babies are going to be beautiful because they carry your genes, please, don’t let your past colour your future, please.” Natasha implored him. She slipped her hand through Eric’s silky hair as he lay with his head on her. A part of her just couldn’t believe how screwed up his way of thinking was. Her heart broke for him. He was so confident in everything, his work, dealing with people and so talented with how he’d used his abilities to become the successful business man he was today but despite all that, he still believed he was unworthy when it c
ame to being loved, to have someone care for him. How could he be so confident and self assured and yet so insecure and filled with self loathing at the same time?

  The door to her room opened and her Mother walked in. “Oh baby girl, you’re awake.” She cried and rushed over to bend, kissing Natasha on the cheek. “Mum.” She smiled. “Mum, do you think you could give Eric and I a minute?” She asked her eyes moving over to him as he sat bent over, his head on her hand, the warmth of his tears still wetting her skin. Her Mother’s eyes shot up when she saw the state he was in, but a part from giving Natasha a questioning look, she said nothing and left the room again, closing the door quietly behind her.

  “Eric.” Natasha said his name softly. “Eric, come on, look at me.” She ordered and his head slowly came up from the bed to look at her. His gorgeous blue eyes seemed even more intense as he stared at her. His long lashes were sticking together from his tears and her heart melted looking at him. God he was so incredibly sexy but so screwed up in so many ways. How could the man who was such a brilliant business man be such an emotional and psychological mess? He was showing sides to himself Natasha never realised existed and it was both overwhelming, but exhilarating that he was comfortable enough around her to show this vulnerable side of himself.

  He wiped at his eyes, suddenly seeming embarrassed that he had broken down in front of her. Natasha reached up to cup his cheek and pulled him towards her. He came willingly and she touched her lips to his. With a low groan, Eric covered her mouth with his, coaxing her lips a part so he could plunge his tongue into her mouth. Her hand moved to his hair again, running her fingers through the soft and silky strands. When Eric pulled away, his breathing was short and choppy.

  There was a knock at the door which interrupted them and Natasha’s Mother stuck her head around the door. “Can I come back in now?” She asked, looking back and forth between the two of them.

  “Yes Mum.” Natasha smiled.

  “Kathryn.” Eric nodded and Natasha watched as her Mother and Eric exchanged some kind of knowing look. What was going on with them?

  “Ok you two, what’s going on?” She asked. Eric and her Mother exchanged looks again and neither seemed to want to tell her what was going on. Finally Kathryn took a deep breath and turned to face her daughter.

  “Natasha the doctor is concerned about your health baby girl.” her Mother started. “You got severely dehydrated and malnourished.”

  “Yes, but I’m ok now aren’t I? The babies are alright?” Natasha asked.

  “Your babies are fine baby girl, but you’re not.” Her Mother took her hand. “You need lots of bed rest and you need to be built back up again. I can’t tell you how upset I am with you that you didn’t tell me or Eric just how sick you were. When was the last time you ate and kept the meal down?” Natasha’s Mother asked accusingly. Natasha sighed. She thought back, but she couldn’t remember when she had eaten last and not vomited it back up. “Oh Natasha.” Her Mother said when she saw her daughter’s expression. “How could you baby girl? What were you thinking? You could have died. Those babies are like parasites. It’s true.” She said, when she saw her daughter’s expression. “They are beautiful and a gift, but they take and take from you baby girl to grow. If you aren’t getting enough fuel into your body to cope, you put your health at risk and the health of your babies.” Kathryn explained. “If you don’t get enough going into your body, your babies will still take what they need and then you become ill. You should never have allowed it to get so bad. What were you thinking?”

  “I’m sorry Mum. I didn’t know. I thought the morning sickness would go away eventually.” Natasha tried to explain, but her Mother wasn’t interested in her excuses.

  “Well baby girl, since you can’t be trusted to take care of yourself, Eric suggested that you go and stay with him and I think it’s a great idea.” She said and Natasha’s eyes widened with surprise.

  “What the hell Mum? I don’t need to stay with Eric. I’ll be fine. The doctor’s made me better now. I don’t feel sick anymore.” She tried to reason with her Mother.

  “You feel better because the doctor has you on a drip baby girl to rehydrate you and get some nutrients into you.” Natasha’s gaze shifted to the tube snaking down from the bag that hung above her and disappeared beneath a bandage into the back of her right hand. Finally it was starting to sink in just how sick she’d been but still, stay with Eric?

  “I can’t stay with Eric, Mum.” Natasha started to argue, but her Mother put up her hand to silence her.

  “Natasha this isn’t open to discussion. Eric wants to take care of you. I think it’s a brilliant idea. He’s your babies’ Father, let him do this for you.” Kathryn’s tone was firm, not really giving her daughter an option.

  “You’re coming to stay with me Natasha,” Eric joined in backing Kathryn and Natasha groaned.

  “Eric be sensible, you have to work, so I’ll be alone anyway. I can take care of myself at home, seriously.” She argued.

  “Baby, I can take time off work, I am the boss and you didn’t do so well taking care of yourself otherwise you wouldn’t be in here.” He argued.

  “Don’t be ridiculous Eric you can’t take the next six months off work.” Natasha continued, her frustration rising at the set faces on her Mother and Eric.

  “I don’t need to baby. I have a live in house keeper and Alice has been notified that you are coming to stay and that you will require full time care.” He told her. “Alice is more than prepared to look after you and I have told her I will pay her generously for the increased work load, so hit me with your next argument.” He said, amusement shining in his eyes as he watched Natasha grind her teeth at his answer to every point she tried to make.

  “Well, I’ll need to pack a few things won’t I since you two aren’t going to listen to a damned thing I say.” She grumbled and Eric grinned at her, seeing the reluctant resignation on her face.

  “No need baby. I’ve had your entire wardrobe moved to my home.” He said and Natasha exploded.

  “What? Everything? How the hell can you fit everything? I have a lot of clothes and shoes. Not to mention toiletries. Eric you can’t have taken everything.”

  He raised an eyebrow at her outburst. “Baby, it’s all there and it fits. I just put all your things in the guest room robe ok? There was nothing in it so don’t worry. This is all for your own good and it will give me peace of mind, not to mention Kathryn’s. Stop fighting it, you’re not going home. You’re coming with me when the doctor feels you’re well enough to leave the hospital.”

  Natasha looked from Eric to her Mother and sighed. She was up against a brick wall with those two. She’d run out of arguments, they weren’t going to listen to her anyway and at this point all she wanted to do was bang their heads together for trying to take over her life. She wasn’t sure how she felt about living with Eric, seeing him every day. Ok, they’d been together all the time when they’d stayed at the hotel and at his home in Tasmania, but this was going to be different. They were going to live together like a couple and a part of her was terrified that she could get used to it then he’d find someone else and her heart would be destroyed forever but a secret part of her couldn’t help but feel excited about sharing each day with him.

  “There’s no reasoning with you two is there?” Natasha looked between the pair of them and they both shook their heads. Damn, when had her Mother become Eric’s closest ally? “Well, how much longer do I have to stay here?” She asked.

  “I’m not sure baby.” Eric answered. “I’m waiting for the doctor to come through so I can ask that question myself. The sooner I get you home, the better. You are never going to do to me again what you did when you fainted at my feet baby. You scared the hell out of me.” Her told her, a fleeting moment of fear in his eyes as he remembered what had happened when he’d called around to see her after getting back from his overseas business trip. “There is no way in hell I’m risking that again Natasha. You’re coming hom
e with me and I’ll take care of you. When I have to work Alice will be able to tend to your needs. You’re not spending any more time alone baby.” Eric lifted her hand to his lips, kissing her palm. Her Mother watched the exchanged and she met her daughter’s eyes over Eric’s bent head.

  “I told you so. He loves you.” She mouthed to Natasha and Natasha gave a small shake of her head, still thinking her Mother was nothing more than a hopeless romantic and reading more into Eric’s behaviour than was really there. Ok, he cared about her that much was obvious, but love? Natasha didn’t think so. Eric had never loved any woman he’d been with. She was different, she was pregnant and she was probably more challenging than the clingy women he was used to, but she didn’t fool herself that she was the one he couldn’t live without.

  She yawned, suddenly feeling very tired again and her Mother took one look at her before suggesting that she try and get some sleep. “You’re body has been knocked around baby girl, you need to rest.” She said. “I’ll go now and Eric you should leave her too. Let the girl sleep.” She told him.

  Eric’s expression became stubborn and set. “I’m not leaving her Kathryn but I agree, baby, you need to get some rest.” He said and Natasha groaned to herself. If this is how it was going to be living with Eric, he was going to drive her nuts.


  Two days later Natasha’s doctor decided she was well enough to go home. “You were very lucky young lady.” He told her. “Your kidneys took a bit of a battering and it’s taken a lot to get you rehydrated. I’ll be sending you home with medication to control the nausea but hopefully you’re over the worst of it now. I want you to get plenty of bed rest and I want you to eat three well balanced nutritional meals each day. If for any reason the nausea becomes too hard for you to control, you are to call me. You don’t want to risk permanent kidney damage Miss Barrington or put those babies of yours at risk.” He warned her.


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