Natasha's Awakening

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Natasha's Awakening Page 41

by J. a Melville

  Natasha forced a smile to her lips. “I’m sorry Alice for worrying you and I hope I didn’t get you in trouble with Mr Grumpy here.” She pointed over at Eric, ignoring his harsh indrawn breath. Alice’s face was priceless. She looked shocked but then Natasha saw her desperate attempts to keep the smile that was threatening, off her face.

  “It’s alright Alice at least Natasha is back now.” Eric reassured her. “Natasha, come with me.” He headed for the lift, still carrying Natasha’s bags and she looked at Alice, rolled her eyes which made Alice smile at her. Natasha realised she had someone on her side a bit at least and she followed Eric, wondering just how much trouble she was really in for defying him. He was silent in the short time it took for the lift to take them to the upper level and when he walked into their bedroom and closed the door, she braced herself for a lecture of some sort.

  Eric dropped Natasha’s bags off on the bed and turned to face her. “I’m still waiting for an explanation Natasha as to why you couldn’t let someone know where you were going today.”

  She looked at him and sighed. “Seriously Eric, if you think I’m going make excuses for what I did to you, you’re going to be waiting a long time. I’m not a child. I don’t need to get permission to go out and I don’t need to explain my actions to you or Alice.” She said.

  “So what was so bloody important that you had to go out alone?” Eric asked.

  “I just needed some time out on my own Eric. I wanted to see something besides the inside of this house. You’re at work a lot, we don’t go out anywhere anymore because you’re too focused on treating me like I’m going to break in half if I do the slightest thing and if you want to know what I did while I was out, look in the damned bags yourself.” And with her outburst complete, Natasha walked into the ensuite and closed the door.

  She took her time brushing her hair, splashing some water on her face and when she figured she’d left him stewing long enough, she left the bathroom. She expected to see him fuming after keeping him waiting, but he wasn’t. He ended up surprising her by being naked when she rejoined him in the bedroom. She froze, her eyes drinking him in and she felt a rush of moisture pool between her legs as she watched Eric stepping into a pair of well worn jeans. Her gaze moved over the muscles flexing in his back as he dressed. Her mouth went dry watching him and Natasha realised she wasn’t going to be able to put up with Eric’s stubborn refusal to touch her much longer. A part of her wondered if he was seeing someone and that’s why he didn’t want her but she wasn’t sure how to go about asking him that plus she wasn’t sure she wanted him to answer that question. If he was seeing someone else, he’d break her heart for sure. She’d never recover from that kind of pain.

  He turned and caught her watching him. When he saw the way her eyes were devouring him hungrily, he groaned and turned away, pulling on the t-shirt he’d left on the bed. Natasha ground her teeth in frustration. Obviously something about how she was feeling showed in her eyes and Eric had seen it, but again he ignored her and was going to deny her what she wanted. “Why aren’t you going back to work?” she asked him and he explained that he’d rescheduled the meeting for tomorrow.

  “I’m still waiting to hear where you went today Natasha.” Eric said and Natasha struggled to control her rising frustration with him.

  “I told you to look in the bags Eric if you want to know where I went.” Brushing past him she started emptying the contents of the bags out on the bed, watching as the baby clothes and her new clothes tumbled out. He came over and picked up some of the baby things.

  “You went baby shopping?” He asked, staring at the tiny clothing. “I thought we could go soon, together and start shopping for what we need for the nursery.” He said.

  “That’s the problem though, where is the nursery going to be? This is not my home Eric and once the babies are born, there will be no need for me to stay here anymore.”

  Eric turned to her. “Aren’t you happy living here?” He asked.

  “It’s not a question of whether I’m happy or not. I’m here because you and my Mother decided I would be better off here while I’m pregnant, but once the babies are born, there’s no reason why I can’t go home.” She pointed out.

  Eric dropped the baby clothes back on the bed and began to pace up and down the room. “I don’t want you to leave here Natasha. I like having you in my home and if you and our babies are here, then I can help take care of you all. I can’t do that so easily if you go back to your place.”

  Natasha watched him pace the room. “So what are you saying Eric? Are you asking me to move in with you?”

  Eric stopped his pacing to look at her his expression tense. “I don’t expect an answer right away, but think about it at least. It’s the most sensible thing to do, for us to live together.”

  Natasha couldn’t help the disappointment that hit her at his response. He was only talking about living together from a practical viewpoint. So much she wished he would say it was because he couldn’t live without her but it didn’t seem like that was going to happen anytime soon.

  Eric walked over to her, grabbing her shoulders between his hands. “I mean it Natasha, think about what I’m saying.” He said and she reluctantly nodded.

  “I don’t think you’re thinking this through properly Eric. What about if one of us gets tired of the living arrangements and wants to move on, start dating?” She asked and Eric’s fingers dug painfully into her shoulders.

  “Dammit it Natasha, haven’t I already proved to you that I don’t want anyone else? I would do anything to protect you and our babies and yet you constantly question me? Maybe it’s you who doesn’t want me anymore?” He ground out.

  Natasha snorted. “I’m not the problem Eric. You don’t want me. Maybe the sight of my baby bump puts you off, but you don’t want me sexually anymore. You aren’t attracted to me and dammit, I’m pregnant, not dead.” Suddenly her control snapped and she turned on him fury flashing in her eyes.” This pregnancy is making me fucking horny you stupid bastard and yet no matter what I try you won’t fucking well make love to me, so screw you. Either let me go home and you find someone else or I’m going to take care of the problem myself.” She snapped, all her pent up frustrations suddenly errupting, making her lash out at him. As soon as her tirade had ended, she immediately felt embarrassed and dark colour flooded her cheeks.

  A tiny smile appeared on Eric’s lips and Natasha felt another wave of anger flow through her. “Are you laughing at me, well fuck you Eric.” She stormed over to the bed, reaching into her large handbag and pulled out the bag with the vibrator in it. “Since you don’t want me anymore. I’ve bought something that will.” She tossed the bag at him. He caught it easily and with one last look at her, he reached into the bag and pulled out the vibrator.

  His eyes widened when he saw it and Natasha suddenly wondered what the hell she’d done throwing the thing at him. “It’s the Jack Rabbit.” She said. “Apparently once I have that, I’ll never want anything else, not even you.” Natasha couldn’t resist adding in her attempt to stir up some sort of reaction in him, dent his male ego, anything.

  “Why would you feel you need to buy this?” He asked, still staring at the purple vibrator in his hand and she sighed.

  Was nothing she was saying getting through to him? “Fuck it Eric, I just told you why. You obviously don’t want me anymore. We haven’t had sex in weeks. Either my growing stomach repulses you or you’ve got someone else.” She said, her voice cracking at the thought of him having another woman.

  “Why would you think I have someone else Natasha?” He asked quietly. “When have I had time for anyone else? If I’m not here, I’m at the office.” He told her.

  “That doesn’t mean much.” She said. “You told me you have an apartment close to your office. You could be meeting up with someone there.”

  Eric sighed, tossing the vibrator on the bed with all the rest of her purchases. “Why can’t you get it through your head that I don’t wan
t anyone else? You’re the only woman I want, the only woman I’m ever likely to want.”

  “Well you have a funny way of showing it.” She snapped. “I’ve tried to get you to show some interest in me but nothing. I don’t understand. If you’re not making love to me, who are you making love to Eric? You have a high sex drive and we haven’t had sex since the morning after the seafood restaurant.” She pointed out.

  Eric sighed, raking his hair back impatiently. “You’re the one who made it clear you weren’t going to sleep with me Natasha. That one time we made love and you got sick after it. Afterwards you again made it clear that I wasn’t to assume that we were going to resume the same level of sex we had in the hotel and then you got sick dammit. Remember? You scared the hell out of me. I’m not going to take advantage of you while you’re recovering from such severe morning sickness. It’s my fault you got sick in the first place. If you weren’t carrying my babies it would never have happened.”

  Natasha groaned with frustration. “Dammit Eric, will you stop this crap? It’s not your fault that I got sick. I’m not the first woman to get morning sickness bad enough to put me in hospital and I sure as hell won’t be the last. It’s got nothing to do with the fact that I’m carrying your babies. It could have happened regardless of who the Father was.”

  Eric’s face was still looking doubtful despite her assurances. “Oh for fuck sakes Eric. Stop twisting this around. You don’t want me, that’s obvious. I’ve tried to tease you into wanting me, but nothing. All you ever do is turn away or go and have a bloody shower.” Natasha said, frustration in her voice.

  “For starters Natasha, you’re the one who made it perfectly clear you weren’t going to sleep with me. You wanted me to prove that I wanted you in my life, not just to have sex with you and have you ever wondered why the hell I have so many fucking showers?” He yelled. Before she could answer him, he closed the gap between them and held her face between his hands. “It’s because I get so tired of walking around with a permanent damned hard on and the only fucking relief I can get is to take care of it sometimes in the shower ok. I fucking well jack off in the shower.” He released her and walked across the room, agitation evident in every inch of his body. “So are you happy now? I want you alright. I want you so fucking much my body aches all damned day and night, but I’m trying to do as you requested and I don’t want to fucking hurt you ok? You got so sick, sick enough to end up in hospital. What sort of animal would I be if I tried to have sex with you after what you’ve been through? You’ve accused me of rape once already. I won’t put myself in that position again dammit.”

  Natasha couldn’t say anything but stare in shock at Eric. Guilt lanced through her for having accused him of rape. “I’m sorry Eric, I should never have said that to you. I was just upset and we’d been fighting, I hated that I could respond even just a little after what was happening with us.” She tried to explain. “Maybe I should have just come out and told you I wanted us to make love, but I don’t have that kind of confidence. I’m no good at seducing you, I don’t even know how. I thought if I tried to tease you with glimpses of my breasts and bent over in front of you that you would get the message.”

  Eric groaned. “Dammit Natasha, I thought you were just trying to make me suffer for what I’d done to you. So now we’ve established that I want you and you want me but that doesn’t change anything. I won’t put your health or the health of our babies at risk.” He said, tension clearly visible in his eyes.

  Natasha walked over to him lifting her hands to his chest. “Eric, stop being such a fool. I’m not sick anymore. Women can have sex while they’re pregnant and before I left the hospital I asked the doctor about it and he said there was no reason why we couldn’t have sex if I wasn’t feeling sick. So now it’s up to you. Will it be you or the Jack Rabbit?” She asked.

  Nervously Natasha waited to see what Eric would do. Was he going to reject her or finally give in and give them what they both wanted? She could see the battle going on in his mind as he looked down at her. Finally she pulled back from him. “Well, while you’re thinking about it, I need the bathroom.” And she walked away from him and closed the door to the ensuite.

  After taking care of business she stood looking at herself in the mirror. Her eyes showed the nervous tension that was running through her body. She wasn’t good at this sort of thing. She didn’t know how to seduce Eric but maybe if she hit him over the head figuratively with what she wanted, perhaps he’d finally get the message.

  Before she could over think the idea that popped into her head, Natasha stripped out of her clothes and once she was naked, she stood looking at herself in the mirror from every angle, wondering if what she was seeing would be enough to tempt him. She placed her hands over her rounded stomach and hoped that Eric would find her blossoming baby bump attractive and not be turned off by it. She applied some perfume to her wrists and neck and with one last check of her appearance and a couple of deep breaths to try and stop the trembling of her lips, she opened the bathroom door and stepped back out into the bedroom.

  For a moment when she walked into the room, Natasha thought he’d gone until she noticed him standing out on the terrace that ran along the length of the master bedroom. Her footsteps were silent on the thick, plush carpet as she slowly approached him. Eric appeared to be deep in thought and unaware of her presence until she was almost right behind him. Just before she could reach out and touch him, he turned and Natasha noticed how tormented his eyes looked before he saw her.

  Standing before him naked, she had a moment of wondering what the hell she was doing and she braced herself for his rejection. Eric’s eyes travelled down the length of her and he closed his eyes, stepping back until he hit the handrail of the terrace. Natasha’s heart sank at his reaction. He was rejecting her. Her eyes filled with tears and she turned back inside, hurrying to get to the bathroom before she made an even big a fool of herself and broke down.

  She had only taken a few steps back inside when Eric’s strong hand closed around her arm halting her and she was spun around and pulled against his hard chest. His other hand tangled in her hair and he tugged her head back, tilting her face up to him. When he saw the tears on her cheeks, his gaze softened and he groaned softly before his lips came crashing down on hers. His lips plundered hers, forcing them apart until he could thrust his tongue into her mouth. Their tongues tangled, dueling with one another, the force of Eric’s passion pushing Natasha’s head right back. One of his hands moved down her back until he reached the curve of her spine above her buttocks and he jerked her against him. His body curved over hers as she arched into his and her heart began to beat erratically when she felt his erection pressing against her.

  Eric pulled away from her, his breathing harsh and he looked down at Natasha with eyes that burned with arousal. “Are you sure baby? If you don’t feel up to this, tell me now while I can still stop.” He panted and Natasha answered by stepping up close to him and undoing the button to his jeans before sliding the zip down carefully. She went to slip her hand inside to pull his straining erection free, but he grabbed her wrist, stopping her. “God, don’t baby, please. You touch me and I’m going to come. I haven’t had you in weeks, my self control is gone. I don’t know how the hell I’m going to make love to you without it being over in about a minute.” He said, his expression pained.

  Natasha just looked at him for a moment before smiling, then gently dropping to her knees in front of him. “Oh hell baby, you’re going to kill me.” Eric groaned. “You don’t have to do this. Damn I’ll probably choke you.” He said jokingly but when she looked up at him, she could see the tension in his face. He had such a tentative hold on his control right now, she knew she had to do this for him, she wanted to do this for him so badly.

  Carefully she pushed his jeans down, watching as his erection sprang free. Eric’s hips jerked slightly as the denim grazed over his steely hard shaft and Natasha heard his sharply indrawn breath. She lifted her hands t
o cup his buttocks and leaning forward, she ran her tongue up the underside of his erection, flicking over the head and lapping up the bead of fluid that hung there. She listened to Eric so she could see how he was reacting and after tracing the veins up and down his length a few more times, finally she opened her mouth wide and took him deep into her mouth. As soon as her lips closed around him, Eric groaned loudly and his hips twitched as he fought the urge to thrust hard into her mouth. Natasha began to slide her lips up and down the length of him, flicking her tongue over the swollen head of his shaft and it didn’t take long before Eric’s hands were buried in her hair and she could feel the tremors racking his body. He was panting and when she glanced up through her lashes, she could see he had his head thrown back and his eyes squeezed tightly shut.

  Just as Natasha felt him swell even bigger in her mouth, Eric’s fingers dug into her scalp and with a loud cry and her name spilling from his lips over and over he exploded. He pumped hotly into the back of her throat, his penis jerking with every spurt. Eric’s hips twitched as he pumped his release into her warm mouth and Natasha swallowed frantically as he flooded her mouth with his seed.

  She trailed her lips up the length of him sucking and licking him until he was completely spent. Eric’s knees sagged and with a soft groan he sank to the floor with her, his arms closing around her to pull her against him. He kissed her cheek and trailed a line of kisses down her neck before simply holding her close, his breath rasping in her ear as he struggled to draw air into his lungs.

  They sat like that for a while, locked in each other’s arms until finally Eric got to his feet, pulling Natasha up with him. He kissed the top of her head, telling her how amazing she was, how beautiful she was and how could she ever doubt how much he wanted her.


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