Natasha's Awakening

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Natasha's Awakening Page 50

by J. a Melville

  After circling the blocks one final time Natasha squirmed in her seat. “Mum, I need to pee.” She whispered. “These two have decided my bladder makes a good trampoline but if we don’t get back soon, I’m worried I’ll have an accident.” She hissed.

  “I’m sure we’ll be able to head back soon baby girl. Seriously darling, why didn’t you go before we got in the car?” Her Mother asked making Natasha feel like a child again.

  “I didn’t need to go then.” She grumbled.

  It was a relief when the limo turned into the driveway of Eric’s home and Maggie came out to hand Natasha her bouquet and arrange her dress around her nicely for the photos. Vladimir took several shots of her and finally she was able to go inside and use the bathroom.

  “Everyone’s ready baby girl.” Her Mother told her. “I just took a peek outside. Once the music starts, it’s time for you and Thomas to start walking. I’ll get outside and keep an eye on Eric for you. I love you Natasha.”

  Kathryn gave her daughter a hug and kiss and disappeared outside to take her place at the end of the aisle with Eric. Maggie followed her to go and take a seat. Thomas walked out of the kitchen looking very smart in a black suit. He hugged Natasha and smiled at her. “It’s show time young lady. Are you ready? Your man is waiting for you and looking extremely nervous.” He said grinning. “You know all he worried about the whole night was that you’d change your mind. He’s crazy about you.”

  “He didn’t have to worry Tom, there’s no way I’d be anywhere else but here today. I love him.” Natasha’s lips trembled when she smiled at Thomas. ‘Don’t cry’ she told herself.

  “Well come on then pet, lets get you down that aisle.”

  He took Natasha’s arm and they walked to the doors leading out onto the terrace. The music started up and she almost stumbled when she heard the song that began to play for her walk down the aisle. Eric had listened to her obviously. So many times she’d told him how much she loved the music from the Twilight series and in particular the song that played at the end of Breaking Dawn part 2, Christina Perri’s A Thousand Years. Something about the song touched her profoundly and she thought of her love for Eric and how he was the only man she would ever want or need, the man who would own her heart until she died. That song just said it all and she’d made Eric listen to it numerous times.

  With one final deep breath to try and calm her nerves, Natasha smiled at Thomas and with her arm in his, they stepped out into the sunshine to begin the walk down the aisle. She hung on tightly to her bouquet and walked slowly so she wouldn’t stumble or do anything embarrassing. She sure as hell didn’t want people’s memory of the day being because she fell flat on her face.

  They made it to the end of the first terrace and then with a firm grip on Thomas, Natasha made her way carefully down the four steps that would take her on the final length of carpet to Eric. Once she made it down the stairs Natasha finally lifted her head for the first time to look for him. As soon as her eyes landed on him, she almost stumbled. Eric looked amazing, sexy and the most devastatingly handsome man she’d ever seen.

  He was dressed in a black formal suit, that fit him to perfection. In keeping with her cream dress, he wore a cream shirt, tie and vest. It might have seemed too much with all the cream, but it looked amazing on Eric and one dwarf orchid flower that matched Natasha’s bouquet and was pinned to the lapel of his jacket.

  When Natasha’s eyes met Eric’s, they shone with their bright, intense blue, accentuated by the black suit. That slow sexy smile Natasha knew so well, lit up his face as he watched her slowly approaching him on Thomas’s arm. She didn’t miss the flash of relief in his eyes before it was gone again and replaced with his love

  With the music building up around them, Natasha made it to his side and Eric bent over to her to whisper. “You made it baby. You look stunning.”

  Natasha whispered back. “I was a little late. I had to pee. Do you have any idea how hard that is to do with this much dress to deal with?” And Eric couldn’t help himself, he burst out laughing.

  As they took their places before the Celebrant, the music faded away and finally their wedding ceremony could begin. They had made the decision while discussing their wedding that they would to stick with the traditional marriage vows but Natasha had made it quite clear that she would honour but she wasn’t going to obey. Eric had laughed and pointed out. “When have you ever obeyed me baby?”

  Eric repeated his vows as the marriage celebrant gave them to him and he spoke in a clear precise voice, his eyes meeting Natasha’s.

  Natasha never looked away from Eric as she repeated hers. Her voice was quieter and there was a slight tremor in hers, but seeing the love shining in his eyes helped to ease her nerves and she couldn’t help mouthing ‘I love you’ to him when she’d finished saying her vows. Eric responded with his own ‘I love you too’ and with one final look into one another’s eyes, they turned back to concentrate on the Celebrant who was talking again about the start of their lives together and the meaning of marriage.

  When it came time to exchange rings, Eric slipped a wedding band on Natasha’s finger that he’d bought to match her engagement ring. It wasn’t a plain gold band, it had diamonds right the way around it, small, mounted flush into the band with the edges of the gold curling over the diamonds either side, enough that there would never be any chance of them becoming loose or falling out of the ring.

  Natasha’s fingers had swollen slightly and Eric had a moment where he struggled to get the ring over her knuckle, but finally it slid the rest of the way on and then it was her turn to slip Eric’s ring on his finger. The rest of their vows were exchanged and then the marriage celebrant announced they were man and wife and that Eric could kiss his bride.

  Eric turned her to face him with his hands on her cheeks, he bent his head and his lips closed over Natasha’s for the first time as man and wife. Conscious of their guests watching them, he kept the kiss light and gentle before reluctantly lifting his head and stepping back from her.

  Then with her hand held tightly in his, Eric and Natasha made their way back towards the house to the enthusiastic smiles and congratulations of their guests. They had done it, they were married. When Natasha snuck a look at Eric’s face, he was smiling and looked happy and when he turned, catching her looking up at him, he grinned at her before giving her hand a squeeze and leading her carefully up the stairs and into the house.

  The next hour or so was taken up with photos. Photos, photos, photos, Vladimir took a lot of them and Natasha’s face was starting to ache from all the smiling. She was the happiest woman on the planet right now but the constant request to smile, show some teeth, move this way head that way was starting to wear her out.

  It was a relief to finally get in and sit down in the marquee. Of course Francine had done a remarkable job for their wedding with only a month and a half preparation time. As much as the woman irritated Natasha, she had to give her credit where credit was due, but it didn’t stop her hating the way she smiled and flirted with Eric, whereas she got very little but a few clipped words and an icy stare.

  The number of guests at their wedding had ended up growing bigger than they’d first anticipated. Several business associates were there, along with Eric’s PA Alex and his partner, Samantha and her husband and of course the most important ones for Natasha, her Mother, Thomas, Maggie and Alice.

  The inside of the marquee was beautifully decorated with orchids adorning every table. There was an ice sculpture in one corner which made Natasha smile when she saw it. Eric had obviously listened to everything she’d told him about, how even from a child, she had dreamed of having a beautiful ice sculpture at her wedding. With the warmer weather though, she wasn’t sure how long it was going to last, but for now the gorgeous ice swan looked stunning. The wedding cake had been set up on another table. It was the first time Natasha had seen it, and it was amazing.

  It was 5 tiers high. Cream with ornate patterns all around it, tha
t swirled and twisted around each tier. Every layer had arrangements of flowers, most of them in shades of yellow and when Natasha looked more closely, she could see they were all orchids and edible ones at that. The detail in it was incredible.

  Natasha could only stand there for a moment, gazing at it in awe before she turned to Eric. “Are you sure you couldn’t have got a bigger cake?” She said dryly.

  Eric just grinned at her. “Don’t you like it baby? It’s decorated to match the theme around here.”

  Natasha laughed. “It’s beautiful Eric, you know that, but we’re going to be eating cake for the next 6 months. It’s huge. We don’t have enough guests here to give out that much cake.”

  “Big is best baby.” Eric wiggled his eyebrows at her suggestively and she couldn’t help but grin at him “Aren’t you supposed to freeze some to have later anyway?” Eric asked and Natasha laughed again.

  “You’re an idiot Mr Rothman. We can’t freeze that much cake.” She reached up to cup the back of his head, pulling him down to her. “But you’re my idiot.” She said, pressing her lips to his.

  Eric was the first to break the kiss. “I love you baby.” He whispered.

  “I love you more.” Natasha’s hand rose to caress his cheek.

  Just at that moment someone cleared their throat next to them and when Natasha turned her head, she instantly stiffened when she saw Francine. Eric must have felt the tension in her body because he looked down at her with a questioning look in his eyes.

  “If you and your wife would kindly take your seats please Mr Rothman.” Francine said, her eyes only on Eric as she spoke. “The buffet will be served shortly.”

  They had opted to go with a buffet so guests could pick what they wanted to eat rather than set meals. “I’ve been to weddings with set meals Eric.” Natasha had told him a while ago. “The food was awful sometimes. I always told myself that if I ever got married, I’d want a buffet where everyone can choose what they want.”

  Francine moved away and Eric led Natasha to the bridal table where her Mother, Maggie, Thomas and Alice were already seated. Since they’d decided not to have bridesmaids and groomsmen, both had been in agreement that the most important people in their lives should be seated with them.

  Kathryn was looking very much the Mother of the bride in her pale green dress, complete with an orchid pinned to it that matched all the other orchids adorning the marquee, cake and Natasha’s bouquet.

  Her face lit up when she saw the expressions on Eric and Natasha’s faces. The way they were so absorbed in one another. “Oh you two.” She said. “Just look at the pair of you. Such love for one another.” At her words, Natasha and Eric just looked at one another and grinned, before he bent his head to drop a quick kiss on her parted lips.

  When the food came out, numerous waiters all dressed the same began laying out platters on the long tables set up at one end of the marquee. Natasha watched slightly bemused at the number that just kept coming and coming.

  There was just about every culinary delight on that table. Every kind of seafood from what Natasha could see, plus various meats, numerous salads and hot vegetables, sushi, a personal favourite of hers, divine looking smoked salmon rolls, the selection just went on and on.

  Natasha couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at Eric. “Are you expecting more people?” She asked, amusement in her voice.

  “We have to feed our guests baby. You don’t want to have the wedding that everyone talks about behind our backs and complains about there being hardly anything to eat, do you?” Eric asked.

  “Somehow I don’t think that’s going to happen. We’re going to have to offer this around the neighbourhood, there’s going to be so much leftover food.”

  Eric squeezed her hand. “Stop worrying baby. If you’re worrying about how much this wedding has cost, stop it now. I can afford it ok?”

  Natasha sighed and started helping herself to a selection of food. Eric loaded up his plate and as they sat down to eat, gradually the other guests helped themselves too.

  The rest of the reception passed smoothly. Speeches were done, the cake was cut and Natasha finally got to be held in Eric’s arms as his wife when they took to the dance floor for the bridal waltz. Of course, Eric proved to be a wonderful dancer, but then he seemed to be good at everything he did.

  “Is there anything you’re not good at?” Natasha asked.

  “Well, I can’t sing to save myself baby but otherwise, nah, I’m just damned good at everything.”

  She laughed, rolling her eyes at his response and she couldn’t help hitting him lightly on the arm.

  Eric made a big show of twisting his head around, pointing at her and asking if everyone had seen that. If he had witnesses to Natasha’s violence. A few guests nearby started to laugh at his antics.

  Later Eric got into the spirit of things and removed Natasha’s garter with his teeth to the cheers of the guests and Natasha threw her bouquet which was caught by her Mother. Kathryn shrieked with excitement and everyone laughed at her enthusiastic reaction.

  Natasha was having a great time. Eric had somehow made their wedding a nice mix of the formal and traditional with a little of the casual, more relaxed theme. All their guests seemed to be enjoying themselves and everyone had made a good dent in the food, much to her surprise.

  As it drew to an end, Natasha was ready to get some rest. Her feet hurt, her back ached and her face felt like it was going to crack from the hours of smiling for photos. Eric noticed the fatigue in her eyes and instantly took charge telling everyone that they were welcome to stay as long as they wanted, but he was taking his wife to get some rest.

  Natasha wasn’t sure whether to laugh or groan. “They’re not going to think we’re going to rest Eric.” She whispered. “They’re going to think we can’t wait to start our wedding night.”

  Eric hauled her into his arms with a low growl. “I don’t give a fuck what the guests think we’re doing baby. We’ll do the right thing, go around and thank everyone for coming and then we can politely disappear.”

  With Eric leading the way, he took her around to each guest, they did as he said, thanked them for coming and finally when they got to her Natasha’s Mother, Thomas, Maggie and Alice, there was a lot of hugging and kissing, with a few tears mixed in.

  “When do you leave on your honeymoon baby girl?” Her Mother asked.

  “Tomorrow.” Natasha told her.

  “Well you make sure you two have a great time.” Kathryn grinned as she looked between the two of them. Natasha couldn’t help blushing which only made her Mother smile even more.

  Finally they were finished saying good bye to everyone and Eric took Natasha’s hand and led her to the lift so they could go upstairs to spend their first night together as man and wife.

  Chapter 28.

  Eric pushed the door open with his foot before swinging Natasha into his arms, despite her protests that he’d break his back under the combined weight of her and their babies. He ignored her and picked her up like she weighed nothing and stepped into the penthouse suite at the hotel where they had made love for the first time. This place held special meaning for Natasha since it was here that she’d lost her virginity to the man who had become the centre of her universe. So much had happened in a fairly short time and now they were back as man and wife and very soon were going to become parents.

  Eric lowered Natasha back onto her feet once he had them inside, the door closed and then he bent forward, hands on his knees, puffing and panting like he’d just run a marathon. “I’m fine baby.” He gasped. “You don’t weigh much at all.”

  Natasha watched him panicking for a moment, but when Eric straightened and she saw the amusement in his eyes, she hit him. “Damn you Eric, that’s not funny.”

  He laughed at her expression. “Yes it is baby. Your face, it was priceless.” He rubbed his arm where she’d hit him. “Stop hitting me all the time woman. Such violence from you.”

  “Well stop being an ar
se and then I’ll have no reason to hit you.” She snapped. To add to her frustration Eric just burst out laughing.

  “Are we having our first argument as a married couple?” He asked. “Fuck, I thought we’d get through a couple of days at least before the fighting started.”

  Natasha looked at Eric’s face, the humour dancing in his eyes and suddenly she couldn’t help it, she burst out laughing and it quickly turned into a fit of uncontrollable giggles that went on and on until her eyes were streaming. Eric simply grinned at her through her entire fit of laughter and his eyes moved over her face watching Natasha’s attempts to get herself back under control.

  “Dammit Eric, you shouldn’t make a pregnant woman laugh, I’m going to pee myself in a minute.” She protested.

  Eric reached out and hauled her against him or as close to him as she could get these days with her huge belly between them. “God I love you baby. You’re so beautiful even if you do suffer from incontinence.” Natasha could feel his body shaking with the effort it was costing him not to laugh at her again and although a part of her was so tempted to hit him or kick him in the shin, she decided she could torment him in other ways without resorting to hitting him.

  She pulled back from him enough to quickly unbuckle his belt, undo the button of his jeans and carefully slide the zip down before slipping her hand in to curl her hand around his penis. He was soft, which was a surprise, she’d never had to try and arouse him, he’d always been erect before. Still as soon as her fingers closed around him, she felt him starting to stir in her hand.

  “What are you doing baby?” Suddenly the humour had gone from Eric’s gaze and his blue eyes started to heat as Natasha’s hand caressed him bringing him to a hard, straining erection.


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