Natasha's Awakening

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Natasha's Awakening Page 62

by J. a Melville

  A noisy sigh escaped her lips as Eric buried himself in her until he was as deep as he could go. He paused letting Natasha get used to the size of his long, thick penis in her after so long without the familiar, welcoming feel of him.

  When he felt her clench around him, he began to move, thrusting deep into her until he hit against her cervix. Gradually he increased his pace and at the angle she was in, his penetration rapidly sent her spiralling into another earth shattering orgasm.

  Natasha screamed her nails clawing at Eric’s arms, her core closing down around him, fluttering and spasming and within moments, he followed her with his own release, her name shouted into the room and she felt him coat her cervix with his warm seed.

  Eric never stopped moving, thrusting into her hard and fast, until the room was filled with the wet slapping sound of their bodies coming together.

  She moaned hanging onto him as he slammed into her over and over again, his face beaded with sweat which dripped down over her stomach as he pounded into her, his eyes burning, his face contorted with his growing pleasure.

  She could feel another orgasm building and Natasha moaned, her body a mass of highly sensitized nerve endings. Every movement of Eric’s rigid shaft pistoning in and out of her taking her closer and closer to her inevitable release.

  When it finally crashed over her Natasha screamed again, her hips bucking and she thrashed her head from side to side, a deafening roar in her ears. She felt Eric’s movements increase, his pace almost brutal as he worked towards his own climax.

  Natasha hung onto him, feeling limp, almost boneless as he slammed into her a few more times until finally he tensed, his hips jerked and he began to spill into her, a loud, guttural sounding groan forced from him.

  He dropped Natasha’s legs back down to the bed and lowered himself onto her, his body slick with sweat, his heart pounding in unison with hers, both their bodies shaking violently.

  They lay like that for some time until Eric suddenly seemed concerned he might be crushing her and slowly pulled out of her body, leaving her feeling empty. With a grunt he flopped down alongside of her, his arm flung over his eyes as he struggled to get his breathing back under control.

  When his breathing had finally started to settle down, he peered out at Natasha from under his arm. “Fuck baby, that…was…amazing. I thought I was going to die for a moment there, but fuck it, what a hell of a way to go.” He gave her that slow sexy smile of his.

  He pulled his arm away from his face and rolled onto his side, his hand reaching out so he could lightly run his fingers down her stomach, drawing circles on her skin which caused her to break out in goose bumps under his feathery light touch.

  “Were you ok baby? I wasn’t too rough with you, was I? It’s been so long for you and you’ve given birth and…..fuck it, I just couldn’t control myself. I’m sorry baby, I wanted you so much and when I was inside you, my control was completely gone.” Eric’s eyes searched her face.

  Natasha rolled onto her side and reached out to cup his cheek. Men and their egos. Obviously her husband needed to know if he was the ‘stud’ or not. “I love you Eric. That was so good, better than good, great, fantastic, amazing, hot, mind blowing, does that answer your question Mr CEO?”

  Eric grinned. “I’m glad baby. It was so damned good.”

  “So you weren’t freaked out then?” Natasha asked and Eric gave her a puzzled look. “I was worried that you might not find me sexy anymore. I haven’t lost all my baby belly yet, I’m scarred from my broken leg and I’ve heard that sometimes men get a bit funny after they see a baby coming out of the woman.” She blushed, “You know, down there. It can put them off.”

  Eric’s response was to kiss her, a long, lingering kiss, “Don’t be silly baby. You’re the sexiest woman in the world to me and believe me, you’re just as sexy now as you were before you gave birth. Never ever doubt for even a moment that I find you anything other than gorgeous, beautiful and desirable sweetheart. I love you more every day. You are my life, you and the twins so stop getting crazy ideas baby because you have nothing at all to worry about, trust me.”

  Natasha grinned. “I love you too Eric, so much it hurts sometimes. I can’t imagine my life without you in it and I can’t tell you how much I missed this.” She trailed her fingers over his penis.

  She pushed him until he rolled onto his back and sat up at his side, bending over to kiss him before whispering. “I want you again Eric. I have a lot of weeks to make up for.” She cocked her head to one side, her hair cascading over her shoulder with the ends brushing his stomach. “I want to straddle you and ride you until neither of us can see straight anymore.” She watched Eric’s face. “Do you think you’re up to that?”

  He grinned, his eyes heating up with renewed arousal. “Oh I think I can rise to the challenge.” He said, taking her hand and pressing it against his growing erection. “We do have all night after all.”

  “You are just so easy.” Natasha grinned and Eric’s laugh was husky. “Only for you baby, only for you.”

  Eric proved just how up to the job he was, not just once, but three more times during the night until finally they both slept.

  Natasha never heard him rise to get ready for work in fact she slept the sleep of the truly exhausted, not waking up until late morning. Her muscles ached. She was a little tender and sore between her legs but she grinned to herself as memories of the previous night flashed through her mind.

  The whole night had been amazing and she needn’t have worried about whether Eric would still find her sexy after giving birth. He had proven to her over and over again that he still wanted her. Natasha shifted her legs, wincing slightly when her muscles protested. Her body was certainly reminding her of how many times they had made love last night, that was for sure.

  Life couldn’t get any better as far as Natasha was concerned. She had a sexy, amazing husband, they were parents to their gorgeous twins and her and Eric shared the most incredible sex life. As far as she was concerned, life was simply perfect.

  Chapter 33.

  Six Months Later.

  Natasha sat at the dining table, spooning what looked like a completely unappetising pile of mush to her, alternatively into Erica’s and Nathaniel’s mouths. The mush in the bowls had started out life as a mixture of vegetables but with the aid of the blender, it now resembled a sort of greenish brown goo.

  Still, despite the appearance, the twins obviously thought it was wonderful as they sat, lined up in their high chairs, mouths open, eagerly awaiting the loaded spoons coming their way.

  “I think we should get away for a few days baby. What do you think?” Eric sat, finishing off his dinner as he watched Natasha feeding Erica and Nathaniel and she turned around in surprise.

  “Where do you want to go?” She asked. “Do you mean alone or we’re taking the twins? I’m not sure I’d want to leave them alone for a few days.” She turned back to her babies, smiling at them as they waited for more of their goo.

  “I thought we could go to Tasmania baby. Stay in our country home a few days. Work has been crazy lately, but finally my latest acquisition has all been sorted, so the pressure is off for a while. My staff can take care of things for a few days at least.” Eric told her. “And no, I wasn’t saying we leave the twins here, we’ll take them with us but Beverly will come too. Maggie and Tom are keen to see them and have offered to take them in their home with Beverly so we can have some time alone.” His eyes searched hers. “Wouldn’t you like some time for just the two of us? Those two keep you so busy baby and you’re looking a little tired. I’d like to see you get some rest and relax for a few days at least. What do you think?”

  “Are you sure Maggie and Thomas want to help care for this cheeky pair Eric? Now they’re mobile, they’re into everything. They might only be crawling, but they’re still a pair of devils.” She grinned at the twins. “Their home wouldn’t be child proof like ours is and it could end up being too much for them.” Natasha could
n’t help worrying.

  Eric got up and came around to where she sat feeding the twins. He squatted down alongside of her, watching as she spooned the last few mouthfuls into Erica’s and Nathaniel’s mouths.

  “It will be fine baby, stop stressing. Beverly will be there too. Do you seriously think anyone is going to take any risks with these two? Besides, Maggie offered and if it makes you feel any better, Tom has already been put to work to make sure areas of their home are childproof.”

  Eric gazed up at her and when Natasha looked down into his stunning blue eyes, she knew she was lost. “Ok.” She sighed. “The idea of having some time alone with you sounds wonderful but you know me. I just worry about my babies.”

  “I know you do sweetheart. You’re such a good Mother to them but you have to trust that others can take care of them too, at least for a few days. Don’t forget, Maggie just about raised me and I didn’t turn out so bad, did I?” Natasha reached out to run her hand through Eric’s hair, and she shook her head. “They’ll take good care of our babies for us.” Eric rose to his feet and dropped a kiss on her cheek. “I’ll go and give them a call and make the arrangements now and stop worrying baby. I can hear your brain ticking over from here.” He grinned at her and Natasha laughed. He knew her so well.

  They left for Tasmania four days later. It was nerve wracking for Natasha flying with the twins as they’d never been in a plane before and she was worried about how they would be affected during the take off and landing, but apart from getting a bit grizzly they behaved remarkably well.

  Thomas and Maggie picked them all up at the airport since they had a seven seater 4WD. Eric had been going to arrange for a limo to pick them up but Maggie had insisted on the phone that they would be happy to come and get them.

  She spent time meeting Erica and Nathaniel, marvelling at how big they’d become and hugged everyone, including Beverly in that way, that was just Maggie. Natasha watched the older woman, an amused look on her face but her mind kept straying back to when they’d first met and how Maggie had become her rock, her confidant. She adored the older woman and going by the slightly gummy grins on the twins’ faces, they thought she was ok too.

  Eric fixed the baby seats in place and after all the luggage had been put in the back, they made their way to the country home. Natasha watched the scenery going past, loving how stunningly beautiful it all was. It was mid winter so everything was very lush and green with a light covering of snow over the mountain tops.

  They had to stop along the way at a petrol station so she could do an emergency change of Nathaniel’s nappy as he’d decided to let loose and with everyone’s eyes almost watering and heads hanging out of the windows, she had no choice but to change him. He seemed very proud of his efforts and giggled through the whole process as she changed him.

  Once the job was done, they continued on to their home, with the windows down a bit to air the car out. “Damn Natasha, what have you been feeding that boy?” Eric asked, a pained expression on his face which made her burst out laughing.

  “You’ve seen what I feed him Eric. Did you see his face? He was so proud of himself.” She grinned.

  Eric grimaced. “Well I’m glad he was anyway.” He turned to Nathaniel. “Mr Stinky, that’s my new name for you.” He tickled his son and Nathaniel giggled making them all laugh.

  When they arrived at the house, Natasha climbed out of the car, looking around with excitement. It felt like a lifetime ago since she’d been here last and god, so much had changed since then. She looked over at Eric as he helped lift the twins out of the car and as she watched him, her mind kept flashing back to their last days here. It had been some of the most amazing times of her life, but also the most painful. Memories of Eric’s face as she’d driven off, leaving him alone, filled her head.

  Natasha gave herself a shake, and came back to the present where Eric was watching her intently. She gave him a small smile but he frowned and walked over to her, passing the twins to Beverly on his way. “What’s wrong baby?” He asked and she reached up to kiss his cheek.

  “It’s nothing Eric, really. I was just remembering the last time we were here. I had some of the best times here, but some of the worst too.” Her eyes bore the remnants of her pain from all that time ago and Eric groaned, pulling her into his arms.

  “That was so long ago baby and look at us now. I thought I’d lost you. Watching you drive away from here felt like my heart had been torn out of my chest, but please, lets not dwell on things. We know how that story ended. We’re married, we’re parents, this story has a happy ending baby.” He joked.

  “Hey there lad, leave the loving of your wife until we old folk leave can you?” Maggie’s voice cut through Eric and Natasha’s moment together. He pulled back looking over at Maggie who was grinning at them.

  “Shut up Maggie.” He said his lips curving up in a smile. “Just because you and Tom are too old, don’t make fun of us young folk.”

  Maggie chuckled. “Don’t you go disrespecting me and Tom and who are you calling old? I’ll have you know there’s plenty of life left in the pair of us yet. Now get over here and help unload your luggage then we can get going and go spend some time with your wee bonnie lass and lad.” She said.

  The next ten minutes or so were spent unloading the car and Eric carried their bags inside. They hugged everyone, before they both gave Erica and Nathaniel extra long hugs and kisses before reluctantly handing them over to Maggie and Beverly who strapped them back in their car seats. After some final instructions from Natasha and her asking Maggie numerous times if she was sure she’d be ok with two young children to run around after and Maggie assuring her they’d be fine, they climbed back in their car and drove off.

  Eric’s arms came around her from behind as she watched the 4WD take her babies away from her. His lips brushed against her neck and she shivered in reaction to him being so close. Even after over a year together, their babies, many obstacles along the way, whenever Eric came near her, it was like the first time all over again for her.

  “They’ll be fine baby. Maggie or Beverly will call if they have any problems and they’re only next door after all. Come on sweetheart, lets enjoy this time alone. It’s ok to have fun without the twins. Now you’ve weaned them they aren’t so dependent on you, so it’s easier to have others take care of them. Don’t allow yourself to feel guilty for that. Look how they were? They know Beverly well and you saw how they were with Maggie. They’ll have some fun too with those three playing with them. I bet they won’t miss us at all and we can go and see them tomorrow if you want to anyway, ok?” Eric turned her in his arms, lifting her chin with his finger to watch her face.

  “I know Eric. I’m just been a clingy Mother I guess. It’s paid off to have them meet so many different people in their short lives so they are comfortable being looked after by others but I’m just a worrier.”

  “No baby, you’re a Mother and a damned good one. We can go and see them anytime you like, but try and have some fun with just us, ok?” Eric nuzzled into her neck again, tightening his grip around her waist and Natasha sighed, leaning back against him.

  “So what are we going to do with ourselves for the rest of the day Mr CEO?” She asked. “Not that there’s exactly a lot of today left.” She said glancing at her watch. It was 3pm and at this time of the year there were only a couple of hours of daylight left.

  “I think lighting the fire should be my first priority. It’s cooling down now and it’ll be cold in a few more hours.” Eric gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and released her to go and organise the fire.

  “I’ll unpack then.” Natasha said heading inside. The house was just as she remembered but it was cold inside. Shivering, she climbed up the stairs to where the bags were sitting from when Eric had brought them inside earlier.

  It didn’t take her that long to unpack and put their things away in the walk through robe. Once she was done, she headed back downstairs and saw that Eric had the fire burning and
she stood in front of the fireplace, warming her hands. There was no sign of him, but she heard the sound of the axe hitting the logs and knew he was out splitting wood to make sure they’d have enough for their stay.

  Natasha wandered out the back and stood for a while watching him splitting firewood. He’d removed his jacket and was down to just his jeans and t-shirt. She couldn’t look away as he swung the axe, the muscles in his arms flexing and bulging. His t-shirt had pulled free of his jeans and a strip of skin was showing.

  Eric looked up suddenly and caught her watching him. Natasha felt her cheeks heat because even after everything they’d been through together, she still blushed around him. He gave her that sexy smile of his and went back to splitting the wood and she found herself unable to look away. The longer she watched him, the more aroused she became.

  She realised they hadn’t made love for at least a week due partially to her having just gone through that time of the month and then Erica had been sick for a couple of days and had been unsettled so their sex life had been on hold for that time.

  Maybe this child free holiday was going to work out ok after all. Certainly watching Eric splitting firewood was making her eager to tear his clothes off him and make up for their sexual drought. She couldn’t stop the smile that curved her lips when she thought about how nice it was going to be to have this time alone although the irony didn’t escape her.

  Natasha had been so worried about leaving the twins for a few days with Maggie, Tom and Beverly, but then just one glimpse of Eric’s sexy body as he split the firewood and suddenly she was excited about their time alone.

  “What are you smiling about Mrs Rothman? You look like the cat who got the cream.” Eric’s voice cut through her day dreaming.

  Natasha blushed, suddenly realising he had stopped chopping and was watching her. She shook her head. “Nothing, just day dreaming.” She said but he swung the axe and buried it into a length of timber before moving towards her, his walk predatory, his eyes locked with hers, burning into her.


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