Passion & Venom (Venom Trilogy Book 1)

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Passion & Venom (Venom Trilogy Book 1) Page 12

by S Williams

  But then I notice the envelope beneath the opaque black vase.

  I pick up the flowers and snatch up the envelope. On it are the words Open Me in jagged, manly print. I look around the bedroom once more before opening the envelope.

  There is a folded sheet of paper inside of it.

  I open it and read it.

  They are called chocolate cosmos. They are rare. Unique. Sweet smelling. They bloom when it is hottest here.

  You wanted a day at the beach, you can go after breakfast. Make sure you dress accordingly and don’t be late.


  His signature is bold and just as jagged as the words on the envelope. I toss the paper on the vanity and then lean in to smell the flowers.

  They smell like vanilla. It’s a pleasant scent. Strong. Sweet, just like he said.

  They’ve already been placed in water. I wonder how long they’ll last.

  I’m wary about them, though. What if there’s a camera or something hiding between the stems? I sift through them, making sure nothing seems out of the ordinary.

  Everything looks fine…but looks can be very deceiving in this place.

  I’m surprised he’s giving me the day to go to the beach. I get a giddy feeling just thinking about it. I’ll be out of the house. Bathing in the sun. Maybe there’s a way out. Maybe I can swim away to another place.

  Maybe someone will find me and take me to the cops.

  I can’t miss out on this opportunity. I check the alarm clock. I have an hour to get dressed. I make way for the closet, searching through the clothes until I come across the untouched bathing suits hanging in the back with the price tags still attached to them. They are all nice, but one of them stands out the most to me.

  It stands out because it looks like the bathing suit I bought for my and Toni’s honeymoon.

  It’s all white, with a gold ring holding the fabric together. It’s a two-piece bikini. It’s simple, but it’s perfect…and I hate it.

  Our honeymoon was going to be amazing. I could picture it. Our bungalow was right on the beach. We’d wake up to water that is much clearer than the water here and we’d make love when we awoke in the mornings and then fuck like wild animals at night after getting drunk.

  I had it all planned out.

  But just like that, it all vanished right before my very eyes.

  I stand in front of the mirror with watery eyes, staring at the bathing suit. It hangs limp in my hands, but I have to wear it. I’ll pretend he’s with me. I’ll make it a good beach trip.

  I wonder why Draco is rewarding me. Did I do something good? He put that tracker in me and I protested. Is he trying to worm his way in?

  I hope he doesn’t think it’s working. I’ll take things and use them to my advantage, but I don’t owe him shit. If anything, he owes me.

  It doesn’t matter what he does, he will never be able to pay off the debt of a slaughtered husband on my wedding day. No price is high enough to compensate for the loss of love.

  As I get dressed, I remember what his mom was saying about giving myself to him. I want out of here, and that means he has to trust me, even if I don’t trust him myself.

  That means I should worm my way in deep and do whatever it takes to own that man.

  And that’s exactly what I’ll do.

  I’ll make him crave me.

  I’ll make him soft for me.

  And as soon as he feels comfortable, I will seek my revenge.

  If I play by my rules, I will be out of here before I know it.

  Like Ronaldo said, I have a pussy. It’s time for me to use it.

  During breakfast, I feel Mrs. Molina watching me. She doesn’t say anything, but she is looking. At first, I didn’t mind the idea of going to the beach with her. She seems the most lenient of everyone I’ve met, plus she knew my father.

  And if my father knew of the Molinas that means she may have some knowledge. But her odd looks and words from yesterday are playing a match of ping-pong in my mind. Why is she so concerned about what happens to me?

  After I finish my sausage and egg tostado, I drink the rest of my mimosa and then stand up, picking up the towel from the back of my chair.

  “Do you know the code to the gates?” I ask both Mrs. Molina and Francesca.

  “No,” Francesca responds without looking up.

  “Yes.” Mrs. Molina sluggishly pushes out of her chair. “But I am not allowed to tell you the numbers.” She walks around the table, meeting up to me. “Come on. Let’s go.” She displays a gentle smile, walking past me to get to the french doors.

  I start to follow after her, but Francesca reaches up rapidly to grab my wrist.

  “Is he letting you swim?” she whispers, staring me right in the eyes.

  “He said I could go to the beach.”

  “Why?” she hisses angrily.

  I pull my arm away and shrug. “I don’t know. He left a note in my room. I mentioned that I wanted to go yesterday.”

  She bats her eyelashes wildly and then drops her hands, staring down at the table.

  I look around for listening ears and prying eyes before focusing on her again. “Can’t you come with us?” I whisper in Spanish.

  She shakes her head, her thick curls flopping. “No. And I won’t ask. He hasn’t spoken to me personally since he found out I helped you—besides the dinner last night, but that doesn’t count. He was just putting on a show for you.”

  I frown. “For me?”

  “Yes, you,” she snaps, glaring up at me. “He’s giving you way more freedom than I’ve ever gotten. He hardly punishes you. I’ve been here for three years. I’ve done everything he’s asked of me, but he’s never let me go out past the pool.”

  I look away, focusing on the floor. “I—I didn’t know.”

  “Of course you didn’t.” She shoves back in her chair, and the legs scrape the floor. “Like he said, a pretty girl like you is hard to say no to. A pretty girl like you is obviously hard to punish too.” She narrows her eyes, scanning me in my white T-shirt and beach shorts. “I never should have fucking helped you. Ever since he saw you naked, he hasn’t been able to keep his eyes off of you.”

  She turns around and storms through the kitchen. I watch her go, baffled by her harshness.

  “Ignore her,” Mrs. Molina says when Francesca’s long gone. “She is simply in love with a man that will never be in love with her. Knowing that will always tear her up inside.”

  I turn around to meet Mrs. Molina’s brown gaze. Wrinkles form around them. Waving a hand and gesturing for me to come her way, she says, “Let’s go, before my son shows up and changes his mind.”

  “Right.” I follow after her, leaving the dining room but not without one glance back. Francesca doesn’t come back, but I feel awful. Guilty. I know she’s right. I’ve noticed it too. She was just being nice to me that morning. I took the breakfast that day. I should have refused it. Maybe Bain never would have told on her.

  I could tell from the moment I met her that she loves Draco. She loves him immensely, and he treats her like some caged dog, tossing her the scraps, punishing her over the smallest things.

  He is attracted to me, that is apparent. Ever since he kissed me the day he forced her onto me and told me that he wanted me, I knew it. He said it out loud so there is no denying it.

  He’s doing all of this stuff—putting a tracker inside me, sending me flowers, and letting me go to the beach—but he knows damn well that I don’t deserve his attention.

  He knows damn well that if anyone deserves his rewards, it’s Francesca. She is dedicated to him and she still has a heart.

  And what he fails to realize is that my heart doesn’t, and will never, beat for him.

  It still belongs to Toni.

  He can have my body, but he won’t own my broken heart.

  I rub the suntan lotion on my arms and legs as Mrs. Molina spreads her towel out. Her gray hair dances with the strong breeze. She gave me a pair of sunglasses and I’m rockin
g the hell out of them right now.

  “It’s a beautiful morning,” she says, crouching down and then sitting. She bends her legs and looks towards the ocean. She has a pink straw hat on that matches her bathing suit. “I have to tell you, I think Draco is being very unfair with you.”

  I look over at her quickly. “Why do you say that?”

  She shrugs. “Considering how close I was to your family. Your mom and dad especially.” Her accent is thick as she forms a faint smile. Her voice is actually quite soothing.

  “You were close to them?”

  “Well, I wouldn’t say we were best friends or anything, but yes. I talked with them and visited every time I came to the U.S. I haven’t been there in years, though.” She looks sideways. “I was very upset when I heard about your mom’s diagnosis and then your father’s death.”

  “You mean his murder.” I raise an eyebrow, glad she can’t see my angry eyes.

  “Yes,” she murmurs. “His murder. I hope they figure out who it was.”

  I sigh, looking forward. “If they haven’t by now, I doubt they ever will. The cops were relieved he was gone. It meant he couldn’t keep running deals in their area—that they knew of anyway. Whoever got to my father was smart about it.”

  I huff a laugh and she looks over at me. “What are you laughing about?” she inquires.

  “I was just thinking…about something my husband Toni did.” I swallow the lump in my throat. “He was so furious about the news. He looked up to my dad. My dad was pretty much his mentor. He brought him in, took him under his wing. He showed him the ropes. When it happened, Toni was in Washington handling some business. He was so angry—so hurt. He cried for hours behind closed doors with me when he came back. We…cried together.” I smash my lips, hoping it will hurt enough to rid me of my unwanted tears. “He loved Daddy. Probably more than I did,” I laugh in a joking manner.

  “I bet he did. Your dad was very loveable and charismatic. Your mom—I remember her being head over heels for that man. Their marriage…I would never admit this to them, but I envied it. I wished me and Mr. Molina were as close as they were, but he worked so much and then…poof. He was gone. Just like that.”

  She forces a smile, as if it doesn’t cause her any pain just thinking about it, but I know it does. I know because I lost my husband too, and I didn’t even get to spend enough time with him to grow a family or add years under our marriage belt.

  I wonder what our first child would have been. Toni wanted a boy. I so badly wanted a girl. A mini-me. I’m not sure why. I guess seeing pink clothes and rosy cheeks was more appealing to me.

  Now…well, I’d never raise a child in this sort of environment. Not unless I can get away. But even so, there is no one else I want to have a child with. Toni was the man I imagined as the father of my children. He was great with kids—wonderful, in fact. I couldn’t wait to see how he’d take care of ours.

  Anger blinds me and I push up to a stand, pulling my T-shirt off and then walking towards the ocean. “I’m going to test the waters,” I say to Mrs. Molina without looking at her.

  I can feel her watching me, but right now I have to remember that even though she is sweet, she is still Draco’s mother. She is related to him and I have no doubt that she will tell him anything I said if he asks.

  Her son called the hit on my husband. He still has my ring. I hate him, probably more so than she loves him. Yes, it’s that deep for me.

  I can’t reveal too much. She’ll snitch on me in a heartbeat.

  I have to remain distant.

  I feel her eyes on me as the cool blue water runs over my bare feet. I stare down at my splotchy toenails. The room I’m in has everything a woman needs. Nail polish, nail polish remover, pads, tampons, extra tissue, and a closet full of clothes.

  I wonder if Francesca set all that up, or if Draco is so fucking sadistic that he keeps that specific room stocked for captors like me.

  I can’t think about it too much. When I think about how gracious I should be that he’s even letting me wash and take care of myself, I want to hurl. But the ball in my stomach is so tight.

  I’ve unleashed every emotion I’ve had.

  I can’t even cry anymore. I don’t cry at night, but I wish I could.

  It’s like I’ve been drained of all emotions. I don’t even understand myself anymore. What the hell am I doing? Why am I not trying to run away? Why haven’t I fucked the boss to get out of this place yet?

  My brain is telling me to be wise, to use my body if it means escape but…I’m afraid. I can’t.

  Because when I think about doing something with it with someone else, I think about Toni, and how he’d feel so betrayed if he were still alive.

  I think about how I should be honoring him by staying away from the man that had him killed.

  I know he’s watching…and he isn’t pleased.

  But Toni doesn’t understand. In order for me to get out and truly mourn his loss, I have to dirty myself up a little. I can’t pretend I’m not wanted.

  “You know, Draco was really close to your dad too.” Mrs. Molina pops up beside me and I gasp, clutching the heart of my chest.

  “Ohmygosh!” My words come out rushed.

  She laughs, holding her hands up innocently. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m sorry!”

  I wave a dismissive hand, laughing. “It’s okay. I didn’t hear you come up. I’m really jumpy lately.”

  “I guess I can understand that. Being in a place you don’t want to be—not knowing what will come next.” Her wrinkled lips twist.

  “Yeah.” I tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear. “How was Draco close?”

  “Ah—well, every summer, he would come with us to the U.S. His father wanted him to learn a few things about the business. He wanted Draco to follow in his footsteps. I was against it, but that bullheaded man never listened to me.” She drops her head and looks towards the ocean. “You two met once. He was sixteen, which made you about ten years old, maybe? You were young, but we were at a shooting range. You were doing homework while your dad and my husband were doing target practice. I was there, but we arrived late. I remember it so well because it was the first time I saw my son stare at a girl. He watched you like a hawk through the window. You had your headphones on to block the noise out, and as you wrote, he watched every so often. He kept saying he wanted to join the men, but I knew he just wanted to get a closer look at you.” She smiles, as if she’s so proud of what he did. “When your father charmed me into letting him go out on the range, you dropped your pencil while you were trying to erase something. It rolled near his foot so Draco picked it up. It was sweet to watch. He handed it to you without a word. He kept staring at you but you were so oblivious. You were young, so flirting probably wasn’t a big deal to you.” She titters. “He was…nicer back then. Somewhat innocent. I never wanted him to change his ways. Back then, he was still my young, loving Draco.”

  “So what happened to him? Why is he so cold now?” I ask softly.

  “Muerte,” she murmurs. “Death can make any person cold. Distant. Heartless. Especially if the death hits you hard.” She drops her head, watching the waves ripple in. “His dad was important to him. My husband loved his son so much, and Draco knew it. I don’t think it would have hit him as hard if he were away when it happened, but Draco was there with him and he witnessed the entire thing. I wasn’t. I was here. But even being in here, I felt like something was wrong. I just had a bad feeling that day.” Her head shakes quickly. “Something wasn’t right. When my son returned home…I couldn’t even recognize his eyes. They were empty. Lifeless. I tried to hug him but he shoved me away. He didn’t talk about it with me—still hasn’t much to this day. If I mention his father too much, he starts to get angry.”

  “He saw his father die?” I whisper, my eyebrows pulling together.

  She bobs her head. “Firsthand. One bullet to la cabeza was all it took. Draco believes it was a setup. He still has people looking into i
t. He thinks the person is still out there.”

  “Wow,” I breathe. I guess that explains some of it…but not all. “I’m sorry,” I utter.

  She waves a hand at me. “Don’t be. It is already done. I won’t say I am at peace with it, but being married to a man like him, I knew what I was in for. It was a risk loving that man…but I don’t regret it. He made me happy, even if for a little while.” Her lips stretch wide to smile, and it’s genuine. She steps back and then turns to pick up the white bucket beside her towel

  “Normally when I come out here, I look for shells.” She comes back with the bucket, showing me three of them. One is creamy looking, with a pink hue. Another has a blue tint. The last one is solid white, but it’s spotless.

  “They’re beautiful,” I tell her.

  “Mmm-hmm. I need to look for more.” She drops her arm. “I know you want to enjoy your time out here while you have it, so let’s bask in this sun for a while. Enjoy this, hmm? Once I’ve gotten enough sun, I’ll start doing some digging around to see what I can find.”

  I nod, grinning as I turn around. “Sounds lovely.”

  The sun has dropped since I’ve been out here.

  I want to say it’s been at least four hours, and I am perfectly content with that. I don’t want this day to end.

  I roll onto my back, the sun smothering my face and body. It feels nice and warm on my skin. I could soak in it all day.

  I hear footsteps and look to my right. A shadow eclipses over me moments later, blocking the burning rays.

  I look up, tilting my sunglasses down. I already know who it is before even making eye contact. I can smell his cologne.

  Draco stands tall, his face smooth and clear of expression. His eyes are focused on my breasts. Slowly, his gaze travels down the length of my body—my hips as well as my oiled legs.

  “Are you enjoying your time out here?”

  I look down, noticing he’s barefoot. “Yes,” I murmur.

  “Good. I’m glad.” He looks towards the water and steps back. “Did you get my gift this morning?”


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