Hidden Secrets (Satan's Prophets MC)

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Hidden Secrets (Satan's Prophets MC) Page 4

by Jones, Jacqui Leigh

  “What the fuck ya want, Lila? I’m in no mood for your shit right now,” JD bitched, feeling highly annoyed.

  “I thought maybe we could go for a ride, get out of here for a little while,” she said in a sexy voice while rubbing up against him.

  “Not fuckin’ happening. You want to party here then you get your ass busy. You’re nothing special, just another snatch to play with. Now get lost, I have shit to take care of.” JD couldn’t believe this bitch. Just because he was fucking her, she thought she was something special.

  Lila walked away thinking JD was one hard and unforgiving prick. Maybe she’d have to move on to someone who would treat her better, she thought. Problem was, JD was one sexy bastard and he turned her on like no one else ever had.

  Walking outside, JD saw Drifter wiping down his Harley. He walked over and sat down on an over-turned barrel.

  Drifter looked over at JD. “Looks like you’ll be hanging here for some time, bro.”

  “Yeah, looks that way. As good a place as any, I reckon. At least the clubhouse is clean. Not like some of the other club shit-holes I’ve been in.”

  “Yep. I’ve been in some major pigsties, myself. Gotta thank Holly for that. Since Striker took her for his old lady, she’s been coming around more often. She seems like a neat freak. Sure works for me, though. I like drinking out of a clean mug again. You shoulda seen the looks on the sluts’ faces when Striker walked in one night and laid down the law,” Drifter laughed. “No cleaning, no cock, he said and that was it. You know Striker, a man of few words. Gets right to the point.”

  “Some of the bro’s and me are going over to the body shop soon. Wanna come over and hang out? I’m restoring an old Nineteen Fifty One Harley Flathead for some rich guy from New York. Would like your opinion on it. Old prick has more money than brains, an easy mark for sure. By the time I get done with him, I plan on having enough cash to do my whole bike over,” Drifter bragged.

  “Damn. Why can’t I find guys like that?”

  Drifter finished up with one last swipe over the seat of his bike and threw the rag into the garbage bin. “Maybe he has some friends? I’ll talk to him next time he comes in to check on his bike.”

  “Sounds good.” JD nodded. “Let’s ride. I gotta see this bike.”

  When JD walked into the body shop, he saw Spokes and Rebel were already there working. They were younger than most of the other brothers and newly patched in. JD didn’t know them too well, but what he knew of them, he liked.

  Spokes was the more serious of the two and was a good mechanic. He loved dismantling cars and piecing them back together. Plus, being able to hot wire a car within seconds was a rare talent.

  Rebel (on the other hand) was skilled at doing body work. His auto painting skills came in handy, especially when they needed to camouflage a vehicle from the law. Together they made the perfect team. It was a big plus for the club.

  “Hey man, welcome back.” Rebel poked his head out from under a car he was working on.

  “Spokes and I were just talking about some music festival going on, over in Wilbur field. Some kind of hippie shit thing. You know—peace, free love and all that crap. Good place to pick up some speed. Sounds interesting. We’re gonna ride over later this afternoon and check it out. You two wanna come?”

  Drifter nodded. “Sounds good to me. How about you, JD?”

  “Sure, got some time to kill before heading over to The Den, tomorrow night.”

  “The Den?” Spokes asked. “I’ve been there, pretty nice looking place inside. And they have some really hot looking dancers. I’m in for tomorrow night.”

  After hanging out for a little while, JD headed over to the diner. Sitting at the counter, he thought back to Jasmine and that night. He wondered if she was still in town or was just passing through. He hoped she was around. She was a gutsy chick and she amused him. He’d really like to see her again. JD chuckled to himself, thinking of how she tried to scare him off saying she had a gun in her purse. She obviously knew nothing of guns or she wouldn’t have said a Beretta.

  Jaz was glad she didn’t have to work tonight. Getting an early start, she headed over to the clothing store to look for new shoes. Passing through the clothing department, she saw a few racks of tie-dyed tops and long colorfully, patterned skirts. Another rack was loaded with bell bottom jeans and fringed leather jackets. Seeing these clothes brought back memories of her parents. This was their lifestyle and she missed them so much. Thinking she might feel some closeness to her parents, she picked out a tie-dyed top, a pair of jeans and a leather jacket. Finding a decent pair of waitressing shoes, she headed to the check-out counter.

  “I know where you’re going later,” the sales girl commented, holding up the tie-dyed top. Jasmine looked at her, confused.

  “You’re going to that music festival over in Wilbur field.”

  Now Jasmine was really confused and asked, “What festival and what field? I’m new to town and really don’t know my way around yet.”

  The bubbly sales girl told Jaz all about it. “It’s a musical gathering, kind of like a tribute to Woodstock. Lots of musicians come from around the outer areas and they play some really great music, like Bob Dylan, Pink Floyd and The Dead. And there’s lots of vendor booths set up where you can get some really cool stuff,” she went on excitedly. “And best part is, they believe in trade or bartering. You don’t even need to bring money.”

  “Sounds like a fun time. Lord knows, I could sure use some fun these days,” Jaz replied looking interested.

  “My name’s Renee. What’s yours?”

  “Jasmine, my friends call me Jaz.”

  “I’m heading over there, soon as I get off work. Hey, Jaz—why don’t you come with me?”

  Jaz looked closely at Renee. She loved this girl’s spirited personality. She was cute, in a quirky kind of way with her lightly freckled face, big blue eyes and dark auburn hair. She looked about twenty six years old.

  “My friend Lori is coming to visit this afternoon, mind if she comes along?”

  “Bring her, the more the merrier, I always say.”

  “I really like this small town. I found a job and am considering settling down here. The people I’ve met so far are so friendly, it reminds me of Mayberry. All it needs is a Sherriff Andy,” Jaz jested.

  “Don’t laugh,” Renee chimed in, “everyone knows everyone else’s business here. You sneeze and I will hear about it the next day. I kid you not. When old lady Harris got drunk and peed her drawers, it was the talk of the town, like forever.” Both girls roared with laughter.

  Later that afternoon, Jaz, Lori and Renee piled in Jaz’s car and took off for the festival. Jaz had on the bell bottom jeans and a see through lace blouse she bought earlier that day. Renee wore a tie-dyed halter top and jeans. Lori decided on a long skirt and a halter top. Traveling down the long dirt road, they could hear the music blasting from a mile away. The first thing Jaz and Lori noticed as they got out of the car was a sweet, pungent smell that seemed to hover in the air. Of course, they knew right away what it was—weed, plus whatever else was being smoked. They smelled it all through their college years.

  “Come on, girls! Let’s go have some fun,” Renee urged, leading them into the crowd.

  As they walked around, Jasmine was in awe. “Look at all the people here—and look, they’re all barefoot,” she pointed out. “Let’s take our shoes off too,” she coaxed, as she bent down to untie her shoe laces.

  The girls took everything in. From the flowers stuck in the hair of mostly everyone, to the signs they were carrying—make peace not war, if it feels good do it, burn the bra, to name a few. Everything looked so vividly colorful from the clothes, the signs, the tinted sunglasses and beaded headbands.

  Making their way over to the vendors, Jaz traded her shoes for rose colored glasses and some bangle bracelets. Lori was trying to bargain for a poncho and some beaded flowers to stick in her hair. Not really having anything she wanted to part with, she b
razenly whipped off her bra and handed it to the vendor. Pondering for a minute, he smiled and stuck some flowers in her hair. She reluctantly gave him her shoes to get the poncho. Renee, not wanting to be left out of the fun, whipped off her bra and settled on the beaded flowers for her hair.

  “Wow, don’t we look cool!” Jaz was surprised at how good they looked. “Now we fit right in.”

  Walking toward the musicians, they were approached by different hippies who offered to sell them dime bags for ten bucks each. Shaking their heads no, they kept on walking. The musicians were playing some Bob Dylan songs when they got there. The three of them settled down on the grass amid the crowd to listen to the music. Joints were being passed around and Jaz decided she was going to smoke them. She wanted to really feel the moment.

  JD, Drifter, Rebel and Spokes pulled their Harleys in close to a wildly painted Volkswagen van so they could keep an eye on them. Rebel and Spokes went off to try to hook them up with some speed. JD and Drifter walked towards the musicians, eyeing up the bouncing tits on most of the women.

  “Gotta love all this ‘free love’ walking around here,” drawled Drifter. JD was too busy checking out the chicks to respond.

  Rebel and Spokes caught up to them a short while later. “Some douche tried to sell us dime bags for ten bucks each. Probably some oregano, he was trying to rip us off with,” warned Rebel. “I did get us some shrooms, though. Guy swore it’s good stuff. I told him it’d better be or I’d be back to blow his fucking balls off.”

  “None for me,” JD said. “That’s some nasty shit. Last time I did shrooms, bad fucking experience, man. I’ll stick with speed.”

  Walking through the swarm of people, JD had to look twice. There she was—Jasmine—sitting on the grass enjoying some Grateful Dead music. He stood there watching her for quite some time, waiting to see if she’d get up. Noticing the joints being passed around, he watched as Jasmine took hit after hit. He figured she was nice and mellow when she started swaying to the music.

  When he saw the liquid in cups being passed around, he moved in quick. Fucking shroom tea. Jasmine was about to take a sip when he grabbed her arm and yanked her to her feet.

  “Not touchin’ that stuff, babe.”

  Jaz was shocked to see it was JD holding her up. He looked down to her two friends and shouted, “Let’s go.” Seeing Drifter nearby, he signaled him over.

  “Get Rebel and Spokes over here. We got to get these chicks out of here.” Drifter came back with Rebel and Spokes. JD pushed the girls into Rebel and Spokes arms. Half dragging, half carrying the girls, they took them over to their bikes.

  Just then some hippie looking guys stood up and began yelling. “Hey man, what the fuck! We saw them first and it was our dope they got high on.”

  Realizing that he and his friends were using the Music Festival as an excuse to drug girls without them knowing, JD smashed his fist into the big mouth’s jaw. Drifter, seeing what was going down, smiled as he jumped into the fray.

  Jasmine and her friends were slowly coming down off their high when JD and Drifter walked over to where they were standing.

  “Are you out of your stinking mind?” JD yelled at Jasmine.

  “Me?” Jaz cried out. “I was minding my own damn business and having a good damn time then you burst in like a total jerk-off and ruin everything.”

  “Come on, I’m taking you home.” JD looked over at the bro’s. “How about getting her friends’ home?” Drifter grabbed Lori and Rebel pulled Renee towards his bike.

  “My car is here,” Jaz informed JD. “I can drive home. We don’t need you assholes to babysit us.”

  “Leave it. I’ll send some prospects for it tomorrow.” Losing his patience, JD demanded, “Come on, get on my bike.”

  “Absolutely not. I’m not going anywhere with you. Lori! Renee!” Jaz started yelling. “Get back here—don’t go with them.”

  JD looked over to see Jasmine’s friends being helped onto the bro’s bikes. “Looks like they don’t have much of a choice,” he pointed out.

  Jasmine started backing up slowly as JD began walking towards her. She squealed like a stuck pig when JD picked her up and put her on his Harley.

  “Damn, where are your shoes?” JD couldn’t believe she had no shoes on.

  “I traded them for some hippie things at one of the vendor booths.”

  JD couldn’t believe his night so far. He grabbed her arm and pulled her over to the nearest vendor selling hand painted, canvas sneakers.

  “Here, put these on.” When she refused, he bent down and put the sneakers on her feet. Dragging her over to his bike, he was losing his patience fast. He picked her up again and just about threw her on his bike. Then he hopped on and sped off.

  Jasmine was hanging onto JD for dear life. Pounding on his back with one hand, she tried to get him to slow down. Thinking she had to puke or something, JD pulled off to the side of the road.

  Jasmine jumped off the bike screaming, “You big, stupid jerk. What are you trying to do? Get us killed?”

  “What were you beating on me for? You gotta puke or something?” JD was totally pissed off now. “Me, stupid? I’m not the one that got stoned out of my mind and nearly got raped.”

  “I could have handled those idiots on my own. You didn’t have to interfere.” Jasmine was livid now.

  “Oh, yeah. What were you gonna do—pull your Beretta out on them?” JD snidely answered back, trying to control his anger. Calming down somewhat, JD studied Jasmine closely now, wondering if she’d be as feisty in the sack. “How old are you anyway?” he asked.

  “Old enough, ass wipe.”

  JD was getting totally pissed all over again. He wasn’t use to back talk and his patience was gone. “Get the fuck back on my bike, Jasmine—right now!” He looked on in disbelief as she started walking away. JD got on his bike, started it and revved the engine, ready to pull out.

  Jasmine turned at the sound. JD waited. Looking around at how dark and deserted the area was, Jaz slowly walked back over to him and hopped on his bike.

  Wanting to make sure she was okay before dropping her off, JD took Jasmine to the diner. They both had enough time to cool their tempers, considerably.

  “I guess I should thank-you…it was my first time at a music festival like that. I just wanted to experience the whole scene, that’s all. You know—let loose, feel free and have some fun. Life’s been such a bummer lately, why shouldn’t I grab the chance?”

  “When I stepped in, they were gonna give you some shroom tea that would have had you trippin’. Believe me—you don’t want to go there. Listen Jasmine, I like you. I like that you’re a gutsy chick and so independent. But you’re like a lost babe in the woods here and there are big, bad wolves around.”

  Jaz studied JD’s face. “Are you a big, bad wolf?”

  “Fair warning, babe. Definitely.”

  “Okay. I’ve had my little lecture, now you can take me home.”

  “Sure thing, but I’m telling you up front—I plan on seeing more of you.”

  Remembering how her dad warned her away from one percent bikers, Jaz looked JD right in the eyes. “Not going to happen. See, I’ve learned my lesson well. Now please, just take me home.”

  When they pulled up to the motel, Jasmine tried to hurry off his bike, but JD was faster. Grabbing her arm, he pulled her back and leaned in for a kiss.

  Jaz saw his face coming closer and she was astounded. Didn’t she just tell him it wasn’t going to happen? Thinking fast she cupped her hand over her mouth and blurted, “Oh, no! I’m going to puke.” She inwardly chuckled as JD got back on his bike and rode out.

  Drifter was having a hell of a time with Lori on the back of his bike. It didn’t help matters that her skirt was hiked up almost to her hips. Fuckin’ JD owed him big time for this shit, he thought. He had all he could do not to move his hand back there and finger her pussy. Finally giving in to his urges, he slowly ran a hand up her leg and moved it to her inner thigh. When she did
n’t brush his hand away, he moved it further up, until he was rubbing his finger against her panties.

  Lori vaguely felt his hand sliding higher up her leg, but she was too petrified to let go, holding onto his waist with both hands. When she felt his finger rub against her panties, she didn’t fight it. Sex wasn’t something new to Lori. She’d been enjoying it since she’d turned seventeen. With the vibrations of the bike, she thought it felt pretty good. Drifter steered his bike off the road, onto a grassy area and lifted Lori off the back.

  When Drifter found a secluded spot, he lowered Lori down and fell on top of her. His cock was painfully aware of her body and soft breasts pressed against his chest. Kissing the side of her neck, he felt her pulse racing. Unzipping his jeans, he hurriedly pulled out a condom from his back pocket and slipped it on his rock hard cock.

  Lori gasped when he entered her in one fluid stroke. Lori was moaning in ecstasy as she wrapped her arms and legs around Drifter and hung on to him tightly. Drifter lifted up Lori’s top and rained kisses over her perfect little tits while pumping into her sweet pussy. Mindless with passion, Lori screamed out her orgasm. Drifter shot his load a second later.

  Drifter lent a hand down to Lori, to help her stand up. Ashamed, she looked away. Holy Hell, what have I done? I don’t even know his name. Sensing her embarrassment, Drifter cursed under his breath.

  “Hey, baby—no need to look like that.”

  Quietly, Lori whispered, “I don’t even know your name.”

  “Name’s Drifter.”

  “Drifter, could you take me home now?”

  The next morning, Lori came by with coffees. Jaz noticed how distracted and anxious she seemed. She didn’t have long to wait until Lori blurted it all out.

  “Jaz, I’m such a fool,” Lori cried. “I had sex with that biker last night on the way home. I can’t believe it happened!”

  “Calm down, Lori. Your screaming is going to burst my eardrum.”


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