Hidden Secrets (Satan's Prophets MC)

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Hidden Secrets (Satan's Prophets MC) Page 10

by Jones, Jacqui Leigh

  “He’s gone. Rode out last night, after what went down.”

  “Where did he go? Why?” Jasmine spoke quickly, getting more frantic.

  “Don’t know where and as to why—you should know the answer to that,” Drifter replied, looking down at Jaz, twisting his mouth in disgust.

  “That’s just it, I don’t know!” Jaz cried out, getting hysterical now. “I don’t remember anything about last night. I mean—I remember arriving there and all, but after that? Nothing!”

  “Calm down, girl. You were pretty drunk. Maybe that’s why you don’t remember getting it on with that douche bag last night,” Drifter spit out.

  Totally embarrassed, Jasmine whispered, “Oh, no. I honestly don’t remember.”

  “Well—I do,” Lori shouted, jumping out of the car and facing Drifter. She was red faced and totally livid at how Drifter was treating Jaz.

  “She was drugged! That’s what happened, you idiot! She didn’t drink any more than I did and I was fine. Probably when you went to the bathroom,” she hissed, looking back down at Jaz. “That dirty old pig!”

  “Look, both of you calm down. Nothing we can do about it now. When JD comes back, I’ll tell him what you think happened.” Drifter looked pointedly at Lori, telling her without words that he didn’t believe a word she spoke.

  “Yeah, you do that. You’re all a bunch of total jerk offs,” Lori screamed, looking right at Drifter. Jumping back in the car, she said, “Come on, Jaz. Screw them all.”

  JD woke up feeling like someone was hammering a nail into his brain. He sat up slowly, trying to raise his head to look around and see where the hell he was.

  “Here.” Someone shoved a cup of black coffee in his face. “You look like you could use it.”

  JD squinted through blood shot eyes into the face of one of the club’s bitches. Her name was…Annie or was it Roseanna? Even though he couldn’t remember her name, what he could remember was that she was good in the sack.

  “Thanks,” he groaned out while grabbing the coffee with a shaky hand, “you got that right.”

  Leaning over, she started running her hand up and down his back. “Don’t know what brought you back here, JD honey, but you need anything, you come see me. Annie will take care of your worries.”

  “Sure thing, Annie,” JD grumpily replied.

  Watching her shake that sexy ass as she walked away, JD thought, why not? Why not go back to all that mindless sex? Hell, at least he didn’t have any trouble that way. Yep, that’s just what he’d do, he thought, as he poured a healthy dose of Jack Daniels into his coffee. He’d spend the afternoon getting drunk and forgetting about Jasmine and that damn state of Pennsylvania.

  “Give the prick another kick to wake his dead ass up,” Gunner told Shots.

  “I don’t know, Gunner—I think the stupid fucker is dead.” Shots nudged JD with his boot, again.

  JD rolled over with a moan and the bros’ all laughed.

  “Dumb fuck,” Gunner muttered under his breath trying to wake him up, now with a slap to his face.

  “Come on JD, rise and shine. I don’t need no sleeping fuckin’ beauty in my clubhouse.” JD wasn’t moving so they left him right where he was—laying on the filthy, dirty floor, passed out cold.

  Later that afternoon (when JD was up and coherent) Gunner, the President of the Ohio support club sat down next to him at the bar and lit up a joint.

  “Don’t know why you’re back here, but as long as you are I might as well have you ride out with my boys and check things out.”

  Passing on the beer put in front of him, he lit up the joint Gunner gave him and asked for a coffee instead. That got Gunner laughing at him again.

  “Any new problems?”

  “Nah, just figure give ya something to do.”

  Annie brought over his coffee with a friendly smile on her face. Standing next to him, she started running her hand along his thigh, giving little squeezes here and there.

  “Annie,” Gunner ordered, “get your sweet ass outta here.”

  She smiled at JD, saying, “Later.”

  “Horny little bitch,” Gunner snapped, watching her walk away.

  JD took a drink of his coffee then looked at Gunner.

  “What are you doing back here so soon, anyway? All’s quiet since you were last here. The protection money is coming in steady,” Gunner said as he took a long drag on his joint and inhaled. “Hell, I don’t know who those shop keepers are more fearful of, us or the gang that’s been trying to take them over,” he joked.

  “No reason,” JD said shrugging his shoulders. “Just out for some good riding and found myself back here.”

  “Well, there’s lots of riding here for ya brother,” Gunner offered, waving his hand at the bitches hanging around the clubhouse.

  JD turned around to check them out and had to agree with Gunner.

  “Looks like you got a few new ones.” JD took another hit on his joint then nodded at one red head in particular.

  Gunner followed his stare and saw Janie.

  “She’s a new one all right. Was gonna try her out myself later, all that fiery red hair,” he chuckled. Gunner raised his eyebrows and continued talking, “you know what they say about red hair, don’t ya?”

  “Better watch out she don’t fuckin’ kill ya, bro,” JD said trying to keep a straight face.

  “Well, if you can think of a better way to go, you let me know,” Gunner yelled over his shoulder as he made his way over to where Janie was standing.

  JD watched as Gunner threw his arm around her neck and whispered in her ear. Smiling, she took Gunner’s hand and led him down the back hallway.

  Seeing JD sitting there all alone, Annie jumped at her chance. She and JD had been together a few times before and she knew he could ‘rock her world’ like no other. Rubbing up against his back, she blew a hot breath into his ear before she started nibbling on it. Annie knew what he liked and she would give it, in full force. She ran her hands over his chest and down lower still. Breathing heavy now, Annie started to unzip his jeans slowly, while nibbling on his neck.

  Just what I need, JD thought to himself, his dick beginning to get hard. Smiling at Annie, he grabbed her hand and walked with her outside. Bending her over his bike, he spread her legs with his knee, unzipped his jeans and rammed his cock in deep with one stroke. He plowed Annie like a dying man getting his last breath of air. JD closed his eyes and when he climaxed it was Jasmine’s face he pictured in his mind. Thoroughly pissed off at himself, he smacked Annie on her ass and told her to take a hike. He then hopped on his bike and rode off into the wind. It seemed that riding was the only thing that gave him any peace.

  Susanna arrived at the motel, suitcase in hand. If Jaz was determined to dance, Susanna was determined to help her all she could.

  Jaz was looking through the suitcase trying to find an outfit that wasn’t overly revealing. Clothes were lying all over the bed and Jaz couldn’t find one that suited her modesty.

  Susanna had to laugh. “Girl, you need to show off your body to the men, not hide it. This is what you need to wear, something like this,” Susanna said, holding up a sequined black bra and black panties to match.

  Jaz scrunched up her nose. “Are you sure you don’t have a bigger pair of panties?”

  Susanna sighed and shook her head, no.

  “Next we’ll work on some moves guaranteed to make you some money. Don’t you worry, girl—when I’m through with you, you’ll rule that stage,” Susanna said confidently. “Now let’s think of some songs that will be good for you.”

  Jaz was so glad for Susanna’s guidance. She felt more confident and knew she would do well. With her favorite songs picked out, they worked on practicing her dance moves. After much bumping, grinding and laughing, Jaz finally felt like she had a routine and was ready. Susanna taught her how to be the seductress and to lure her audience in.

  “Jaz, are you sure this is what you want to do?” Danny asked when Jaz arrived at The Den t
hat night. Danny was managing the bar now that Joe was taking time off to recuperate from his beating that night. The employees were told he went on a much needed vacation. Truthfully, Danny was glad Joe got his ass beat up. He never approved of the way Joe manhandled the waitresses and dancers.

  “Hell yeah, I’m ready,” Jaz replied, in a somewhat nervous voice.

  Looking around, she noticed Roach and Drifter and a few other club members sitting at the bar. She hadn’t seen nor heard from JD in quite a while. That was fine with her. Maybe it was better it was over. Jaz needed a man who could commit fully which she knew JD could never do. Her heart was broken but it would heal in time. At least that is what she told herself.

  Jaz looked down at her dancing outfit feeling over-exposed, but she guessed she’d just have to get used to it. She refused to wear overly skimpy ones like some of the other dancers wore and she definitely wasn’t dancing with just pasties and a G-string, like that one girl did. Thankfully, Susanna didn’t do skimpy either when she did her routine.

  When it was her turn to get on the stage, she had her own cheering squad. Lori, Renee and Susanna were clapping loudly. Walking up onto the stage, her knees were shaking and she nearly tripped on a step. Jaz was so grateful for Susanna’s help. She knew she really couldn’t have done this without it.

  Susanna put the painted, blue quarters in the juke box and selected the songs Jaz had practiced dancing to. She signaled for Jaz to get ready. Jaz tried not to look into the faces of the leering men. Instead she closed her eyes at first and thought of why she was doing this in the first place. The first song came on and Jaz started to move, a little stiff at first. At least she had her favorite songs to comfort her, she thought. The longer Jaz danced, the looser she got and the more comfortable she felt. The men cheered her on and the money flew onto the stage. Seeing all that money piling up on the stage floor gave her the confidence she needed. When her routine was done, she felt elated. She made it through her first time and more importantly, if she kept dancing she’d make enough money to buy the motel.

  The girls came running over to Jaz and engulfed her in happy hugs.

  “Girl, you rocked that stage,” Susanna beaned proudly.

  “Come on, time to celebrate with some drinks,” Lori piped in.

  Jaz and the girls were sitting at a table enjoying themselves when Roach and Drifter walked over and sat down.

  “You all right, Susie,” Roach asked, looking deeply into her eyes with a questioning look on his face.

  “Yeah, I’m all right,” Susanna smiled, to reassure him. She knew he was wondering if bad memories were coming back to her. Secretly, she loved this caring side of Roach. He could be so tough when he needed to be—but gentle, also.

  Drifter turned his head toward Lori. His eyes burned with lust, thinking she looked really hot with her tight jeans and skimpy halter top. When Lori smiled at him, again he wondered if he should go there. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Roach got up to leave and Drifter jumped up, too.

  Renee happened to catch the little play between Drifter and Lori. “Wow, what was that look all about? I think Drifter is interested in you girl.”

  “I wish. He seems to like what he sees, but I don’t know. It seems like something is holding him back.”

  “Forget these asshole bikers, Lori. They’re nothing but heartbreak waiting to happen,” Jaz scolded. “They only want a good time—nothing else. Take it from me.” Jaz knew she sounded bitter, but she couldn’t help it. She’d save her friends from the heartache she felt—if she could.

  Jaz was deep in thought, tapping her pencil on the desk while going over a few accounts when she heard the roar of a motorcycle pulling up outside. Her heart started beating rapidly in her chest as she jumped up running to the door. Hoping…

  Jaz opened the door and her mouth fell open at seeing Mick standing there. From the way his mouth dropped, Jaz knew he didn’t expect to see her standing there, either. He didn’t look much different from the last time she’d seen him five months ago. At around thirty years of age, his tall, muscular body still appealed to Jaz as it had, back when she had a silly teen’s crush on him. Or was it that wavy brown, shoulder length hair and dark chocolate, brown eyes?

  She snapped herself out of her trance. “What are you doing here in Fulton, Mick?”

  Mick found his composure. “What? No I’m glad to see you?” complained Mick as he grabbed Jaz in a bear hug.

  “Of course I’m glad to see you,” Jaz said, while hugging him back, “but still shocked. How did you know I was here?”

  “Actually, I didn’t. I’m just traveling through and this is the only motel around for miles. What are you doing here in this town and in this motel, Jaz?”

  Jaz gave him a big smile and proudly told him, “My friend Lori and I are renting-to-own this place. Hopefully, we’ll own it outright one day.”

  “You don’t say.” Mick was looking impressed.

  “Come on in. I’ll make us some coffee and we can talk.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  Jaz was feeling totally ashamed and finding it hard to look at Mick when she confessed, “You must know I got kicked out of college.”

  “Yeah. I got a letter from the school and a small reimbursement of your tuition. I came to the school to get you, but you were already gone and no one knew where you went. Why didn’t you come to me or go to your Aunt Olivia’s?”

  “I’m sorry, Mick. I know you paid my tuition so I could get an education and make something of myself.” Jaz lowered her eyes and her hands circled her coffee cup while saying, “I let you down. And how could I face you and Aunt Olivia when you both were so proud of me for going to college? How is she by the way?”

  Lifting her chin up with a finger, Mick looked into Jaz’s eyes and replied, “Hell, no. You didn’t let me down, darlin’. I’m proud of you. Look what you’ve accomplished. You’re managing a motel. Well, I’ll be damned,” he said with a big grin. “And Olivia is still the same,” he said, shaking his head and laughing. “Still as whacky as ever. You should see the dog house she had built for those two straggly mutts of hers. Now each dog has their own room. I swear she thinks they’re human.” This got Jaz joining in the laughter.

  “How long are you planning to stay here, Mick?”

  “Now that you’re here, as long as I feel you might need me to. I owe your parents that much. Your dad took me in and taught me all I know about tattooing. He was a good man, Jaz, despite what people said.”

  Frowning, Jaz wondered out loud, “What do you mean, people talked about him?”

  “No, no. I meant because he did tattoo’s and his lifestyle. You know how fast people are to condemn other people.”

  Wanting to change the subject, he said teasingly, “How about showing me to my room? I expect the best you have, you know?”

  When there was a knock on the door, they both turned to see Lori and Renee walking in.

  “Hey, perfect timing. Come meet my friend, Mick. I’ve known him like, forever.”

  Lori looked Mick over, admiring his sexy good looks and the way those tight fitting jeans molded his butt. Yummy, she thought to herself. Nothing like a tight ass on a guy, she inwardly drooled.

  Renee gave him the once over and Lori noticed she didn’t seem too impressed.

  “We stopped in to see if you want to come to the flea market with us? Poor Susanna wanted to come, but it was my turn to have the afternoon off.” By this time Renee was jabbing Lori in her ribs to get her to stop staring at Mick.

  “Better go without me. I’m going to get Mick all settled then, take him out to lunch. Show him around our quaint little town of…”

  “Mayberry,” Lori interjected.

  “I give up!” Jaz yelled, hitting her forehead with the palm of her hand as Mick burst out laughing.

  “I have to admit that was my first impression when I rode into this town.”

  “Yowza, that is one hot dude,” Lori sighed, while fanning herself. “R
enee, did you see the body on that man?”

  Totally uninterested, Renee replied, “He’s okay, I guess.”

  “Okay? Girl, that man is better than just okay,” Lori exclaimed, looking at Renee and wondering if she needed glasses or something. Finally, deciding she’d had enough of Renee’s anti-man bullshit, Lori just had to ask;

  “Renee, have you ever had an orgasm?”

  Renee’s face turned all shades of red when she answered. “Um… no.”

  Stunned it took Lori a few seconds to find her voice.

  “Holy crap. You’re what? Twenty six? We have so got to get you laid, girl. No wonder you have no use for those ‘one-eyed snakes’ as you call them.” Lori couldn’t stop making fun of her, “Just wait till one of them works their magic on you, girl. It’ll blow your mind.”

  If the sick look Renee had on her face was any indication, Lori knew she wasn’t too convinced of that.

  After Mick was settled in the best room the motel had to offer, he went to meet Jaz and they walked over to the diner for lunch.

  “Heck, this really is a small town,” Mick realized as he looked around. “I can see why you like it here, though. It seems so peaceful. What do these people do for excitement—watch it rain?” Mick coughed, trying to cover up his laugh.

  “If you get bored, I can always have Renee take you fishing or rafting,” Jaz smirked, watching for Mick’s reaction. “Sometimes we go tubing down the river. That’s really fun.”

  “Which one was Renee?”

  “The auburn haired girl—but I’ll warn you now, she really doesn’t seem to like men very much. Unless….of course, you can change her mind,” Jaz hinted, smiling.

  Don’t you start in with any match making, Jaz. I’m a big boy and can find a girl myself,” he warned in a stern voice.

  Sitting in the diner, Jaz told Mick, “Wait till you taste the food here. It’s really good home-town cooking.”

  “You sure didn’t lie about the food being good.” Mick was smiling and rubbing his stomach. “I sure ate enough. What about entertainment in this town? Any good movie theatres or pubs nearby, I hope?”


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