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TouchofaDom Page 6

by Madeleine Oh

  He’d added a couple of extra bits there but never mind. “You said you’d spank me.”

  He stroked her breast, gently pinching her nipple. “I did promise a spanking, didn’t I? And I really think you need one. You agree?”

  How long was he going to drag this out? “I do. I agree completely. I need you to give me a good spanking.”

  Saying it made her pussy run. He had to smell it. She could.

  “Very well.” He took her hand in his and led her over to the armchair but stopped. “No, not there tonight,” he said. “That will be perfect for positioning you when you need a thrashing with my belt. Tonight we take the other chair.” That meant the upright one by the writing table.

  Branko sat down, still holding her hand in his, spread his legs and positioned her between them.

  “You consent to be spanked?” he asked.

  She swallowed. “I do.”

  “You understand this is for your own good and our pleasure. That you deserve this, that you need it and you accept this as your due and my right?”

  Would he please get on with it? “I do.”

  “Use my name.” His other hand came under her skirt between her legs.

  “I do understand and accept all that, Branko.”

  His hand parted her pussy lips. “You are very wet, Adele. Why is that?”

  As if he didn’t know! “Because you excite me.”

  “Good answer.” As he spoke he tipped her over his thigh. She shrieked. “Be quiet,” he said, his hand between her shoulders holding her down. “It’s not time to make noise yet.”

  “You surprised me.”

  “I intend to surprise you often and frequently. Now settle down and prepare yourself. I’m ready, are you?” Her skirt was up over her head and his thighs tightened, holding her captive. His arm on her back held her shoulders down. “I don’t want you to move unless absolutely necessary. You are to be still and submissive and quietly accept your well-deserved chastisement.”

  He stroked her arse, his hand cool on her skin. It wouldn’t be cool for long. He kept on caressing for several minutes and Adele pictured him looking at her exposed flesh, planning where to hit first and how often.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  She’d been ready for half an hour. “Yes, Branko.”

  “Good.” He slapped one cheek then the other several times, the sound of hand on naked flesh echoing in the room. They were steady, but not hard, slaps.

  “Did they hurt?”


  “This one will.” As he spoke, his hand came down with full force. She gasped as another, just as hard, landed on the other cheek before he paused. The sting faded but the throbbing and warmth stayed. Time to breathe while he gave her the chance.

  Which wasn’t for long.

  He started again, half a dozen hard slaps then a pause. To rest his hand, no doubt, and to let the heat build and spread before he went on.

  She cried out at the next volley and the next. He was laying it on even harder now, with few pauses between slaps. Her arse throbbed continuously and still he continued.

  She yelled as a particularly hard one hit an already tender spot. “Enough! Branko! Please stop!”

  “Four more,” he said, “just four more.” One came as he spoke, so that meant three more. She could take three more, but instead his hand came between her legs and his finger entered her.

  “God, you’re so wet,” he said. “I must do this to you often.” Then came the other three. Hard slaps, yes, but knowing it was the end she took them quietly. He helped her stand. Just as well, as she was limp as a dishrag.

  His arms drew her close and she leaned into him, welcoming the feel of his body and the strength of his presence.

  “Come over and look in the mirror,” he said. “I want you to see my handiwork.” He held her close as she looked over her shoulder.

  Good God! No wonder her arse throbbed and ached so much. It was scarlet.

  “You color up so beautifully,” he said, as he kissed her gently. “I’d like to do this to you every day.”

  “I don’t think I could stand it every day.”

  “You could if I wanted you to.”

  Her heart clenched and something deep inside her leapt with anticipation. Could she? Would she? “Branko,” she began, having no idea how to finish the sentence.

  “We’ll sort that out later. Right now, you need a good fuck and I’m so hot for you we’re not waiting. Come on.”

  Come where?

  He threw the cushions from the armchair onto the floor and laid her on her front, her still-throbbing arse in the air. “I’m going to fuck you from behind,” he said. “It would be cruel to make you lie on that bottom.” He positioned her on all fours, her hands and knees on the cushions, a big improvement from the hard floor. He got behind, his hands stroking her breasts. All very nice but not what she wanted.

  “I need a fuck!”

  “I know you do, my dear and you will get one, very soon. Be patient whilst I get myself ready.”

  She hear a zip go and the sound of foil being ripped open then, moments later, he pressed against her, his hands holding her hips steady as he kissed each arse cheek in turn. “I love your beautiful red arse. You’re so perfect, so submissive.” The tip of his cock eased between her pussy lips before nudging the opening to her cunt. Adele felt the pressure of his hips thrusting against her still-sensitive arse and he was in her, deep, filling her. She threw back her head and yelled.

  He’d promised to make her scream and she did. He was so immense, so magnificent and so hard inside her.

  She cried out with disappointment as he withdrew, but smiled as he pressed back into her, even deeper this time, and yelped as he gave her bottom a slap. The sound of his hand on her flesh and her shout echoed in her ears but was soon lost in another shout as he began fucking her in a steady and forceful rhythm. Adele pressed back against him, wanting him even deeper. Wanting to be filled, to be taken.

  Her climax built, fast and furious, and she was yelling and shouting. As she came, he held her tightly, persisting in the fuck, forcing her back to her peak until he climaxed and they both ended up on the cushions in a tangle of limbs.

  They lay together several minutes. His heart still beat fast as she rested her head against his chest and he cupped her breast as she lay there, gasping.

  “Wonderful,” he whispered in her ear. “Magnificent. Last night you were splendid but tonight was incredible.”

  “You’re pretty magnificent yourself.”

  “Was the spanking too hard?” Branko asked, drawing her close.

  She thought about that for a moment or two. “Not too hard but you do lay it on.”

  “You’d have been disappointed if I hadn’t.”

  True. “I couldn’t take that every day.”

  He laughed, his chest vibrating under her cheek. “Let’s see about that later. We still haven’t had a proper talk.”

  “And whose fault is that? You distract me.”

  “You’re easily distracted.”

  She got a slap on her rump for that. “You need to go to bed so you will be up early enough to see to our respected employer’s breakfast.”

  She got up and pulled on a dressing gown and he found his shirt—she didn’t even remember him taking it off—and she watched as he tucked it in and zipped up. It seemed a shame to hide that lovely cock away but she didn’t think she could take any more. Not tonight.

  They kissed goodbye and he left.

  The place seemed empty without him.

  But she’d be seeing him in the morning. And darn, they really did need to have a good, long talk about dos and don’ts and what they both wanted.

  And she really wanted another session.

  * * * * *

  “You’re looking particularly cheerful and relaxed this morning,” Helen said, as she reached for a cup for coffee. Adele blushed. Maybe the poor child was embarrassed. No “maybe” about it. Even her neck was red.
“Thanks for having coffee ready early. I need to get some work done before breakfast.”

  “It’s served at eight, right?”

  “Yes, but time is a bit flexible in the mornings. You’ll hear when Luc comes down.”

  “And Branko?”

  Yes, unmistakably deep question there. “He comes in when he comes in.” Poor girl, she was obviously smitten. Understandable as Branko was pretty good. “He’ll be in sooner or later.”

  “Of course.” Adele shrugged. As attempts at insouciance went it was pretty lame. She did not do playing cool at all well.

  “Don’t worry. He’ll be in and most likely make the kitchen his first stop.” Or so Helen hoped. “Branko is one of the good guys.” If you ignored his criminal record, but it wasn’t her job to tell Adele about that.

  “You know him well?”

  Tricky question this. How open was Adele? There was no point in prevaricating. “We’ve worked together since I got here seven months ago.” That wasn’t all Adele wanted to know. “You mean have we been lovers?” She nodded but looked a trifle pained at the possibility. Oh dear, she did have it bad but she surely must have twigged there was something between them after the little scene under her window. Maybe she needed specifics. “Yes, twice. When Luc wanted a threesome and once, not long after I arrived, just the two of us. Otherwise, no.”

  Adele sat down, perhaps to think on this. Well, she shouldn’t have asked if she didn’t want to know. Come to that Adele hadn’t asked. Helen had anticipated the question. Damn.

  “Maybe you two need to sit down and have a good talk.”

  “You’re right, but every time we get together, something comes up.”

  Helen could guess what came up. “Better tie him down then.”

  Dear Lord, the girl blushed some more.

  “I will, I mean not literally but…”

  “He might like it, once in a while.”

  “I’m not sure.”

  Helen was tempted to ask what Adele wasn’t sure of. She suspected it was more than Branko’s willingness to be on the receiving end of bondage. “Never mind.” A fatuous comment if ever there was one. “Things will sort out one way or the other. They always do.” Now she sounded like her own mother. “Meanwhile, enjoy the weather and being here. When have you ever had a job in a nicer place?”

  At last Adele smiled. “Never, to be honest.”

  “Me too.” Helen turned to go, the bit about working before breakfast hadn’t been a ploy. “See you later.”

  That conversation hadn’t helped Adele one iota. So now she had to compete with Helen for Branko, or did she? Hadn’t she said just twice? But would that night in the garden have ended with Branko fucking Helen if she hadn’t interrupted the scene? And what about the threesome? Was Branko really into that? Adele was none too sure she was willing. Damn, she could worry about this until she was old and gray. Besides, she hadn’t come here to have an affair, not that the prospect was unwelcome, but to find her father. If he was still alive.

  She’d been told weekends were free unless there was a dinner party. She’d check with Monsieur Luc at breakfast and if she didn’t need to work, she’d go back to Nice and that club. If that failed, she’d try every phone book, street directory and voter registration in the entire Cote d’Azur. Only then would she give up.

  Maybe she was getting obsessed.

  * * * * *

  “Luc, would it be possible to use the house in Monaco this weekend?”

  Luc looked at Branko and smiled. “You’ve already checked?”

  “That it’s free, yes, so unless you plan to use it.”

  “No, I’ll be in Amsterdam ironing out the final details for the exhibition. I’m a bit leery about their security arrangements. And I’m taking Helen with me but haven’t mentioned it to her yet. The place is all yours. If you want dinner, sort that out with the Rizzolis.”

  “Thanks, boss.” Luc always liked that moniker.

  “I’m assuming this is for our charming new cook’s edification.”

  “I though she might enjoy it.”

  “Whilst you enjoy her, right? Go ahead. Enjoy her and the weekend.”

  “I expect to.”

  “She’s eager, isn’t she?” Luc grinned. “She’s already confirmed she had the weekend off. So enjoy yourselves. I’m glad things are working out well.”

  So was Branko.

  But he rather wondered at Adele assuming they’d spend the weekend together. On the other hand, why not? She was quite wonderful and he would make darn sure she enjoyed every minute.

  Luc and Helen were leaving Friday morning. Well and good, he’d come in for lunch on Friday, have a nice heart-to-heart about her special preferences, then whisk her off to Monaco to make her wishes come true and enjoy her delectable body and sexy screams. Two days, that was all he, they, had to wait. No problem there. A little abstinence only made the need stronger.

  * * * * *

  By Friday, when Helen and Luc left, Adele felt she was getting into the routine of the household. A free weekend lay ahead. She needed to prepare lunch for Branko since he was working but after that, her time was her own.

  In fact she was a trifle irked at Branko. After her second attempt to talk to him had been brushed off for “later”, she decided she was entitled to a minor snit. She was polite, cordial even to him but set her mind on the coming weekend, not on what Branko wasn’t doing.

  He surprised her Friday morning by suggesting he have lunch in the kitchen. Helen frequented the kitchen, nipping in for coffee refills or quick chats but never Branko, but since he asked… “Of course. Would an omelet suit?”

  He smiled his killer smile and she half-regretted that she wasn’t staying in that evening, but night was the best time to try Velours Noir again. “Perfect. Cheese?”

  She made him an omelet with chives and fresh goat cheese and served it with a green salad.

  “Join me,” Branko insisted when he arrived for lunch, so she made a second one and they sat down together.

  It was vaguely domestic but felt oddly strange to be sitting across the table when two days earlier she’d been over his lap getting spanked. Especially considering they’d barely exchanged five words since.

  Confusing was putting it mildly, but that was that. Now they were face-to-face and seemed he was ready to talk.

  “We need to compare our preferences,” he began.

  Adele nodded. Hadn’t she been trying to do that for the past forty-eight hours? “Good and yes. I’d be quite happy to get another spanking. You are expert.”

  She’d said the right thing there. He smiled. “I do my best to please. What else do you enjoy? Bondage?”

  “Yes, if I trust my Dominant. I don’t know you that well yet.”

  “Then I must earn your trust, Adele. I will.”

  She hoped so. “What about you? What do you expect of me?”

  “Your obedience, your submission to my will. That’s what arouses and excites me. And I expect you to tell me if I go too far or impinge on your limits.”

  “Fair enough, I will. Will you tell me if my response is what you expect? I don’t want to be punished unless I agree.”

  “No? What if you deserve it?”

  “This is about play and sex, not punishment.”

  “But you submit to my discipline, or you did last time.”

  “That’s because I wanted it.”

  He grinned. “You did, didn’t you? What else would you like? My belt? A cane? A flogger?”

  “I’ve never had anything but hand spanking.”

  “Really? Then let me introduce you to some delectable and sensational instruments.”

  Her throat tightened at the prospect. Was this really what she wanted? Maybe. Perhaps. “One at a time. When I say so. And I have a flogger.” Had that been wise to mention it?

  “You have what?”

  Given the light in his eyes she should, perhaps, have kept that to herself. “Long story, I’ll tell you about it la

  “When I’m ready to belabor your lovely body with it?”

  “Before then.”

  “We don’t have long. With Luc and Helen away, we have all weekend to explore our preferences and desires and I have a surprise for you.”


  “What are you saying ‘no’ to?”

  Talk about the horns of a dilemma. “Not this weekend, Branko. I have the time off.”

  “I know, that’s why I asked Luc if we could borrow his place in Monaco. I thought you’d like seeing somewhere new.”

  She would, or rather would have but… “Not this weekend, Branko. I’m sorry but I have somewhere to go tonight and have more to do Saturday.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Just what I said. I’m busy this weekend.”

  “But I planned this weekend for you.”

  “Then you might have mentioned it before now instead of announcing it at the last minute.” Should she change her plans? For two days she’d yearned for this conversation. Had hoped for another session with him. But darn it all, she did have plans and he was taking her for granted.

  She’d let him spank her once and he acted as if he owned her. “Perhaps another weekend?”

  “The house may not be free another weekend.”

  “Does it have to be in Monaco?” Did Luc really have a house there too?

  “It does and it should but since you are not available, I will go on my own.” And with that, he stormed out.

  Damn him and the horse he came in on. He was taking her for granted. No two ways about it. Being nicely Dominant was all very well and exciting but she was not here to come running when he crooked a little finger. She had a life too. Well, a semi-life. But she did have something to do this weekend and dammit, Branko was not ruining her plans.

  Chapter Eight

  Once evening came, Adele headed down the mountain and into Nice to take a chance at Velours Noir again. Her mistake last time had been trying to get into a nightclub during the day. Stupid of her really, but now she would have better luck. There had to be a reason her mother had kept that address all these years.


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