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The Forgiving Jar

Page 31

by Wanda E. Brunstetter

  “No, this gift can’t wait.” Sara took her friend’s hand. “Will you come with me?”

  Michelle glanced around as though she might be looking for Ezekiel, but then she nodded.

  Leading the way, Sara hurried in the direction of the greenhouse. That’s where she’d asked Brad to wait with her surprise wedding present for Michelle. He had told Ezekiel to meet them there too.

  As they approached the greenhouse, Michelle stopped walking. “What are we doing here? Is this where you put my wedding gift?”

  “Yes, it is, and you’ll see when we go inside.” Sara pulled her along.

  When they entered the building, Brad stood beside Ezekiel and the two young men who had been sitting behind him during the wedding.

  Michelle looked at them with a curious expression, and then she turned to face Sara. “I am confused. Who are these men, and where is the gift you promised me?”

  Sara could hardly keep a straight face. “These men are your wedding present.” She pointed to them. “Michelle, I would like to introduce you to Ernie and Jack Taylor.”

  Michelle’s eyes widened as she clutched Sara’s hand. “M–my brothers?”

  Sara managed only a nod because the lump in her throat made it impossible to speak.

  The young men moved forward, and Michelle ran toward them. Exclamations of joy and tearful sobs could be heard, as two auburn-haired brothers were reunited with their now-Amish sister. Ezekiel stood by with a loving expression as he witnessed the scene. Sara also noticed a few tears escaping his eyes.

  “But how?” Michelle asked, turning to face Sara.

  “It took some doing, but thanks to a lot of internet searching and a good many phone calls, I was able to locate them.”

  Michelle looked in awe at her brothers. “I—I still can’t believe it.” She hugged them both again.

  Brad stepped up to Sara and pulled her to his side. “You did a wonderful thing, Sara, and your good friend is one happy bride.”

  She flashed him a smile, struggling to keep from breaking down. “Yes, I can see that. I couldn’t think of a better gift to give my good friend.”

  “Let’s go outside and allow them to visit for a bit,” Brad whispered in Sara’s ear. “There is something I want to ask you.”

  “Okay.” She followed Brad out the door.

  As they stepped into the sunlight streaming down from the sky, Brad suggested they move off to the side, away from the building. Then, catching Sara completely by surprise, he got down on one knee.

  “I can’t promise you a life with no complications, but I can promise to always be there for you, in good times and bad.”

  Sara held her breath as he continued. “The life of a minister will have its challenges, but with God’s help, and you at my side, I am up for the challenge.” He paused and took a small jewelry box from his jacket pocket, opened the lid, and held it out to her. “Sara Murray, will you marry me?”

  With tears of joy streaming down her cheeks, Sara nodded. “Yes, Brad, I will marry you.” She held out her left hand, and Brad slipped the ring on her finger. It fit perfectly, as if it had been made just for her. Her worries about Terri were completely gone. Becoming a pastor’s wife wouldn’t be easy, and it might mean moving to some other town or state. But Sara loved Brad enough to make that commitment and felt certain God would bless them and direct their lives. As much as she wanted to continue running her business and living closer to her grandparents, Sara wanted to share in Brad’s ministry that would involve touching people’s lives and ministering to them when they were hurting. Just as Sara’s life had been touched by the notes she’d read in the forgiving jar, she wanted to be by Brad’s side as they shared the Good News with others.

  Sara’s Pumpkin Bread


  4 eggs

  3 cups sugar

  1 teaspoon cinnamon

  ½ teaspoon salt

  1 teaspoon nutmeg

  1 cup pumpkin puree

  ⅔ cup water

  2 teaspoons baking soda

  1 cup olive oil

  3½ cups flour

  1 cup chopped nuts

  In large bowl, beat eggs. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Pour into three well-greased loaf pans. Bake at 300 degrees for 1 hour or until done in center.

  Mary Ruth’s Turkey Vegetable Soup


  1 cup diced carrots

  ½ cup diced celery

  ⅓ cup chopped onion

  2 tablespoons butter

  2 cups diced cooked turkey

  2 cups water

  1½ cups peeled, diced potatoes

  2 teaspoons chicken bouillon granules

  ½ teaspoon salt

  ½ teaspoon pepper

  2½ cups milk

  3 tablespoons flour

  In large saucepan, sauté carrots, celery, and onion in butter until tender. Add turkey, water, potatoes, bouillon, salt, and pepper. Bring to boil. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 10 to 12 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Stir in 2 cups milk. In separate bowl, combine flour with remaining ½ cup milk. Blend until smooth. Stir into soup. Bring to a boil. Cook and stir for 2 minutes or until thickened.

  Discussion Questions

  1. Could you be as brave as Michelle when, after Ezekiel’s urging, she returned to the Lapps’ to confess in person what she did and to apologize?

  2. Sara didn’t like the idea that Michelle got to know her grandparents before she did. Can you understand why Sara felt the way she did about Michelle? Was there a better way for Sara to cope without allowing resentment to take over?

  3. Willis and Mary Ruth each had a talk with Sara and Michelle but let the girls work it out themselves. Do you think they should have intervened more?

  4. Were you ever in a situation where you longed to have someone love you the way Sara saw how Michelle and Ezekiel cared for each other? Were you envious of the couple or happy for them?

  5. Could you have been as patient as Ezekiel, giving Michelle time to decide for herself if she wanted to learn the ways of the Amish and join the church?

  6. Were you happy to find out Michelle made a commitment to join the Amish church? Did you feel she found her faith through the prayer jar notes and was not just persuaded by her love for Ezekiel and wanting to have a life with him?

  7. Do you think Sara was right in not questioning her grandma about the prayer jar and forgiving jar messages?

  8. What did you think about the way Ezekiel’s mother and sister acted toward Michelle? Do you understand why they were concerned about him being interested in a woman who wasn’t Amish?

  9. Has someone close to you passed away and afterward you discovered that they had deceived you, the way Sara learned that her mother kept her heritage a secret? Since you could not confront the person, how did you handle your feelings?

  10. Have any of your children ever upset you by going to someone else’s house for a meal on Christmas, when traditionally your family has always been together on this special day? Would you have reacted the way Belinda did when her son Ezekiel went to the Lapps’ for Christmas dinner instead of staying at home with the family?

  11. Do you think Michelle handled herself well when she waited on her ex-boyfriend Jerry and his new girlfriend at the restaurant where she worked as a waitress? Could you have confronted your ex as bravely as Michelle did Jerry?

  12. Was it wrong for Sara to deceive Brad by telling him she was a Christian when she wasn’t? After feeling guilty for lying to Brad, should she have confessed right away and told him the truth?

  13. Even though Brad told Sara that Terri Conners was only a friend, she still had doubts. Do you think she should have shared her doubts with Brad instead of remaining quiet and just observing?

  14. In this story, did you learn anything new about the Amish and the way they handle certain situations?

  15. What scripture verses in this book were your favorites and why?

  About the Author

/>   New York Times bestselling and award-winning author Wanda E. Brunstetter is one of the founders of the Amish fiction genre. She has written close to 90 books translated into four languages. With over 10 million copies sold, Wanda’s stories consistently earn spots on the nation’s most prestigious bestseller lists and have received numerous awards.

  Wanda’s ancestors were part of the Anabaptist faith, and her novels are based on personal research intended to accurately portray the Amish way of life. Her books are well read and trusted by many Amish, who credit her for giving readers a deeper understanding of the people and their customs.

  When Wanda visits her Amish friends, she finds herself drawn to their peaceful lifestyle, sincerity, and close family ties. Wanda enjoys photography, ventriloquism, gardening, bird-watching, beach-combing, and spending time with her family. She and her husband, Richard, have been blessed with two grown children, six grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.

  To learn more about Wanda, visit her website at

  Don’t miss a book in The Prayer Jars series!

  The Hope Jar

  Book 1

  What happens when making an elderly Amish couple very happy means going along with a lie that gets bigger by the day? Michelle is not who her new family believes her to be, but how can she tell the truth without hurting the ones she has come to truly love?

  Paperback / 978-1-62416-747-8 / $15.99

  The Healing Jar (August 2019)

  Book 3

  Love steps back to allow another to seek their own happiness. Amish schoolteacher Lenore Lapp learns this when she lets her fiancé walk away and again when she finds a note buried in an old jar that was written by an unwed mother who made a difficult decision.

  Paperback / 978-1-62416-749-2 / $15.99




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