Cassadaga Moon

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Cassadaga Moon Page 15

by R. M. Sotera

  Jordan pinched her nipple. “What about mutual masturbation? Is it wrong for us to stimulate our own bodies while we’re together?” He pinched the nipple harder, and her body practically convulsed with sexual energy. “Is it wrong for me to get off in the shower when I’m thinking about you, and baby, you’re nowhere around?” A hard hum of lust traveled through Mia’s veins at the thought of him touching himself in the shower. “I can’t concentrate with you doing that. And I caught the Sister Mia comment.”

  “Poor baby.” A wicked smile lit up his features. “What are your thoughts? Are other cultures around the world, condoning masturbation in their religious practices, sinners in your eyes?” Touching her cheek, he drew an imaginary line down her jaw line.

  “You caught the comment, did you? I’ve always wanted to do it with a nun. Perhaps I’ll buy you a nun costume.” She ignored his last two comments and addressed the first.

  “You’re playing the professor-of-religious-studies card on me. I can’t say their beliefs are wrong.”

  “Exactly. Religion is man-made, darlin’. I can guarantee you that your rendition of the almighty head of the universe isn’t going to materialize and strike you dead because you touch your body for me.

  If anything, he’d probably strike me dead, not you.


  Mia had to admit, he did have her thinking pretty deeply about his words.

  “Enough talk, Sister Christini.” He nudged her back to the ground.

  His long locks fell to the front of his face and landed against her cheek. “Now, can we continue?”

  “Sure.” She edged her hands toward the flesh of her breasts. He cupped her wrists and placed them on the mounds. Apparently, her easing into the practice was too slow for him. Her swollen buds reacted. They stood at attention, and practically leaned in to her own touch. Traitors! What was she doing? They love it!

  “Good.” He moved down her body until his face was between her legs.

  Putting his finger into his mouth, he sheathed it, and then brought it out, placing his hand down to her warm damp entrance. Lowering his face, he touched his tongue to the small swollen lips between her legs, causing chills to dance up her spine.

  “Finger me. Please.” Mia about had a stroke when the words left her mouth, but she want him to do exactly that.

  He slid his tongue into her pussy, then moved it back and forth, at the same time pushing his finger farther into her.

  Mia’s body arched again, and, as if her hands had a mind of their own, she massaged her swollen nipples, palming and pinching them.

  Glancing up toward Mia, he pulled his finger out of her. The clear liquid covered his finger, and a second later he slid it in his mouth.

  “You taste so good.”

  She stared at him through hooded lids. “I love you,” was all she could say. It was all she wanted to say.

  “I love you, too, sweet thing.”

  This time, when he put his tongue back in her pussy, he moved it back and forth, catching her clitoris between his lips. He sucked in once, and she struggled to move against the small silver metal gliding against her clit, but he held firm. As the climax built, Mia screamed, throwing her arms against the back of the couch, spreading her legs


  farther as her body convulsed, and he didn’t remove his mouth until the last jerk moved through her body.

  “Feels good, doesn’t it? You taste fucking fantastic.”

  “That—was—incredible.” She caressed the back of his hair, reveling in the soft feel of the strands as they laced through her fingers.

  Moving up onto his knees, he snatched her into his arms. The musty scent of her feminine love juice lingered on his face, but she didn’t care and locked her lips to his.

  Her man tasted like heaven, even with her scent still clinging to the inside of his mouth.

  “Did I do want you wanted?” she asked, reaching for her blouse.

  “The question is, did I do what you wanted?” She pulled the blouse over her head.

  “The best is yet to come, baby,” he promised.

  She had no doubt this was true. She couldn’t imagine what intercourse was going to be like with him if foreplay was like this. “I can only imagine.”

  “I have so much in store for you, so much to share with you.

  Masturbation today, and a little bit of bondage tomorrow.” Bondage? She couldn’t even find the words to reply to his comment, nor could she find her underwear. Oh wait, he destroyed them. Instead she glanced at the vanilla candle on the coffee table.

  The scent still lingered even though the wick burned down a few hours before he arrived. “Would you go back into my bedroom and get me some underwear?” she asked him.

  “Sure. I can do a panty run.”

  “My underwear, or as you so eloquently put it, my ‘panties,’ are located in the third small drawer on the right-hand side of the armoire,” she informed, trying to catch a glance at the clock above the television.

  “I’m on it.”


  Minutes passed without Jordan’s return. She assumed he must have forgotten which drawer she sent him in search of, so she picked herself up from the floor and headed for the bedroom.

  Reaching the slightly ajar door, she lifted her hand to push it open but stopped dead in her tracks. Her jaw dropped open in surprise.

  Jordan stood against her dresser, gripping her favorite underwear in his left hand. His right hand cupped his naked, huge penis. With his eyes closed and deep moaning, he massaged the length of the shaft.

  As he pumped his cock, a wave of desire pulsated through Mia’s body, practically knocking her off her feet.

  She’d never considered the pent-up frustration pulsating through his veins each time he brought her to climax. She should have reciprocated and pleasured him. But her last attempt at the botched blow job had her gun-shy when it came to his penis.

  A raspy moan left his lips right before his hand filled with clear liquid, and he opened his eyes. “Shit.” Mia moved away from the door an inch and continued to gaze through the small opening at her man. Even standing in the bedroom playing with himself, he was gorgeous. His hair swayed around his shoulders as he scanned the room, she assumed for a towel. Looking at the underwear in his hand, he shook his head and sighed. In what felt like slow motion to Mia, he pushed the material toward the mess and stopped.

  No, not the underwear. Twenty-five dollars a pair! I just laundered them. I haven’t even worn them yet! Shifting her shoulder to the left, Mia lost her balance and clipped the door, swinging it open.

  “Ouch!” She stared wide-eyed for two full seconds.

  Jordan turned his head, and his shocked gaze caught hers.

  A hot blush crept over her face. “I–I–I’m sorry. You didn’t return and I thought maybe—um—you couldn’t find the drawer.”


  A sexy, Jordan-owned smirk lit up his face. “I should have searched for a towel before jacking off in your bedroom, don’t you think?”

  How could he be so calm? And sound so damn sexy. He sounded like he just got his hand caught in the cookie jar, not around his penis. She glanced at the floor. “I can get you one.” Before he could open his mouth to form a sentence, she bolted across the small hallway into the bathroom. Quickly, she reached into the cabinet against the wall, becoming a wild banshee, throwing towels aside, looking for one that was not a favorite.

  Not wanting to waste too much time, she hurried back into the bedroom. “Here you go,” she said, tossing it to him.

  Hoping the shocked expression disappeared from her face, she stood in the center of the room, watching him clean himself. When he finished and was put away, he raised an index finger and gestured for her to come closer. “You caught me doing the deed. Now I’m really in a bind.”

  Filled with embarrassed discomfort, she forced a smile. “What do you mean?”

  Clutching the red satin panties, he whispered, “I have this uncontrollable desi
re to feel these against my skin. Rub them over every inch of my naked c—”

  “You’re still holding them. I mean, the satin is touching your skin.

  Technically.” What the hell is wrong with me…technically! Really?

  “That isn’t exactly what I was referring to.” He glanced down at the bulge in his pants. “I believe he would like to feel them against his head.”

  She stared down at his clothed penis in surprise. Jordan stared back with humor. When she didn’t reply, he added, “If these panties are special to you, I can search for another pair.” He opened the drawer in front of him, fishing his hand through the stack of multicolored underwear.

  Astonished, she gasped.


  “I guess you don’t like that idea either?”

  “Ah…” Thoughts of their last experience with her first attempt at a blow job flashed through her mind. She had some studying to do.

  She needed to please her man before he went blind pleasing himself.

  And ruining all my underwear.

  And then she opened her mouth and inserted her foot farther. “Do you do this often?” Oh my God, Mia…shut up!

  He pushed the drawer closed, quickly slipping an arm around her waist. “I’m a male, darlin’. Masturbation is in our DNA. Of course, since I met you I’m concerned I may go blind soon. Would you still want me as a boyfriend when I can’t see?” He lowered his head, curving his lips into a playful frown. “Soon I will need a seeing-eye dog.”

  Now it was her turn to gasp a second time. He laughed.

  “We better get going. Daddy Jamison wants to see us before the wedding tomorrow.” He paused before he added with excitement,

  “And I can’t wait until tomorrow. As soon as we are pronounced man and wife, I’m hauling your ass to the honeymoon suite and tying you to my bed, darlin’.”

  Tie me to the bed?


  Chapter Fifteen

  Mia awoke the next day in Jamison’s house, excited about her wedding. She had found out the night before that Jamison arranged for Cindi to be there, which thrilled her beyond words. The two of them sat up most of the night talking. Mia glanced up at Cindi just as she stepped from the bathroom. “You look great, Cin.”

  “Thanks. Like the dress?”

  Mia loved the tight-fitting black mini dress and loved her black heels even better.

  Cindi glanced down at her shoes and surveyed the merchandise.

  “After our conversation last night, are you sure marrying Jordan is what you want to do?”

  “Yes. I’m sure. Like I told you last night, I had feelings for Jamison, but they are long gone. I love Jordan.”

  “All right then, it’s show time. Let’s go down stairs and marry you off.”

  A breathtaking array of sounds flooded the foyer as they moved closer to the adjacent gathering hall.

  “Listen to all of those people,” Mia whispered. Her knees suddenly felt like rubber. Even with years of theater performance behind her, she suffered stage fright. Being the center of attention still made her weak at the knees.

  “The place is packed,” Cindi added. “I didn’t realize myself how many people lived this type of lifestyle.”

  “Neither did I,” Mia whispered as she and Cindi stepped into the aisle. She took one look at Jordan in his black Armani suit, with his 160

  broad smile, and knew without a doubt she’d made the right decision.

  Marrying Jordan was her destiny.

  And before Mia knew it, she’d made it down the aisle, married Jordan, and was at the reception, standing in front of the gift table, waiting for him to return with their champagne.

  “You look gorgeous, woman. Sexy as hell.” She hadn’t seen him approach, but her man’s acknowledgement sent her body into a fluttering nosedive.

  “Thanks. You, too.”

  “Mmmm, that red dress fits you like a glove. I’m glad you decided to forego the traditional white for this ceremony. We’ll have plenty of white frills when we tie the knot again in Pennsylvania.” He growled low under his breath, letting his gaze dance across her body, a greedy look imprinted his face. “Damn, woman, that dress needs to come off, and very soon.”

  Her face heated up to the point of hovering sweat beads on her forehead. “Be good.”

  He crossed his arms. “I told you, I am good at everything.” He glanced around the table, studying the gifts. “Let me correct myself, I’m great. Are you ready for me to show you?”


  An oblong, gold-wrapped box caught his attention. He looked at it, then carelessly flipped it into the air. “What?” Even after the short amount of time they were together, he still managed to pull her true feelings from her lips. “I always want to be in your arms. I want you to show me everything, Jordan. But could you not destroy our wedding gifts before we open them?”

  “You will be in my arms forever. I promise. Let’s go mingle through this reception before I ravage you right here on the gift table among the china and crystal.” He moved his gaze over the gifts once more. “How many useless pieces of stuff we won’t use, do you think are in this pile?” He slid his hand across the small of her back and


  whispered in a voice meant for her ears only. “Now, how many people thought to get us sex toys or even vampire tools?” A young waiter walked past them with a silver platter, nodded and smiled. A garlic aroma from the shrimp scampi lifted from his tray.

  She inhaled the scent. “Vampire tools and sex toys? Would coven members purchase those things?”

  Jordan laughed. “Yes. Trust me, coven members are not the only people who buy those types of gifts.” She glanced over at the crowded dance floor and smiled as Cindi, Ridge, Jamison, Paige, John, and Trudy swirled with the beat. Her new family. When the band plunged into the next song, he pulled her toward the swirling pandemonium.

  “I love this song,” she whispered as the black and spiky-haired lead singer belted out the opening lines to “You’ve Brought Me to Life” by Evie. The singer was no Eve Lament, but she would do.

  “You brought me to life.” His words came sudden and with so much conviction they rendered her speechless.

  “I hope I always have this effect on you.” Forever.

  * * * *

  Jordan dipped her, even though the song was a little too upbeat for such a graceful move. “There will never be another like you, Mia.” He was sure of the fact.

  His thoughts converged on the conversation he had with Jamison about John Ennisbrooke, the night he told him he planned to marry Mia. He wasn’t concerned at the time about the threat to his life, but now things were different. He didn’t want anything to threaten the world he planned to build with her.

  The lead singer belted out a high note, and Mia glanced over toward Cindi and Ridge gliding across the floor. “Will I be enough for you?”


  His lips grazed her cheek. He had admitted to her a few weeks ago he had enjoyed many women in his lifetime. Would she be enough for him? Could she be enough for him? Yes, she’s more than enough.

  More than I deserve.

  He dipped her again, but this time his mouth lingered on her throat. He wanted so much more of her the aching stung him clear through to his gut. “Yes. You are all I want. Forever.” A slight moan escaped her lips when pulled her up from the dip.

  She reached up, standing on tiptoes, and arched her face until she was inches from the bottom of his chin. “Good,” she whispered. “I couldn’t bear to lose you.”

  “I will never let you go. I promise, you will forever be my woman.”

  The music shifted into a faster beat. Cindi strolled across the dance floor with her right index finger pointed toward Mia. Her hips swerved and curved to the band’s rendition of Demi Lena’s pop song,

  “Get Your Funk On.”

  Jordan released her, then pulled her back. “Show me your moves, sweet thing.”

  Cindi reached for Mia, and tucked her ar
m around her. “Okay, girlfriend, let’s show these people what we can do.” The two women stopped. Cindi released Mia while one spotlight focused on her. The beat rocked the dance floor, Mia pushed her right foot forward, seductively moved her hip to the right. The slit in her long, red dress glided open, revealing the creamy flesh of her long legs.

  Jordan shifted his weight from one foot to the other in an attempt to hide his sudden erection.

  The screeching of the electric guitar resonating through the room embraced his woman in the sensual dance. His gaze rested on her stiletto-heeled foot. She pointed her toe. The soft light captured the smooth skin peeking though the black straps of her sandal. She


  wrapped her hands around her waist, slowly circled her hips once, twice. She moved like a wildflower swaying in the open air.

  He fought the urge to walk across the floor and scoop her up into his arms. Instead, he glanced around the room as the guests watched his wife.

  Like a seasoned belly dancer, she unhurriedly gyrated her hips from one side to the other. Her hands meshed together as she moved them about her head. The soft illumination radiating from the spotlight above her head oozed across her body, covering it with a golden glow.

  His cock throbbed. He folded his arms, letting his hands dangle in front of him. Shit, did anyone else notice his hard-on?

  The lead singer of the band pointed to Mia before she belted out the refrain to the song. “I’m looking for a way to lay you down. Let me in, baby!” Mia repositioned her hips. Just when Jordan thought he couldn’t take anymore, that his cock was going to burst, she licked her finger and moved it down the right side of her body across her hip.

  That’s it. I’m going to be screaming in pain any minute. Show is over.

  * * * *

  She breathed in his scent and closed her eyes as he eased her back into his arms and placed his cheek against hers. “You dance beautifully, darlin’. I am such a lucky man. Thank you.” Tilting her head up, she touched his cheek. “For what?”


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