Heist Online

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Heist Online Page 14

by Victor Deckard

  An AK-47 was a crappy weapon. Probably, it was the only weapon that nobody used in this game. I used it only in the beginning of the game when other weapons were unlocked. After an M4A1 and a SCAR became available for purchase, I had never used an AK-47 again.

  I did some calculations for an M4A1 and a SCAR as well.

  1. M4A1

  Damage: 15

  Headshot Multiplier: 3X

  Headshot Damage: 45

  Helmet Level 1: 25% Protection

  Damage Dealt to the Head: 33.75

  Shots to the Head to Kill: 3

  Helmet Level 2: 55% Protection

  Damage Dealt to the Head: 20.25

  Shots to the Head to Kill: 5

  Helmet Level 3: 70% Protection

  Damage Dealt: 13.5

  Shots to the Head to Kill: 8

  2. FN SCAR

  Damage: 35

  Headshot Multiplier: 3X

  Headshot Damage: 105

  Helmet Level 1: 25% Protection

  Damage Dealt: 78.75

  Shots to the Head to Kill 2

  Helmet Level 2: 55% Protection

  Damage Dealt: 47.25

  Shots to the Head to Kill: 3

  Helmet Level 3: 70% Protection

  Damage Dealt: 31.5

  Shots to the Head to Kill: 4

  To kill a player wearing a level 3 helmet with an M4A1, I needed to shoot him or her eight times in the head. To kill a player wearing a level 3 helmet with a SCAR, I had to shoot him or her four times in the head.

  So a SCAR was a more powerful weapon than an M4A1, but the former could hold only twenty rounds in the magazine, plus one in the chamber. An M4A1 was a more versatile weapon. It did less damage than a SCAR, but it could fire in three modes: automatic, 3-round burst, and semi-automatic.

  So I used an M4A1 as my primary weapon, but when we were doing very difficult missions or needed more firepower, I switched to a SCAR.

  I had leveled up to 12 over the past ten days, which gave me four skill points to assign. After examining the skill tree and giving the matter some thought, I decided to undo the Medic Bag 1 skill and use the refunded skill point to learn First Aid Kit 1 instead.

  > Name: First Aid Kit 1

  > Description: You can deploy up to 3 first aid kids. It can be used by any gang member and it disappears after being used. After a first aid kit is deployed, it cannot be moved. When a player uses a first aid kit, it restores 25% of their Health and they also takes 5% less damage for 60 seconds.

  > Cost: 1 skill point

  Where a medic bag restored 50% of one’s Health when one used it, a first aid kid restored only 25% of that. However, a player who used a first aid kid took less damage for some time in addition to restoring his or her health.

  There was yet another reason why I canceled the Medic Bag 1 skill in favor of getting First Aid Kit 1. After one deployed a medic bag, it couldn’t be moved. So a wounded player had to get to the place where a medic bag was to heal themselves. It was very inconvenient sometimes.

  Just like a medic bag, a first aid kit couldn’t be moved after being deployed. The difference between a medic bag and a first aid was that a medic bag 1 held three charges and a first aid kit held only one. In other words, I could deploy one aid kit at a time. So instead of running around the place, looking for a medic bag, a wounded teammate could just ask me to deploy a first aid kit near him or her and instantly use it to heal themselves.

  I use two more skill points to learn First Aid Kit 2 and First Aid Kit 3 from the eight and ninth branches of the skill tree respectively.

  > Name: First Aid Kit 2

  > Description: You can deploy up to 6 first aid kids. It can be used by any gang member and it disappears after being used. After a first aid kit is deployed, it cannot be moved. When a player uses a first aid kit, it restores 50% of their Health and they also takes 10% less damage for 120 seconds.

  > Name: First Aid Kit 3

  > Description: You can deploy up to 9 first aid kids. It can be used by any gang member and it disappears after being used. After a first aid kit is deployed, it cannot be moved. When a player uses a first aid kit, it restores 75% of their Health and they also takes 15% less damage for 180 seconds.

  After that, I had two more skill points to assign. I examined the eighth, ninth, and tenth branches of the skill tree one more time.

  > Level 8 Branch

  > Name: Fast Healing 2

  > Description: All members of your gang, including yourself, heal themselves 45% faster when using medic bags or first aid kits.

  > Cost: 1 skill point

  > Note: You cannot learn Fast Healing 2 if you do not have Fast Healing 1 unlocked.

  > Name: Silent Step 2

  > Description: Your footsteps produce 50% less noise, enabling you to sneak up on a hostile.

  > Cost: 1 skill point

  > Note: You cannot learn Silent Step 2 if you do not have Silent Step 1 unlocked.

  > Name: Combat Medic 1

  > Description: You take 30% less damage for 15 seconds after reviving another member of your gang.

  > Cost: 1 skill point

  > Name: First Aid Kit 2

  > Description: You can deploy up to 6 first aid kids. It can be used by any gang member and it disappears after being used. After a first aid kit is deployed, it cannot be moved. When a player uses a first aid kit, it restores 50% of their Health and they also takes 10% less damage for 120 seconds.

  > Cost: 1 skill point

  > Note: You cannot learn First Aid Kit 2 if you do not have First Aid Kit 1 unlocked.

  > Name: Silent Step 3

  > Description: Your footsteps produce 75% less noise, enabling you to sneak up on a hostile.

  > Cost: 1 skill point

  > Note: You cannot learn Silent Step 3 if you do not have Silent Step 2 unlocked.

  > Level 9 Branch

  > Name: Tactical Movement

  > Description: No movement penalty for using the iron sights.

  > Cost: 3 skill points

  > Name: First Aid Kit 3

  > Description: You can deploy up to 9 first aid kids. It can be used by any gang member and it disappears after being used. After a first aid kit is deployed, it cannot be moved. When a player uses a first aid kit, it restores 75% of their Health and they also takes 15% less damage for 180 seconds.

  > Cost: 1 skill point

  > Note: You cannot learn First Aid Kit 3 if you do not have First Aid Kit 2 unlocked.

  > Name: Vampire

  > Description: Your heal yourself 5% of Health for every damage you do to another player.

  > Cost: 2 skill points

  > Name: Stim Pistol 2

  > Description: Before going on a heist, you can take a stim pistol instead of a secondary weapon, with which you can heal crew members by firing at them. A stim pistol has 14 charges, each of which restores 10% of Health.

  > Cost: 1 skill point

  > Note: You cannot learn Stim Pistol 2 if you do not have Stim Pistol 1 unlocked.

  > Name: Combat Medic 2

  > Description: You take 45% less damage for 30 seconds after reviving another member of your gang.

  > Cost: 1 skill point

  > Note: You cannot learn Combat Medic 2 if you do not have Combat Medic 1 unlocked

  > Level 10 Branch

  > Name: Combat Medic 3

  > Description: You take 60% less damage for 45 seconds after reviving another member of your gang.

  > Cost: 1 skill point

  > Note: You cannot learn Combat Medic 3 if you do not have Combat Medic 2 unlocked

  > Name: Fast and Furious

  > Description: The lower your Health the faster you move. When your Health is below 25%, you will gain up to an additional 25% movement speed and you will do 15% more damage.

  > Cost: 3 skill points

  > Name: Stim Pistol 3

  > Description: Before goin
g on a heist, you can take a stim pistol instead of a secondary weapon, with which you can heal crew members by firing at them. A stim pistol has 21 charges, each of which restores 15% of Health.

  > Cost: 1 skill point

  > Note: You cannot learn Stim Pistol 3 if you do not have Stim Pistol 2 unlocked.

  > Name: Fast Healing 3

  > Description: All members of your gang, including yourself, heal themselves 60% faster when using medic bags or first aid kits.

  > Cost: 1 skill point

  > Note: You cannot learn Fast Healing 3 if you do not have Fast Healing 2 unlocked.

  > Name: Sprinter

  > Description: Increases movement speed by 25% and total stamina capacity by 50% of all gang members.

  > Cost: 2 skill points

  I considered learning the Fast Healing skills but in the end, decided against it. It took a player about three seconds to use a medic bag and about a second and a half to use a first aid kit. So one could heal oneself pretty quickly using first aid kits, which was why I decided not to spend any skill points to learn the Fast Healing skills.

  Ditto for the Stim Pistol skills. Since I had all the three First Aid Kit skills learned, I didn’t think I needed to learn any more healing skills.

  The three Painkiller skills seemed very useful to me. The same held true for Fast and Furious from the tenth branch of the skill tree. However, the latter cost three skill points. I had only two left. I considered waiting until I leveled up again to get another skill point.

  However, I changed my mind and used the last two skill points to learn Sprinter from the tenth branch of the skill tree because this skill benefited not only me but all the other team members.

  Now the eleventh––the last––branch of the skill tree was unlocked, but I decided to check it out later on as I had no more unused skill points at the moment.

  I then checked the current statistics of my character.

  > Statistics:

  > Health: 100/100

  > Stamina: 150/150 (Basic Stamina + Sprinter)

  > Speed: 3.75 m/s (Basic Movement Speed + Sprinter)

  > Skills learned:

  > First Aid Kit: 9 FAKs, 75% Health Restoration, taking 15% less damage for 180 seconds

  > Health Regeneration: 45% per minute (Health Regeneration 1+ Health Regeneration 2 + Health Regeneration 3)

  > Dodge: 30% (Dodge 1 + Dodge 2 + Dodge 3)

  > The Real Deal: 100% Intimidation (25% Basic Intimidation + 75% The Real Deal)

  True to his word, Flynn asked around on the official forum about the British gang that had robbed us once. What he learned was not good.

  As things turned out, we weren’t the only ones whom that gang robbed. There were lots of players who were robbed by that gang. This always happened when a team of heisters drove toward where the van was waiting for them after a successful robbery. Then a big black vehicle appeared out of nowhere and rammed the car. Then the British players relieved the heisters of the money and the valuables they had stolen and drove away.

  Some of the “victims” tried to fight back but achieved nothing. The members of the British gang were very experienced players, with impressive shooting skills.

  Nobody knew anything about the gang. Who were they? What their nicknames were? Why had they been robbing other heisters? What was the point of this if they couldn’t use the money they stole from other heisters? How the heck they knew where and when to appear to catch up with the heisters they wanted to rob? No one knew the answers to these questions. Nobody knew shit about the British gang.

  Incidentally, that mysterious team was dubbed the British gang, but no one knew where those three players were from. The team was given that name only because one of the members spoke with the British accent. He was obviously the leader of the gang and he was the only one who spoke during the robberies.

  Many players, especially those who got robbed by the British gang, were eager to find them and get even with the players. However, none achieved any success in finding them yet.

  At the moment, Flynn, Allison, and I were at my place, examining the available contracts on the screen of my computer. All the contracts we had played so far had been of easy or medium difficulty. So we decided that it was high time we had tried a hard one.

  “What about this one?” I asked pointing with my finger at a contract that caught my eye, almost touching the screen.

  Flynn followed the direction of my pointed finger and said, “Bear in mind that it can be completed only in ‘loud’ and––”

  “Let’s do this then,” Allison instantly exclaimed interrupting him.

  “––it’s a pretty difficult heist,” he finished casting a disapproving look at the girl.

  “Gives us even more reason to play this, guys,” Allison said enthusiastically. “Ain’t it is going to be exciting?”

  “Do you think we are ready for this?” I asked.

  Flynn shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe.”

  I looked at the screen again.

  > Name: Armored Cash Truck Heist

  > Level Requirement: 10-15

  > Difficulty: Hard

  > Objective: Your goal is to stop one to three armored cash trucks and steal as much money from them as possible.

  > (Do you want to pick this contract: Yes/No)

  When I clicked on the “Yes” button, the map of the city was replaced by the preparation menu. A second later, Flynn and Allison joined the lobby via their cell phones.

  > Preparation Menu:

  > Players:

  > 1. Player 1

  > Name: Striker

  > Level: 12

  > Class: Shot Caller

  > 2. Player 2

  > Name: Flynn

  > Level: 12

  > Class: Engineer

  > 3. Player 3

  > Name: Allison

  > Level: 12

  > Class: Punisher

  Allison and I hit the READY buttons, she on her cell phone, me on my computer. Flynn, however, didn’t follow suit.

  “Oh my gosh,” Allison exclaimed. “He’s slowing us down again! What’s wrong? Hit that button already!”

  “It’s a pretty difficult heist,” Flynn said.

  “Yeah, we get it,” Allison said. “You’ve already told us that. How many times are you gonna repeat it?”

  Flynn simply ignored the girl. He looked at me and said, “When I played the beta version of this game, I tried this heist with two randoms. However, we’d never managed to complete it. ”

  “Well, your team totally sucked,” Allison stated.

  Flynn made a visible effort to refrain from snapping at her.

  Allison, however, seemed to not notice that he was barely keeping his cool. “But now that you play with me, everything’s gonna be just fine.

  “Allison, please,” I said. “Let’s listen to what he has to say.”

  The girl signed. “Okay. Fine. Let’s talk, however long it takes. You guys just love to talk everything over instead of jumping right into action, aren’t you?”

  “This is a difficult heist, Allison,” I said. “So we gotta come up with a good plan unless we want to fail it.”

  “That’s right,” Flynn rumbled. “It ain’t easy not only to rob those trucks but even to stop them.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “The drivers of those trucks are reckless,” he said. “They easily get spooked. At least this was the case in the beta. Maybe the developers have fixed their behavior pattern, but I doubt it. So when I played the beta, it was really hard to stop those trucks. For example, if you tried just to block the road with two cars, the truck drivers floored it as soon as they spot the makeshift roadblock. After that, they drove through the streets like crazies. Sure, those trucks are slow, they can’t do more than twenty-five miles an hour, but it ain’t easy to rob an armored truck when it’s constantly on the move, chaotically driving around. Moreover, once the d
rivers spotted some suspicious activity, they instantly notified the police.”

  “So you’ve never managed to rob those trucks?” I asked. “Not once?”

  “Nope. We’ve played this heist three or four times but failed to finish the mission every single time. Two or three times, we managed to hijack one truck right on the move. Then while one of us was behind the wheel, trying to give the cops after us the slip, the other two were in the back, pick locking the deposit boxes. The problem was that to open the back door, we had needed to use C-4. It’d blown the door right off its hinges, leaving the gaping hole behind. The cops chasing us fired through the exploded doorway. Since there was no cover in the back of trucks at all, almost every single bullet hit one of us.”

  “Didn’t you fire back, duh,” Allison said.

  “Of course we did, duh,” Flynn answered back. “One of us steered the truck, the second one lock picked the deposit boxes, and the third one tried to get the cops off our tail.”

  “And you still failed?”

  “Why are you asking this question if you already know the answer?”

  “Well, whoever you played with totally sucked,” Allison said. “Or it was you who did the shooting at the cops?”

  “Nope. I was lock picking the deposit boxes. Being an Engineer, I got some skills decreasing the time it takes to open a lock.”


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