Heist Online

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Heist Online Page 36

by Victor Deckard

  However, now that Flynn was dead, I wouldn’t be able to heal myself. Sure, Flynn should already have revived in the city, but the city was far far away from this town. By the time he got here, this fight would be over.

  I found the Vector and picked it up. However, the Mossberg was a perfect weapon for close quarter combat, so I slung the submachine gun across my shoulders.

  I darted out the door and brought up my shotgun. There was no one in the corridor. Where the heck had those two players gone? They might have decided to get away from me while they still could. But I doubted it. They must have hidden somewhere to ambush me. Had to be real careful.

  Since the Quadcopter was far away, I could redeploy it. Which I did. It appeared above my head, hovering in the air. I pulled my cell phone and switched the Quadcopter’s mode to defensive. Now it would be always following me and attacking whoever attacked me.

  I wandered around the building for a minute or so, looking for the two players. I was using the Heartbeat Sensor app on my cell phone. This app could detect the heartbeats of nearby enemies even through such obstacles as walls. So I wandered around the building, with the cell phone in my left hand for a few minutes.

  However, the Heartbeat Sensor was silent. I then realized that since Chase played as a Technician, he might have the Ghost still unlocked. If that was the case, then I wouldn’t be able to detect him by using the Heartbeat Sensor. But McDermott wasn’t a Technician, so I should detect him, sooner or later.

  And I did. As I entered a corridor, leading with my cell phone, a blip appeared on the screen and the cell phone emitted a single beeping sound. It meant that McDermott was somewhere up ahead. As I slowly walked down the corridor, the beeping sound grew louder, which meant that I was getting closer and closer to the player.

  There was a door at the opposite end of the corridor. The blip was unmoving, meaning that McDermott was standing right behind that door. Since he could hear the beeping sound, I glanced at the screen one last time to make sure McDermott was still behind the door and deactivated the app.

  After putting the cell phone away, I reached for my shotgun, trained it ahead, and continued on. I walked very slowly so the player couldn’t hear the sound of my footsteps.

  When I was within a few feet of the door, I brought the shotgun at shoulder level. I wondered if McDermott was still behind the door. I wanted to reach for my cell phone and use the Heartbeat Sensor app again. However, now that I was so close to the door, the app would emit a really loud beeping sound and if McDermott was still behind the door, he would surely hear it. So I decided not to foil my attempt of sneaking up on the player.

  I got even closer to the door. When I was about to reach out for the knob, two things happened almost simultaneously.

  First, there was the crack of automatic fire behind me and I felt some of the bullets thud against my body armor, wounding me. I didn’t have to turn around to know that it was Chase. How come I hadn’t heard him approaching me from behind? Probably he had the Sneaky skills unlocked.

  However, I had no time to further contemplate on the matter.

  As soon as Chase started shooting at me, my Quadcopter returned fire.

  A second later, another thing happened. The door in front of me swung open and McDermott appeared in the doorway. Before he could do anything, I squeezed the trigger, sending a load of buckshot in his chest. The player collapsed to the floor. This time, he was downed. I pulled the trigger a second time and his head disappeared in a gory haze.

  I instantly whirled around, whipping my shotgun up. However, the drone must have wounded Chase because he decided to get away. I caught a glimpse of him running back. I fired at him, but he had already dashed around the corner. I burst into a race along the corridor, pulling my cell phone on the run.

  I switched the Quadcopter’s mode to offensive and it darted along the corridor after the escaping player. A second later, the small robot turned around the corner and disappeared from sight. I opened the Heartbeat Sensor app and scanned the area. However, no blip appeared on the screen, which meant that Chase actually had the Ghost skill learned.

  I put the cell phone away and continued on. I glanced at my HUD.

  > Health: 72/100

  The clatter of automatic weapons firing reached my ears from ahead. I darted around the corner and saw the drone fly through a door. I raced toward the door and a few seconds later was through. I saw Chase running across the room toward another door.

  I whipped my shotgun up but didn’t have time to take careful aim. I squeezed the trigger but missed the target. I fired again. This time, the buckshot caught the player in the legs. He dropped to the floor and started crawling toward the door. I wasn’t sure if he was downed or just decided not to get to his feet. I stroked the trigger again to finish the player off. However, there was a soft click. I had run out of ammo.

  The player reached the door and disappeared from sight. The Quadcopter followed him. I started jerking shotgun shells from my vest and shoving them into the loading port. I then racked the slide and shoved another one in to top off the Mossberg 500.

  The clatter of an assault rifle being fired came from where Chase had gone. A second later, there was the boom of an explosion, which meant that the player had just destroyed my drone.

  I darted toward the door. As soon as I got into the room, I saw Chase off to my right. He had an assault rifle in his hands, aimed at the door. The player was about to riddle me with bullets. I dropped to my knees, slid my index finger into the trigger guard, and took up the slack.

  Then I suddenly realized that something was wrong. The player wasn’t moving at all. Quick as a flash, it dawned on me that it was a hologram.

  I caught a glimpse of movement on my left and instantly whipped my shotgun around. Chase lay on his back, holding the M4A1 in his hands. I darted to the side as he started firing. Two or three slugs caught me in the chest. I cast a glance at my HUD.

  > Health: 24/100

  Another bullet and I was dead.

  The Mossberg kicked in my hands as I depressed the trigger. Some of the buckshot caught Chase in the throat, but he was still alive, pouring the stream of lead in my direction.

  I took two more bullets in the right side and glanced at my HUD.

  > Health: 2/100

  If I hadn’t had medium armor on, I would have been dead since an M4A1’s damage was 15.

  I fired again and this time the buckshot found its mark. The player’s face turned into a gory mask. The assault rifle dropped from his hands. The player was downed.

  I walked up to him. He looked up at me but didn’t say anything. The hatred in his eyes revealed how he felt about me.

  I said nothing as well.

  The shotgun boomed again, turning the player’s head into a gruesome pulp.

  It was all over.

  A couple of seconds later, a message appeared before my eyes. “It was awesome, Striker. You must be a really good player. I enjoyed watching your showdown with Chase and McDermott. Anyway, I’m Michael McMillian. We had a conversation earlier today. I watched those two players and detected them using the Scanner app. It happened when you were chasing them in the cars. I didn’t ban them right away because I didn’t want to spoil all the fun. I banned them just after you killed them. They won’t be able to join the game for a couple of weeks. I can’t ban them for good. It’s against the rules. Rest assured, when they are back to the game, they won’t be able to use the Scanner app anymore. That’s it, Striker. Thanks for the help. Goodbye.”

  After I read the message, it disappeared. I reached for my cell phone and dialed Flynn’s number.

  “How you doing, Striker?” He said. “I’m on my way. I’ll be there in ten minutes or so.”

  “No need,” I said. “I took care of them. Let’s meet in the city.”

  Fifteen minutes later, I pulled in a parking lot where Flynn was waiting. I stepped out of the Ford Explorer, walked to Flynn, and told
him about the Senior Moderator Michael McMillian’s message.

  “So mission accomplished, right?” He said. “The Brits got banned just like you wanted.”

  “Yeah. Thanks for the help.”

  “No problem,” Flynn said and grinned. “Although I wasn’t much of a help in the end. Those jerks downed me almost as soon as I entered the building and then finished me with a frag.”

  “There is no telling what the outcome would have been if you hadn’t been with me.”

  “Anyway, like I said, I’m gonna return to my previous character to continue to play as a heister.”


  “What about you? Are you gonna continue being a cop or you’d like to become a heister again? I’d like to play with you again.”

  “I’m not sure yet.”

  Flynn eyed me for a second, then said, “By the way, Allison called me ten minutes ago. She said they managed to complete the Private Military Plane heist.”

  “That’s good.”

  “Okay then,” Flynn said. “I’m gonna go now. If you decide to return to being a heister, give me a call, will ya? I’m gonna play as Flynn, so you know my cell phone’s number.”


  He gave me another look, nodded, and said, “See ya, bud.”

  After he left, I thought about what I wanted to do next. I had played as a heister and reached max level. As a cop, I reached max level as well. I had tried only two out of the six playable classes, a Shot Caller and a Technician. There were four more classes to try out. Moreover, there were many more interesting missions in the game that I hadn’t played yet.

  However, I grew a little tired of this game. Probably I would play something different for a short while. I remembered Nina talking about a recently released game, Galaxy Online. Judging from the name, it should be something like a space opera. It sounded interesting. Sci-Fi always was one of my favorite genres. So probably, I would give this game a try.

  Anyway, I decided to take a little rest from playing Heist Online. Maybe I would return to this game after some time. Or maybe I would switch to another game, say, Galaxy Online. I wasn’t sure yet.

  I logged off.

  The End

  Other Books by Victor Deckard

  The Glitch Series (LitRPG)

  Glitch Book One

  Glitch Book Two

  Glitch Book Three

  Glitch Book Four

  Glitch Book Five

  Glitch Book Six

  Glitch: The Complete Series

  The Last Player Standing (LitRPG)

  The Last Player Standing (as Alexey Volkov)

  Stand-alone (Urban Fantasy)


  Keep in touch

  Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading this novel! I hope you enjoyed reading this book.

  I'm an author from Russia. I work primarily in the LitRPG/GameLit genre. I write under two pen names, Victor Deckard and Alexey Volkov.

  I'm now working on a brand new LitRPG series. If you want to be kept in the loop about the next book releases, you can follow me on Twitter or Facebook.

  Also, if you’ve found a typo or mistake in this book and want to let me know about it so I can correct it to make the novel better, send me your corrections on my email.

  The next book is slated to come out in about five weeks. Don’t miss it!







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