by Kate Harre
‘You’re right, of course you are… and I’m trying not to let Jake break past my defences.’ Karen’s voice choked on a sob. ‘But it’s not easy when I’ve been half empty for so long. When he’s here I feel complete again.’
‘Oh, Mum.’ Rushing over to Karen, Annie wrapped her arms around her. ‘I swear if he breaks your heart again I’m going to break his legs!’
Karen half laughed, half sobbed. ‘How am I going to cope when you go away to college?’
Annie was silent. If she went to college it would be nice to know Karen had someone to look after her; she just wasn’t sure if that person should be Jake.
Ridgeville was too small to have a dedicated ice cream bar, but one of the local cafes offered an extensive range of desserts, including a wicked looking Death By Chocolate oversized sundae for two. Jake, a baseball cap pulled low over his forehead, had managed to score a relatively private back corner booth and he and Annie were delving into the enormous dessert with relish.
‘Our shape shifting killer obviously didn’t put in an appearance last night,’ Jake commented, licking a drop of hot fudge sauce from the corner of his mouth.
‘Nope. Everyone was very well behaved.’ Annie rolled her eyes. ‘All you parents stressed yourselves out for nothing.’
‘Or our efforts made sure there wasn’t an opportunity for our killer to attack again.’
‘Maybe. I don’t think anyone really thought about it once they got there.’
‘So you had a good time then?’
Annie scooped a big hunk of ice cream, wafer and chocolate nuggets into her mouth and attempted to speak around it. ‘Uh huh.’
Jake looked mildly frustrated. Pressing his lips together, he opted for a more direct approach. ‘Did Adrian make a good substitute date?’
‘What do you mean?’ Annie asked innocently.
‘It’s Alex you really wanted to go with, isn’t it? Or did I get that wrong?’
Annie sighed. She’d noticed Jake studying the interplay between herself and Alex. He knew her well, so it wasn’t surprising he’d figured out how she felt about Alex. ‘No, you got it right. But actually Alex showed up.’
‘He did?’ Jake couldn’t hide his surprise. ‘That must have caused quite a ruckus.’
‘Nobody saw him, Dad. He slipped in the back and hid behind the bleachers. I met him there and we danced.’
‘That’s good. You two seem very… close.’ Jake was choosing his words carefully.
Annie bit back a smile. ‘I know what you’re trying to find out without actually asking. Yes, I like him, okay?’
An unrepentant grin on his face, Jake reached for his soft drink. ‘Come on, Pumpkin, you know that’s not going to satisfy me. Are we talking friends… or something more?’
Annie placed her spoon down on the table with a sigh. ‘Something more,’ she admitted gloomily. ‘But I’m getting absolutely nowhere.’
‘His face really doesn’t bother you?’ he asked curiously.
‘No. But it bothers him.’ She slumped against the padded back of the booth. ‘I think he likes me as more than a friend, but I can’t be completely sure since he won’t let himself go there because of his disfigurement. And I don’t know how to convince him I don’t care about it.’
Jake studied Annie’s face, amazed someone as shallow as himself could have produced a daughter with such depth. He could see her frustration, but also the hurt that lingered just under the surface and if not for the fact that Alex had a genuine point, he could have cheerfully hit him. If he’d been in the same position, he would have had a complex about it too.
‘Can I make a suggestion?’ he asked eventually.
‘Go ahead. I’m open to ideas.’
‘I’ve seen the way Alex looks at you. He cares about you – a lot. But that face of his isn’t pretty and he knows it. He might want you, Pumpkin, but he’s not going to do anything about it when he thinks you can do better than him. That boy will sacrifice his happiness for yours, if you give him half a chance.’
‘You’re not telling me anything I don’t already know. But it’s stupid since being with him is what would make me happy,’ she muttered, shooting Jake a disgruntled look. ‘So what do you suggest I do?’
Jake looked at her seriously. ‘You’re going to have to force the issue. You know him better than I do, so you’ll have to figure out the right way to do that.’
Annie dropped her head into her hands with a feeling groan. ‘I was afraid of that.’
‘I know it won’t be easy, Pumpkin, especially since that’s not your usual style. But if you really want to be with Alex, you’ll have to find the courage.’
Annie nodded and smiled limply. ‘Fantastic,’ she drawled sarcastically. ‘Since we’re dissecting my non-existent love life, can I ask you a question about yours?’
Jake instantly looked wary, but nodded slowly.
‘What are you doing, Dad? I know you’re up to something and I’m not sure it’s a good idea.’
Jake had been flirting like mad with Karen all week. It was what had prompted her conversation with her mother that morning and after speaking with Karen, Annie was determined to head Jake off before he could do any more damage to her sensitive mother’s emotions. The problem was, Jake was just as stubborn as Annie was. Two nights ago she’d caught him sneaking down the hall in the direction of Karen’s room. Annie had ordered him back to his room and threatened to sleep outside his door if he didn’t stay there, but who knew what kind of stunts he was pulling while she was at school!
Clearly remembering the same night, Jake flushed guiltily and shifted uncomfortably in his seat. ‘I know she’s your Mum and you want to protect her, but she’s also my wife.’
‘No she’s not, Dad. You guys have been divorced for years.’
‘That wasn’t my choice. She still feels like my wife. Your Mum is the only woman I have ever loved and I still love her.’
‘But you always screw around on her and that’s not fair to Mum. I love you Dad, you know I do, but if you’re going to try and ignite things again I think you should stay somewhere else,’ Annie stated firmly. Karen was too soft-hearted and sometimes she needed someone to fight her corner for her. ‘I don’t want you hurting Mum again.’
Jake squared his shoulders. ‘I deserve that,’ he acknowledged quietly. ‘But I’ve changed a lot in the last couple of years. Since you started having those dreams, I’ve had to face up to the real world. Do you know how much I’ve hated it that I haven’t been with you and your Mum to support you through all that? You’ve both kept me in the loop, but I still felt like I was on the outside, stuck on the other side of the country when you both needed me.’
Annie’s eyes softened. ‘I never realised you felt like that.’
‘You and your Mum are both my family and a family should stick together. I miss you both terribly and even though it’s you who has been going through all this crap, I’ve never felt so lonely as I have in the past two years.’
‘Really?’ Annie couldn’t believe she’d been so blind to Jake’s needs. He’d always seemed so carefree, surrounded by people all the time. But now that she thought about it, he’d been calling her a lot more frequently than he used to.
His mouth twisted. ‘I know it’s taken a while, but I’ve finally grown up. There hasn’t been another woman in my life for more than two years now. I want your mother back, for good, and I’d really appreciate it if I had your support.’
Biting her lip, Annie studied Jake’s face. He was dead set serious, his eyes clear and unwavering. ‘Alright,’ she agreed slowly. ‘But no sneaking into her room yet. You’ve hurt her too many times, Dad – I think you need to prove to her you’ve changed first.’
Jake grimaced, but nodded. ‘Celibacy sucks, especially when the woman you want more than anything in the world is standing right in front of you. But I’ll do whatever it takes… even if that means I’m reduced to regular cold showers!’
Her fac
ed screwed up in disgust, Annie groaned. ‘Ew, Dad! I did not need that visual!’
Jake flushed, realising what he’d said. ‘Sorry. Actually, now that I think about it, celibacy is fantastic.’ He looked at her meaningfully. ‘Don’t you go getting any ideas. In fact, I think it’s high time I had a little man to man chat with Alex about how fathers feel about their daughters and that kind of thing.’
‘Get used to it, Pumpkin. I’m back for good.’
‘You haven’t won Mum over yet!’ Annie smiled ruefully. ‘It looks like we’ve both got battles ahead of us.’
Jake glanced down at the melted bowl of ice cream they’d barely made a dent in. Sliding out of the booth, he held a hand out to Annie. ‘Come on, Pumpkin. Let’s go and order pizza and eat it on the floor while we play Snakes and Ladders like we used to.’
‘That was when I was five! I’ve moved on from Snakes and Ladders.’
‘You’re never too old for Snakes and Ladders.’
There were no prizes for guessing the most talked about topic at school on Monday and the Ridge High News was no different. Annie, Chelsea and Adrian had spent the better part of the day sorting through the plethora of photos, trying to pick the best while also still making sure every Senior featured in at least one photo. Then they’d had to write various accompanying articles, ranging from a review of the band through to a thank you piece to the many helpers who had made the night so successful.
At four o’clock Chelsea leaned over the back of her chair, stretching her arms high up in the air. ‘That’s my final piece done. Can I go home now?’
The question was directed at Adrian, who was hunched over his laptop frantically typing. ‘Hang on,’ he muttered.
Chelsea raised her brow at Annie, but Annie didn’t bite. She was done trying to encourage the two of them to get along. Adrian had ignored her advice at the Prom to ask Chelsea to dance and even though Chelsea had no idea she’d made the suggestion, she was still ticked off that Adrian hadn’t made any move to approach her on the night. They’d been warily circling each other all day in the office and Annie was sick of it. In fact, she couldn’t wait to get out of there herself and escape the tension.
Adrian hit save and slowly swivelled his chair towards the girls. ‘I know it’s been a long day, but thanks for staying. I’ll come in early tomorrow morning and start the printing.’
A brief tap on the door brought all their heads around to the entrance of the News office. Brad ambled in, his eyes doing a sweep up and down both Annie and Chelsea. Annie stiffened but Chelsea smiled flirtatiously back, which predictably brought a scowl to Adrian’s face.
‘Ladies,’ Brad acknowledged with a wicked grin, before turning to Adrian. ‘You ready, cuz?’
‘You two are related?’ Annie blurted in surprise.
‘Yeah,’ Adrian muttered, gathering up his bag.
‘I guess I’ve never seen the two of you together before,’ Annie murmured. Seeing them standing side by side, she could see the family resemblance. Both tall, although Brad was a couple of inches taller and bulkier, they had the same pale blue eyes and narrow nose. Annie couldn’t believe she hadn’t noticed it before, but then again she didn’t really devote a lot of time to thinking about Brad.
‘What do you mean?’ Brad asked in genuine bemusement. ‘We hang out together all the time.’
‘Not really.’ Adrian slung his jacket over his shoulder and with a jerky wave in her direction, almost fled out the door. Unfazed, Brad strolled out in Adrian’s wake.
Annie’s mind was working ninety to the dozen and she didn’t like what she was coming up with.
‘Great. Now we can finally get out of here,’ Chelsea announced in relief.
‘Chels,’ Annie said, her voice unsteady. ‘I’ve had a really horrible epiphany.’
‘About what?’ Frowning, Chelsea studied Annie’s face.
She dropped her face into her hands. ‘I don’t want to say! It’s too awful!’
‘What? You can’t keep me in suspense.’
‘This is only a theory and I have absolutely no proof, but hear me out, okay?’
‘Just tell me,’ Chelsea all but shouted.
‘We know Brad has a connection to both of the girls who were murdered, but he can also account for his whereabouts on both nights.’ Annie paused and took a fortifying breath, reluctant to voice what she was thinking. ‘What if Adrian has something to do with the murders?’
‘Brad says they hang out all the time, but Adrian wasn’t at the party when Danielle died. We haven’t been able to figure out who Danielle left the party with – what if it was Adrian? He’s trustworthy, nice, unintimidating… exactly the kind of guy a girl would trust to take her home.’
Chelsea looked outraged. ‘You can’t be serious! Adrian doesn’t have enough imagination to engineer one murder, let alone two.’
‘Actually, I think he does,’ Annie muttered under her breath, thinking of the murder mystery Adrian was currently writing. Maybe he was undertaking some first hand research?
‘You know I’m the first person to find fault with Adrian, but I honestly don’t think he could kill anyone. Adrian’s gentle, sweet… one of the good guys,’ Chelsea explained desperately.
‘He is, you’re right,’ Annie agreed quietly. He was also her friend and she felt guilty that she’d even contemplated the idea. ‘I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything. I saw them together and my brain went haywire.’
‘Okay, good. Let’s not talk about this anymore.’ The relief in Chelsea’s voice was palpable as she gathered up her belongings.
Annie bit her lip, then said in a rush, ‘Be careful around him, Chels… just in case.’
Chelsea frowned, but nodded jerkily before disappearing out the door without waiting for Annie.
Grabbing her bag, Annie jogged out to where Jake was waiting in the car. She desperately needed Alex’s objective opinion to help settle the thoughts racing around her brain. She was silent in the car, conscious that Jake was giving her odd looks. But he didn’t say anything, probably thinking it was nerves before she forced a confrontation with Alex. He dropped her at the entrance to the Hamilton estate and, after slipping through the side gate, Annie raced down the driveway.
Maria greeted her at the front door and told her Alex was in his room. Taking the stairs two at a time, Annie slowed and paused on the threshold of his room.
Dressed in his usual jeans and polo shirt, he was sitting in the club chair in the reading corner, his feet up on the ottoman. His head was slightly bent as he read, his expression relaxed. Annie almost didn’t want to disturb him, but lifted her hand anyway and tapped her knuckles on the doorframe. His head jerked up in surprise from the book he was holding.
‘I didn’t hear you,’ he commented ruefully.
‘I think Adrian might be the shape shifter,’ she blurted, talking over the top of him.
Alex’s eyes widened and he slowly closed the book, placing it on the table beside the chair. ‘What makes you think that?’
Annie explained every one of her rambling thoughts, her tongue tripping over itself in her hurry to get them all out. When she was done she dropped down on the corner of his bed and looked expectantly at him. ‘What do you think?’
‘What’s his motive?’ he asked quietly.
‘I don’t know.’ Annie shrugged helplessly. ‘Maybe it’s not his motive but Brad’s. He could be doing Brad’s dirty work for him.’
‘That’s possible.’ Alex shifted in his chair, resting his elbows on his knees. ‘I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I’m not completely sure you’re right either.’
‘Neither am I. That’s the problem.’
‘Without any proof, we can’t do anything.’ Alex shoved a hand through his hair in ragged frustration. ‘Don’t let on to him that anything’s amiss, but please don’t go anywhere with him.’
‘I won’t,’ Annie promised fervently. �
��How can I even be thinking that the sweet guy I danced with on Saturday night is a killer?’
Alex looked at her, his green eyes deadly serious. ‘I don’t know. But I’ve learnt to trust your instincts, so we need to find some proof.’
Annie nodded. Who knew how they were going to do that, but somehow they’d have to figure it out.
That conversation out of the way, Annie shifted gears. She’d thought about what Jake had said and he was right. If she wanted to be more than friends with Alex, she was going to have to find the courage to break down his reservations. Taking a deep, shaky breath, she tried to ignore the butterflies in her stomach.
‘I wanted to ask you something and you’re not going to like it,’ she announced before she lost her nerve.
Alex straightened and eyed her warily. ‘This is turning into an interesting afternoon. Don’t keep me in suspense.’
‘Are you attracted to me?’ It came out in a rush and she couldn’t help the heat that immediately swarmed up her neck and flooded her cheeks. She pressed her palms to her hot flesh, but maintained eye contact, determined to try and read his face for the truth.
He visibly tensed, his eyes shuttering. ‘What’s that got to do with anything?’
He didn’t want to answer her, but she’d anticipated that, knew he would try everything to head her off and avoid hurting her feelings. ‘Okay, we’ll try it this way. If your face wasn’t disfigured, would you have kissed me at the Prom?’
‘Why are you doing this?’ he whispered, anguish filling his expression.
Annie sucked in another breath, terrified of making herself vulnerable but knowing she had to do it for both their sakes. ‘Because I want to be more than just your friend.’