Beautifully Destroyed

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Beautifully Destroyed Page 7

by Love, Sandra

  “Oh yes, please come in. Bri, you need to learn your manners. I’m sorry, is it Jeb or Jake?”

  “I’m Jeb, ma’am. Jake is my (younger?) brother. But please, I need to talk to you about Toria.”

  Her face turned white as if she had seen a ghost. “Have you seen her?”

  “Mom, don’t do this to yourself. She made her bed; let’s let her lie in it.”

  “Mrs. Jacobs, she had an accident. She is in ICU.”

  “Oh dear, I need to sit.”

  I grabbed her before she hit the ground.

  “Dad! Dad, come here.”

  I helped Mrs. Jacobs to the couch and kneeled in front of her. “She’s not doing good.”

  “What happened? Was it drugs?”

  “Yes it was, but I am trying to help her. Please come to the hospital to see her.”

  Bri laughed. “Really, dude? You come in here, drop this ball on us, and expect us to just come running. We haven’t seen that whore in years.”

  “Brianna Jamie Jacobs, watch your language!”

  I looked back to see Mr. Jacobs walking into the living room. I explained to the family what was going on. Everything from the fact that I had hired her to the fact that I was practically falling in love with her. I told them I wanted to help their daughter. Bri still wasn’t convinced, but her parents agreed to see their daughter. I told them what hospital she was at, and they agreed to meet me there.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I made it back to the hospital, but when I got there Mitch was in the room with Toria and Tony was hugging Vanessa. We sat in the waiting room, and within the hour, the Jacobs showed up and joined us. Bri was still being a bitch, but said nothing to me or the rest of the group. Mitch walked into the waiting room, returning from his ‘shift’ of checking on our girl, and he just blew up at Toria’s parents.

  “You two should be ashamed of yourselves. Kicking her out like that, making that girl homeless. Now here you sit like nothing happened. I took care of her when she was on the streets. I hugged her on the days when all she wanted was a mom to hug, or a father to talk to. All you had to do was get her the help that she needed, but no! Your asses had to kick her out.”

  Tony got up and grabbed him. “Mitch, come on; let’s take a walk.”

  “They’re the reason why she is up there fighting for her life!”

  Tony nodded. “I know, my love, but they’re obviously hurting, too,” he soothed as he pulled Mitch out of the waiting room.

  Toria’s mother started to cry as Mr. Jacobs held her in his arms. We all sat there in silence.

  The doctor walked in with some paperwork, breaking the tension in the room. “Mr. Turner.” I stood up, along with Vanessa and Toria’s parents.

  The doctor had a puzzled look on her face, so I made the introductions. “These are Toria’s parents.”

  They shook hands and she asked us to follow her to an office. We all took our seats and waited for the news. “We got her blood results back. She has a high level of crack, cocaine, and methamphetamine. She also has been taking Oxycodone. Does she have an issue with taking these types of drugs?”

  I looked toward her parents, in total shock. “Yes, she has. That is why she is homeless. I couldn’t have her in my house while she was on all those drugs. I couldn’t watch her destroy her life like that.”

  Everything started to sound muffled around me, and I walked over to take a seat. I put my head in my hands. I couldn’t believe that she was into the hard stuff. I suspected the lesser drugs, but crack and cocaine? I couldn’t do this. I got up and walked out of the hospital. I couldn’t be here. I didn’t want to watch that girl die over shit like that. I started to walk toward my car. When I got there, Barb and my mother were standing right there.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Barb walked toward me. “Baby, I forgive you. Let’s work this out. Forget about that druggie whore. You belong with me.”

  I turned to look at my mother. “Thanks, Mother, for keeping this to yourself,” I said sarcastically. “Now if you could move, I want to leave.” Barb tried to stop me again. “Barb, get it through your head, I. Don’t. Love. You. Please go and never speak to me again. And Mother, I am so upset with you right now. I thought I could trust you.”

  I unlocked my car and got in. I started it and pulled out of the parking spot. Without a clue as to where I was destined to end up, I just drove.

  As I was driving, my mind kept going back to Toria, and how I needed to save her. I did a U-turn and headed back toward the hospital. I needed to be there when she woke up. I couldn’t just leave her alone and scared. Once I got back to the hospital, I walked right past everyone and went up to her room. Once I got in there, I took her hand.

  “Toria, I love you. Please, just listen to me. I will not leave you ever. I will get you the help you need. But I will not abandon you like your family did. Toria, please, I beg of you. Wake up. I will be here for you. Always.” I leaned down and I kissed her on her forehead.

  “You know I always looked up to her.”

  I turned to see Bri was standing in the doorway.

  “Did you want to talk to her?” She started to walk toward her sister, but she stopped. “Go ahead, it could help her.” She walked to the other side of the bed. “Do you want me to leave?”

  A stray tear fell from her eye. “No, please stay.” I nodded as I watched her take her sister’s hand. “Toria, I am sorry I said those horrid things to you. I was just mad and being a stupid teenager. Please come back to us. I will help you get better. I just want my sister back. I want that happy cheerleader back. You are my role-model, and not having you around is killing me. I try to be mad at you, but the truth is, I am dying without you. Please wake up. I promise I will help you. And this guy that is here with you is hot. I think he might love you. So you have something to come back to. I love you, big sister. I always loved you.” I watched her wipe the tears away from her eyes.

  “Thank you. I know you are mad at her, but she needed to hear that.”

  “I just want her back.”

  “Listen Brianna, I will pay for her treatment. I will pay for her to get help.”

  “Do you think she will live?”

  I looked down at her frail body. “We will have hope. I will have hope. She will come back to me. She has to.”


  During the next week, I had promoted Vanessa to manager of the hotel. She was doing as much as she could at the hotel, and I was eternally grateful for her. My father withdrew all ties to the hotel, because he lost the business deal. I really didn’t care. I hardly left Toria’s side, anyway. The doctors didn’t know if she would have any memory loss until she woke up. I was warned that she was going to have really bad withdrawals from the drugs she was addicted to. I decided I would not leave her, no matter how hard it got. She needed me, and I was not about to abandon her. I was falling so hard for this girl, and I just wanted to get her back to normal so we could start our relationship right.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Beep. Beep. I felt pressure in my throat, and a throbbing pain in the back of my head. Beep. Beep. I tried to move my body, but it felt as if I was being held down with bricks. Why can’t I move? My eyes started to flicker, and I could see light. I tried to open them, but the light was so bright. Finally, after what seemed like hours, I opened my eyes. I had no idea where I was. I could hear people in the distance, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying, or who they were. I tried to talk, but there was something in my mouth and I couldn’t speak. I wanted to look around, but the pressure in my head was too much and very overwhelming. Finally, I heard a man yell for a nurse. I had no idea who that man was. Finally, strange people came into sight, all talking to me at once. What the hell was going on, and who were these people?

  “I want everyone out of here.” It was a woman. She came into my sight. She was an older lady. She was wearing pink glasses and blue gloves. “Now, honey, I am
going to take this out of your mouth. Please stay still.” “How are you?”

  I began to speak, but coughed a little. “Where am I?”

  “Dear, you had an accident. You are in the hospital, and you were in a coma for about a week. Do you know your name?”

  I looked at her, confused, and realized I had no idea who I was. “I am afraid not. What is my name?”

  “Let me go get the doctor.”

  She walked out, and I looked around the room. It was full of machines, and I noticed I was hooked up to an IV. I put my hand up to my head and noticed it was wrapped up. It was really sore. Was I in a car accident? What happened to me? Who was I?

  “Toria Jacobs, I am Stella Johnson. I have been your doctor for the past week. The nurse told me you are having trouble remembering who you are. Well, let me tell you what has happened. You were brought in with a head injury, and when we tested your blood, you had numerous drugs in your system.”

  I was shocked. Am I a drug addict? “What?”

  “Yes. It seems you have a problem and you need help. But right now, we need to know what you remember about yourself.”

  “I don’t remember anything.”

  “Hmph, maybe if I bring in some people, something will trigger your memory.”

  I watched as she walked out, and a tear ran down my cheek. I was some sort of a drug addict. What caused me to do something like that?

  “Toria, are you okay?”

  I looked toward the door, and there stood a God. Oh my, he was handsome. He had dark brown hair and he was really tall. He looked tired, as if he hadn’t slept. Was he my husband? Boyfriend? Brother? Who was this mystery guy?

  “I don’t know. Who are you?”

  He ran his hands through his hair and grabbed a chair. He sat next to the bed. He went to grab my hand, but I pulled it away quickly. I had no idea who this guy was.

  “I’m Jeb Turner, your boss. We just met a couple of weeks ago. Toria, you and I have something. Please tell me you remember me.”

  I could see the sadness in his eyes. “Jeb, I am sorry, but I have no idea who you are. Can you help me remember?”

  He went to grab my hand, and this time I didn’t pull back. When our hands touched, I felt something, something amazing. It felt as if we were meant for each other. Why couldn’t I remember? “I will help you, but you have other people who are here to visit you.”


  For the next hour, I met my parents and my sister. I also had a best friend named Vanessa, and apparently I was living with her. She seemed really up beat. The doctor finally had everyone leave so I could get some rest. When I was alone, I noticed my body was shaking and I was sweating. I started to vomit.

  “Toria, you are going through drug withdrawals. The detox will be very tough for you,” the doctor explained to me.

  This was horrible. My head killed, and I couldn’t stop shaking. She told me that she couldn’t give me anything stronger than Tylenol, because apparently I was addicted to pain killers. What the hell was my problem? What caused me to self-destruct?

  I wanted to get up and walk around, because I couldn’t stay still. I walked to the bathroom, but once I was in there I throw up again. I sat on the floor, shaking and vomiting for an hour. Finally, I got up and walked toward the mirror. I looked at myself, and gasped. I was very beautiful. I had long chocolate brown hair, which was a mess. My eyes were brown, as well, and I had long eyelashes. But then I realized my face was very thin and my eyes were sunk in. I shook my head. How could I have done that to myself?


  “I’m in the bathroom.”

  I walked out of the bathroom, and my mother was standing there with some flowers.

  “Hey, sweetie.”


  I went to sit on the bed.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m confused. I was told I am a drug addict. Why would I do something like that?”

  She came and set on my bed. “Sweetie, there are things that happened to make that happen. It’s not as straight forward as it sounds, but right now we want to get you better and get you home.”

  “Am I going home with you, or back to Vanessa’s? I think that’s her name.”

  “We are going to bring you back with us. We are going to get you the help you need.”

  I squeezed her hand and smiled at her. “I am sorry I am a drug addict. I just want to know why.”

  “Let’s not worry about that right now. Let’s get you better.” She pulled me into a hug.

  After she left, I laid back and tried to fall asleep.

  Chapter Twenty


  Toria’s parents told the doctors to not let me in to see her. I was so pissed. What was their problem? They also had it so Vanessa and Mitch were not allowed to see her as well. That broke Vanessa’s heart. They blamed me for her lapse in judgment. I was even told to leave the hospital. I had no idea what to do, so I just spent the last two days in my office. I had to figure out what to do now that my father pulled out of the business. I hadn’t spoken to them in over a week now.

  “Why would they deny me, Jeb?” Vanessa stormed into my office and slammed down in a chair.

  “They are on some kind of power trip, I think.”

  “Oh, I can’t wait until she gets her memory back and realizes it was their fault she was homeless. I totally should have told her.”

  “Yeah, I wanted to tell her, too, but she needs to figure it out by herself.”

  “I guess. Well, she is leaving the hospital today. To go be with them.”

  I sighed. “I know. Who knows what kind of lies they are going to feed her.”

  My door opened and Sean walked in, smiling from ear to ear. “Well, guess who is back?”

  “Sean, my man, how was the honeymoon?”

  Vanessa got up, and waved at me and exited my office.

  “Oh, it was good. So I hear you have a lot to catch me up on..”

  I shook my head. “Yep, and before you start, I want you to know something.”

  “Oh dude, I know you were knocking boots with Whoria Toria.”

  That made me so pissed. “Sean, don’t start.”

  He held up his hands. “Sorry, man. So you didn’t fire her, I see.”

  “Nope, she’s a damn good worker. But there was an accident.”

  I explained to him what was going on, and when I was done, he just shook his head.

  “Maybe this is a sign.”

  “No, it’s not. Sean, I know you might have a past with her, but I am falling in love with her.”

  He laughed. “Are you pussy wiped?”

  “No, we haven’t done anything.”

  “Really? I would think she would have thrown herself at you by now. She didn’t have any problems throwing herself at me years ago.”

  I got up and walked to the window. “Sean, please let’s not talk about what happened. I just want to see her.”

  “Maybe it’s a good thing you can’t see her. Work things out with Barb, get your relationship back with your family. Is losing everything over that girl worth it?”

  I thought about what he had said. “Yes.”

  “Well, then let’s get her back for you.”

  I looked at him, confused. “Really? You want to help?”

  “Yeah, Barb is not for you, anyway. She tried to fuck me before the wedding. And I am pretty sure she was cheating on you.”

  “Wow, I knew something was off with that chick, but that’s crazy.”

  For the rest of the day, I got Sean set up in the office. He said he would get the books and payroll caught up so I could get my head back on straight. How was I going to get Toria to remember me? All I wanted was to go back to that last night we were together and tell her I was falling in love with her.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I was getting released from the hospital and going to my parents’ house. I was told by my parents that Jeb and my friends were not comin
g around anymore. I was confused on why they suddenly just stopped coming to see me. My mother brought me some clothes to change into. They were a little small, and she promised to take me shopping later.

  Dr. Johnson walked into the room. “Toria, are you ready to go home?”

  “I guess so, but I am still feeling jittery. Is that normal?”

  She pulled up a chair and sat in front of me. “Yes, but you need to stay away from things that will trigger your addiction. You are scheduled to go to group three times a week. Also, you are to see a psychologist once a week to see if you can gain any memory back. I want to see you back here in two days for another MRI.”

  “Yes ma’am. Is there anything I can take to stop this feeling?”

  “I am sorry, but we don’t want to give you any medication because of your condition.”

  I sighed. “Thank you.”

  After she left the room, I signed the papers to get discharged. I left with my parents and became sad that Jeb wasn’t here to say goodbye to me. I wondered what was going on. We got to my father’s car and got in. We all stayed silent the entire way to their house. When we pulled into the driveway, my mouth dropped. The house was huge, and it had a circular driveway. Once we got inside, I looked around confused. I had no idea where I was.

  “Sweetie, would you like to go to your room? Maybe that will help with your memory.”

  “Yes.” We walked upstairs, and when I walked into my room, I wanted to puke. Why was everything so pink? “Can I be alone, please?”

  “Of course. If you need anything, come find me. Your father has to go into the office, so it is just us.”

  “Thank you.”

  I watched her walk out of the room. I went to the closet and opened the doors. I was shocked with how many clothes I owned. I wondered when was the last time I wore any of them. I closed the doors and walked over to my dresser. There was a photo of me and a girl with strawberry blond hair. She was cute. I picked up the photo and took it out of the frame. On the back, it said:

  Kaylyn and I. Homecoming Junior Year.

  I wondered if this was my best friend in high school. I placed the photo back in the frame and went to sit on the bed. There was a knock on the door.


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