Beautifully Destroyed

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Beautifully Destroyed Page 11

by Love, Sandra

  “Hey, what happened in here?”

  “Sorry, Vanessa; I threw the lamp at him.”

  She laughed. “That’s okay. Hey, are you two okay?”

  “Yep, I am going to stay at his house. I think I am going to call the Doctor tomorrow. I think I need more help.”

  “Good, Jeb, if you hurt her, I will cut you. If Barb does anything else to her, I will cut a bitch. And I don’t care if I go to jail.”

  We all laughed. I gathered up my things and we headed out.

  Once we were in the car, he took my hand and I squeezed it hard. I didn’t want him to let me go. “You don’t have to cut my circulation off, babe.”

  I laughed. “Sorry.”

  Once we got to his place, we walked in. He made me a sandwich, and after I ate, we went to sit in the living room. I saw a pad on the table and I picked it up. It was a song, and it was for me.

  “It’s not done yet.”

  “Wow, no one has ever done this for me. Why is it called Beautifully Destroyed?”

  He smiled at me. “I know you don’t remember that last night we were together, but I called you that.” I was confused. Was that a bad thing that he called me that? “No, don’t think of it as bad,” he said as if he had read my mind. “You told me you would destroy me. But, babe, you are so beautiful, and not being with you would destroy me.”

  I got up and straddled him.

  He ran his hands up the back of my shirt. I got goose bumps. I leaned down and slowly kissed him. I could feel myself getting wet. “Jeb, fuck me,” I said harshly.

  “What?” he said, laughing. I guessed I had never talked like that to him, because his face was covered in a look of shock.

  That made me even more brazen. “I want you to fuck me.” His lips slammed hard against mine and he picked me up. He laid me on the couch. He was on top of me, kissing me. His hand went up the front of my shirt, and he pulled my bra down, freeing my breasts. “Oh yes, suck on my nipples.” He did just that. He nibbled them, and then he did it a little harder and I moaned out loud. “Jeb, can I suck your dick?”

  “Oh god, yes.” He got up, and I undid his pants and pulled them down and his erection sprung free. I took the head of it and swirled my tongue around it as I also cupped his balls with my hand. “Fuck, babe.” I started to suck all the way down the length of his cock, and I started to play with his balls as I sucked his dick. I started to move my mouth up and down a little faster until he pulled out.

  He turned me around and slammed his erection into my wet folds. “Oh god, yes.”

  He started to slam into me harder, and I took my hand and started to play with his balls as he slammed harder into me. I thrust my hips with the motion of him. I was reaching my orgasm, and I could tell he was as well. He slammed once more in me and we both collapsed. We laid there on the couch. I realized he hadn’t worn a condom, but I didn’t care. It had felt amazing to feel his skin against my insides, and I would worry about the consequences the next day. I didn’t want to bring a baby into the world when I was still trying to get over my addiction, but I knew I could go to the pharmacy and get the morning after pill if needed. I didn’t want to ruin the moment by telling him about our reckless behavior.

  He helped me up, and we walked into the bathroom. We took a shower and went to lay in the bed. I was so happy. Jeb and I were so happy together. I fell asleep quickly that night.

  Chapter Thirty


  When I woke the next morning, Toria had her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her, and she let out a little moan. “Good morning, sunshine.”

  She looked up at me, and my heart melted. “Good morning. Do you really have to go to work today?”

  “I do. I have a few things to take care of.”

  She sat up and wrapped herself in the sheet. “Please don’t do anything to ruin your friendship with Sean.”

  “I will not let him get away with harming you.”

  She sighed and started to get off the bed. “I know. I was thinking of hanging with Vanessa today.”

  I got off the bed and went to the closet to pull out some clothes for the day. “That sounds like a great idea.”

  “Jeb, I am thinking of having her drive me to my parents’ house.”

  I stopped what I was doing and closed my eyes. “Do you want me to go with you?”

  “No, I need to close that chapter in my life. What they did to me was horrible. I am not sure what I am going to do about Brianna yet.”

  I turned toward her, and I could see the sadness in her eyes. “Don’t be so hard on her. She was just upset and really young. She has really grown up a lot.”

  I watched her get on a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. “I know, but it still hurts. All they had to do was get me help.”

  I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. “So, are you going to group today?”

  “I think so. I really need to.”

  “Good, I think it will do you good. Okay, I need to get ready to go to work.”

  We kissed. I didn’t want to leave her, but I knew I had to. Once I got to work, Sean was sitting in my office.

  “Hey man. How are you today?”

  I didn’t say anything to him; all I did was walk over to him and let my fist fly. He backed up, grabbing his face. “What the fuck, dude?”

  “Really, Sean? Drugs? Lying to me? I thought we were friends. Oh, and to top it off, you attacked her at your house.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  I started to pace around the office. “Toria remembered.”

  His face went pale white. “So you are going to believe a whore over me?”

  “I call bullshit! We had sex, and she was still a virgin.”

  “Wait, you had sex with that crack whore?”

  I had enough, so I attacked him with my fist again. I had no idea how many times I punched him by the time someone was pulling me off of him. I turned to see it was my father. “Son, stop.”

  I watched Sean get up and hold his blood face. “Sean, get your shit and get out of my sight. You’re fired. I don’t want to see you ever again. And if you come anywhere near Toria, or say anything that will hurt her, I will have your arrested for any charge I can possibly lay upon you.”

  He walked out of my office, and I went to sit at my desk. “Jeb, can you tell me what the hell is going on?”

  My father sat down and I explained everything to him. He stayed silent until I was done. “Do you think that she was attacked on purpose?”

  “I think so. I want her to talk to the cops.”

  My father scratched his chin and pulled out his phone. “Yeah, Paul? I am at my son’s hotel. Can you stop in, please?”

  I sat there watching him until he hung up the phone. “Okay, son, Paul, my Private investigator, will be here in ten.”

  “Thank you for doing this. I love her.”

  He smiled at me. “This is the happiest I’ve ever seen you.”

  “She does that to me.”

  There was a knock on the door and Paul walked in. He was about my age, maybe a little older, and he was wearing a suit and his blonde hair was buzzed. He sat down, and I explained to him all that had happened to Toria.

  “Can you take me to the spot you found her?”

  I got up and we walked out of the building. We took my father’s car since he had his own driver. Once we got to the spot where Vanessa and I found her, we got out and went to the scene. Paul took out his phone and started to take photos of the scene. He would stop and take notes every now and then. Then I saw him walk toward a metal pipe.

  “Looks like we have the weapon.”

  I walked over to get a better look at it. The pipe had brown hair and dried blood on it. “Do you think that’s Toria’s hair?”

  “I do. He grabbed out a plastic bag and put it in it. “Okay, I am going to get this to my lab and test it for fingerprints. Jeb, is there anyone besides Sean that has something against her?”

  “Yes. Maddie, Sean’
s wife, and my ex-fiancée, Barb.”

  “Son, you really think she would do this?”

  I looked at my father. “Actually, I do. She hates Toria for taking me from her.”

  After we left the scene, we went back to my office. My father and Paul left after Paul told me he would call once he got some word. My father also put someone on Toria’s tail to keep an eye on her. I was surprised when he did that. For the rest of the day, I caught up on paperwork and put an advertisement online for Sean’s position. My main concern was Toria, but I still had a business to run, as well.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  Vanessa came and got me shortly before lunch. She took me to her favorite Italian restaurant. While we were sitting there, I told her about my idea.

  “Vanessa, can I tell you something without you laughing at me?”

  She took a sip of her water. “Of course. I will never laugh at you.”

  I took a breath and let it out slowly. “I want to go back to school. I was not able to finish my senior year because of being homeless and whatnot.”

  She clapped her hands. “Oh my god, that would be amazing. If you want, I can take you to sign you up.”

  “That would be amazing. Are you sure you don’t mind driving me around?”

  I really started to feel bad for depending on others to give me rides everywhere.

  “I don’t mind at all. Toria, I consider you my best friend. You can ask me anything.”

  I smiled at her. “Thank you so much. So, you really think it’s a good idea for me to go back to school?”

  She took a bite of her salad, and when she was done chewing, she nodded. “Oh yeah. Education is so important. I am glad you want to do this.”

  “What about Jeb?”

  “What about him? This is your decision, and to be honest, if he gets mad at you for this, I will punch him right in the family jewels.”

  I giggled. “Okay.” I hesitated before asking the next question, because I knew how it sounded. “Also, can you take me to my parents’ house? I want to go through my room and get things.”

  Vanessa nodded, and as we continued to eat, Kaylyn walked up and acted all sweet. “Oh Toria, how are you?” I couldn’t believe this bitch was trying to be nice to me after everything.

  “I am good, actually, not that you care.”

  The look on her face was priceless. She looked confused and her cheeks started to turn red. “I do care.”

  “Well, you didn’t care all those years ago. You called me Whoria Toria when you knew I was a virgin? You would allow me to do drugs and not do anything. What kind of friend are you?”

  “I’m…I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry doesn’t cut it. You hurt me. Now, if you could walk away so I can have lunch with my true best friend that would be nice.” She looked stunned and walked away while mumbling to herself.

  “Wow, they really called you that?”

  “Yep, but at least I know the truth..”

  We finished eating, and then we headed toward the school. When I got there, they told me I needed to get an ID, so we went to get one. I felt bad for not having any money. But Vanessa didn’t mind paying for my ID. After that, we went back to the school. I just used Vanessa’s address for my address. Just in case Jeb and I fought again. Once I was enrolled in night school, we headed to my parents’ house. I knocked on the door and Brianna answered.

  “Toria, I am so sorry.” She tried to hug me and I backed away.

  “I am just here to get the things I want to keep. Brianna, I remember the horrible things you said to me. You have to give me time to forgive you.”

  She wiped the tears from her eyes then ran upstairs.

  I walked into the living room and my parents walked out. “Mom, Dad, I am so mad at you. How could you give up on me? All you had to do was get me help. But no! You threw me out like trash. Oh, and by the way, I was never a whore. If you would have just listened to me then you would have known. I had and have a problem, and I will get better. But it will take time. I really don’t need your help. I want you both to never get in contact with me. One day, I hope I can forgive you both. But until then, let me heal and get over the things I’ve done. Now, I am going to get my things, and when I am done, you may get rid of the things left behind. If I ever have lose my home again, I’d rather be homeless again then live with you.”

  They just stood there, shocked by what I had said. Vanessa and I walked up to my room. I searched my room for anything I wanted. I got a box from the attic and packed up a few personal items, like photo albums and clothes that still fit. Once I was done, we left. I looked back at the house and smiled to myself. I was just glad that chapter was closed.

  “You feel better?”

  I was pulled out of my thoughts by Vanessa’s question. “I do. It was hard saying that stuff, but it needed to be said.”

  “I am glad you got that out. So what next?”

  I really hated asking her to do all this running around. “Do you think you can take me to the hospital to see Dr. Johnson?”

  “Of course.”

  We pulled into the hospital and just caught the doctor before she got off for the day. I was glad she agreed to see me. When we went into her office, we sat down and I told her how I was remembering things slowly, how Sean pushed me and my head bounced off the ground, and how I had unprotected sex the night before with Jeb.

  “Toria, I am glad you are remembering some things. I would like to order a new CT Scan to make sure there is no damage. I am disappointed that you didn’t call the police on that guy who did that to you. As for the unprotected sex, what do you want to do about that? You can take the morning after pill.”

  “I am not sure about taking that. I don’t want to get addicted to anything again. What about birth control?”

  She was writing notes, and she looked up to me. “For that, let’s wait until you get your period and we will go from there. But I want to run more blood work. Now, how are you doing with the detox?”

  “I have my days, and I do get the urge to take some. But I talk myself out of it.””

  “Good. You will have those urges probably for the rest of your life. But the shaking, headaches, and stomach pains will go away soon.”

  “I can’t wait. Can I talk to you about something else? I get horrible mood swings.”

  She stopped writing to look up at me again. “That could be part of the detox, but you could be battling a little depression. How would you feel if we put you on a low dose anti-depressant?”

  I didn’t know if that was a good idea. “What if I get addicted and slip away again?”

  “We can have someone give you the pill every day. I just want to see if this helps with the mood swings.”

  Vanessa interrupted. “I can do that.”

  “Thank you, Miss. Cruz.”

  “Okay. I just want to get better.”

  I had to learn to trust what the doctor was doing. I knew all she wanted was to help.

  After she wrote my prescription, I went to the lab to get my blood work done. The CT Scan was scheduled for the next morning. Once we left the hospital, we went to drop off the prescription and then we headed back to Jeb’s condo. He left me a key so I could come and go as I pleased. Once we got to his place, Vanessa and I said goodbye to each other. She had to go home to get ready for work. I looked in the freezer and saw there were a couple steaks, so I got them out and put them in hot water. I wanted to make Jeb a nice dinner.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  Once I got home for the day, I was greeted by the most beautiful woman. After I gave her a kiss, she grabbed my hand and we went into the dining room. The room was decorated in lit candles of all colors, and the table had been set with a feast. Okay, so it wasn’t a feast, really, but the fact that Toria had cooked for me meant it would be the best food I had ever eaten in my life.

  “Babe, this is wonderful.”

  She laughed. “Now, I never really cooked befo
re so I have no idea how this will taste. I just looked on the internet for instructions.”

  I gave her a kiss on her cheek and went to sit down. “It looks fantastic.” I started to eat. “Oh wow, Toria, this tastes really good - almost as good as you.” I winked at her. “Maybe you should become a chef.”

  She giggled and took a sip of her water. “I always wanted to be a chef,” she mused.

  “Maybe you could go to school for that.”

  “Oh! Speaking of school, I have good news.” Her excitement was adorable. “I am going back to high school. I start next week.”

  I swallowed my food and smiled at her. “Oh wow! That’s awesome, babe. I am so proud of you. I have some news for you, as well.”

  I told her about the events of the day and how my father hired his private investigator to help find out who attacked her. She was really happy about that news. She told me about the visit to the doctor and how she will have to wait for the pill. I told her we would be careful from then on.

  I called Vanessa to have her go into work for me the next day, so I could take Toria to get her CT Scan. And for the rest of the night, we watched some television and cuddled each other. She had fallen asleep on my lap. I went to stroke her hair, but I stopped to just stare at her. I was the luckiest guy in the world. I stroked her cheek and leaned down to kiss her on the forehead. She woke a little and shifted in my arms.

  “You ready for bed?”

  “Uh huh.”

  I helped her get to the room and tucked her into bed.


  The next morning, I woke to Toria sucking my cock. “Oh god, babe, that feels so good.” She took me farther into her mouth and I was lost. Oh god, I wanted to come in her mouth. She started to stroke it as she sucked me some more. “Hey. lay on you back,” I instructed her.

  She did, and I started to take off her pink panties. As I did, I kissed her thighs all the way down to her feet. Then I started to kiss my way up to her wet folds. Once I got to her mound, I started to kiss and lick it.

  “Oh Jeb.”

  The way she said my name made my dick harder. I took a finger and I slowly slid it into her. She started to rock her hips, and I began to lick her clit faster. Her body shook and her breathing evaluated.


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