Crashing, booming noises replace all other sounds as the remnants of the ship continue to fall from the sky.
It seems to go on forever.
And then it’s quiet.
For all of ten seconds.
Sounds of cheering mingle with scared cries and panicked screams.
I’m lifted to my feet, my ears ringing and the blood pounding in my veins. I’m shaking all over. Our clothes are coated in a layer of thick, black dust, and the ground is cloaked in broken parts from the ship.
“Holy crap,” I whisper, leaning tentatively over the roof edge and scanning the damage on the ground. Virtually every part of the street is buried under mountains of shredded debris. Crumpled drones lie powerless and inactive, shattered beyond repair. People stagger about, confused and afraid, unsure of what to make of the latest turn of events. I can’t even contemplate how many bodies are entombed under the rubble, and a horrible fluttery feeling starts building in my chest. “Medical aid,” I rasp. “Organize medical aid, Logan. And rescue teams. People are trapped.”
Wobbling on shaky limbs, I head toward the door. In the distance, the remaining ships retreat. Logan senses my emotions, scooping me up wordlessly and cradling me in his arms. I appreciate that he doesn’t try to mollycoddle me. He doesn’t ply me with platitudes to try to make me feel better. I know I had no choice and that many more would’ve lost their lives if I hadn’t taken action, but it does little to appease my conscience. People lost their lives today because of me, and there will never be any part of me, at any time, that will feel comfortable about that.
As long as I live, I’ll carry the burden of this day with me.
I need to get on the ground, to see how much damage I’ve caused.
It’s complete mayhem on the street, and while Logan and Haydn make the relevant comms, Deputy Tre and I round up the remaining Saven guards, and we start checking for survivors under piles of rubble.
We spend hours searching for survivors, working with medics and military personnel, pulling plenty of people alive from the wreckage. But there are plenty who didn’t make it either. A stack of sheathed bodies are lined up on the sidewalks, and my heart grows heavier with each discovery. Logan pleads with me to leave, begging me to get some rest, but I shunt his concerns away, and he doesn’t push it, understanding that I need to do this.
Day breaks and the sky gradually changes from navy to gray to blue. There isn’t a cloud in the bright sky. Absolutely nothing to mask the horror on the ground. Eventually, my body gives up the ghost, and I collapse on the ground, curling into a fetal position. I can scarcely keep my eyes open as Logan lifts me up and we teleport back to the compound.
The next thing I’m aware of is Logan’s hands on my shoulders, lightly shaking me awake. “Sadie, you need to wake up.”
I drag my aching, weary body upright, rubbing my tired eyes as my fingers coast over the comforter. I yawn as I force my eyes open. Logan’s strained face latches on mine, and the blood instantly turns to ice in my veins. “What now?” I’m almost too afraid to ask.
“Look.” Logan slides in the bed behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist as the screen in our room powers to life.
Dali’s father looms large, a contemptuous, hard look etched on his face. The camera pans out, and I gasp as everything withers up and dies inside me. Dali is on her knees, her hands chained behind her back, crying and begging her father to stop. Win is elevated above her, his two arms stretched wide, looped around some hook-type contraption in the ceiling. His upper body is naked, his skin torn and bloody and marred with fresh bruising. His eyes are closed, and he’s clearly unconscious, his head lolling about with the swaying movement of the ship.
“This message is for the government of Earth and the United Planetary Commission in the galaxy. Turn Earth over to me, and issue a full pardon with your commitment to desist from retaliation, and I will release my daughter and her … boyfriend”—he spits the words out like they physically hurt to speak them—“and cease all attacks while plans are made to relocate the humans. Should you ignore my commands or unleash any further assaults on my ships, I will destroy Earth, exterminate my prisoners, and wage full-scale war on the galaxy.” His eyes are cunning as he leans in closer to the screen. “You have forty-eight hours to comply or face the wrath of the Amaretti.”
Logan is frantically pacing the length of the control room, thrusting his hands in the air as he argues over his comport with members of the U.P.C. council. His request for military support in light of Dali’s capture obviously isn’t going swimmingly. One part of me agrees with the commission. Earth is hardly their problem, not when they have so many other pressing demands to attend to, and the Amaretti king’s threat against the galaxy is less than flimsy. I’m not sure how he plans to retaliate when he has no allies left, and his resources are limited to what he has here on Earth. There is no way the U.P.C. will allow him get anywhere near Amara.
Logan had been hopeful that Dali’s incarceration at the hands of her father would be enough to force the commission into action. She is a founding member, after all, and the acting Amaretti queen. But I’ve a hotline to his mind, and things are not going well.
Jarod emits a shrill whistle, attracting my attention. He motions me over, and I take a seat at the table tucked into the top corner of the room along with Haydn, Vin, Luc, and Zac. Our numbers are dwindling and it’s not in any way comforting. Dali’s plan is open before us on the digital screen when Logan flops into the seat beside me, sighing in frustration.
“No joy?” Vin asks.
Logan shakes his head. “It appears no one is indispensable. We’re flying solo.”
Reaching under the table, I link my hand in his. “You tried, and Dali knew the risks. She went into this with her eyes open.” I gesture toward the screen. Dali left us a viable plan because she suspected this might happen.
We examine every part of her proposed plan, carefully exploring all the pros and cons. It’s obvious that Logan and I are the only ones who can do this because it will require speedy action if we are to succeed. I can summon my incendio firepower instantly to destroy the server, and Logan is the only one we can trust to astral possess the king. Haydn will gather a few dependable Saven to come with us for protection.
“How will we get on board the mother ship?” Haydn asks the group.
“Teleporting is our only real option,” Logan confirms.
“But Dali said they have systems which will detect such activity,” Jarod adds.
“I know but what other choice do we have? The only other alternative is trying to dock our own ship, and that will draw even more attention. If we act fast and Sadie takes out the server immediately, that should create enough of a distraction for us to slip unnoticed into the king’s cabin and activate the second part of our plan.”
“What if the server ruptures the entire ship?” Luc asks.
“Sadie will strike the server as Dali has outlined, incapacitating it and deactivating all control over the other ships and drones. I believe the risk of explosion is slim if we do this right.”
“That’s a lot of ifs,” Vin says. “It’s very risky.”
“Every plan contains risk, and this is our best solution given the tight deadline we find ourselves operating under,” I supply.
“I’ll take a couple of guards with me and try to find Win and Dali while the rest will remain with Logan and Sadie in the king’s cabin,” Haydn continues, eyeballing Vin. “Meanwhile, you’ll coordinate ground and air forces to surround all Amaretti strongholds, and be ready to jump in if things go south.”
“Agreed.” Vin leans forward in his chair, twisting so he’s facing the twins. “I would like you two to coordinate with Commander Douglas. He’s operational head of the military and our chief contact. The president has already given him clearance to agree to maneuvers with us. Get in touch with him and set up a meeting to coordinate efforts.”
“Consider it done,” Zac sa
ys at the same time Luc nods.
“There’s a lot to initiate, and I need to update my father and the president now, unless there is anything else?” Vin pushes his chair back and stands.
“I think that’ll suffice for now,” Logan agrees.
Just then, Deputy Tre comes bounding into the room, breathless and harried. “Forgive the intrusion, My King.” He bends at the waist. “But you need to see what the humans are transmitting.”
Jarod is on it instantly, powering up the screen. The images are patchy, and the picture flickers in and out, but there’s no mistaking who it is or what it is. I grip the edge of the desk as muscles cord into knots in my shoulders.
Everyone in the control room stops what they’re doing to watch. I slump down in my chair, wishing, for the umpteenth time, that I had the power of invisibility. Logan puts his arm around me, keeping one eye focused on the TV. The first few shots are of me down on the street, flanked by Saven soldiers training their weapons needlessly at the incoming swarm of drones. I watch as my arm shoots out, and there’s an audible gasp in the room as the stream of fire levels the enemy in seconds.
Then the image switches, and I’m up on the roof with Logan propping me up, searing holes in the side and belly of the Amaretti ship.
The recording stops and the grim face of a news reporter lines the frame. I zone out as she starts spouting crap about me. Of course, they know who I am from Thalassic City and the nature of my relationship with Logan, but the rest of the trash streaming from her mouth is pure fiction. It appears the verdict is already out on whether I’m a friend or a foe. Scurrilous assumptions are made without even offering me the chance to defend myself.
Screw this. I shove my chair back, looking down at Logan. “I’m too tired to deal with this crap. I’m going to lie down.”
Logan stands, taking my hand and leading me out of the room. “I’ll catch up with you in a while,” he tells Vin as we pass. I bunch my shoulders and stare at the floor as we make our exit.
“Sadie!” Jarod calls out. He runs toward us as I turn to face him. Without hesitation, he yanks me into his arms, squeezing the life out of me. “People don’t know you like we do, and it’s human nature to be afraid of the unknown, but don’t let it get to you. The people that matter know who you are. Know that you’ve a heart of gold, and when you end this thing, they’ll be singing your praises.”
“Stop stealing all my lines,” Logan grumbles.
Jarod jokily flips him the bird before bending down to kiss the top of my head. “Go get some rest; you look beat.”
I keep my head down as we walk to our room, and most everyone gives me a wide berth, but I’m far too exhausted to care.
Logan slides into bed beside me, pulling me into his arms, and the instant my cheek greets his warm, solid chest, I fall asleep.
When I wake, I’m on my own in the bed, and there’s a note from Logan to say he had to go talk to the Saven guards. Yawning, I sit up, stretching my arms out over my head.
I drag myself into the shower, barely able to keep my eyes open as the steaming hot water cascades over my body.
I’ve only finished dressing when there’s a loud rap on the door. “Sadie?” Fern hollers. “You in there?”
I yank the door open, holding a towel to my wet hair. “Hey.”
“It’s good to see you.” She shuts the door. “I brought you something.” She offers me a paper cup.
I lift the lid and steam billows out like smoke as I inhale. My nose wrinkles as I eye her suspiciously. “What is it?”
She snorts, flopping down on my bed. “Coffee, but it tastes more like dishwater. However, beggars can’t be choosers.”
I sit down beside her, tossing my towel aside. Tentatively, I take a little sip and try not to grimace as the bitter taste slides down my throat.
“How are you holding up?” she asks.
“I’m hanging in there. Trying not to think about any of this stuff is the best plan of action.”
“Internalizing everything isn’t good, Sadie.”
She’s preaching to the converted—I know that better than anyone, but if I dwell on all those people who lost their lives today, I’ll fall apart. A sharp, stabbing pain pummels me in the chest, and my stomach roils sourly. “You don’t need to tell me that, but there’s so much of the heavy going on right now, and I know what I need to do to keep my head screwed on. I’ll worry about the rest later.” I pick at the corner of my nail. “What are people saying about me out there?” I jerk my head back.
“They’re suspicious of you, but they’ll come around. You are on our side, after all.”
I place my coffee on the locker and lie down flat on the bed. “It seems I’m destined to eternally be a freak, to never fit in anywhere. How ironic that my mother called me that for years without properly understanding the truth behind those words.”
“You’re gifted. That’s totally different.”
I bolt upright, having a light bulb moment. “You know what, Fern? You’re right, and it’s time I accepted that wholeheartedly. I can’t control what people think of me. I can only be true to myself.” I gave up worrying what people thought of me a long time ago, and it’s only recently that I’ve begun to harbor concerns over how I’m perceived. It’s totally tied up with my future role as queen and my desire to not let Logan down. I’ve craved acceptance, but now I know that the only way I can gain acceptance is by proving I deserve it. Worrying about public perception will only add to my stress and it’s pointless.
It’s as if a massive weight has lifted.
I smile at Fern. “People can think what they like about me. In time, I will prove myself. Once my friends know the truth and my husband loves me, I don’t need anything else. They can act as judgy as they like. It doesn’t bother me anymore.”
I slide my legs off the bed, reaching for the hairdryer as Fern high-fives me. “There she is! My friend who is going to conquer the world.”
I snort. “Let’s ditch this joint. I’m not hiding, and I haven’t had a grand tour of the facility yet.”
“Allow me to do the honors.” Fern loops her arm in mine, ditching her half-drunk coffee in the trash on our way out the door.
People are afraid to even look at me in the corridor, but I don’t let it affect me. Fern babbles away, pointing out every room as we travel through the compound. Every so often, she nabs someone she knows, forcing an introduction. Without fail, each person she introduces me to is politely distant. I consider it objectively. If I’d witnessed a girl doing what I did, I’d be terrified of her too. I refuse to take it too personally.
We reach the auditorium last. Fern plants a hand on the door, swiveling to face me. “Don’t hate me.”
I frown, but before I’ve had time to question her, she pushes into the cavernous room, dragging me in behind her. The theater is bursting at the seams. A huge contingent of Saven is crammed into the rows and sitting cross-legged on the ground facing the raised dais. Logan beams at me, waving me forward.
Every head—and I mean every single head—focuses on me. Gulping, I smother my nervousness and stick my chin up as I walk toward the raised stage. Logan and Haydn are sitting on chairs at the edge of the stage, facing the large crowd. Inquisitive gazes follow me down the steps and up onto the platform.
Logan stands, extending his hand for me. Fern hangs back at the lower level, lounging against the wall with a teasing smirk on her face. Logan holds my hand tight as he moves us center stage. “They wanted to meet you.”
My eyes pop wide. “They did?”
“They were impressed with you in the field.”
I shuffle self-consciously on my feet. “Um, wow?”
He chuckles before planting his serious face on as he speaks to the crowd. “My fellow Saven. May I formally present my Eterno, Sadie. Your future queen.”
They all get to their feet, twisting at the waist and angling their heads in the official royal bow. My heart is in my mouth, and butterflies are going crazy in t
he pit of my stomach. Slowly, a pounding crescendo erupts in the room as every Saven stomps their feet, hands raised and crossed over their hearts.
Logan responds before I’ve even had time to ask the obvious question. “It’s a show of respect on Saven. It’s the highest honor they could offer you. You should say something.”
Alarm flares in my eyes as I look up at him. “What? No! I can’t.”
Logan assures me through our telepathic line, helping to calm me. “You can do this.”
The stomping quiets down, and I clear my throat, smiling. My voice is a little shaky as I start to speak. “Thank you for your warm welcome. You’ve no idea how much your acceptance means to me.” I swallow the messy ball of emotion in my throat, glancing momentarily at Logan. He levels a reassuring smile at me, and I refocus on the crowd. “Meeting Logan transformed my life, and I’ve discovered things about myself that I never knew. My whole life others have tried to manipulate me, and for the first time, I am truly in charge of my own destiny and my own path.”
You could hear a pin drop in the room such is the extent of the silence. Every face is concentrated on mine with dogged intensity. “I am proud to be by Logan’s side as his wife, proud to be on the side of justice and fighting for what is right both here on Earth and in the galaxy, and today, here with you all now, I can finally say that I am proud to call myself Saven. I will do my utmost to perform my duties as queen in the best possible manner. To serve you and Saven to the best of my ability, and if I make mistakes along the way, I hope you can bear with me knowing that my intentions and my heart are in the right place.” My cheeks flush. “Thank you for giving me a chance.”
My mouth is dry and my heart is racing in my chest but I did it. My first official speech!
Another round of stomping breaks out, and that’s all the acknowledgment I need. “I’m proud of you.” Logan kisses me briefly before bringing the meeting to a close. Saven stream out of the auditorium in droves.
Fern bounds up onto the stage. “Awesome speech!” I punch her in the arm. “Ouch! What the heck?”
Saven Deliverance Page 22