Chess Part One Box Set

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Chess Part One Box Set Page 22

by Sean Michael

  Rook settled on one of the stools and put his chin in his hands, watching every move Jason made.

  “So, why do you figure Knight is so…intense? Has he always been this way?” He grabbed half a dozen eggs, some milk, and a bowl.

  “Uh-huh. He’s an artist. They’re all crazy. Van Gogh cut off his own ear, you know. Bish makes sure Knight doesn’t lose it too badly. The biggest problem is he forgets to sleep. Lack of sleep makes everyone cranky.”

  “I guess so. It’s unhealthy.” He started cracking eggs.

  “That’s why Bish makes sure he sleeps. Before Bish, he never slept.”

  “Never? Wow. I bet he was psychotic.”

  “Uh-huh. For a while he did a lot of drugs. And he went through a period where he drank all the time.” Rook smiled. “It’s better now.”

  “Ah. Good. I’m glad.” He didn’t particularly like Knight, but he was intrigued by the man.

  Rook beamed. “Me, too. I don’t know what I would do without either of them. Or you, either.”

  “You’d have found someone else.”

  “But it’s the three of you I care about, not someone else. You guys. Specifically.”

  “Yeah. I…I don’t want other guys.” He wanted them.

  “Just us.” Rook came over and hugged him hard.

  “Just you.”

  Mostly Rook. Bish was a good friend and Knight excited him, but Rook… Rook’s hug got tighter and the kiss that landed on his shoulder was soft, almost reverent.

  He leaned against him, taking a second before he got a pan. He could feel Rook’s smile against his shoulder. “Thank you.” For everything.

  “Mmm, you’re welcome, honey.” He got another kiss, this one to the side of his neck. “You still haven’t picked a safeword. It’s important that you have one.”

  He put the pan on the stove and looked at it for a long moment. “Is…is ‘shotgun’ okay?” He’d be able to remember that and he didn’t think he’d ever say it by accident.

  “It’s perfect! I’ll make sure everyone knows. Now make me eggs, I’m starving!”

  “You got it.”

  Eggs it was.

  Chapter Five

  Rook poured wine for everyone and checked the clock. Ten minutes till piercer! He was looking forward to this. So much. He touched his nipples, looked down at them. Later tonight they’d be pierced. Knight was in the studio, ignoring them. Jason was in the shower, hiding. Bish was gloating.

  “Are you going to drag Knight out of his studio before or after the guy shows up?”

  Bish grinned. “Before. You going to get your boy?”

  He nodded. “Guiches for both of them, right?” He’d thought about it and figured Jason would be happier with a piercing that was hidden—that would be theirs and theirs alone.

  Bishop chuckled. “I’m getting Knight the full deal. I want that pretty cock pierced.”

  “Oh, God.” He groaned and rubbed up against Bishop. “I love your brain.”

  Bish grabbed him. “Love you, Rookie. You ready to get those titties pierced?”

  A shiver of excitement went through him. “I am!”

  “Good. It’s going to be so hot, touching them.”

  He gasped. “It is. I can’t wait.” He couldn’t.

  He shared a kiss with Bish, the wet sounds of it seductive and wonderful. Bish’s fingers pinched and tugged his nipples, hard enough to make him moan.

  “God, it’s going to be wonderful, isn’t it?” He grinned up at Bish. “You getting anything done?”

  Bish shook his head. “I want to be in top form to drive Knight crazy. The last big painting was done last night.”

  “Really, really the last one?” Knight had been crazy working for weeks.

  “Yes.” Bish looked deadly serious. “Really, really the last one for the winter. He’s ours until spring, damn it.”

  He kissed Bish hard. “Thank you for keeping him here with us, Bishie. I love you both.”

  “Love you, Rookie.” Bish rubbed his cheekbone with one thick thumb. “I want you to go first, then the kid, then Knight last.”

  “I promise not to scream. Too much.”

  “You won’t scream. You won’t want to scare Jase.”

  Rook nodded. He knew. “I’ll be brave, I swear.”

  “You are brave, Rookie.” Bish made him feel ten thousand feet tall.

  He gave his lover a long, hard kiss. “Let’s go get our boys.”

  “Meet you here in five.”

  “It’s a deal.”

  He headed for the bathroom to find Jason and get the party started. Jason was out of the shower, dressed in a loose pair of sweats and a huge sweater, standing in the bathroom, looking stunned.

  He went over and slid his hands over Jason’s shoulders. “Hey, honey.”

  “Hey.” Jason looked at him, cheeks pale. “I don’t know if I can do this.”

  “You can. You can do anything. I’m going first.” He rubbed. “My nipples.”

  “Aren’t you scared?”

  Sweet, beautiful man.

  He shook his head. “Excited. I am excited.”

  “Yeah? I just…” Jason ducked his head. “I don’t know.”

  “Why don’t you think you can do it?”

  “Because I’ll have to spread and… I just… That’s private.”

  “It’ll just be the four of us and the piercer. And he will never tell another soul what he sees.”

  “I guess.”

  “I would promise to distract you, but there will be a guy putting a needle through some sensitive bits and I’m guessing it’s going to be a little hard to ignore, even with my considerable skills.” He kept his tone light, teasing Jason gently.

  “Yeah. I think so.”

  He rubbed against Jason, then took his lover’s hand. “Come on. Bish and Knight will already be in the living room and we want to be all together when the piercer gets here.”

  “I… Okay. Okay, I guess.”

  He tugged and Jason followed.

  Bish and Knight were waiting in the living room for them, Knight pacing in front of the window. Someone was even more wound up than Jason.

  “…have work to do!”

  “No, you finished last night. Annie picked up the pieces to frame.” Bish sounded solid and firm.

  “I’m going first,” Rook told Knight, hoping to help defuse Knight’s tantrum.

  “I’m not doing this.” Knight looked furious, scared, stressed, and exhausted. Rook would bet his entire fortune that, after tonight, the man stayed in bed for a couple of days.

  He considered Knight for a long moment then went over and wrapped his arms around him, kissing him soundly just to get his attention. Knight leaned into his arms, pulled him in tight and held on. Oh, that was better. Rook snuggled them up close together and kept kissing.

  The doorbell rang and Bish headed out of the room. Rook just held on. He held one hand out to Jason, fingers wrapping tightly when Jason’s hand met his. There—he had them both, was giving them both his support and love. He drew Jason into their kiss, encouraging Jase to give Knight the attention he needed.

  It didn’t matter that Bish had gone to the door to let the piercer in—what mattered was that the three of them were kissing, making each other feel good.

  Rook moaned happily.

  A soft chuckle sounded. “They’re beautiful, my friend.”

  “I know. I’m a very lucky man.” Bish sounded so proud, and it made Rook preen.

  “You are. Where do you want me to set up?”

  Rook looked over and saw a lovely dark-skinned man with electric green eyes.

  Bish gave him a smile and nodded toward the couch. “They’ll sit together on the couch, support each other through the piercings.”

  “And what do you want done? I brought a selection of rings.”

  Rook parted from his lovers’ lips and looped his arms through theirs, bringing them over to the couch. “I’m getting my nipples done!”

��Excellent. Do you all want matching rings?” He got a warm smile. “I’m Luke, by the way.”

  “Oh, matching rings…” Rook looked at Jason and at Knight, then over to Bish, giving them his best needy eyes. “Please?”

  “Whatever you want, Rookie. Jason’s getting a guiche and my Knight’s getting nipples, cock, and guiche.”

  Luke whistled. “Impressive.”

  “I am not.”

  Rook rubbed up against Knight. “You know you are, K. Bishop said so.”


  Luke looked at Bishop. “We got a problem?”

  Bishop shook his head. “He’ll come around. Trust me.”

  Rook grinned and went over to the beautiful man. “I’m going first. Both nipples. You’re going to take care of me, right?”

  “I’ll make it good. I’m the best.”

  Rook shivered, his nipples tightening up. “Where do you want me, Luke?” He gave Bish a wink.

  “I brought my stuff. You just need to take off your shirt and settle.”

  Rook bounced and nodded, peeling off his shirt easily. Knight groaned and Jason made a soft sound like a sigh. He blew kisses at his lovers and settled between them. “You guys can help keep me still.” He grabbed Jason’s hand and squeezed tight.

  Then he took Knight’s hand, too. “I’m ready.” He sure was—his nipples were already hard in anticipation and his cock was totally interested in the way the coming piercing was making him a little nervous and a lot excited.

  “I can see that.” Luke winked at him, then offered Bish a stunning smile. “I get to flirt, right?”

  Bish’s chuckle was warm and it made Rook’s nipples go even tighter. “I do believe it’s a requirement, Luke.”

  Rook nodded. “Just because we’ve all ordered doesn’t mean we can’t keep looking at the menu.” He liked looking, it made the flavor of the ‘meals’ he had all the better.

  “I’m one hell of a menu, pretty boy.” Luke chuckled as he started unpacking—needles, a pen, a spray bottle.

  Rook was suddenly distracted from the flirting by the stuff. Maybe he was a touch more nervous than he’d been to start with. He had to be strong, though. If he freaked out about just his nipples, Jason and Knight were never going to get their stuff done.

  He licked his lips and managed a half flirt back, “You definitely are…”

  Jason’s hand tightened around his and Knight tried to let go altogether. Rook didn’t let him. Knight was staying. They were doing this because Bish wanted them to. And because it was sexy. And hot.

  He wriggled.

  Luke met his eyes. “It’s hot, pretty boy. I promise. There’s a little burn and then a high.”

  He nodded, trusting the man Bish had brought into their home. “I’m ready. I’m so ready.”

  “I’m going to mark you first, make sure they’re straight. I need you to make sure they’re hard for me.”

  “I don’t think that’s going to be a problem.” Everything about him was hard, from the curl of his toes to the way his fingers clung to his lovers’. He looked up into Bishop’s eyes and the expression there took his breath away.

  He was so loved.

  The pen marked each side of each nipple, the little touch enough to make him shiver.

  “It’s cold,” he whispered.

  “They’ll be hot in a second. How does it look, Bish?”

  Rook puffed his chest out proudly, waiting for Bish’s pronouncement.

  “Perfect. They’re going to be so hot, Rookie.”

  Knight frowned. “Let me look. I want them perfect, damn it.”

  Beaming, he turned to Knight, letting his artistic lover see.

  Knight looked closely, head tilting. “Move the left side of the left nipple up, just a hair.”

  Luke wiped the ink away, re-marked, and Knight nodded.

  Rook touched Knight’s cheek. “For sure, K?” His voice was husky with need, his cock pushing against his sweats.

  “I won’t have you…ill-marked.”

  “My Knight.” He kissed Knight softly, then grabbed his lover’s hand again. “Okay, Luke. I’m approved. Let’s do this.”

  “You got it.” It didn’t take long for Luke to take one nipple in a pair of forceps and tell him to breathe…then the needle was in, the antiseptic stinging.

  His eyes went wide and he bit his bottom lip, hard, to keep from gasping. “Oh.”

  “Now the ring. You ready?” Luke didn’t wait for him to answer, just tugged the needle out, pushed the ring in and one was done.

  “Oh my God!” A shudder went through him and he nearly came.

  “Rook?” Jason looked at him, eyes wide.

  “I think the second one is going to make me come. Does that make me a slut?”

  “No.” Bish smiled. “Jase, kid. I want you to suck him.”


  “Oh, yes, please. God, that would feel amazing.”

  “But…” Jason looked at Luke, who smiled.

  “I’ve seen it, sweetheart. I’ve done it. I promise I won’t be upset.”

  Rook stroked Jason’s hair. “I’d love it if you did.”

  “F-for you, Rook.” God, Jason looked at him like he was the center of the earth. He fell in love with the man a little bit more.

  Spreading his legs, he slid his hands through Jason’s hair. Knight helped, easing his cock out of his sweats, but, for once, didn’t say anything to make Jason wig.

  “Gently,” he murmured. “I’m already right there.”

  He pushed his chest out, offering his unpierced nipple to Luke as the pierced one throbbed in time with his heartbeat.

  “You be still for me.” Luke met his eyes.

  “I will, I swear.” His fingers tightened on Jason’s head and he groaned as Jason’s sweet tongue touched the tip of his prick.

  That mouth took him, so gentle, and Luke grabbed his nipple with the forceps. Oh, God. Oh, God. He bit his lower lip and held tight to Jason’s head and did his very best not to let the excitement and pleasure coursing through him make him move.

  “Deep breath.”

  He sucked in a breath and the needle went in and he keened. He was going to come. Oh, God, he was. “Hurry. Hurry. Hurry.”

  “Here it comes.”

  Jason sucked and the ring tugged and Knight kissed his ear and…boom. He shot hard down Jason’s throat, the keening sound still coming out of his throat. It was a perfect storm of hot.

  “Oh, that was nice.” Luke chuckled softly, and the sound wasn’t mean, but fond and happy and warm.

  Rook sank back, Knight right there to catch him as his sweet Jason licked and sucked and did his damndest to keep him hard.

  “Nice is an understatement,” he managed. “It was…well, orgasmic.”

  “Hell, yes. Who’s next?”

  Thank God Bish answered, because Rook was pretty sure he was melted.

  “Jason’s next. A guiche.”

  Jason swallowed hard around his cock and he groaned.

  “It’s so good, honey. Like nothing I’ve ever felt before.” He slid his hands over Jason’s head, along the broad shoulders.

  Jason lifted his head, eyes meeting his, wide and scared.

  Rook leaned in until their foreheads were pressing together. “I’ll be right here the whole time. I’ll hold you. And, if you hate it, tomorrow we can pull it out.”


  “I swear, honey. Bish, tell him.”

  “Rook is right,” put in Bish. “None of this needs to be permanent.”

  “What do I have to do?”

  “The pretty man will tell us.” Now that the utter intensity was gone, Rook felt able to flirt again.

  “Have you shaved him?”

  Jason’s eyes went wider.

  “I’ll do it. I’ll be so careful, honey.”

  “He can lean over the back of the sofa, and we’ll shave him, then get it done.”

  “And that’s given me such wicked ideas about shaving your pube
s, honey.” Rook kissed Jason, letting his delight and love show.

  “Not like this, please.”

  “No, I mean in a few days. In the tub. With lots of licking and sucking and making love.” Rook moved Jason, and Rook was proud to see Knight slide in close, offer support.

  “You want me to do it, honey? Or you want Bish to do it while I kiss you?”

  “I want you to kiss me.”

  He gave Jason his best smile. “I was hoping you’d say that.” He gave Bish a quick kiss first. “Be gentle with the razor.” Then he went around and settled in front of Jason, stroking the red cheeks before pressing their lips together.

  Jason was a single breath from pure panic. He held Jason’s eyes and put everything he had into that kiss, everything he felt for Jason. It was love, after all. Honest to God true love. He didn’t know how he’d gotten so lucky. Through his kisses, he breathed his very self into Jason.

  “Jesus, that’s fine.” Luke’s voice sounded awed and Rook just ignored it. He slid his hands through Jason’s hair, silently urging Jason to ignore it, too.

  “Rook.” There were tears in Jason’s eyes, but Rook thought the panic was fading.

  “You’re going to be even more beautiful with it,” he whispered.

  “How are your nipples?”

  “Throbbing. I’m hard again.” He giggled softly. “I think I’m going to be horny all the time for a while.”

  “And this is different from usual how?” Bishop asked.

  Jason actually smiled for him. He waved his middle finger back in Bish’s general direction.

  “Going to shave you now, kiddo.” Bish sounded solid and sure and Rook figured it had to be giving Jason confidence.

  “Bish has shaved me, honey. He’s got a real good touch.”

  “Okay, Rook. Okay. I don’t know about this.”

  “Why not? The hardest part is done—you’re exposed. The ring is going to be amazing.”

  Bishop nodded, hand on Jason’s ass. “It’s going to feel so good.”

  “We won’t be able to play with it for a while, but it’ll be there. You’ll be aware of it and it’ll make everything more.”

  “More?” Jason reached for him, squeezed his fingers.

  “Uh-huh. These nipple rings? They’re making me hard just being there.”

  “They’re pretty.”

  He preened, inordinately pleased by Jason’s comment. “Thank you, honey.”


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