Chess Part One Box Set

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Chess Part One Box Set Page 38

by Sean Michael

  Wrapping his arms around Bish’s head, Rook shared one kiss after another with Bishop. Oh, this was good and just what he needed.

  The steam filled the air, left things looking otherworldly, mystical.

  Bishop reached down and wrapped their pricks together, moving almost gently as he squeezed their cocks.

  “Love you, Bish. Missed this.”

  Bishop nodded and smiled.

  Rook didn’t want it to end. He just wanted to float here in the mist and the warmth and pleasure. It felt good, knowing Bish felt the same.

  The pleasure built slowly, becoming more necessary.

  “Feels good, Rookie. Close.”

  “Yeah. Yeah, me too.” He tugged on Bish’s lower lip.

  Bishop’s hand rolled his balls, pulled them.

  “Bish!” He gasped and spread a little wider, leaned a little harder on his lover.

  “Uh-huh. Come on.” Bish’s hips were rolling now, fucking against him.

  He let Bish support and drive him, sending them both closer and closer. “Oh fuck, now, Bish, now!”

  “Now.” His butt was palmed, squeezed, Bish groaning.

  He gave himself up to his lover’s demand, spunk pouring out of him. Bishop groaned, the water sluicing their spunk away.

  He kissed Bishop, long and lazily.

  “Mmm. I don’t suppose there’s food here?”

  “There is. Jason’s been taking good care of us.” In fact, when he turned the water off, he smelled bacon frying. “Oh, there he is, doing it again.”

  “He’s a good kid.” Bishop grabbed a towel, handed it over.

  “He’s a good man,” Rook said softly.

  Bish looked at him and nodded. “He is.”

  He pressed in for a kiss, then began drying Bish down. “Breakfast for you and then a nap.”

  “Yeah. And I need to check my emails, return to the land of the living.”

  “The land of the living.” Rook repeated the words, let them sink in. “I like the sound of that. And we’ll drag Knight right along with us.”

  “Yes. I just need a few hours to get my patience back.”

  Rook nodded. He got that. And Bish, more than any of them, had been there for Knight, twenty-four-seven…and had borne the brunt of Knight’s growling and grumping, anger and frustration.

  “He never did do anything easy,” he pointed out. “Why should this be different?”

  “It isn’t. He’s scared. More scared than I’ve ever seen him.” Bish still looked so tired.

  “Of what? He’s going to get better!”

  “I know, Rook, but everything hurts right now, everything’s different, and he’s just scared. You know him. You remember when he broke his wrist in college? He cried for three weeks and then tried to set the trash dumpster on fire.”

  “Yeah, I remember.” He sighed. “I’d take it from him if I could.”

  “We all would, but we can’t, so we change with him.” Bishop met his eyes. “He’ll never be the same—neither will we.”

  “As long as we’re all together, Bish, I can handle anything.” His lovers made him strong—all three of them.

  “I know.” Bish kissed his forehead. “I smell eggs and toast, too. Go get dressed.”

  “You too.” He squeezed Bishop’s hand. “I love you, Bish.”

  “I know, Rookie.”

  “Good.” He took one last look at Bish in all his naked glory, then headed for his bedroom to get some clothes on before he went in search of Jason and their breakfast.

  Things were going to be all right. How could he not believe that with Jason and Bishop in his corner? And all three of them in Knight’s?

  Chapter Twelve

  Knight wanted to go home. Everyone hated him. Everyone. The doctors thought he was lazy. The nurses frowned at him. Bishop was avoiding him. He needed out.

  The door to his room opened and Rook came in, giving him a warm smile. “You’re awake!”

  “Yeah. Hey.”

  Rook came and sat on the edge of the bed, fingers sliding along his. Then Rookie leaned in and pressed their mouths lightly together. “How’re you doing today, K?”

  “I’m tired. You?” Tired. Sad. Lost. Lonely.

  “I miss you. So much.” Rook stroked his cheeks, fingers warm as they lingered on his skin.

  “I hate it here. They’re talking about a ‘facility’. Is that like a home?” Rook would tell him, right? If he was going to be stuck in some nursing home forever?

  “I want to bring you home, but they said that if you don’t do the physio work you need to here, they’re going to have to transfer you somewhere.” Rook squeezed his hand. “Please, Knight. Do the physio—cooperate with them so you can come home.”

  “I’m trying. It’s all so frustrating. I just want to paint, and these casts! Can’t you get me some paper? Pencils? Something?”

  “What happened to the sketchbook Jason brought in last week? I mean, of course I can if the other one got…lost.”

  “You mean stolen? Sold? Taken to the papers? I’m not stupid. Barbara came by. Two of my sketches are on the market.”

  “I meant lost as in you chucked it across the room at a nurse, actually.”

  “Fuck off.” So he had a few temper tantrums. He was always being interrupted, always being poked and prodded and touched without his permission. No one let him sleep.

  “I will not!” Rook glared at him. “I know you’re hurting and I know you’re frustrated, but you keep taking everything out on everyone around, trying to make us all leave so you can scream and rage in peace, and I won’t go.” Rook could shout when he wanted to. “I love you, damn it, and I’m trying to help you. Everyone here is trying to help you, so let us already!”

  “Go away, Rook. Just go. Go back to your pretty boy who isn’t broken. You three don’t need me.”

  Rook stamped his foot. “Don’t you dare! Don’t you dare suggest we don’t love the fuck out of you. All three of us. You think we don’t? Someone has been with you twenty-four-seven since you first came out of surgery. You can feel sorry for yourself all you want, but do not even for one second suggest that we aren’t all hurting right along with you.”

  He stared at Rook. God, he loved them. “Stop using logic, you asshole. I’m trying to have a snit!”

  “Enough with the snits—I swear if you put half as much energy into getting better you’d be home already.” Rook blew out a breath and sat back down next to him. “There’s a hole in my heart, K, and it’s shaped just like you.”

  “I am trying.” He pulled into himself, telling himself that he wasn’t hurt. Maybe he was just lazy. Maybe he was a fucker who deserved to be here, hurting. Who knew? Maybe he was a whiny asshole. Hell, he knew that. At least before, he’d been a fabulously talented asshole. Fuck.

  “Don’t do that.” Rook stroked his forehead. “Don’t do whatever it is that’s going on in your head right now. I’m right here—talk to me. You know I’ll tell you like it is.”

  “I just want my life back. All of it. I’m tired, all the time.”

  “It’s going to take time, K. I know you don’t want to hear that, but you were in a coma for, like, ever. And a day.”

  “I don’t want to hear that. I don’t want to do this.”

  “Well, the alternative sucks big huge rocks, K. Big, dry, dusty, sharp rocks.” Rook looked ready to stamp his foot again.

  “What if I never get better?”

  “You will, you stubborn fuck,” Giada’s voice rang out, his physical therapist coming in. “I got you an easel in the training room. Paints, too. Privacy. All you have to do is walk a little.”

  “You see?” Rook poked him. “You can throw yourself a pity party, but we’re going to poop on it.” Rook tilted his head. “Okay, I think that came out all wrong!”

  Giada looked at Rook. “You guys are gross. Really.”

  Rook went rather pink in the face and he shook his head. “I didn’t mean it how it sounded, honest.”

ght wasn’t sure he could remember Rook ever being honestly embarrassed.

  “Don’t let her get to you, Rookie. I heard her fart the other day and she didn’t even blush.”

  “Fuck off, butthead.” Giada gave him the finger.

  Rookie giggled for him and fuck, the sound was so sweet it made him ache.

  “I guess I’m going downstairs with psycho-bitch for her to torture me.”

  “I’ll go get you a sketchbook while you’re gone,” Rook offered. “You want pencils, colored pencils, markers?”

  “I want colored pencils. Good ones. Heavy paper.”

  “You got it.” Rook kissed the corner of his mouth and held his gaze. “Love you, K. Don’t you forget it.”

  Knight sighed, flipped Rook off, then looked at Giada. “Let’s go. I’m tired of the assholes here.”

  Rook stuck out his tongue.

  He winked. He wanted to go home. Or somewhere not here. Anywhere.

  Rook touched his cheek again. “Soon, K, yeah? Before you know it we’ll get you sprung and you’ll be stuck with us twenty-four-seven.”

  “I hope so.”

  He really did.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jason looked at Bish. “You want the hospital bed in your room or his?” This whole bringing Knight home thing was going to be insane. Wonderful, but insane. They were fucking lucky they had money or things would be even harder.

  “Hmm…” Bish looked off into the distance. “The big bedroom. I’d say mine, but he needs to know we’re all there for him, that him being home is good for all of us. We’ll rearrange the room enough so it can go on my side of the bed.”

  “Are you sure?” If it was him, he’d want to be with Rook most of the time.

  Bish rubbed his face. “I want to be selfish and say put him in my room, but I don’t want you and Rook to feel shut out.”

  Jason looked down, then looked up again. “You know, if it was me, I wouldn’t want to be beside all of us. When we’re together, we should be in bed, together. When he needs real rest, he needs you. That’s the way it’s always worked before.”

  Bish gave him a smile. “You know, in the time you’ve been with us, you’ve really made your place here with us. I don’t think we would have made it through this without you.”

  “You would have, but I’m glad I was here.” Because this was his home. It wasn’t what he’d thought it would be, or even what he’d hoped, but it was home and he loved them all.

  “Me, too.” Bish tugged him over, bringing their mouths together for a Bishop take-no-prisoners special.

  Oh. Wow. He swayed a little, shaking in Bish’s arms, holding on tight. The kiss went on and on, stealing his breath.

  They were both blinking, not quite steady, as their lips parted. “Hey.”

  “Hey, baby boy.” Bishop leaned their foreheads together. “That was… Yeah.” He was given a grin.

  Jason grinned back, feeling like a big idiot. “So, I was talking to Rook and, if you don’t mind, I thought we could let Knight have my room as a studio. I don’t sleep there.” He stayed with Rook.

  “Oh, wow. That would be amazing—I was worrying about having to get a ramp in to the split level where it is.”

  “Well, this would be right across the hall. Easy if he’s tired. No falling. Good light, I think?” It seemed light enough for him, anyway. There were lots of windows. And they could always move Knight’s studio back to where it had been once the man was back to tackling stairs and shit.

  Bish nodded. “I’m sure he’ll find something to bitch about, but he’ll be happy with it. Touched even that you gave up your room for him. I am, too, Jason.” He was pulled in for a hug this time, Bish holding on for a moment.

  “If I need it, I’ll get it back.” He was going to have to start doing something with himself, make money somehow. Contributing.

  “Yeah. Soon as you need it.” Bish looked like he didn’t think that was going to happen any time soon.

  He grinned. “I have the downstairs gym, Bish. Rook doesn’t like to sleep alone.”

  “I am well aware of that about our sweet Rookie.” Bishop chuckled.

  “Are you? Are you sure?”

  That had Bishop laughing harder. “He doesn’t make it very clear, does he?”

  “Nope. Rook is subtle. Subt. Tle.” He gave Bishop a wink.

  Bish had to reach out and prop himself up against the wall he was laughing so hard.

  “What’s funny?” Rookie popped in, grinning, and Jason almost died.

  “Knight’s coming home soon.” Bishop opened his arms and Rookie bounded right over, grabbing a hug.

  Rook squeezed Bish tight, then came to him.

  “I have something to ask, Rook.”

  Rook blinked at him. “What’s up, honey?”

  “Can I move into your room, let Knight have mine as a studio for now?”

  “Oh, what a wonderful idea!” Rook grinned. “You never sleep in your room anyway.”

  “I know, but I’ll need room for my clothes, too.”

  Rook whapped his arm. “I am not a clothes horse—there’s plenty of room.”

  “Are you sure?” He winked, then nodded. “Let’s go guys. We only have a couple of days to get ready for Knight to come home.”

  Bishop snorted. “Listen to our bossy baby boy.”

  “Mmm.” Rook rubbed up against him. “I think I like it.”

  Jason smiled. “I hope so. I’m not going to let Knight fire me.”

  Rook shook his head. “You can’t be fired from family, honey.”

  Bishop chuckled. “No, you can’t.”

  “You’re right.” He met Bish’s eyes. “Now, we’ve got to move beds, clean closets…”

  “Well, I did want to get back into working out again…”

  Rookie pouted at them. “It’s been a long time since it’s been all three of us here and awake.”

  “A long time? Are you sure?” God, it felt good, to play a little bit, to breathe.

  “It’s been forever.” Rook put an arm around him and the other around Bishop, drawing them all in close.

  Bishop shook his head. “He’s irresistible. You know that, Jase.”

  “I know. I sort of like it.”

  Rookie laughed and, God, how long had it been since they’d heard that laugh? “Somebody’d better kiss me then. Right now.”

  Jason looked at Bishop, who nodded, then he took his kiss, long and steady, happy. Rook melted against him, mouth opening to invite him in. He hummed and leaned in, tongue pushing in. Oh, chocolate. Someone had been sneaking treats. Yummy.

  Bishop’s arms went around them both, bringing them tighter together as he devoured Rook’s mouth. As he feasted.

  “Mmm. You’re getting good at that, baby boy,” Bishop growled his in ear. “I’m impressed.”

  “Always been good at it. Now he’s devastating.” Rook dove in for another kiss before Jase could answer either of them.

  Bish moved behind him, hands on his hips, body moving against his ass. Moaning, Rook managed to match the motion against front of him. Oh, damn. Damn. He moaned, cupping the back of Rook’s head.

  Rook whimpered into his mouth, hands clinging to his shoulders now. “Bed,” whispered Rook, eyes dark with arousal.

  “Uh-huh.” He nodded, stepped them toward the big bed. “Want you, love.”

  “Yes, please. Oh, God, please.” Rook moved eagerly, letting him move them until they hit the mattress. Then Rook flopped back onto it, arms and legs spread. “Come and get me.”

  Bishop chuckled. “Lose the clothes, Rookie.” Then Jason’s sweater was tugged right off, Bishop’s fingers hot against his skin.

  “I can do that.” Rook proved it by wriggling out of his clothes faster than Jason would have thought possible, making him laugh. Bishop’s chuckles sounded right there with his.

  “God, he’s magical.” Jason meant it, too.

  “That’s our Rookie. There’s nobody like him anywhere.” Bishop’s words blew acr
oss his cheek, his lover’s hands on his belly, teasing their way down to his waistband. Rookie grinned at them, writhing enticingly on the bed. Jason sucked in, let Bish have him.

  “You’re both so hot together.” Rook rolled and lay on his stomach, chin in his hands, elbows on the edge of the bed. It put his mouth right at Jason’s crotch. “Feed him to me, Bish?”

  “Mmm. Yes.” Bishop worked his belt off, undid the top button on his jeans, then, oh so slowly, pulled down his zipper.

  Rookie moaned. “Hurry.”

  “Oh, fuck.” Jason’s eyes burned a little, watching that mouth and Bish’s dark, solid hand.

  Bishop fished his prick out—he was already three-quarters hard and heading quickly to full-on rock solid. Rook moaned again, opening his mouth as Bishop rubbed his prick against the pretty lips.

  “Don’t move now, baby boy. Let us do this.”

  He nodded at Bishop’s words. God yes.

  Rook licked the tip of his cock, tongue slapping lightly at his slit. Bishop moved his prick forward and back, Rook sucking and licking whatever he could reach. Goosebumps covered Jason, and his lips parted. Bishop teased him like crazy, hips pushing him forward so the whole head of his cock went into Rook’s mouth, then pulling him back again so the air cooled his skin.

  “Guys. Oh, please. So good.”

  He felt Bishop’s smile against his neck, Rook’s around his prick. Then Rook pointed his tongue and when Bishop pushed them forward, the tip of it pushed into his slit. Jason arched, pushing against Bishop. He had to move. Had to. Oh, God.

  “Fuck, Rookie, that’s sexy.” Bishop nuzzled his temple. “Pretty baby—Rookie, work the tip. Make him ache.”

  Rookie followed Bishop’s order, tongue pushing into his slit again and again. Bishop massaged his shaft, and the joint sensations made him grit his teeth, his cock aching. Then Rook started humming.

  “Jesus. Jesus. Rook. Love.” He looked back at Bish, eyes rolling back in his head.

  “Keep going, Rookie—you’re blowing his mind.”

  Rook hummed again, fucking his slit with that hot tongue, and he was going to lose his mind. Right here. Right now. Bishop fed his cock in deeper, and Rook swallowed around him.


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