by Ian Ker
on the middle class 178, 279
on miracles 224, 227–8, 236, 286, 296
on the Missing Link 426, 439
in mock trials 620
on Modernism in literature and art 90–1, 179, 208
modernity, on pride in 677, 720
on monarchy 381
on monasticism 379–80, 387, 504–6, 524, 621, 665
and money 262–3
on monotheism 519–20, 527–8
on multiculturism 346, 424
on museums 664–5
on mysticism 119, 215, 233–4, 241–2, 244–5, 274–6, 286, 597, 615
on mythology 521
on the ‘nanny state’ 498–9, 516, 612, 660, 678
on nationalism 131, 595, 695, 698
on nature 117, 217–18, 502–3
on the Nazis 695–6, 698–9, 713–14
on newspapers 91
and the New Witness 371, 374–5, 378, 394–8, 427, 467, 471, 477, 490–4, 497–8, 593–4
and the New Witness League 389
on nihilism 187, 247, 300
as novelist 125–7, 143, 187, 237, 493
obesity of 19, 163–4, 252, 260–1, 297, 444
observation of 19–20, 99
on the Old Testament 614–15
and optimism 84, 88, 102, 123, 191, 210, 219, 243, 245, 300, 339, 484, 509, 598, 615, 671–2, 685, 713
and the ordinary 503, 654, 668–9
on oriental religion 276, 278, 304
on original sin 151, 165, 214, 223, 228, 283, 518
and orthodoxy 33–4, 37, 40, 212, 222, 224, 276
on pacifism 696
on paganism 519–21, 527, 565, 712
on pantheism 119, 565
on the papacy 64, 608, 658–9
and paradox 83–4, 100–02, 113, 119, 123, 144, 148–52, 166, 169–71, 176, 179–80, 196, 207, 243–4, 247, 264, 278, 285, 287, 300–1, 304, 328, 334, 501, 520–1, 526, 533, 537–8, 590, 615, 621, 632
on parliamentary party politics 67, 135, 157–8, 280–1, 305, 320, 352, 511
past, on revocability of 266–7, 389
patience of 540
and patriotism 88–9, 129, 131–5, 219, 247, 377, 387, 417, 664
on peasants 245, 305, 307, 380, 403, 457, 533, 560, 674, 703
peerages, on sale of 281
on the penal system 280–1, 384, 462, 499, 621, 702
on pessimism 83–5, 87, 102, 191–2, 210, 219, 243, 245, 339, 484, 615, 685
on philanthropists 169–70, 208, 237
a philosophy or view of life, on inevitability of 114, 147–8, 597
as poet 68, 71–2, 127, 379
on poetry 680
and Poland 392, 568, 572, 575, 693, 696
on politicians 157, 444
on political correctness 303–4, 346
on polytheism 519, 521 and the poor 85–6, 91, 120, 168–70, 188, 234–6, 246, 286, 296, 305, 373, 380–3, 385, 388, 424–5, 533, 654, 694
on popular literature 84, 91, 207, 225–6
on the popular press 207, 254, 386
on practicality 209–10, 405, 597
on pragmatism 216
as preacher 144
on preaching 661
on Pre-Raphaelites 171
on pride 404, 481
on progress 148–9, 151–2, 223, 244, 246–7, 329, 346, 380, 388, 455–6, 518, 560, 610, 661, 664, 677–8, 721 on Prohibition 209, 242, 346, 381, 432, 435–6, 441, 450–1, 456, 516, 642, 645–6, 653, 660, 672, 698, 703, 705
on ‘prohibitionism’ 712–13
on property 401, 482, 678
on Protestantism 403–4, 406, 428, 695, 703, 707–9, 711–12, 713, 722
on Prussianism 351, 353, 360, 366–7, 372, 384, 393, 404, 406, 421, 444, 453, 460, 466, 527, 693, 695, 698, 713–14
on public houses 385
on public schools 382, 701
on Puritanism 241–2, 245, 303, 381, 404, 406, 599, 667, 672, 698, 701
on race 417, 421, 444, 608, 694–6, 698, 708, 713–14, 722
as reader 82, 620, 681
on reason 521, 686, 689
at Redway’s 40–1
on the Reformation 381, 683
on relativism 216, 219, 221
on religion 216, 275, 405
religious background of 12–13, 562
on religious pluralism 220–1, 224, 287, 307, 346, 519–20
on revolution 266, 301, 305, 677
on ritual 155, 253, 304, 535, 546, 643, 665
on Robinson Crusoe 128, 218–19, 665
and Roman Catholicism see also Christianity 150, 152, 155, 172–4, 226, 242
advance of 636
apologetics for 483–5, 561–6, 597–603, 652, 703–4, 707–12
balance of 669–70
and civilization 613
and common sense 285, 670
complexity of 669
conversion to 186, 220, 228, 239, 259, 265–6, 296, 356–7, 359, 406, 415–16, 428–31, 459, 466–82, 487–9, 575, 707, 726–7
and forgiveness 304
and freedom 702–5, 712
humour of 667
and liberty 440
omniscience of 489
and reason 285–6, 380
and saints 380
and salvation 404
and usury 383
on romance 103, 150, 153–4, 178, 214, 234, 367, 588, 679, 697–8
routine of, daily 356, 539–41, 543–5
on the sacramental 601–2 see also on materialism
as ‘sage’ 127, 336
at St Paul’s School 15–24
on saints 380, 683
on satire 102, 425, 680
and scepticism 31–2, 40, 120, 148–9, 192, 214–16, 276, 482, 509–10, 615, 661, 687, 694
on science 210, 426, 464, 722
on scientism 426
on selections 609
selfishness of 363
on seriousness 424–5
on the ‘Servile State’ 324, 327–8, 367, 383–4, 388, 499, 722
on sex 208, 268, 502, 518
sexuality of 32, 80 n.9
on Sherlock Holmes stories 287–8
and sickness 11, 720
simplicity, on cult of 104–5, 158
on simplification 418, 679
at Slade School 28–34
on slang 443
on slavery 324, 328, 456–7
and Socialism 23–4, 42–3, 61, 64, 234–7, 245–6, 269, 272, 281, 289, 298, 303, 307, 328, 384, 388, 403, 491, 511, 559, 565, 577, 585–6, 592
and The Speaker 23, 61–2, 66–7, 73–4, 83, 92, 106
and Spiritualism 25–7, 205, 275–6, 342, 565–6
on spirituality 684
on a ‘spiritual world’ 115–17
on the status quo 267
on sterilization 713–14
on strikes 296, 327–8, 499, 553, 576
on suburbia 91, 92 n.35, 100, 252, 271
on the Superman 91, 152, 165, 188, 228, 237–8, 246–7, 373, 439, 466, 582, 664
on the ‘Teutonic Theory’ 694–5
on Thanksgiving Day 643
on theosophy 47–8
on things 56–7, 103, 256, 687–8
on tourism 90–1, 271–2, 306, 701
and the toy theatre 7–8, 586–8, 605
on trade unions 380, 576, 722
on tradition 217, 244, 267, 286
on travel 454, 605, 664, 701
as travel writer 416
at University College, London 28–31
at the University of Notre Dame 622–8, 633–40, 667
on urbanization 271
on usury 383
on Utilitarianism 381, 612
on vegetarianism 158, 245
on Victorian literature 100, 164, 328–41
on the Victorians 5–6, 101, 123–4, 329–30
on virginity 228, 525
on vows 387
on war 134, 294, 403, 404, 419, 677, 697, 713
on weather 122, 138, 163, 273, 306, 541, 724
g of 77–8
white horse, and symbol of 8–9, 77–8
will, on philosophy of 216, 236
on wit 241
on women 270, 273–4, 636–7
and wonder 9, 29, 34–5, 58, 84, 88, 100, 105–6, 114, 123, 150–1, 175, 177–8, 214, 228, 252, 268, 274, 283, 300, 331–2, 402, 482, 484, 517, 576, 597, 615, 644, 662
on World War II 692–3, 696, 698, 720
and Zionism 416, 419–22
Alarms and Discussions 271–5, 291
‘An Alliance’ 72
All is Grist: A Book of Essays 662, 664–6
All I Survey: A Book of Essays 677–80
All Things Considered 206–10
‘Antichrist, or the Reunion of Christendom: An Ode’ 301–3
The Appetite of Tyranny 352–3
Appreciations and Criticisms of the Works of Charles Dickens 164, 171, 174–5, 178, 181
As I was Saying: A Book of Essays 720–2
Autobiography 1, 128, 144, 355, 480, 482, 718
Avowals and Denials: A Book of Essays 698
‘By The Babe Unborn’ 35, 72
The Ballad of the White Horse 43, 279, 290–4
‘A Ballade of Suicide’ 294
The Ball and the Cross 215, 264–5
The Barbarism of Berlin 352, 365
William Blake 274–6, 326
Robert Browning 109, 111–14
The Catholic Church and Conversion 561–6
Chaucer 666–71
A Chesterton Calendar 291
Christendom in Dublin 373–4
The Club of Queer Trades 143–4
William Cobbett 532–8, 586
Collected Poems 358, 361, 428, 543, 576
Come to Think of it…A Book of Essays 658, 660–2
The Convert’ 475
‘A Crazy Tale’ 29, 41 n.7
The Crimes of England 366
‘The Crystal’ 205
‘Culture and the Coming Peril’ 576, 632
‘Of the Dangers Attending Altruism on the High Seas’ 68–70, 77, 163
The Defendant 62, 74, 83–9, 91
‘The Diabolist’ 33–4
Charles Dickens 164–84, 285, 288, 293, 532
Divorce versus Democracy 372–3
The Donkey’ 71–2, 258
‘Easter Sunday’ 116
‘Elegy in a Country Churchyard’ 391
The End of the Armistice 693–8
Eugenics and Other Evils 460–6
The Everlasting Man 516–30, 597
Fancies versus Fads 498–500
Father Brown stories 137–8, 140, 187, 282–90, 298–9, 304, 651, 655
The Flying Inn 256, 326, 345–7, 378, 636
Four Faultless Felons 621
St Francis of Assisi 500–8, 608
Generally Speaking: A book of Essays 595–6
G.K.C as M.C. 609–15
‘O God of Earth and Altar’ 301
Greybeards at Play 42, 68–71, 163, 576
Heretics 146–56, 212–13, 343
The Incredulity of Father Brown 282
The Innocence of Father Brown 282
Irish Impressions 398, 402–4
The Judgement of Dr Johnson 435, 511, 583–4
‘Lepanto’ 266, 292, 294–5
Letters to an Old Garibaldian 352
Magic 342–3, 651
Manalive 35, 299–301
The Man Who knew Too Much 487
The Man who was Thursday 124–5, 127, 186–93, 293, 614
A Miscellany of Men 303–7
The Napoleon of Notting Hill 87, 125–7, 129–33, 141, 144, 168, 264, 293, 452, 724
The New Jerusalem 416–21, 447
Orthodoxy 213–29, 239, 277, 526, 547, 636, 707, 726
The Outline of Sanity 559–61
‘A Picture of Tuesday’ 29, 41
The Poet and the Lunatics 597
The Resurrection of Rome 550, 605, 641, 658–60
The Return of Don Quixote 575–6, 582
The Scandal of Father Brown 282
The Secret of Father Brown 282, 284
‘The Secret People’ 186
George Bernard Shaw 241–8, 250
A Short History of England 379–83
Sidelights on New London and Newer York and Other Essays 671–2
Social Reform versus Birth Control 566
‘A Song of Cosmopolitan Courage’ 311–12
The Song of Labour’ 23
‘A Song of Strange Drinks’ 325
Robert Louis Stevenson 586–91
The Superstition of Divorce 386–9
‘The Superstitions of the Sceptic’ 509–10
Tales of the Long Bow 515–16
The Thing 597–603
St Thomas Aquinas 681–90
Tremendous Trifles 207, 252–4
Twelve Types 99–106, 586
The Uses of Diversity; A Book of Essays 424–6
Utopia of Usurers and Other Essays 383–6
‘Variations of an Air: Composed on Having to Appear in a Pageant as Old King Cole’ 428
The Victorian Age in Literature 114, 328–41, 591
G. F. Watts 123–5
The Well and the Shallows 706–14
What I Saw in America 436, 454–8
What’s Wrong with the World 266–70, 274
‘Why I am a Catholic’ 561
The Wild Knight 35–6, 42, 68, 70–2
‘The Wild Knight’ 72
Wine and Water’, 379
Wine, Water and Song 347, 379
Chesterton, Lilian 441, 631, 647
Chesterton (née Grosjean), Marie 3–4, 9–11, 13, 44–5, 74–5, 77–8, 205, 251, 261, 263, 373, 390, 427, 451, 468, 475–6, 676
Chesterton, Sidney 5
Chesterton, Walter 441, 631, 647
Child, Doris 81, 163–4
Chopin, Fryderyk 572
Christian Science 564
Church family 542
Churchill, Winston 142, 157, 292, 577
Claudel, Paul 646
Clemens, Cyril 549–50
Clifford, Dr 99
Coates, John D. 126 n.24
Cobbett, William 63, 328–9, 337, 366–7, 381, 532–8, 564
Coeur de Lion, Richard 409
Collins, Dorothy 2, 53 n.46, 99, 122 n. 12, 183, 258, 283, 542–6, 548, 567–74, 582, 605, 607–9, 622–5, 628–9, 631–6, 646–51, 654–7, 674–6, 681, 690–1, 699–702, 718–20, 722–3
Collins, Michael 452, 659
Colvin, Sidney 109, 122
Commeline, A. S. 546
Comte, Auguste 156, 614
Comyns Carr, Arthur S. 141–2