The Last Great Reaper

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The Last Great Reaper Page 12

by Billi Bell

  Dominic expected to hear her speak an ancient chant or maybe a passage from a book, but he heard nothing. The fireplace had now gone silent, but he could still hear the sound of May breathing. As he waited for her to tell him when to open his eyes, he began to hear faint noises. What sounded like the voices and movement of many people around him. He strained to listen in on them, but May interrupted his eavesdropping.

  “You can open your eyes now. Welcome to our world, my dear.”

  When Dominic opened his eyes, he was shocked to find himself in what appeared to be a small coastal town, surrounded by a large forest. Dominic could smell salt in the air from the ocean nearby. He noted how odd the homes looked. They all seemed to come from different parts of the world and periods of time. It didn’t take him long to realize many of the townspeople were pointing at him.

  He and May stood in front of a large hotel oddly named: Dream Hotel. May quickly ushered him into the lobby. The opulent room’s decor rivaled the Palace of Versailles and architecture was like nothing he had ever seen before. While he studied his surroundings, he started to notice the stares again.

  There weren’t very many people besides them, but he saw the strange looks he got from every other person that passed him. These people would quickly whisper to those unaware of his presence. As May led him to the front desk, he noticed the clerk eyeing him with trepidation.

  The beautiful Indian woman was dressed in a bright red sari with her long dark hair in a single braid down her back. She darted her eyes over to May, and he couldn’t help but notice a hint of anger.

  “What on Earth is he doing here, does Ada know?”

  Dominic looked over to May, confused at how the woman knew him. He didn’t recall having met her before and had no idea why his mere presence would anger her.

  “Riya, Sarah has already arraigned a meeting with Ada to discuss him. He wears Peter’s body, but this is not him. His name is Father Dominic Fratelli.”

  Riya looked over Dominic again, confusion clouding her thoughts. After checking a small red book on the counter, she confirmed the appointment. “Fine, but I’m sitting in on this one. Neil!”

  A small neatly dressed man quickly came out of a hidden door behind the desk and took Riya’s place. He also took a double take at Dominic before turning away to shuffle random papers behind the front desk.

  Riya led them up the stairs and past many rooms. Dominic found it odd that none of them were labeled. He swore he heard the chanting of “Hail Caesar” coming from one room and the sounds of battle from another. After many turns, they stopped at a door that had been labeled: “Appointment Only.”

  “Wait here,” said Riya. She entered the room and closed the door behind her. Dominic peered over to the side and noticed a green door marked private slightly ajar. A pair of eyes looked back at him before the door slammed shut.

  May leaned over to Dominic and said, “Do not be afraid, but show respect to the Council.”

  “What is the Council?” Dominic asked, but before she could answer Riya appeared and ushered them inside.

  The room was a lot smaller than he expected. A large table sat in the center with three chairs on the opposite side. The dim lighting gave the room an ominous look and Dominic fought the urge to run. The uncertainty of where to go or how to get back to his room grounded him.

  A door opened to his right, and two figures emerged. He immediately recognized the first one, Sarah. She was dressed differently than the last time he saw her. Her short stature was draped in a blue robe with gold trimming. She gave him a quick smile and stood beside the first chair. The small gesture meant a great deal to him. At this point, he knew something he was about to be judged for; something he’d done.

  He turned his attention to the man that followed her. The middle-aged man appeared to be of Asian descent and wore a similar robe to Sarah. He paid very little attention to Dominic while taking his place beside the third chair.

  “Riya, so nice to have you here,” he said. Dominic could hear a distinct Japanese accent.

  “Tokimasa, I’m happy to be of assistance in any way that I can.”

  She gave him a not so subtle wink and turned back to the side door. Despite Sarah’s age, the dramatic eye roll she gave them could only be described as adorable.

  The door opened again, and an elderly black woman emerged who Dominic assumed was Ada. Judging by her appearance, he wouldn’t have been surprised if she’d ceased aging at nearly a century. She wore the same blue robe as the others but carried a large staff made from the root of a Joshua tree. In spite of her apparent age, she managed to quickly and effortlessly walk to the middle chair. Her long grey hair fell down her back, and her arms were adorned with golden bracelets. Sarah pulled the chair from the table for Ada.

  She took her seat, resting her staff against the table, all the while never taking her eyes off Dominic. Her bright blue eyes stared into his soul. Sarah and Tokimasa took their seats and waited.

  Dominic could still feel her stare as he turned his attention to the floor. Ada studied him, perplexed by his timid stance.

  “Peter,” she said, her African accent was slightly similar to Adofo. “How did you dig yourself up?”

  Dominic was confused. She was talking to him but calling him by a name he’d never gone by. He looked over to May for help, but she didn’t acknowledge him. Sarah had even turned her attention away. He was on his own.

  “I’m sorry ma’am, but I’m not Peter. My name is Dominic,” he said. “May I ask, why am I here?”

  “You should know why you’re here. Five hundred years in the ground and you expect us to forget,” said Tokimasa. “My apologies, Ada. I did not mean to interrupt your questioning, but this is the murderer who put us all in danger.”

  Dominic began to panic. He wondered if they meant his brother? He had to get out of this room.

  “May, I’d like to leave now.”

  May turned to Dominic, “Just answer the questions, and everything will be fine.”

  “Come to me so I can see you better,” said Ada. Sarah looked to Dominic and gave him a reassuring nod. He slowly walked over to the table and stood in front of Ada. She reached her wrinkled, and he placed his hand inside hers; she studied it intently.

  “Soft and new skin, but the soul is old,” she said. She let his hand go, and he rejoined May. Ada looked over to Sarah, “You say he came with the Great Reaper?”

  Sarah nodded. “Something is special about him, she keeps him at her hip. Even more than May and we know how special she is.” May didn’t acknowledge the comment and Sarah continued. “If he is Peter, she would have known. She reads us all, and I’m sure he was no exception.”

  “Why are you so special?” Dominic asked May, but she didn’t answer. Instead, she continued looking straight ahead and remained silent.

  Ada looked him in the eyes. “Tell me everything about you, and if I think that you are lying, you will be buried more efficiently next time.”

  Dominic took a deep breath and told his story. How he’d awakened in England, the scar, how he eventually became a priest and meeting Death. Ada was noticeably interested in Death. Dominic was careful not to tell her everything he’d seen over the past few days. If it ever got back to her, he was afraid of what she’d do to him.

  “From May, I have heard the scar is unique, but in the nearly 8000 years I’ve walked the Earth, I’ve only seen a few like it. The Strike of God. I know where the other two who wear the mark reside, which leaves one. You must be Cain, son of Adam and Eve, and the innocent murderer of Abel.”

  Every pair of eyes in the room were now wide open, except for Ada’s. She rose from the chair and made her way around the table. Resting on her staff, she stopped in front of Dominic and reach her hand to his cheek.

  “Death is not the only one who knows the true story. Hmm, there is something about knowing one of her secrets that excites me,” she said joyously. Her smile stretched the many wrinkles on her face. “Walk with me.”
r />   Dominic offered his arm as support, but she declined. “The staff is not for physical support, it belonged to my father. Now, let us walk...alone.”


  Death was on her second glass of wine when Adofo entered with Lila close behind. The young reaper was in a joyous mood and quickly bowed to her superior.

  She was expecting to be promoted to lead reaper, and this rarely happened to a Paladin less than a century old. Being a lead reaper had its perks. Besides being able to travel anywhere, they were one step closer to becoming a Horseman. Lila figured she had another hundred years before she’d have her chance at the position.

  “Lila, welcome,” said Death. Adofo took his position by the door as Lila shook Death’s hand. “By the smile, I can assume you know why you’re here?”

  “Yes, Great Reaper. I have been working hard these past ten years. Never late for single reaping and volunteering to help other reapers complete their lists. I am devoted to your work...our work.” She was beaming with joy, she’d be the youngest reaper to be promoted.

  Death smiled, and Adofo knew something was off. She had purposely not advised him of the real reason Lila was there. “Tell me about yourself.”

  Lila went into a spiel that she had obviously practiced more than a few times. She’d been born a slave in Jamaica and worked on a sugar cane plantation until one day she collapsed. “I always had problems breathing, but that day my lungs gave up on me. I woke up a reaper, and here I am.”

  “Come, let me give you a short tour before the initiation.”

  Adofo opened the door, and Death led Lila down the endless hallways. She kept her attention with questions and advice about the importance of being a lead reaper. Before Lila knew it, she had lost track of how many turns they had made. Each hallway looked precisely like the previous one, and the paintings offered no help either. They all seemed to look the same after a while.

  Death stopped in front of a green door and turned to Lila, “It’s time, are you ready?”

  Lila nodded enthusiastically, and Death opened the door. The room was huge with only a large chair in the center and another smaller one directly in front of it. No other items occupied the ample space. Death took a seat in the smaller chair and Lila in the other.

  “Are you comfortable? This won’t be an easy process,” said Death. Lila nodded yes. Death snapped her fingers, and metal restraints clamped down on Lila’s arms, legs and neck, securing her tightly to the chair. Lila screamed and tried desperately to free herself, but she was securely bound. There was no escape. Death patiently waited until Lila had tired of struggling.

  “Are you done?” she asked. “I don’t mind waiting. You’re going to be here a while, Lila. Is that your real name or did Hades give it to you? He likes to give little nicknames.”

  Lila froze at the mention of the god’s name. With trembling lips, she answered, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m just a reaper, and I’ve done nothing wrong. Please Great Reaper, let me go.”

  Death knew she was lying. In Dominic’s memory, it was Lila she saw seduce him. “Did you feel anything when you plunged that knife into Abel’s chest or is killing second nature for you as well?”

  Lila continued to feign innocence and Death’s patience was running out faster than she realized. Forming her scythe, she held it to Lila’s neck.

  “I have Cain, and his memories are intact. I do not like to be lied to, it fucking infuriates me,” said Death. The sound of thunder shook the manor. Adofo cleared his throat to get her attention.

  “Please, don’t let it get to you,” he said before turning his attention to Lila. “If I leave this room, so does any chance of you leaving here in one piece. For your own sake, speak.”

  Lila’s demeanor changed, and she no longer appeared fearful of Death. A smirk stretched across her lips. “My mission was never going to end with me alive. I accepted that a very long time ago. He put me through thousands of years of rebirths until I was finally chosen as a reaper. Now look at me, I made it all the way into the lion’s den.”

  “Hades,” said Adofo. “How many vile creatures like you walk among our ranks?”

  “More than a few, not sure but wouldn’t say even if I did. We’ve been learning all about you so that when he rises, it’ll make it all the easier for us to take over,” said Lila. “And you will go back to being his queen Persephone, or he’ll destroy you.”

  “Don’t call me that, and I was never his queen!” Death screamed. “He lied and deceived to get access to my powers, but I broke free. You are still under his power, but I’m going to give you the opportunity to help yourself. Give me the names of the other reapers and I will kill you. You’ll be sent back to the underworld to worship that worthless piece of shit. Don’t, and I will place your soul in an orb, and you know what happens in those orbs, right?”

  Lila’s faith in Hades was strong, and she refused to turn on him. “I don’t give a shit if you torture me, I will never turn on him. He is the future. He is the mak-”

  “Maker of all and rightful lord of the dead. I know the spiel so save it,” said Death. “Just tell me what he has planned for tonight.”

  Lila spat in Death’s face and laughed. Adofo grabbed his scythe and was preparing to strike when Death stopped him.

  “Adofo, leave,” she said calmly as she wiped her face.

  Adofo didn’t bother trying to talk her out of hurting Lila. His sympathy for the young reaper was gone. Knowing there were spies within their ranks was the final straw. He hated traitors and considered them cowards, so he left the room quickly and waited outside the door, expecting to hear screams at any moment.

  Death walked over and pressed a flat hand onto the left wall. Lila was able to slightly turn her head to see a concealed cabinet open. It was filled with knives, hooks and other tools designed to cause pain. Death took her time selecting which one she’d use first. Finally settling on a small serrated knife, she turned her attention back to Lila.

  “This won’t work, I’ve died a thousand deaths, and it will take a million years of torture before I betray him,” said Lila with no hint of fear.

  Death admired her courage. Hades was attracted to strong women and the challenge of breaking them. If there was one outcome of their relationship she was proud of, it was knowing she was stronger than him. He never broke her.

  Lucky for Death, it wouldn’t take a million years to know how to find Hades’ spies. She noticed Lila’s struggle against the restraint had caused a small cut in her wrist. Her blood was a bright red and reapers only bleed black. This couldn’t be a coincidence. She placed pressure on the wound, and the red liquid started to seep out and flow down Lila’s arm. The Great Reaper smiled, and this time it was genuine.

  “You really should have taken my offer,” said Death.

  “Even if you find us all, Hades will find a way back to you,” said Lila. “Whatever made you so important anyway?”

  Death stood and called for Adofo, and he entered almost immediately, surprised to find Lila still in one piece. She slammed her scythe to the ground, connected with Ling and requested her presence. Adofo and Ling were two of her oldest and most trusted friends.

  Ling arrived with seconds, confused at the sight of Lila. “What’s going on?”

  “Hades has infiltrated us with spies, and I’ve found the first one. I need both of you to test all of the lead reapers, and if they bleed red, you have my full permission to kill them on sight and place them into orbs. If they bleed black, they are to perform the same test on their subordinates until all reapers have been tested. Am I clear?”

  “What about Yi?” Ling asked. “You want me to test the love of my life? Hell, what about me?”

  Before Death could respond, Adofo took his scythe and pricked his finger. Black. He placed the scythe back into his holster, bowed and left.

  “I trust the two of you more than anyone else, and I don’t question where you stand,” said Death. “As for Yi, I cannot make an excep
tion for her. Favoritism will not be given. Despite Adofo’s grand gesture, I’ve seen him bleed before tonight, you and Samir as well.”

  “How do I explain to my wife that I have to check if she is a traitor?” Ling asked, her voice filled with emotion. She loved Yi more than anyone, but a small part of her feared the worst.

  “I’ll do it,” said Death. “I’ll go to China and test her. In fact, I won’t even make her a priority. I’ll go after we handle War. I’m sure everything will be fine.”

  Death’s reassurance calmed Ling’s nerves, slightly, and she left. Lila began to laugh, taunting the Great Reaper.

  “Aww, such a beautiful moment,” said Lila. “Are you still fucking her too, or just Samir? Oh yeah, everyone knows about you two. It’s a wonder how you’ve kept your history with Hades a secret for so long.”

  “Are you done?” Death asked. Lila’s taunting was getting more annoying by the second. Her attempts at being an even opponent were comical. Besides, there was one thing still bothering Death. “Tell me, how did War get his blood to bleed black at his ceremony?”

  “I don’t know what you mean, he’s not one of us,” said Lila. She actually seemed genuinely confused. “Why do you think I was so excited to become a lead reaper. One step closer to you.”

  “I don’t believe you. You managed to deceive me for years, and I won’t let it continue,” Death said as she gripped her scythe tight. She pulled out an empty orb from her cloak and smiled. The hell she designed for Lila was perfect. She would spend every day for the rest of eternity dying a different death.

  Death unlatched the restraints and ordered Lila to kneel, but she refused. “I will take my death on my feet with my head high.”

  “So be it.”


  Ada and Dominic walked out of the Council Room and back down the hallway. Standing in the center of the imperial staircase they watched the near-empty lobby. The small man behind the desk busied himself with cleaning between checking in new guests. Dominic figured the hotel was similar to Death’s manor, endless amounts of empty space to lose yourself in. Ada guided him down the stairs and into the lobby.


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