Secrets (Lords of the City)

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Secrets (Lords of the City) Page 44

by Alice Ward

  “Not yet,” he gasped, rolling me onto my back. He pinned my arms to the mattress and brushed his lips against my neck. “I want to enjoy some delayed gratification,” he whispered. “We’ve been so rushed lately. Right now, I want to move as slow as possible. I want to touch you,” he explained, running a teasing finger up my arm and then down my side. “I want to taste you,” he added, flicking his sweet tongue down my neck. “I want to get lost in you.”

  I ran my fingers through his chestnut hair. “I can do that,” I whispered, pulling him down on top of me. Drake balanced his weight on his arms as we kissed, passionately but slowly, our lips barely parting. Drake’s cock throbbed against my hip, but I managed to focus my attention to the sweet taste of his mouth instead. Little by little, we widened our mouths, our tongues finally meeting. Drake shifted his weight to one elbow and traced his fingers down my body. I rolled to my right side and returned the gesture, instinctively draping my left leg over his hips. The head of his cock brushed against my wet pussy and I expected Drake to pull away. Instead, he let it rest there and planted a long, sweet kiss on my lips.

  “Don’t move,” he whispered, pushing himself inside me. He drove his shaft in slowly and then went completely still. “Open your eyes,” he directed again.

  “I love you, Chelsea,” he whispered as I met his gaze.

  “I love you too.”

  Drake wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into his chest, his cock still motionless inside me. The longer we went without moving, the harder it throbbed, sending waves of pleasure through my body. We stared into each other’s eyes, our lips never parting. When Drake finally rocked his hips, my body felt like it would explode with satisfaction. After a long, slow thrust, he went still again.

  A hint of a dare flashed across Drake’s eyes and he slid his hand down my chest, greeting my nipple with a sharp pinch. The slight pain electrified me, and I tightened my pussy in response. Drake gasped and rocked his hips again, this time harder and faster.

  “I wish you could know how amazing you feel,” he said, his voice raspy. He thrust into me again and I grabbed him by the ass.

  “I could say the same thing about you,” I replied, forcing my body downward as I pushed him further into me.

  Drake let out a loud gasp and moved in and out of me in deep, slow strokes. He never broke pace, exploring my body with one hand while our tongues danced together and his cock spurred me to ecstasy. Soon, my body began to twitch.

  “Are you going to come for me, baby,” he cooed, rocking into me just a little harder.

  “Yes,” I gasped.

  With one swift motion, Drake rolled onto his back, pulling me with him. He propped himself up on the headboard as I planted my knees on the mattress. He stared at me with another dare in his eyes.

  “Take me, Chelsea,” he said, his lips curling up in a smile. He rocked his hips once and then took my breasts in his hands. “I want to watch you bounce up and down on my cock.”

  I returned his daring smile and clamped my pussy muscles again. “You’re cock?” I teased. “I think this is my cock.”

  Drake’s eyes lit up with surprise and then smoldered with lust. “It’s all yours, baby,” he agreed, rocking into me again.

  I raised and lowered myself, over and over, each time coming down harder than before. I fought the urge to close my eyes and instead, watched as Drake’s began to roll back in his head. We came together, slowly and sweetly, and then collapsed into each other’s arms.

  “Do we have to leave the apartment today?” I sighed. “Can’t we just stay here and do this?”

  Drake laughed and kissed me on the cheek. “We have a lifetime to do this,” he reminded me sweetly. “Today, I want to treat you to the best the city has to offer.”


  Our romantic day in the city began with a leisurely breakfast at a café in Central Park. While we ate bagels and sipped coffee, we fantasized about what it would have been like to live in different eras. We had long, philosophical conversations about historical figures, books, and life in general. A spirited debate about Monet led to an impromptu trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where we studied the masterpieces first hand. It was the kind of morning that reminded me of exactly how lucky I’d been to find Drake.

  A few days before, I’d casually mentioned that I’d never been to the top of the Empire State building. Drake had promised to remedy that, so I wasn’t surprised when Vince drove us there from the museum. I was surprised to find the observation deck empty and a romantic table set for two.

  “What did you do?” I asked with a grin, following Drake to the table. He pulled out my chair and then took the seat across from me.

  “I told you I was going to spoil you.” He beamed back at me, uncorking a bottle of sparkling wine. He poured us each a glass and then opened the picnic basket that sat in the middle of the table. It held fresh fruit, bread, and a giant antipasto platter.

  “We’re keeping lunch light,” he explained, lifting the platter from the basket. He tore off the plastic wrap and popped an olive in his mouth. “I have big plans for dinner.”

  “I can’t wait,” I replied with a smile. I took a long sip of my wine before digging in to the platter. Drake and I ate in comfortable silence, staring down at the city alive beneath us. When we were finally full, Drake pushed his chair back and stared at me.

  “Come here, baby.”

  I settled into his lap, just as his cell phone started to ring.

  “Sorry,” he sighed, shifting my weight to one leg. He dug into his pocket and retrieved the phone.

  “Hello?” He was silent for a while and then cleared his throat.

  “I’m taking a personal day. We’ll discuss this later.” He ended the call and tossed the phone on the table without any explanation.

  “Is everything okay? We’ve already had an amazing day, Drake. If you need to go to the office, I’ll completely understand,” I assured him, meaning every word.

  “It’s nothing that can’t wait,” he insisted. “Today is about you and me, Chelsea. I never want us to take each other for granted. And with our busy schedules, we’re going to have to make a point of setting aside time to just enjoy each other’s company.”

  “Like a standing date night?” I asked.

  “Something like that,” he agreed, planting a soft kiss on my neck. “Though, we may have to settle for double date night more often than not, now that Oliver and Stacey are downstairs.”

  I smiled back at him, nuzzling into his arms. “You know, most guys wouldn’t relish the thought of living next to their in-laws,” I teased. “And you know my parents are going to practically move in once the baby is here.”

  “I know how important family is to you, Chelsea. When we have kids, I want them to grow up like you and Oliver did. They’ll always have cousins around to play with, the most amazing park in the world is right across the street. They’ll be surrounded by love and happiness. We’ll all be.”

  As Drake spoke, I realized how much he longed to be part of a loving family. He may be bringing a fortune into our marriage, but what I was able to give him was invaluable.

  “I love you, Drake,” I said, pressing my lips to his. I kissed him passionately, hoping that he’d feel all of the things I didn’t know how to say.

  “I love you too,” he said, straightening his back. His phone let out a single chime and I rolled my eyes.

  “Sorry,” he said, swiping the screen.

  “It’s fine,” I laughed, reaching for my wine. I took a long sip and diverted my eyes while Drake returned the text message.

  “Everything still okay?” I asked as he stowed the phone in his jacket.

  “Fine.” He nodded, clearing his throat. He finished his wine and wrapped his arms around me again. “Where were we?” he whispered, his mouth hovering near my ear.

  “We were talking about how much we love each other and how blissfully happy our lives will be,” I reminded him, brushing my lips against his
face. “There’s just one thing,” I said, my nerves a little tense.

  “What is it?” he asked, pulling away.

  “Our kids… how soon were you wanted to have them?” I didn’t want to kill the moment, but thought it was more important to make sure we were on the same page in regards to starting a family.

  “I’d be happy if we had them right away,” he confessed. “But only if that’s what you want too.”

  “What if I’m not ready?” I asked, refilling both of our wine glasses.

  “Then we’ll wait,” he replied with a patient shrug. “I haven’t forgotten that I’m five years older than you, baby. When I was twenty-three, I wasn’t anywhere near ready for children. If there are things you want to do before we start a family, I completely support you.”

  “I want to go back to school,” I admitted. “It will take three to four years for me to get my PhD. Do you think you can wait that long?”

  His eyes softened and he pushed my hair back from my face. “With everything you’ve done for me, I’ll wait as long as you need me to.” He gave me a quick kiss and then announced that it was time to move on to our next destination. A woman appeared to clear our table and we rode the elevator back to the ground.

  “Where are we going?” I asked as we slid back into the limo.

  “It’s a surprise,” Drake grinned as Vince pulled away from the curb.

  We took a short drive and got out in front of a tall, nondescript building. Drake led me into the elevator, which carried us to the roof. I heard the helicopter before I saw it.

  He’s really outdoing himself.

  “I can’t believe this,” I gasped, following him to the chopper. Drake climbed into the backseat and helped me up behind him. The pilot greeted us with a nod and two sets of headphones equipped with small microphones. We put them on and the sound of the swirling blades disappeared.

  “Welcome on board, Mr. Waters, Ms. Tyler. I’m Howard Reeves and I’ll be your guide today. The cooler between your seats is stocked with refreshments. Sit back, enjoy the tour and feel free to ask any questions.”

  Drake and I didn’t talk much, knowing that Howard would be listening in on the conversation. Instead, we stared out of the helicopter as he pointed out some of the most iconic buildings in the city. We were in the air for hours, making our way through all five boroughs. When we finally returned to the ground, we were miles from where we started.

  “That was amazing,” I gushed as Drake led me off yet another roof.

  “Wait until you see what’s next.” He beamed.

  I wrapped my arms around Drake as the elevator doors closed. “This whole day has been beyond belief, baby.” We spent the rest of the ride to the lobby locked in a passionate embrace. The car jolted to a stop and we pulled apart, just as the doors opened. We stepped out as a large group of people pushed past us. I straightened my blouse as we made our way through the lobby.

  When we stepped outside, Drake turned towards New York Harbor. “We’ve seen the city by air. How would you like to see it by water?”

  “Are we taking the ferry?” I asked, my voice brimming with excitement.

  “Even better, we’re taking the ferry alone,” he replied with a grin. “Have you ever watched the sun set from the water?”

  I shook my head, practically skipping to the dock. I wasn’t sure which made me happier: the activities themselves, or the effort Drake had put in to arranging the day. I made a mental note to plan something special for him once the Founder’s Gala was over.

  The ferry was docked in the harbor and the captain welcomed us onboard.

  “I can’t believe you rented the entire ferry,” I said as we settled into chairs on the deck.

  “I like privacy,” he reminded me. “Besides, it would be difficult to enjoy our decadent five star meal if there were other passengers milling about.”

  “We’re having dinner on the ferry?” I asked, my cheeks sore from smiling.

  Breakfast in Central Park, lunch on top of the Empire State Building, and dinner on the Staten Island Ferry… whose life am I living?

  Drake’s phone started ringing, as if it sensed that I needed a reminder that my life wasn’t perfect. The color drained from his face as he stared down at the screen.

  “Hello,” he answered, his voice breaking. He tightened his jaw and stared out at the water. As he listened, his face transitioned from white to bright red.

  “There’s no need for that. I’ll meet you tonight. Give me an hour.” He returned the phone to his pocket and turned to me with a frown.

  “I’m so sorry, Chelsea. Something’s come up that I need to deal with in person.”

  “What’s going on?” I pressed, disappointed that he’d so quickly agreed to put an early end to our night.

  “It’s nothing to be concerned about,” he assured me, rising to his feet. “I’m going to go tell the captain to turn around. Vince will take you home and I’ll take a taxi to the office.”

  He’s going to the office. I guess it’s a work problem. I don’t know why he didn’t just say that.

  “Okay, baby,” I said, trying to hide the frustration in my voice. After all, I’d already told him I understood if he had to deal with work.

  Drake disappeared and I sat on the deck, trying to shake the nagging feeling that something wasn’t quite right.


  “Why aren’t the centerpieces in place yet?” I demanded, stopping through the ballroom of The Albergo. It was the day of the Founder’s Gala and nothing was going as planned. A busted pipe in the kitchen had slowed down the catering staff and the florist had used the wrong colors in the centerpieces. Piper and I spent so much time resolving the various problems, we missed our hair appointments at Stacey’s salon. Drake arranged for a stylist to meet us at the penthouse, but if we didn’t leave soon we were going to miss that as well.

  “Take a deep breath, Chelsea,” Piper advised. “The interns are finishing up the decorations in the lobby, and then they’re going to set the tables. The caterers are back up and running in the kitchen, and the band just got here to set up. We need to get going.”

  I shook my head. The Founder’s Gala was the first and only event I’d ever throw for the society. I was determined to make sure that everything was perfect.

  “I’m not going anywhere until the room is finished,” I insisted. “You can take the limo back to the penthouse. I’ll follow in a cab in a little while.”

  “I’ll stay,” she sighed, tossing her bag to a nearby table. She grabbed a cart full of flower arrangements and started placing them on the tables while I followed with tapered candles and favor bags for each of the guests. As we worked, the new interns slowly started to fill the room. In a half hour, everything was in place for the gala. I paused for a moment and took in the scene.

  After decades of neglect, the turn of the century ballroom had been restored to its former glory. The gilded crown molding glowed in the lights of the crystal chandeliers and the Italian sconces stood proudly off the walls. The lobby had been similarly restored and I couldn’t wait to see the rest of the hotel once Drake got his hands on it.

  “Come on, Chelsea. We’re already late,” Piper reminded me, dragging me out of the ballroom. We crossed through the lobby and stepped out onto the sidewalk, where Vince was waiting with the limo.

  The atmosphere around The Albergo was as quaint and Old World as the hotel itself. The cobblestone street and functioning gas lights were going to make our donors nostalgic, which would prompt them to open their wallets for the cause.

  “What time is it?” I asked as we drove past Battery Park.

  “Five,” Piper answered with a frown.

  “Shit that only gives us two hours to get ready and get back here.” I pulled my phone from my purse and saw that I’d missed three calls from Drake.

  Please, please don’t be calling to tell me that an emergency’s come up. Not tonight.

  “Are you okay, Chels?” Piper asked, narrowing her brow

  “I’m fine,” I insisted, dialing Drake’s number. The line rang four times and his voicemail picked up. I ended the call without leaving a message.

  “You don’t look fine,” she pressed. “You’ve done a fantastic job with the gala, Chelsea. It’s going to go off without a hitch, I promise.”

  “It’s not the gala,” I sighed. “I know I should be over this by now, but I get so frustrated with Drake’s schedule. We had an amazing time on Thursday. He promised that we’d spend the entire day together. We were on a private boat, at sunset, when his phone rang and he bolted. We didn’t even get to finish our trip. He made the captain turn around and take us straight back to the shore. He took a cab to the office and sent me home alone in the limo.”

  “I can’t imagine how frustrating that would be,” Piper said with a nod. “But he must have had a good reason.”

  “That’s just it.” I frowned. “He didn’t give me an explanation at all. He just said ‘Sorry, there’s something I have to deal with.’ I know this is something I have to get used to. But it’s so hard to relax and enjoy myself with him when I’m always waiting for his phone to ring.” I took a deep breath and continued.

  “It’s also confusing, because there are some calls that he’ll take in front of me and some that he won’t. He gets stiff and either asks me to leave the room or tells whoever’s on the other line that he’ll call them back. It makes me wonder what he’s keeping from me.”

  “I think you’re being a little paranoid, Chels,” Piper advised. “You’ve got cheating on the brain after what happened with Stacey and Oliver. That turned out to be completely innocent. I’m sure this will too.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  My phone rang and Drake’s picture lit the screen. “Hello?” I answered nervously.

  “Baby, where are you? Stephanie’s here to get started on your hair and makeup.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief.

  He’s only calling because we’re late.


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