Secrets (Lords of the City)

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Secrets (Lords of the City) Page 50

by Alice Ward

  “We’ll get to the bottom of all of this, Chelsea. I promise. And whatever we find out, Ollie, Piper, and I will all have your back,” Stacey promised.

  I stared at her for a moment and wondered how I’d gone so many years without appreciating her. “I love you, Stace.”

  “I love you too, Chelsea,” she replied, a look of shocked happiness in her eyes. “Now, what do you need to know about The Albergo?”


  The next afternoon, I walked into my farewell party and was shocked to see Drake waiting by the punch bowl. His face broke out in a wide smile as I crossed the conference room to greet him.

  “I didn’t know you’d be here,” I said as Drake wrapped me in a hug.

  “Pete invited me,” he explained. “And I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.”

  “Pete called you?” I asked, tension filling my body.

  “Yes, he thought it would be a nice surprise if I showed up. I hope he was right,” he pressed, picking up on my anxiety. I was terrified that Pete would confront Drake about the hotel and I was in no mood for a fight.

  “Of course, this is a wonderful surprise.” I wrapped my arms around Drake’s waist and planted a quick kiss on his cheek. “I’m just afraid that you’ll be bored, that’s all.”

  “Watching you work a room?” he asked with a raised eyebrow and a charming grin. “Never.”

  “I’ll remind you that you said that,” I teased. I scanned the room, looking for anyone Drake might be able to strike up a lengthy conversation with. I spotted Harold, the head of the cultural studies department, near the cake table. Harold was a big fan of Drake’s work and I knew if anyone could buy me a few minutes of privacy, it would be him. I took Drake’s hand and led him to the table.

  “Harold, I don’t think you’ve met my fiancé. This is Drake Waters. Drake, this is Harold Kendrick. He runs the society’s cultural studies department.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Harold,” Drake said, extending his hand.

  Harold blushed and beads of sweat formed at his temples. “It’s so nice to meet you, Mr. Waters. I’m a huge fan of your work. I truly believe that you’re the Frank Lloyd Wright of our generation.”

  That a boy, Harold. That will get Drake talking.

  “Thank you so much, Harold. Please, call me Drake.”

  “Thank you, Drake. I’d love to pick your brain about the new project you’re working on in Florence. I’ve read several articles about the building. Your design is incredibly innovative.”

  “It’s my favorite project to date,” Drake said with a nod. “What would you like to know about it?”

  It was obvious that Drake was more than happy to talk to Harold, so I took the opportunity to make my exit.

  “I’m going to make the rounds,” I whispered into Drake’s ear. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  Drake nodded, never turning away from Harold. As he launched into a detailed description of the Florence build, I made my way to Pete and Piper.

  “I wasn’t expecting Drake to be here,” I hissed as I approached them. I nodded at the door, moved past them, and they followed me into the hallway. I turned to Pete, my hands on my hips.

  “Please tell me that you haven’t said anything to Drake about our plans to kill his destruction of the hotel,” I demanded.

  “Calm down, Chelsea,” Pete insisted. “I have no intention of letting Drake know what we’re up to. That would be like showing our hand without checking the cards we’ve been dealt. I honestly invited him because I thought you’d like to have him here. If I was wrong about that, I apologize.”

  “Chelsea is just on edge,” Piper broke in. “The last few weeks have been a bit… overwhelming.”

  “Based on both of your faces, I’d say that was an understatement,” Pete observed. “But it’s none of my business. I’m going to get back to the party. Don’t linger out here too long. After all, you’re the guest of honor, Chelsea.”

  Pete ducked back into the room and Piper turned to me with a frown. “You are awfully on edge. Do you want to go somewhere and talk?”

  I shook my head. “Pete’s right. This is my party. It would be rude to spend it in the hallway.”

  “Fine, but as soon as it winds down, we’re going to find a quite place and talk things out. The way you’ve reacted to Drake being here… it makes me worry you’re making the wrong decision.”

  “I may be,” I agreed. “But right now, it’s time to eat cake.”


  An hour later, the cake was gone, my coworkers scattered, and Drake went back to his office to handle a few last minute details before our trip. After I’d said all of my goodbyes, Piper took me by the hand and led me back to my office. She locked the door behind us and turned to me with her arms folded across her chest.

  “I’m really starting to worry that you’re making a mistake by moving in with Drake,” she said firmly. I sighed, crossed the room, and sank down into my chair.

  “I’m just overwhelmed,” I assured her. “Exactly like you told Pete. So much has been going on. So much has changed in such a short period of time.”

  Piper raised a critical eyebrow, pacing the floor in front of me. “That’s an understatement. I saw you when you walked into the party. You practically jumped out of your skin when you realized Drake was there. That’s not a healthy reaction to seeing the person you love, Chelsea.”

  “I’m not relishing the thought of Drake finding out that Pete and I are working against him to stop the Albergo demolition,” I confessed. “But I’m feeling much better about everything else. Stacey was glued to her computer all day yesterday and she didn’t find any damning evidence against Drake or Alex. I really have no reason not to trust him. Which makes me feel even guiltier for what Pete and I are up to.”

  “You have no reason not to trust him, except for your gut instincts,” Piper corrected me. “And I’ve never known those to be wrong. Your relationship has moved so fast, Chelsea. What harm would it do to slow things down a little bit? Don’t move in with him. Not while you’re feeling like this.”

  I didn’t want to hear Piper’s advice. I wanted to believe my own words. I wanted to trust Drake and the life we were planning to build together. The last thing I felt like doing was slowing down our plans.

  “You don’t understand, Piper. You’ve never felt like this before,” I argued. “I wanted to learn the truth about Drake and Alex, and we’ve found nothing that contradicts his story. Yes, he may have left a few details out. But I’m sure they’re small, insignificant details that have to do with their families or something. Drake promised that he’d told me the full story. I believe he’s told me everything that’s relevant.”

  “So you’re suddenly fine with letting a man choose what you do and don’t need to know?” she challenged. Her words stung, sending a defensive rage coursing through my body.

  “I’m fine with Drake leaving is past in his past,” I corrected her, anger rising in my voice. “I should have left it there to begin with. It would have saved me a ton of heartache and frustration over this last week.”

  “I swear, Chelsea. I’ve tried to be supportive. But you’ve changed so much since you met Drake. Sometimes I feel like I’m talking to a pod person.”

  “I didn’t realize that supporting me took so much fucking effort,” I snapped. “In the future, feel free to save yourself the trouble.”

  Pipers face changed from anger, to guilt, to simple sadness. “Chelsea, I didn’t want to start a fight,” she groaned. “I just want to make sure you’re moving in with Drake for the right reasons.”

  “And what wrong reasons do you suspect I’m acting on?” I pressed, my voice rising an octave.

  “I’m afraid you’ve gotten so wrapped up in the idea of Drake and the lifestyle he can provide that you’re willingly ignoring some major warning signs,” she confessed, her voice firm.

  I folded my arms across my chest and stared at her defiantly. “How long have you been feeling l
ike this? How long have you just been pretending to support my decisions?”

  “From the moment you forgave him for pulling away after Charles tried to attack you,” she answered without missing a beat. “You forgiving him was my first sign that you were willing to accept less than you deserve.”

  I stared at her. “That was over a month ago, Piper. You’ve been lying to me this whole time?”

  “I haven’t been lying,” she snapped. “I’ve been trying to give you space to come to your senses on your own. I never thought you’d take it this far, Chelsea. I never thought you’d actually move in with him. Not with all of the lies he’s told you.”

  “You’re one to talk about lying,” I snorted. “Why don’t you just be honest about what’s really going on? You’re jealous. I’m moving in with Drake. Stacey and Oliver are about to have a baby. We’re all going to be neighbors in one of the city’s most coveted buildings. And you’re all by yourself in a rundown walkup in Jersey.”

  “Fuck you, Chelsea,” Piper said, turning for the door. She paused for a moment, took a deep breath, and turned back to me. “For your information, I’m happy with my relationship with Martin. He’s never given me one reason to doubt him. But unlike you, I’m in no hurry to shack up with him and give up my independence. I have zero desire to become a kept woman. I always thought that was something we had in common. I see now that I was wrong.”

  “You have no right to talk to me like that,” I nearly shouted. I pulled my keys from my purse and started struggling to take two of them off the ring. “But I guess it’s nice to finally find out who my friends are. The movers will be at the apartment on Monday to pack and move my things. Here’s my door key and my mail key. Get the fuck out of my office.”

  Piper took the keys from my palm and stomped back to the door. “I really never meant to start a fight, Chelsea. You’re my best friend. All I wanted to do was protect you. Drake is going to break your heart. I’m certain of it. And if you keep acting like this, there will be no one around to help you pick up the pieces.”

  “I’ll take my chances, if it’s all the same to you.”

  “Have it your way,” she sighed. “But one way or another, this is going to fall apart. Either the truth about Drake and Alex will become too obvious for even you to ignore, or Drake will find out about what you’re doing with Pete.”

  “There’s nothing going on between Drake and Alex. And he respects my career,” I insisted with more certainty than I felt. “When he finds out about mine and Pete’s efforts to save the hotel, he’ll understand that we’re doing what we have to do.”

  “Keep telling yourself that, Chelsea. And when it all blows up in your face, don’t insult everyone around you by pretending to be blindsided.”



  My fight with Piper ruined what was supposed to be a happy, relaxing last day at the society. The moment she stepped out of my office, I grabbed my purse and escaped to the street. The hot, late June sun shone brightly in the sky, mocking my somber mood. I started down the sidewalk with no real destination in mind.

  She had no right to accuse me of not being myself, of settling for less than I deserve. And none of us have found any solid reason not to trust Drake. Stacey ran every search she could think of and nothing popped up. She found Alex’s name on the list of Waters Enterprises stockholders. That part of Drake’s story checks out. So what if there are some small details I don’t know about. Drake loves me. If he’s keeping something from me, it’s for my own protection. He’d never do anything to deliberately hurt me… not like I’m about to do to him.

  As Stacey’s searches brought back more and more reassuring information about Drake, my guilt over fighting him for The Albergo started growing. I knew I’d have to come clean about the plan Pete and I were forming, but I wanted to wait until after we got home from Hong Kong. The week had been a whirlwind of emotions and I craved a few days of relative normalcy.

  I navigated the sidewalks without paying much attention to anyone else on the streets. Somewhere near Broadway, I was startled by a familiar voice.

  “Careful now, ma’am. Last time I saw that look on your face, you nearly stepped out in front of a bus.”

  I looked up into the eyes of the grey haired, intuitive black man that had pulled me out of traffic a few weeks before.

  “It’s nice to see you,” I greeted him with a smile. “We didn’t get a chance to introduce ourselves last time. I’m Chelsea Tyler.” I extended my hand and he gave it a firm shake.

  “Peter Meadow,” he replied. “It’s nice to meet you. Where are you headed on this beautiful spring day?”

  “Nowhere,” I confessed. “I’m just taking a walk… to think.”

  “Last time we met like this, you were at a crossroads,” he said as we ambled down the sidewalk.

  “And you told me to follow my heart,” I added, at ease with the stranger. “But what if doing that means letting a piece of yourself go?”

  “That’s a very good question. I guess you have to ask yourself whether what you’re gaining is worth more than what you’re giving up,” he told me, his voice steeped in wisdom.

  Is it? Am I a better person with Drake than I was before I met him? Is saving The Albergo more important than saving my relationship?

  As soon as I asked myself the question, I knew the answer. This wasn’t the Taj Mahal we were trying to save. It was a run down, neglected building in Battery Park.

  When we get back from Hong Kong, I’ll warn Drake that Pete is going to try to stop the demolition. Pete can launch the attack on his own. He’s already said I don’t have to be a part of it. This isn’t me giving up who I am for Drake. It’s me fighting for what’s most important.

  I glanced down the sidewalk and realized we were just two blocks from Stacey and Oliver’s building. I looked up at Peter with a smile.

  “I think my subconscious led me exactly where I needed to be. I’m happy I ran into you, Peter.”

  “Likewise, Ms. Tyler,” he replied with a polite nod.

  “Do you have a card?” I asked. “I’d love to run into you on purpose some time.”

  “If we’re meant to talk again, fate will put us in each other’s path.” A flicker of something almost magical passed over Pete’s eyes and then he walked away, quickly getting lost with the crowd.

  That is the strangest, most fascinating man I’ve ever met.

  For a moment, I questioned whether the encounter with Peter had actually happened or taken place in my head. I shook off my doubt and made my way to Oliver and Stacey’s apartment.


  “Hey sis, what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be jetting off to the other side of the world?” Oliver teased as he led me through the hallway.

  “We’re leaving tonight. I wanted to talk to Stacey. Is she home?”

  “I’m in here,” Stacey called out from the spare bedroom. Oliver and I stepped into the room and found her packing linens. “I know we still have months before the new place is ready, but I wanted to get as much packed now while I still can,” she explained.

  “Oliver… can Stacey and I have some privacy?” I asked, my voice breaking with nerves.

  Stacey cringed while Oliver gave me a playful smile. “Ollie knows what we’ve been up to, Chelsea. I’m so sorry. I fell asleep on the couch with my laptop open. He saw the search page and figured out what we were doing.”

  My face flushed with embarrassment. I stared down at the floor, wishing I could sink into the thick cream carpet and disappear. “Please tell me you didn’t say anything to Drake,” I whispered, my words barely audible.

  “Don’t worry about it, peanut. I’d never out your little background check to Drake. In fact, I think you were smart to do it.”

  “You do?” I asked, breathing a sigh of relief. Stacey taped a box shut and set off for the kitchen. Oliver nodded as we both followed her.

  “You had doubts. Your gut said that Drake wasn’t being completely h
onest. Looking into it yourself was the logical thing to do. You feel better after getting all of the search results, don’t you?” he asked, perching on a bar stool. I took the seat beside him while Stacey put a pitcher of iced tea and empty glasses on the kitchen island.

  “Much better,” I agreed, pouring myself a glass. I took a long gulp, savoring the slightly bitter taste. “About Drake and Alex, at least.”

  “What’s bothering you now?” Oliver asked, his eyes narrowed in concern.

  “My coworkers threw me a going away party. Pete invited Drake and the moment I saw him, I was overwhelmed with panic and guilt,” I explained.

  “About The Albergo?” Stacey asked, her voice low and understanding.

  I nodded and Oliver looked back and forth at us, confusion darting across his face. “The Albergo? What the hell’s going on with The Albergo?”

  “Drake bought it to tear it down,” I told him. “I heard him tell Alex during the gala.”

  Oliver frowned and tightened his jaw. “God, Chels, I’m sorry. I’m sure that’s not what’s best for the society’s credibility.”

  “Thank you!” I exclaimed, relieved that someone finally understood my frustration. “I tried to explain that to Drake. I asked him to restore the hotel instead of knocking it down. When he wouldn’t agree, Pete and I started planning a grassroots campaign to save it. I think… I think that was a horrible mistake.”

  “Have you actually done anything?” Oliver asked. “Or have you just talked about doing something?”

  “Stacey ran a search on the building and Pete’s contacted some of his university friends. That’s it,” I replied meekly.

  “So no one has called the press? No one has filed an injunction?” he pressed.

  “Not yet. But Pete doesn’t have much of a choice, Oliver. If he sits back and lets this happen, the donors will think that we’re frauds. I wish to God Drake had told me about his plans before we held that damn fundraiser there.”

  “I’ll handle Pete,” Oliver offered. “I’m sure I can make him see reason.”

  He’s going to throw money at the problem. He’s picking up Drake’s bad habits. But in this case, maybe it’s easier to let him.


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