Not My Shifter/ Sinfully Cursed (Shifter Paradise) (Volume 1)

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Not My Shifter/ Sinfully Cursed (Shifter Paradise) (Volume 1) Page 8

by Kate Allenton

  “Devlin, care to explain to me why that Were is out of restraints? And what the hell happened to your face?”

  Parker walked up behind them. “I let him out, Chief. Devlin needed him.”

  Needles took in Devlin’s rather ragged appearance and seemed to come to a decision. “You said you needed help on this case. If your wolf is as innocent as you claim, I don’t see why he can’t help you clear his name. It’s obvious we need to worry about your safety on this case…”

  Devlin snorted. “As if that’s anything new.”

  Needles glared at her. “As I was saying, since Devlin isn’t safe working this case, she needs the backup she requested, but I don’t have anyone I can spare right now.”

  “I’ll keep her safe,” Starke vowed.

  “Starke, my office. There are some things we need to cover. Devlin, go rest or something.” Needles turned around and marched off.

  Starke settled her at her desk before following the wizard.

  Parker sat next to Devlin and took her hand. “You know I did this for your own good, right?”

  “I can take care of myself.”

  “I can see that.”

  Devlin narrowed her eyes. “Besides, I don’t want him in my life.”

  “Good. Then give him to me.”

  Devlin’s eyes widened. “What?”

  “If you don’t want that hunk of man, then give him to me.”

  Devlin studied her friend for a moment and wondered about the feelings swamping her. Was that jealousy? Why did the thought of Parker and Jameson together turn her stomach? Oh hell. She’d just thought of him as Jameson and not Starke. That couldn’t be good.

  “You want him, Devlin. Admit it.”

  “How can I possibly want a Were, Parker? You know what they’ve done to me.”

  “Yes, but those Weres paid for their crime, and Jameson seems like a nice guy. You may have just met, but he’s already very possessive of you. And while that might not always be a good thing, he seems to have the best of intentions. I think he just wants to take care of you, if you’ll let him. But, first, you have to let down your guard. You can’t shut everyone out forever.”

  Devlin didn’t want to hear what Parker was saying, wasn’t ready to face the truth. She’d taken so long building the shell around her heart she wasn’t ready to tear down that wall just yet. But, maybe… maybe Parker had a good point. Jameson was rather intense, but maybe having him focused on her wasn’t such a bad thing. Yes, she’d been irritated with him when he’d swung her up into his arms, but she’d felt something else too. She’d felt safe, protected. No one had ever made her feel that way before.

  It brought up so many questions, questions she wasn’t sure she had the answers to.

  She watched Jameson approach as he left Needles’ office, and she took a moment to admire his confident swagger. There was no telling what wisdom her boss had imparted to her mate, and yes, she had to admit that’s what he was – for now anyway. It was one thing to admit he made her feel safe, and another to decide to keep him forever. Baby steps. Parker would be delighted she’d come around this much though. Not that she was going to admit that to anyone.

  Jameson knelt at her feet. “Are you ready to go?”

  “Where, exactly, do you think we’re going? I haven’t figured out my next move yet.”

  He glanced at the clock on the wall. “Well, you want to investigate those women, right?”

  “Yeah, but…”

  “We can confront Angela at her office.”

  Devlin shook her head. “I don’t think I want to confront any of them just yet. I don’t have any evidence that they did anything.”

  Jameson waved a hand at her appearance. “And the warning you received?”

  “They couldn’t possibly know I was on to them. I’d just found out about them!”

  He tilted his head to the side and studied her. “Do you have photographs of Salazar’s gang? Because I’d be willing to bet money the men who jumped you work for him, which means they’re protecting Amber.”

  “Why Amber?”

  “Because of her connections. Salazar would do anything for her.”

  “You know an awful lot about these women, considering you’ve been avoiding them.”

  “You know what they say. Know thy enemy.”

  She snickered. “Okay, here’s the thing. Amber has ties to Salazar and his crew. Angela works for a crooked company. I think our weak link is going to be Chrissie. If we put enough pressure on her, she might roll over on the other two. At least, that’s what I’m hoping will happen. But it’s possible I have this all wrong and she’s the mastermind behind it all.”

  “So what do you want to do?”

  “I want you to let me do my job. If you’re with me, I might not get anything out of her.”

  He growled. “After this afternoon, do you honestly think I’m going to let you out of my sight? They could’ve killed you!”

  She gave him a saucy grin. “On the bright side, you’d be back on the market and available to all the ladies again.”

  “This isn’t funny, Devlin.”

  “Fine. All joking aside, I really do need to see her on my own.”


  She drummed her fingers on the desk. “This isn’t up for negotiation, Starke. If you go with me, you stay in the car. I can’t take a chance on her seeing you. If she knows you’re free, that you’re helping me, she might clam up.”

  “I don’t like it.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  He rose to his full height and stared down at her. “You’re stubborn, you know that?”

  “Get used to it.”

  Chapter Seven

  As they stood outside of Chrissie Martinez’s door, Devlin glared at Jameson. The big Were had completely ignored her when she’d told him to stay in the car, and now he hovered at her shoulder, his hand braced at her waist. She had to admit, though, it felt rather nice there. Not out loud or anything! She’d die before she told him that she liked his touch. It was hard enough admitting it to herself. But Jameson was proving himself to be different from the Weres she usually dealt with, and that was a good thing.

  Devlin rang the bell again, but still no one answered. The woman’s beat-up Honda Civic sat in the driveway, so it was likely she was home. Jameson lifted his hand to knock. His knuckles had barely touched the door before it swung open on squeaky hinges. A chill raced down Devlin’s spine. Drawing her weapon, she entered the home, Jameson at her back.

  They cleared one room after another before coming to a closed door at the end of the hall. Using her booted foot, Devlin nudged it open. After making sure the room was clear of hostiles, she lowered her weapon and studied the body on the floor. If the open suitcase on the bed was any indication, Chrissie was on her way out of town.

  “It seems she knew too much,” Devlin said. “Obviously they thought she was going to talk.”

  “On the plus side, it looks like your theory about those troublesome women was correct. There’s no way this is a coincidence.”

  Devlin prowled the area looking for clues. “I’d have to agree.”

  Jameson frowned and inhaled deeply. “I can tell you that two Weres were here, but I don’t recognize their scents.”

  Devlin studied the body. Unlike the previous two victims, Ms. Martinez seemed to have been dispatched execution style, a nice smooth slit from ear to ear, obviously done with a blade of some sort. Highly unusual for Weres, who typically used their claws, but if Jameson said he smelled Weres, she’d believe him.

  A cordless phone and answering machine were beside the bed, the message light blinking. Hoping for another clue, Devlin hit play and listened to the messages, three in total. It was the last one that held her attention.

  Chrissie, this is your mother. I’ve thought about what you told me, about the trouble those girls have gotten you into. I know you said you were leaving town, and I’ve discussed it with your father. If you want to come home, you c
an. Call me when you get this.

  Well, it wasn’t a smoking gun, but it did lend credence to Devlin’s suspicions. If only they had more proof, some reason to arrest those other women. And who had killed the Martinez woman? There were too many pawns in play, and Devlin was starting to feel as if she’d never solve the case. She had until only the end of tomorrow to make her arrest. After that she didn’t know what would happen. She’d lose her badge for sure, but what would happen to Jameson? Sure, she’d cleared him of the second murder, and it was obvious he hadn’t committed this one, but that first one was still a mystery.

  “I’ll scroll through the phone and see if I can figure out which number is her parents’. Start looking for clues so we can figure out who did this,” Devlin said.

  “I’ll check the living room.”

  Devlin nodded and, against her will, watched his fine ass walk out of the room. She just couldn’t seem to help herself. What was it about the man that drew her to him? Even when she’d just seen him across the parking lot of O’Leary’s, she’d wanted to plaster herself to the front of him and beg him to do naughty, naughty things to her. Of course, that was before she found out he was a Were, and a murder suspect. Now she knew he was innocent, or was pretty certain. As for him being a Were, it wasn’t really bothering her as much as it should have. Did that have to do with the whole mate thing?

  She turned her attention back to the bedroom. With the exception of the unmade bed and the dead body on the floor, the room was tidy. Just like the other crime scenes, there appeared to be no clues. She’d give herself and Jameson a few more minutes, and then she’d have to call it in. If they couldn’t find anything, maybe the lab geeks could. Deciding the bedroom was a bust, she ambled down the hallway in search of Jameson. He was digging things out of the trashcan near a small scarred desk in the corner of the living room.

  “Find something?” she asked.

  “Maybe. There’s a start to a letter here, several starts in fact, where it looks like she wants to confess something, But she never got around to saying what it is. She starts the letter off as ‘Dear M, I’ve done something horrible.’ M could be anybody.”

  Devlin frowned. “I’m tired of getting partial clues, little hints that don’t go anywhere. We don’t have time for this.”

  “I don’t think we’re going to find anything here.”

  She pulled her phone out and called P.F.P.D. dispatch. “Barbara, I’m going to need a crew to come out to 3346 Azalea Lane. There’s been a murder.”

  “I’ll send someone out right away, Devlin. They should be there in about fifteen minutes, give or take a few,” Barbara said.

  “Thanks.” Devlin disconnected the call.

  “I take it we’re waiting,” Jameson said.

  “Yeah. Barbara didn’t think it would take them long.”

  Jameson moved closer and reached a hand up to her cheek, gently caressing the battered skin. “Promise me that after your lab geeks get here, you’ll take a break. You need to be in bed resting.”

  “I’ll rest after I catch the murderer.”

  She felt a strange flutter in her stomach. The smug Jameson who liked to flirt she could handle, but this kinder, gentler version was doing strange things to her. She’d never had a man be gentle with her before and wasn’t sure how to handle it. Part of her wanted to snap at him and push him away, making sure he kept a safe distance. But there was a small part of her that wondered about that tenderness. What would it be like to have that tenderness, that gentle touch, while they were in bed together? Everything was always fast and hard with her bed partners, but something told her it could be different with Jameson.

  Did she want it to be? She’d always prided herself on not needing anyone, being tough, distant, and in control. With Jameson, she felt that control slipping. He got under her skin unlike anyone else. Devlin wondered if she should be worried about her reaction to him, but she pondered Parker’s words. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to let down her guard, at least a little. Maybe her friend was right and it was past time she let someone in.

  “I tell you what,” she said, her voice sounding husky even to her own ears. “After we catch the person responsible for the murders, I’ll let you put me to bed and watch over me. How’s that sound?”

  He moved even closer, the heat of his body enveloping her. “And will you let me do more than that, if I’m careful not to hurt you?”

  Would she? Did she want to take that step with him? She’d learned enough about shapeshifters, Weres, and other paranormals to know that if she and Jameson slept together after being marked that the bond would be solidified, regardless of her human status, and any hope she might’ve held of having the mating dissolved would be gone forever. Could she live with that, with him? Would one moment of passion be worth it? For that matter, would one time be enough? Already she craved him more than she’d ever wanted anyone before. As much as she hated to admit it, he was in her thoughts more than he should be, and not in a suspect kind of way. No, she definitely thought of him as a man. A hunky man who made her panties wet.

  Looking into his eyes, she knew the answer. Whether she wanted to accept it or not was something else entirely. The look in his eyes told her that on some level he cared about her. Even if they had just met, it didn’t matter to him. As far as the Were was concerned, she was his mate, his other half, and that was reason enough to watch over her, take care of her, make her feel things she never thought she’d ever feel.

  “It’s an easy enough question to answer, Devlin. Do you want me?”

  She swallowed hard and realized she had to be honest with both him and herself. If things were going to work between them, and she had to admit the idea was tempting, then she had to admit that she wanted him, that she desired him.

  “Yes. Yes, I want you.”

  He gave her a slow, sexy, knee-weakening smile. “Then let’s get this investigation wrapped up so I can take you home and see if you taste half as good as you look.”

  Devlin felt heat curl low in her belly at the image he’d firmly planted in her head. Her gaze scanned him from head to toe, and she had to wonder just how good he’d taste too. Better yet, how would he feel? She knew from the feel of him pressed against her earlier that he was not a small man, and now that she was coming to grips with the idea of being mated to him, well, sort of, she found she was tempted to take him for a test drive. All that muscle, that power, lying under her as she took him for a wild ride. Or maybe he’d be the one to take her for a ride.

  “Does that look in your eyes mean you’re ready to stop running?” Jameson asked.

  “I won’t lie. It’s tempting. You’re tempting. But… the question is, are you ready to catch me? As you’ve seen, I can be rather prickly. I tend to take charge and run roughshod over people, and I’m definitely not a morning person.”

  He laughed. “Good to know. I still think I can handle you.”

  Jameson moved closer, his body brushing against hers as he tucked a wayward strand of hair behind her ear. “And, I must admit, I’m more than a little anxious to get my hands on you. On all of you.”

  She watched his head lower and wondered, what could it hurt? She couldn’t remember the last time she’d had a real kiss, not just a way to get into her pants, but a kiss from someone who actually wanted to spend time with her. Okay, so yeah, Jameson wanted in her pants, but it was more than that, and she knew it. Did she believe in love at first sight? No. But she did believe in lust at first sight, and she definitely had that with Jameson. She couldn’t deny that she’d wanted him since the moment she’d first seen him, and the attraction seemed to be growing.

  Devlin closed her eyes a moment before his lips touched hers. They were firm and soft against hers. His tongue laved her bottom lip, and she opened, allowing him to sweep inside, the taste of him filling her, consuming her, leaving her breathless and wanting more. Each stroke of his tongue against hers left her weak in the knees, her hands clinging to his biceps, feeling the muscles
flex under her fingertips. Jameson grabbed a handful of hair as he ravaged her mouth, showing her who was the dominant one in their relationship, and she found herself eager to submit to him. Her sex throbbed, aching to be filled by him and only him. As he claimed her with his masterful mouth, she realized no other man would ever compare to Jameson Starke. The thought scared her enough to make her pull back, but he wasn’t having any of it, tugging her even closer. She tightened her grip, not sure if she was going to push him away or pull him closer. Her nipples had hardened and now chaffed against the inside of her top. The slide of the knit fabric was its own form of torture.

  A car door slammed outside, and Jameson pulled back. His heavy-lidded gaze was intense as he looked down at her, and she fought the urge to rub her legs together to ease the ache he’d created between them, an ache that wouldn’t go away until he’d stripped her bare and filled her completely. The jiggle of the door handle brought her crashing back to reality. They were at a crime scene, and the lab guys were on the other side of that door! If Jameson hadn’t pulled back when he had, what would they have found? She’d been out of control, unable to stop herself from latching onto him, devouring him whole.

  She put a little space between them just as the door opened. Bosworth and his crew spilled through the door, cracking jokes and lugging their equipment inside. He flicked his head to the side, slinging his too-long sandy bangs out of his blue eyes. When he saw her, his grin widened.

  “Well, look what the cat dragged in.”

  Jameson growled, obviously not liking the cat comment after dealing with both Reyes and Alejandro.

  “Barbara didn’t say who was in charge of the crime scene, just to get our asses over here,” Hank Bosworth said. “Been a while since I’ve worked with you, Devlin. Who’s your new partner?”

  “I’m not her partner. I’m her mate,” Jameson said, his tone a clear challenge.

  Bosworth held up his hands. “Hey, man, no offense. I didn’t realize the Devil of the P.I.T.S. had finally settled down.”

  Devlin rolled her eyes. “That name got old the first time you used it. And I don’t know if ‘settled’ is the word I’d use. This is kind of a new thing.”


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