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Call My Bluff

Page 3

by Elizabeth Knox

  We take a seat at the quiet end of the bar and I order my usual scotch while she opts for a sangria. “Okay, what’s going on? You’re going a bit pale.”

  Abbey and I have kept in contact over the years. I wasn’t sure why at first, but after a while it seemed pretty simple. She was the only one who knew what it felt like to hurt in the way I did. “I found her,”

  “Who?” She asks, narrowing her eyes in confusion.

  One word should be enough, so I repeat myself. “Her, Abbey. She’s back.”

  I watch as her dark gray eyes widen. Now she understands me. “How? When? Do you know why?”

  “I can only assume she’s back to pull the same thing she did on me. I found out yesterday and I believe she hasn’t been back for long. But she looks different. Here,” I pull my cell from my pocket and open the email Heidi sent me with her photograph.

  “Is that supposed to be Charli?” She questions.

  I nod, “Her name is Lola Wynn, but who knows what she’s being called these days. I ran into her tonight.”

  “What!?” Abbey’s mouth drops open and she immediately flags down the bartender. “Please get us another round of drinks, stat. A double shot of Don Julio too, please.”

  For once I’m not annoyed she ordered another round of drinks. It’ll lessen the blow this news is going to have on both of us because I can guarantee it hasn’t sunk in yet. “She was at the party with Alec Rosseau.”

  “Doing what exactly?”

  “I’m guessing going after her next mark. She left the party and I followed her until I met you outside.”

  “You lost her, didn’t you?”

  “Gee, way to sound optimistic.” I joke, picking up my scotch I finish it off.

  “Holy shit. I can’t believe she’s back. It’s been so long. Just wait until I see her again, I can’t wait to slap her silly.” Abbey admits, handing my cell back over to me.

  “Speaking of it being so long and all. Have you gone out to his clubhouse yet?” Abbey recently told me her backstory a few months back. She was split up from her older brother when they were teenagers. Her grandmother ended up taking her in, but since her older brother had a different father she didn’t offer him a place to stay. So, the foster system took him in. After that they never saw one another again.

  Heidi had a friend of hers she connected me with. Her name is Isabelle and she specializes in finding long lost family members. Within a week I had a location on Dixon’s whereabouts and told Abbey. I may have been grilling her ever since on why she hasn’t gone to pay a visit to her brother.

  “No, I haven’t. It’s just . . . where do I even start, Dec?” Here she goes calling me by my nickname. It’s how I know shit is getting deep and personal.

  “You don’t. You just start somewhere and hope it works out for the best.”

  “Way to boost my confidence,” Abbey grumbles.

  “Listen, kid. If I had any siblings, I would make it my job to reconnect with them. Your brother is the only other person on this planet who understands what you’ve been through. Sure, it’s been a hell of a long time, but . . . none of it will matter when he sees your face again. The only thing that will is the fact you’re both okay.”

  Abbey’s bottom lip begins to shake, “Dammit. Why do you have to pull at my heartstrings like that?”

  “‘Cause seeing you cry is like getting high.”

  Abbey smacks me on the arm, “Oh stop it. You’re an amazing friend and I love you.”

  Wiggling my eyebrows I decide to get cocky with her, “You love me, eh?”

  “Not like that. Only in your wildest dreams would it ever happen.”

  If there’s one thing I’m grateful for when it comes to going through what I did all that time ago, it’s the friendship with Abbey. If I ever had a little sister, I hope she would’ve been like her. What’s that saying? Family isn’t by blood, but who you make it. Yeah, or it’s something similar to that. Abbey just shows me how true statements like that can be.

  Chapter Five

  Loneliness is dangerous. It’s addictions. Once you see how peaceful it is, you don’t want to deal with people.

  ~ Unknown


  I ended up galivanting across town, at one point taking my shoes off and ran as fast as I could to escape from Declan. I know it isn’t possible he knew who I was, but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t freaked out. How is it possible the one man I’ve wronged in this city knew exactly where I’d be?

  As soon as I was out of sight, I cut up the next street and across, heading back to the party I just fled. I pulled my phone from my small purse as I was rounding the block, almost back at the bar/coffee shop gallery and run straight into my mark— literally.

  Stumbling, I try to gather myself quickly, but Alec grabs my arm and gravity pulls me down with Alec. Somehow, he topples over me. Luckily, his hands break his fall, but I’ve already hit the cement with a thud. “God, are you alright?”

  “I was until I ran into you,” I groan, closing my eyes. I put my hands on the back of my head where it throbs from the impact.

  Alec scoffs, “Please don’t act like that was my fault. You were the one recklessly staring at your phone like one of those stuck-up millennials.”

  Immediately I open my eyes at his tone, “Seriously? If it wasn’t for you clawing at my arm like a feral cat, I would’ve been fine.”

  “Fine, huh?” He grumbles, glaring at me.

  “Yes. I would’ve been fine!” I hiss, placing my arms underneath me I push myself up and stand. A gush of wind makes me realize during my tumble I ripped my dress and there’s a high slit on my right side. Well, this went from sexy to huntress on the prowl really quick.

  “Why did you run out of the mixer so quickly anyway?”

  I suck in a deep breath, blink a couple times as I think about what to say. For the first time ever since starting this job, I decide to be honest. “I saw someone I wasn’t expecting to and decided to get out of there.”

  Alec furrows his brows together, “What do you mean by that? Like an ex? Someone who hurt you?”

  I put my hands up, immediately diffusing the situation. “No, he never hurt me. It was quite the opposite. I hurt him. Long story short, it was a bad breakup and I just . . . Shit, the thought of being in a room with him was suffocating me. I needed to get out.”

  “Understandable,” Alec murmurs, somehow finding a way to relate with me. Alec places his hand on my shoulder and turns me toward the streetlight since it’s dark out now. He makes a very displeased sound. “I think you need to go see a doctor.”

  “Why, am I bleeding?” God, I really hope not.

  “No, thank goodness. I can’t stand the sight of blood.”

  “And most of your paintings have crimson red as the feature color. Ironic, don’t you think?” I laugh.

  After I read through his binder, I looked up every piece of art of his I could on the internet. He has a connection to the color. It’s obvious in the amount of red he uses in his work. Alec’s expression changes from concerned to impressed. “You must really be a fan of mine if you know that about my work.”

  “Not necessarily. However, I do prefer your style. You somehow have a way of creating artwork that could fit in every atmosphere.”

  He bows his head and smirks, “Thank you, Tamara. I really appreciate your kind words. Listen, I . . . I’m not normally so straightforward, however I’d love to take you out for dinner later this week perhaps. As long as you feel up to it. You should really have a few days to rest. But, if you don’t mind, could you put your number in my phone.” He’s already dipped his hand into his pocket and hands me his cell.

  Bingo, this wasn’t so hard.

  I input my cell number into his phone and save it under the contacts and hand it back to him. “I look forward to hearing from you,” I use every bit of charm I learned from Father to make him believe seeing him in a few days is going to be my highlight of the week. I blink a couple times and look down at t
he ground, smiling sweetly before I see Fleur walking out of the venue where the mixer was held.

  “There she is!” I hear Fleur tell Nadia.

  Alec looks behind him for a split second and returns his attention back to me. “You know them?”

  Nodding, “Yes, they’re my sisters.”

  He furrows his brows, doing a double take as he looks behind him and back to me. “Sisters? Uh, you all look so different.”

  “We have different mothers but the same father.”

  “Ah I see,” Alec smirks, turning around as Fleur approaches. “Your sister Tamara here took a nasty tumble. Will you see to it she rests for the next couple days? I’m not a doctor, although I imagine she has a concussion. I’m Alec by the way, and you are?”

  Fleur looks concerned and fakes a smile, “I’m Ashlynn, and this here is Priyanka. Thank you so much for looking after our sister. We were so worried about her.”

  Alec smiles softly, “Yes, well, I’ll be on my way. Have a wonderful evening ladies and I’ll see you in a few days, Tamara.” Alec walks in the direction he was going when we stumbled into one another and I’m just thinking how the hell I’m going to tell them Declan was at the mixer.

  Chapter Six

  I know I have to be careful because there is something self-destructive within me

  ~ Unknown


  Nadia drove my Lexus back to the apartment and I took shotgun. Fleur was in the back scrolling around on her phone and we didn’t speak until we made it back safely inside. “What in the world caused you to run out like that?” Nadia asks, both judgement and annoyance evident in her tone. She walks around the island and goes to the wine fridge, pouring herself a glass.

  “I saw someone there.” I coolly state, hoping my heart won’t begin racing like it did when I noticed him ogling me from the corner. Or at least I thought he was admiring me at first. Though, I quickly saw his glare and I truly felt like he knew who I was. There’s no way he could’ve though, right?

  “We saw lots of people tonight,” Fleur points out, taking a seat on the barstool beside me.

  Nadia on the other hand looks like she could reach across the island and slap me. “It’s not like you to do something so careless. Who was it?”

  I blink once and feel my expression falter, looking right at her. “Who do you think would rattle me enough to have me running?”

  Nadia takes a few moments. “There’s only one person I can think of, but he doesn’t know you’re back in town, and there’s no way he would be able to spot you. You look so different.”

  “Who?” Fleur asks, shifting her gaze between the two of us.

  Nadia picks up her glass of wine and huffs, “Declan O’Hare. Lola’s biggest mark ever, who happens to live in this city.”

  Fleur sets her hand on my forearm, giving me a reassuring squeeze. “Sweetheart, there’s no way he’d be able to recognize you.”

  I know I should have my sense about me, but in my gut I felt the anger in his gaze. It burned hotter than a thousand daggers piercing my flesh. Shaking my head, I’m honest with the girls. “I thought that at first too, but . . . the way his eyes kept sticking to me. It wasn’t right. He looked like a man on a mission.”

  “Ironic, no?” Nadia chuckles, leaning against the white marble countertops.

  “I’m sure you’re over-analyzing it,” Fleur speaks up, sticking with Nadia in her attempt to calm me down.

  “Why would a man continue to follow me for blocks? If I was just some beautiful woman he was trying to pick up he wouldn’t have followed me that long. He wouldn’t have. I know Declan. He’s not that type of aggressive man.”

  Nadia narrows her eyes, “You knew him ten years ago. A lot of time has passed and he could’ve turned into an entirely different person now, Lola.”

  “Yeah, he may enjoy the chase these days.” Fleur adds.

  I know they’re trying to help me relax about it, but it doesn’t sit right with me. Something isn’t the way it should be and I can’t put my finger on it yet, but I will soon.

  I have two options right now. I can either give up and accept what Nadia and Fleur are trying to tell me. Or, I can do a little digging into what Declan’s been up to the last few years. I’m sure there will be something I find that I don’t like when I do. But as I start making my plan inside my head something else hits me.

  “Ladies,” I start off, sucking in a deep breath. Both of the girls look directly at me. “When have you ever known Father to send the same person to a city where they’ve already pulled off a large heist?”

  Nadia sips on her wine, sits it on the counter and responds, “He doesn’t. It’s against protocol.”

  Exactly. It’s against protocol and yet he’s treating me differently. He’s sending me back here . . . putting me in a situation where I could be made.

  Fleur clears her throat, “Whoa. Suddenly the air in here got a little heavier. It makes sense why he’d send us, considering we’ve never been to Las Vegas in this capacity before. But Lola, you. It doesn’t make sense. Why would he do that?”

  Nadia puts her hands up, silencing both of us. “Calm down ladies before you get your panties in a twist. Lola had a little bit of work done. He might think that no one will recognize her because of it. That and combined with his faith in you from the last time you were here, he probably wants you to run lead on this assignment because of your success in your heists.”

  Nadia normally isn’t so supportive, but she’s so to the book. She knows the first moment someone in your team starts getting spooked it’ll effect the overall mission. “You’re only saying that because you don’t want him to send the Dealer after us.”

  Fleur immediately gets a chill and shivers, “Jesus. Do we have to talk about her? No one wants to be reminded of the Death Dealer.”

  The Death Dealer is a woman on Father’s payroll who goes after those who can’t get a job done. She also hunts down runners, and people who he believes may flip on the organization.

  “I’m not wrong to attempt and ease your worries. You know as well as I if you get freaked out too badly you could ruin this for the rest of us, getting Fleur and I killed in the process.” Nadia defends herself.

  “Great, so appease me and let me do some digging into Declan the last few years. Fleur, can I have you try to hack into his emails and see what you can find? Meanwhile, I’ll do a search on his social presence, personal records and everything else I can get ahold of.”

  Fleur giggles, “Digging through a man’s emails is one of my favorite things to do. You never know how much filthy stuff comes up. It gives me the biggest lady boner.”

  Taking me by surprise, I burst out into laughter and Nadia joins me before she grows quiet. “Alright. Where can I help? We’ll look into him for the next two days and if nothing alarming pops up we’re going to let it go. Does everyone agree?”

  I nod, “Sounds great to me.”

  “What about when Father calls for his update? What will we tell him?” Fleur asks.

  He has check ins periodically when his people go on new missions. It’s his way to make sure we’re not made and that everything is going according to plan. “We’ll tell him we’re doing research on Alec and Lola has a date planned with him later this week. Everything is going well, and we’re doing great.” Nadia suggests.

  “Great. I’m going to go get changed and lay down. My head is killing me.” I state, now realizing just how bad my head’s been throbbing since I fell.

  “Alright, but if you need anything let us know. Alright?” Nadia says.

  “You got it.” I murmur back, walking over to my bedroom I immediately shut the door and head into the bathroom, stripping my clothes along the way. When I’m inside I flip the light switch and my eyes fall on the tattoo I have below my collarbone. The tattoo I got with Declan the night he and Charli were engaged.



  He does know, and there’s no way I can convince myself otherwise

  Chapter Seven

  I desire the things which will destroy me in the end

  ~ Sylvia Plath


  Turning my wrist toward me, I look at the time and realize Jojo and Heidi are late. Jojo is Heidi’s business partner at her private investigator firm and they both wanted to meet with me in person to let me know everything about Lola Wynn.

  Normally, I wouldn’t entertain the idea. My schedule is jam packed because my business is busier than ever. Although, I’ve waited long enough to get the news I deserve. My associates at my company can handle them and relay to them I’ve taken a personal day to handle some family issues.

  I fell in love with Charli, but I don’t know anything about Lola Wynn except her name. When I saw her the other night I was so angry. I thought about wrapping my hands around her neck, pinning her down to the ground and screaming out every bit of rage I’ve kept bottled up for all this time. It seemed like it was a good plan at first, but it won’t do anything to make up for the pain she caused.

  At this point Jojo and Heidi are fifteen minutes late, which is pissing me off. It’s one thing to request a meeting, but if you’re going to be tardy at least give someone the courtesy of letting them know.

  Picking up my mug, I take a sip of the hot Colombian coffee this specific shop carries. Out of all the shops in Las Vegas this is the only one who carries this brand. It’s strong, possibly strong enough to wake the dead.

  The bell which hangs from the handle of the front door rings, causing me to turn my attention. I see Heidi and Jojo walking up to me. Jojo gives me an apologetic look, but Heidi could give two fucks. She’s always been like that, but she does a damn good job.


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