Green Nazis in Space: New Essays in Literature, Art, and Culture

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Green Nazis in Space: New Essays in Literature, Art, and Culture Page 20

by James O'Meara


  At the beginning of the MST3k version of Devil Doll, the possessed dummy, seated in the back of a London taxi, gloats, “I’m driving . . . with my mind!”


  See Maya D’Oust and Adam Parfrey, The Secret Source (Port Townsend, Wash.: Feral House, 2012).


  See Evola, The Hermetic Tradition: Symbols and Teachings of the Royal Art, trans. E. E. Rehmus (Rochester, Vt.: Inner Traditions, 1995), ch. 1.


  It’s hard to tell if any of the countless aliens are female, though Tomar-Re seemed androgynous enough to remind one of Michael Manning; see my “The Hermetic Environment and Hermetic Incest: The True Androgyne and the ‘Ambiguous Wisdom of the Female’,”


  And why don’t they recognize Parallax’s name in the first place, and? . . . It’s just a movie, I should really just relax.


  At times I thought I had fallen asleep and woken up to a repeat of Spawn, “in which a vengeful mutant roams the Earth accompanied by an insane farting clown from hell.—“Review: Fascist ‘Starship’ troops lacking in irony” by Paul Tatara, November 11, 1997, http://


  Wallace, op. cit., p. 38.


  Wallace, op. cit., p. 43.


  “Feets don’t fail me now” etc. The post-9/11 behavior of the crowds is decidedly odd; when Parallax hovers above the city, blotting out the sky, they just wander about, “Hey, looky there” and all; only when the buildings start to fall do they reach the level of panic any Tokyo crowd would have exhibited in a classic Godzilla movie right from the start. Poor direction or a comment on our narcotized masses?


  Played by an unrecognizable Tim Roth, who seems to be channeling Greg Kinnear’s super-douchebag from Mystery Men, an earlier Judaic belittling of the Hero myth.


  Text obtained from

  Woman-Haters_Club. This 1994 movie recycles plot elements from the original Our Gang/Little Rascals shorts.


  Bosley Crother, Hollywood Raja: The Life and Times of Louis B. Mayer (New York: Henry Holt, 1960), p. 239.


  See the various True Right cultural figures designated as Wild Boys in The Homo & the Negro (San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2012) and The Eldritch Evola . . . & Others (San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2014) as well as my occasional blog, Where the Wild Boys Are. On the Männerbund in general see the work of Wulf Grimsson, as well as my “A Band Apart: Wulf Grimsson’s Loki’s Way: The Path of the Sorcerer in the Age of Iron” in The Homo & the Negro.


  Although, as we’ll see, some of the figures to be discussed here, such as Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard, are already of interest on the Right. See the works cited in note 3 above, as well as Jonathan Bowden, “Robert E. Howard and the Heroic” ( and Kerry Bolton’s Artists of the Right (San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2012).


  Or, failing to rise to the level of “the seriousness of the Concept,” as Hegel would say; see G. W. F. Hegel, Hegel: Texts and Commentary, trans. and ed. Walter Kaufmann (Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor Books, 1966), p. 8.


  See Matt Parrott’s “Ten Reasons for White Nationalists to Cheer Up” (; #7 calls conservatives “yesterday’s liberals.”


  Defined by Larry Auster thus: “In my understanding, Paul Kersey’s term ‘Black-Run America’ obviously does not mean that America is literally run by blacks. It means that with regard to issues touching on black interests, black self-esteem, black advancement, the truth about black intelligence, the reporting of black crime and so on, the country is, to a very large extent, run for the benefit of blacks. Not totally, not in every instance, of course not. But the bias favoring blacks is systematic and overwhelming. Thus, to take one example out of thousands, when McCain in 2008 prohibited Republican criticism of Obama over his twenty-year membership in Rev. Wright’s anti-white anti-American church that was Black-Run America at work.” (http://www.


  “Indeed, setting the clock back is never something to be desired—it would merely cause us to repeat events and end up back where we are now. The idea held by some that we can ‘return to a Christian Europe/America/Canada/West’ is unlikely even those few times when it is correctly understood and not born of a fundamentalism that takes as its standard the crassest and most base forms of the religion, many of which do not remotely resemble the faith which animated the old world.” “Eyes Fixed on Eternity: The True Right,” This inability to rise above history to new levels, but instead only repeating the same cycle over and over, is a product of the same metaphysical blindness—a defining characteristic of modernity—that leads to such absurd ideas as literal reincarnation, offered as a “superior” concept to the admittedly historicist idea of Christian one-time salvation.


  A related case, the need for Bible-thumping Christians to find some differences between the Talmud and the Old Testament, so as to privilege the latter over the former, and continue their judeophilia. See, most recently, Michael Hoffman’s “Is the Talmud the Direct Descendent of the Old Testament?,”

  2014/02/is-talmud-direct-descendant-of-old.html; “One of the most virulent hoaxes of history is the one put forth by Douglas Reed, and before him, the Nazi leadership, that rabbinic Judaism is an Old Testament religion. It is in fact the quintessential anti-Old Testament religion.” Here anti-Talmudist Hoffman joins hands with the ADL and denounces those crazy, irrational, other Jew-haters. It’s like SNL’s shyster Nathan Thurm; “not just different, but so different, it’s funny to me that you would think. . . . Is it me, or is it him? It’s him, right?”


  See note 2 above.


  As the screenwriter of Kiss Me Deadly put it, “I wrote it fast because I had contempt for it. It was automatic writing. Things were in the air and I put them in it.” On the far from intended results, see my “Mike Hammer, Occult Dick” in The Eldritch Evola.


  “Out Our Way: Teenagers Before Girl-Craziness” (http://

  before-girl.html) at the author’s blog Boomer Beefcake and Bonding, January 11, 2013.


  Review by Jay Mechling in Thymos, vol. 2, no. 1. Speaking of summaries, Dennis provides a quashed-down version of the book here: “Love Laughs at Andy Hardy: The Rise of the Heterosexual Male Teenager” (GendersOnline, issue 41, 2005).


  Four-eyed, fat, and girl-crazy; sounds like the average denizen of the Man-o-sphere!


  Or even Conan the Barbarian, at least in the one, early story set in his adolescence, “The Tower of the Elephant.” In light of what we’ll be discussing, it’s interesting that the supposedly “complete” Kindle collection I had omits the story, and it took quite a while to locate a collection that did include it: Conan the barbarian [sic] Twenty Stories (Seng Book [sic]), which also includes Kipling’s The Jungle Book, featuring his own Adventure Boy, Mowgli.


  See, for example, the recently republished The Revolt Against Civilization by Lothrop Stoddard, Introduction by Kevin MacDonald (Abergele, UK: Wermod & Wermod, 2011); and The Passing of the Great Race by Madison Grant, Introduction by Jared Taylor (Abergele, UK: The Palingenesis Project, 2012


  Unlike the generational relations of the Boy Next Door, in gangs “only peers can experience homoromance” (p. 46). These are the peer-relations among warriors such as Achilles and Patroclus.


  The idea that only ideologies manipulating us for Someone’s profit can explain things is the sort of idea that could only explain, or occur to, modern man. Cut off from the Principles of Tradition, he is on the one hand literally formless of personality, subject to the whims of politicians or merchants, and on the other hand concerned solely with not merely his own benefit, but that only conceived in its lowest terms: money and copulation. See “Homo Modernus, Evolian-Gomezian Portrait of Modern Man” by Mark Rostkowski in Aristokratia II, 23–39.


  See James Neill’s The Origins and Role of Same-Sex Relations in Human Societies (Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 2011) and my A Review of James Neill’s “The Origins and Role of Same-Sex Relations in Human Societies” ( Kindle Single, 2013).


  See Behind the Veil of Vice: The Business and Culture of Sex in the Middle East (New York: Palgrave, 2010).


  Michael Davidson was quite prescient to use the Persian term “purdah” to describe the fact (not, pace Dennis, the “ideological construct”) that “most boys, during the two or three years after puberty, don’t want to have girls.” See his memoir Some Boys (London: Gay Men’s Press, 1988).


  See our own discussion of homosexuality in Traditional societies, using the work of Alain Daniélou, John R. Bradley, and others, in “Tradition, ‘Traditionalism,’ and Really Existing Homosexuality” in The Homo & the Negro.


  See Evelyn Waugh, Brideshead Revisited: The Sacred and Profane Memories of Captain Charles Ryder (1945), ch. 1, “Et in Arcadia Ego.”


  “[A man who] used to be considered merely a little “odd” by his contemporaries, and avoided or tolerantly humored (unless, that is, he incurred the righteous wrath of the Church, in which case things could be made very hot for him) he is today declared by modern Freudianism to be mentally ill and unfit for the ancient protections of law; and this is surely indicative of the ‘progress’ we have made in a thousand years.”—“Introduction” by Revilo Oliver to Yockey’s Imperium.


  See my “The Babysitting Bachelor as Aryan Avatar: Clifton Webb in Sitting Pretty,”


  The persistence of the myth that “fags can’t/won’t fight” shows the remarkable hold of ideology in the face of overwhelming evidence, from Alcibiades to Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich. Putin wishes he had Duke Sergei at his side today, and Americans, who haven’t won a real war since 1945, might consider the career of English couturier, war hero, and dandy Bunny Roger, the inventor of Capri pants who, replying to a sergeant’s question regarding approaching Germans, advised “When in doubt, powder heavily.” See Trevelyan, Raleigh, “Obituary: Bunny Roger,” The Independent (May 14, 1997); and for more of Bunny’s wartime bons mots, see “Wild Boys vs. ‘Hard men’” in The Homo & the Negro.


  As Dennis correctly points out, homophobia only exists once “The Homosexual” has been identified; as my own philosophy mentor would say, they are a “dialectic couplet,” each requiring and implying the other—“The two terms of an opposition have no meaning apart from one another” (René Guénon, The Crisis of the Modern World [Ghent, NY: Sophia Perennis, 2001], p. 9). Thus, as Bradley observes, in the Arab world an occasional male might continue his youthful habits but, as long as he is discreet and married, this is seen as a harmless foible; homophobia only arises where the Western world has introduced its Freudian fallacies, so that the secular regard him as “sick” and the fundamentalists as “Western.” This accounts for the shock, outrage and amusement directed by PC Liberals against Pres. Imadinnerjacket for his naively honest remark that “There are no homosexuals in Iran” and hence, no problem with “oppression.” And yes, I know Iranians are Persians.


  The Enemy of Europe by Francis Parker Yockey, “Introductory Note.”


  Another notable instance of the Männerbund in supposedly “popular” media, of course.


  As we’ve seen, it’s all about ending the “isolation” of boys, and of the nation at large.


  The latter reminds me of that other epic girl-hater, Clifton Webb, who played the time-managing father in Cheaper by the Dozen; we analyzed his today-inexplicable box office appeal in “The Babysitting Bachelor as Aryan Avatar,” op. cit.


  According to IMDb, the plot keywords are: “male in shower,” “jealousy,” “coming home,” “brother,” and “sister.” What is this, Tennessee Williams?


  Oddly enough, the 1963 Twilight Zone episode of the same title, by Richard Matheson, reverses the process: a newlywed husband visits his late mother’s house which he is reluctant to get rid of; she reappears and he becomes a child again, telling his wife to “Go away, lady—we don’t need you anymore.”


  “How does that coincide with your post-war Commie conspiracy, huh? It’s incredibly obvious, isn’t it?” says General Ripper, who seems to be having a bit of a bromance with Group Capt. Mandrake; see my “From Odd John to Strange Love,” below.


  “But since the Second World War, the Jewish element of subversion has become hegemonic.” Greg Johnson, New Right vs. Old Right & Other Essays (San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2013), p. 43.


  The Proclamation of London of the European Liberation Front, 3rd ed. (Nordland Press, 1972), II.2.


  Dennis, “Love Laughs at Andy Hardy,” p. 7.


  Dennis notes but makes nothing of the way “inversion” is coded to the “bad” half of various polarities—White/dark, West/East, etc., including Allied/Axis. To this day the PC Left delights in imagining National Socialists as fags, while the notion reached its post-War peak in The Pink Swastika, a delirious work whose Evangelical authors imagine every German of note from the Teutonic Knights to Krautrock as a bunch of what Sgt. Bat Guano would call “deviated preverts.” Perhaps it reached bottom when the creators of Bottom, Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmonson, guested on the “Private Plane” episode of Blackadder Goes Forth, which anachronistically projects the trope onto the Great War. Mayall portrays Squadron Commander the Lord Flashheart, whose name alone suggests boys’ books like Biggles, but who is portrayed in proper WWII fashion as a maniacal skirt-chaser; Edmondson is his equally blond but rather epicene rival, Baron von Richthoven. When they meet in Richthoven’s castle dungeon, and Richthoven begins bloviating about honor, combat, brotherhood of arms, etc., Flashheart blithely shoots him dead, with a disgusted “What a poof!” As Blackadder sums it up, “Dress it up in any amount of pompous verbal diarrhea, and the message is ‘Squareheads down for the big Boche gang-bang.’”


  Mad Men, Season 1, “Nixon vs. Kennedy.”


  Neill, op. cit., loc. 1199–1208.


  This was the insight of Hans Blüher, Hirschfeld’s rival and, appropriately enough, the chief modern theoretician of the Männerbund and its contemporary appearances such as the Wandervogel movement and the Boy Scouts. Contrary to Freud, Blüher posited Eros as an undifferentiated prior energy, which when manifested is always already culturally differentiated. “Whenever sexuality makes itself noticed in man it has already been taken up into the workings of Eros and thereby acquired a meaning.”

  One sees here yet another way the War proved useful to Judaic interests, burying the work of Blüher and the other Stirnerite “Masculinists
” and spreading the pseudo-sciences of such “exiles” as Freud and the Frankfurt School. See Alisdair Clarke: “Hans Blüher and the Wandervogel, talk from sixth New Right meeting in London, February 2006” (http://aryanfuturism.

  bluher -and-wandervogel.html); and generally, Homosexuality and Male Bonding in Pre-Nazi Germany: The Youth Movement, the Gay Movement, and Male Bonding before Hitler’s Rise, ed. Hubert Kennedy (New York: Routledge, 1992).


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