Scrooged by the Biker

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Scrooged by the Biker Page 2

by McKenna Rogue

  “I’m just repeating your words. Trust me, I don’t think of you as a twelve-year-old.”

  “Then what do you think of me as?”

  Charlie’s blue eyes twinkled, his mouth was curved in a smile, but he seemed almost sad.

  “Tell you what. Get through this thing with your dad. Stop acting like the ship is sinking and come talk to me if you still feel this way.”

  “Charlie, you’ve been on my Christmas list since high school when you kissed me during Snow Daze, in the snow fort we built to terrorize the underclassmen.”

  “Even though I was technically an underclassman.”

  “You never looked like an underclassman. And every classman had a crush on you. Even some of the guys.”

  “Well, I had a crush on you. But all the stupid guys I hung out with were determined to screw you just because you were the pastor’s daughter. I didn’t want to be that guy. So, after I kissed you, I stayed away.”

  “I hate to break it to you, but I wanted to lose my virginity because I was the pastor’s daughter and I was so sick of everyone thinking I was such an angel. So, I did it when I was fifteen.”

  Charlie laughed. “I was older than that when I had sex for the first time.”

  “Shut up! Really? Tanya Twit or Tit, whatever her name was, said you guys had sex when you were like thirteen or something,” I said.

  “Wow. Definitely never had sex with Tanya.”

  We laughed.

  The warmth of the Jameson seeped into my limbs and eased the tension. I leaned into the back of the stool stretching my arms up and letting my head roll back.

  “Ginger, you’re a hell of a woman and I would be lucky to have someone like you…”

  I snapped forward and glared at him. “That’s bullshit.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You have the chance right now to be with me. So, clearly you don’t think you would be lucky to be with someone like me, or you could be lucky right now. In more ways than one. You’re choosing to reject me. So, I call bullshit. If you don’t want me or you don’t feel that way about me, fine. But then say that.”


  Why couldn’t he just send me away properly? Don’t leave me with hope. I was tired of hope. Hope left me wet and wanting. Or sad and crying.

  I knocked back the rest of my drink and waited for the burn to subside before I started in on my soda.

  “Finish your speech,” I said finally turning to face him directly. “Tell me how great I am but how you don’t want me.”

  Charlie growled and leaned forward grabbing either side of my stool and pulling me closer to him until my legs were trapped between his splayed thighs. I wasn’t a petite waif, but I suddenly felt small, caged in by his strong arms, his broad chest, and that fiery expression that looked hot enough to singe my clothes off.

  “The fact that you think it’s possible for me not to want you, is the most preposterous thing,” he snarled.

  His hand dropped onto my exposed thigh and I jerked from the heat of his palm.

  “How fucking high does this slit need to be?” His hand slid along my tights.

  The heat of his hand felt hot enough to melt away my clothes. I wished at least the tights would go away so I could feel his skin on mine. His hand dipped beneath my skirt, stopping just shy of inappropriate.

  “Charlie…” I breathed.

  “My control with you is limited, Gingersnap.” His hand tightened on my thigh and slid a little higher.

  The primal look in his eyes, the grimace of lustful fury. This was what I wanted. I wanted to wreck his calm. I wanted to drive him crazy. Hanging around with another guy never got me anywhere. Playing nice and coy didn’t either. Who knew direct and to the point would be what got it done?

  “Limited how?” The huskiness in my voice surprised even me.

  “If I kiss you, I won’t want to stop.”

  I smiled. “Ever?”

  “Unlikely. Maybe long enough to make sure you’ve eaten something.”

  I laughed and gave his shoulder a little push. He caught my wrist and tugged me forward until were we mere inches from each other.

  “You would be appalled at all the dirty things I’ve thought about doing to you.”

  I glowered. “What about all the dirty things I’ve thought about you doing to me?”

  He paused like it was something he hadn’t considered.

  “Like what?”

  I licked my lips. The movement caught his eye. “Like kneeling behind the counter in your shop and giving you a blowjob while you checkout a customer. Like riding your cock in a pew in church. Like bending over your motorcycle and begging you to take my ass.”

  “Holy fuck, you need to stop.” He leaned back away from me. “Where the hell did you get a mouth like that?”

  “The pastor’s daughter watches porn and likes to get off. I have a good imagination. And you’re usually the feature in my fantasies when it isn’t Jason Momoa or that guy from Sons of Anarchy.”

  He closed his eyes and shook his head. “I’m in some fucking episode of the Twilight Zone.”

  “You’re such a nerd,” I teased.

  Watching him getting hot and bothered was getting me even more hot and bothered than I was. I couldn’t believe I was having an effect on him. His pupils were dilated, and he kept licking his lips as his eyes kept dropping to my boobs and legs.

  “I ask forgiveness for my sins,” I purred.



  “Because I’m likely to bend you over the stool and fuck you right here and I’m pretty sure Margot would ban me for life and your father would tar and feather me.”

  I giggled and took another sip of my bubbly soda.

  “Can we hang out a while and talk? Maybe I’ll ask you out on a proper date if I can think straight.”


  He chuckled. “Oh, I’m the tease. You’re not the one who can’t walk because he’s so hard he’s afraid his zipper is going to bust open.”

  “No, but maybe I’m so wet I’m leaving a big slick spot where I sit.”

  He cursed and knocked back the rest of his drink.

  Charlie pointed at me. “Behave, Gingersnap. Play nice.”

  “What’s going on with your mom?”

  “That is the perfect boner killer right there. Talking about my mom. Good work.”

  “Are you being rude to my friend, Charles?” Margot had a stern look.

  Charlie chuckled. “Talk to your friend and ask which one of us is being rude.”

  I grinned. “I’m definitely asking for it, Margot. Don’t worry. I can take care of myself.”

  “I know, sweetie, but Charlie’s an animal.”

  The made me bristle. Did she know from experience?

  “You two need anything? I was going to run in back real quick.”

  “We’re good,” Charlie said.

  Margot gave me a quick wink and headed down to the far end of the bar.

  “Every woman just thinks you’re sex on a stick, huh?”

  Charlie’s gaze met mine. “Nothing has ever happened between me and Margot. And I’m pretty sure she wants nothing to do with me except to occasionally tune up her bike.”

  How did he know me so well?

  “My mom is a steady alcoholic. She drinks nonstop and she’s been giving me a hard time about not wanting to come to Christmas. I don’t want to sit there and watch her drink herself into oblivion with the drunk boyfriend of the month. It’s not fun for me.”

  “That really sucks.”

  “I thought going into the military and making sure she didn’t have to worry about me or financially supporting me, she’d be able to ease off and get her life together again. Turns out she just got worse.”

  “It’s not your job to take care of her. She was supposed to take care of you. You grew up too fast. I remember how she used to be when she would show up at school.”

  “Ah, yes the days she was trying to
ruin my life.”

  “What are you going to do for Christmas if you’re not with your mom?”

  “Hang out with my Aunt Mary in the nursing home.”

  “That sounds like fun. I always liked your Aunt Mary.”

  “As long as she remembers who I am, it’ll be good. I’ll make sure all her favorite Christmas movies are on.”

  “You going to the Christmas Eve ball tomorrow?”

  “Uh, probably not. My glass slippers are in the shop.”

  I rolled my eyes. It was stupid to think he’d want to go with me. I knew better, but my fantasies also sometimes had us in formal wear and dancing across a big dance floor with some 80s rock ballad playing.

  “Yeah, my pumpkin blew up on the side of the road last week,” I replied dryly.

  “Hey, kids,” Margot said as she approached us, “The snow is really coming down out there. So much for unseasonably warm. You should probably look at getting home.”

  Charlie finished his drink and pulled out his wallet. “Thanks, Margot.”

  “You going to make sure this one gets home all right?” Margot asked gesturing to me.

  “Hey, why aren’t you asking me to make sure he gets home all right?” I questioned in a pouty tone.

  “You’ve been running around Jubilee Falls all day. You’re tired. You’ve had more alcohol tonight than you’ve drank all year. Charlie’s a responsible gentleman. I know he’ll do the right thing. You…will probably try to steal his motorcycle or something.”

  “You know me too well.”

  Charlie dropped off the stool onto his feet and stood right in front of me. I slipped off the stool, and my body grazed his the whole way down. I stepped out from the bar and Charlie wrapped his arm around my shoulders and escorted me out of the bar. His arm didn’t drop away.

  The wind cut through my winter coat and suddenly my tights were doing nothing to keep my legs warm.

  “It must’ve dropped twenty degrees,” I whined.

  “The shop is close. Let’s get there and I’ll give you a lift.”

  “You have something besides your motorcycle there?”

  “Fuck. No, I don’t. Where’s your car?”

  “About a mile down Main Street.”

  “What is it doing down there?”

  “It was relatively nice out today,” I defended.

  Charlie kept me close as we headed for his garage. He opened the back door and we got in from the cold. He locked it behind us and grabbed my hand hauling me out of the back into the office.

  “It’s warm in here. Have a seat, I’ll be right back.”

  I sat down in the office chair and glanced around. There weren’t many personal items. A picture of him and his aunt that looked like it was a few years old, but they looked happy. A calendar of motorcycles and another one of classic cars. And that was it.

  Charlie returned with an armful of stuff. He had a blanket, bottles of water, snacks, and a couple of flashlights. He dropped them onto the mostly empty desk.

  “I just watched a SUV fishtail across the road and spin out completely. I think we’re staying here for the night. I’ve got some supplies. If the power goes out, we’ve got provisions. I’ve got some candles too.”

  “Candles? You have a lot of romantic nights here or something?”

  “Very romantic. Before the shop was in the black, there were a couple of months I didn’t have electricity. And in the wintertime, it gets dark early. Candles are cheaper than flashlight batteries. Though, I went through plenty of those too.”

  “You’re like a boy scout.”

  He rolled his eyes. “I’ve got a cot for when you’re ready to sleep.”

  “What about you?”

  “I’ll be fine. I’m not going to sleep much anyway.”

  “Because of me?”

  He chuckled. “No, because of me. Sleep has been elusive lately.”

  “Too much on your mind?”

  “Something like that.” He opened his water bottle.

  My legs bounced up and down sitting in the chair waiting and wondering. I pushed to my feet and Charlie pushed off the doorframe.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I wanna look around your shop. I can’t just sit here.” I pushed past him.

  I could hear him hot on my heels. The shop was dark, but there was enough light coming in from the Christmas lights, streetlamps, and reflection off the snow, I could see just fine.

  “Is this what you wanted to do? Take over your uncle’s shop?” I asked.

  “I like it well enough. I don’t have big passions. Motorcycles makes sense. And my uncle was a good man. I like that I can keep his legacy alive.”

  “Did you like the military?”

  “There were a lot of good aspects. I liked serving my country and the men and women I worked with. But I didn’t like being away from my aunt. Her health deteriorated a lot while I was gone.” He leaned against the counter while he watched me. “How is your mom dealing with everything?”

  I glanced back at him. “She’s a mess, but she’s a pro at pretending everything is perfect.” I ran my fingers over the leather of the seat, purposely bending over so that my ass was in the air. “Can I sit on one?”

  “I’ll give you a ride on the first warm day we have.”

  “What about giving me a ride that will keep me warm now?”

  He chuckled. “Gingersnap, you’re a naughty girl and Santa isn’t going to bring you any good toys.”

  “I have toys. I want you. Something tells me you’ll get me off much better than any toy.”

  Charlie pinched the bridge of his nose and cursed quietly. “What are you trying to accomplish?”

  “For you to either tell me to go to hell or for your willpower to snap. I’m still not sure which one is going to win out.”

  Charlie muttered something.


  “Nothing. You want to sit on one?”

  “I do.”

  He strutted over to me. “You’re going to have a hard time in that skirt.”

  I reached down and hiked it up until I knew I could throw my leg over the seat. “It’s adjustable.”

  “Throw your leg over.” His voice came out gruffer than normal, as he gripped the handle on one side.

  I put my hand on his shoulder, eased myself over the motorcycle and gingerly lowered myself onto the seat. My left leg was completely visible through the slit. If I moved a little, the less flattering bits of my tights would be visible.

  “How does it feel?”

  “Does this whole thing vibrate when you’re riding?”

  Charlie cussed. “Tree topper, you’re not going to make everything dirty, are you?”

  I grinned. “It’s kind of fun.”

  “Torture. It’s torture.”

  I laughed. “You’re the one trying to be all Scroogey.” I hauled myself off the bike and stepped into his space.

  He didn’t back away. “Gingersnap, what happens tomorrow if I kiss you now?”

  “I don’t know. I can’t tell the future. But I’ve spent a lot of time wanting you and I think you want me too. I like talking to you. And I think you like talking to me. We could be there for each other. We could lean on each other. Life is hard enough. Why do it alone, if you don’t have to?”

  “And when your father forbids you to see me anymore?”

  “He won’t.”

  “He will. And the rest of this town is going to warn you against me.”

  My brow furrowed. “Do you even know what people think of you in this town? Because I think you’ve got it skewed.”

  Charlie didn’t respond, but his blue eyes never left mine. “Ginger, I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Then don’t.” I pushed myself up onto my tiptoes and pressed my mouth to his.

  It was clumsy, and I didn’t have good footing. And for a moment, I thought it was all going to be over before it started. But then, Charlie’s arms came around me hauled me to him. With my coat still aroun
d me, and his leather jacket still on him, it felt like there was miles of barriers between us, but I still couldn’t get over his mouth on mine.

  The kiss was firm, chaste even, but then Charlie groaned, and he slanted his mouth over mine, his tongue pushing at the seam of my lips. I opened under him and our tongues tangled and then heat exploded inside of me.



  She tasted like Christmas.

  Everything about Ginger excited me. The way she moaned, the way she kept trying to get closer to me but was thwarted by our coats and clothing. It didn’t matter that we weren’t naked yet. I was reveling in her excitement and desire. I slowly pushed her back toward the counter.

  She squeaked when she bumped into the counter. I lifted her on top and stepped between her legs. She hooked her leg around my hip, but her skirt wouldn’t allow her to pull me too much closer. She groaned in frustration and broke our kiss.

  “There are entirely too many clothes between us.”

  “I’m not fucking you in my shop.”

  She cocked an eyebrow. “Why the hell not?”

  I smirked. “You are cute as hell sexually frustrated.”

  She glowered at me. “I’m cuter when I’m coming, I assure you.”

  I barked out a laugh. “Gingersnap, I have no doubt you’re sexy as fuck, but I’m not fucking you.”

  “You’re a tease, Charlie Mason.” She tried to push me back so she could get down.

  I didn’t budge.


  “Is that all you want me for is sex?”

  “No, what I want is to really feel that there is more between us than my unrequited feelings and wet panties.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut willing my cock not to win out over my quickly fading will power.

  “There’s nothing unrequited between us. I’m fucking hard as steel, Gingersnap.”

  She blinked at me. “What?”

  “Let’s go back to the office and hang out and talk for a while.”

  Why the fuck wasn’t I just kneeling in front of her and eating her out until she was screaming my name? It was what we both wanted.

  But I wanted something more than that. I wanted everything with her.


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