Fate & Fortune

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Fate & Fortune Page 38

by Michaels, Fern

  The prisoners and guards ate as Katerina and Banyen waited by the fire for their food. A middle-aged man from the Khan’s camp served as the cook for the group, helped by a driver on the food wagon. The ration passed out was the same for all: one cold boiled potato, a chunk of black bread, a wedge of cheese, and a piece of marinated lamb. The only luxury in camp was two skinfuls of wine, a present from the Khan to Katerina. The cook handed them their food in shallow wooden bowls and left.

  Banyen motioned to Katerina to move closer to the fire, where it was warmer. “The nights are cool and will be getting cooler,” he said quietly.

  Katerina took his suggestion and started to eat. Pulling a goatskin from behind her, she offered Banyen a drink. His nearness bothered her. The scent of his body hovered over and around her, his lean hardness stirring her as she watched him carefully. A long arm reached for the wineskin. Tapered fingers touched and quickly withdrew. Slowly she inched away from him, afraid of what might happen if she were to feel the length of his body against hers.

  Banyen smiled knowingly, aware of her discomfort.

  “Don’t worry about the others watching us drink,” she said, trying to ease the tension. “They sit far enough away. I don’t wish to make them envious. Let’s discuss how we’ll take the wagons over the mountains.”

  “You know more about that than I do, you just came through the Urals. You could tell me how steep they are, and if the rocks and trees will be a problem,” he said, as he chewed on a piece of lamb.

  “The real difficulty is the inclines. Some mountains have gradual slopes loaded with rocks and trees, while the others are steep and clear. We must be prepared to deal with all the elements. If the snow starts, the wagons will surely slip and slide. Tomorrow we go through the first pass, and should reach the mountain ridge around noon. It’s the largest and the steepest. It will probably take us two days to get to the top. Do you have any suggestions?” she asked Banyen, who had listened attentively.

  “Yes, I suggest we cross the river first.” He laughed.

  “I thought we were going to be serious about this,” Katerina fumed.

  “I am serious,” he went on. “I think we should cross the river first. Was there a shallow spot you rode through?”

  “Where I crossed the water would be too deep for the wagons. My horse had to swim.”

  “In the morning I’ll test a few spots, and pick one for the wagons to cross. If we unload them, with just one driver and a team of four horses, we should get them most of the way. We’ll tie ropes on each wagon and put five men on each rope. With the horses and men pulling, we should be able to get the wagons up the mountain. If we find snow, God help us.” He sighed, reached for the wineskin, and took a long drink.

  Katerina finished the last of her food, put down the bowl, and watched Banyen drink. Full and warm, she longed for a good night’s sleep. She asked Banyen for the wine and took a short sip. Afterward she moved to get up. His strong hand reached out to grasp her slender arm. “What is it? I’m tired and wish to sleep. A busy morning awaits us,” she said harshly, pulling away from him.

  The wine, the warmth, and the sight of Katerina’s tawny hair glistening in the light of the fire aroused desire in him. “Katerina, we’ve a long journey, the fire is warm, and the nights are lonely sleeping by oneself. Join me here and we’ll share the delights of the night together,” he muttered, his voice mellowed from the wine and his deep, dark eyes heavy with sleep.

  “You fool, you’re full of drink. Sleep it off by yourself, for when I stay with a man, he’ll be sober and full of passion, not half drunk and half asleep.” She pushed him over with her foot and stalked off into the darkness to her bedroll.

  Dawn found Katerina and the cook quickly moving from wagon to wagon with the allotted pieces of bread. Eager to get an early start, she had awakened the cook and told him to distribute the food and make quick work of it. When the task was finished, she walked to the fire, now glowing red embers, and looked down at Banyen. She nudged his torso with her foot. “Get up, we’ve got to get the men up and moving.” Her words went unheard. Once again she poked him, on the other side, but this time a little harder. The pressure of her foot in his back finally roused him

  “What’s the matter?” Banyen muttered, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He looked up and saw Katerina standing over him, her hands on her hips.

  “Tonight you’ll be given one drink of wine and that’s all. I have no time to wet-nurse a man who downs too much. There’s much to be done, and you need a clear head to do it. Now, get up and get to the river and douse yourself with water. You were supposed to be up before everyone this morning, checking the river for a suitable crossing spot, and you lie there like a wounded animal. While you’re there find the place for us to cross, if it isn’t too much trouble,” she ordered sarcastically.

  Banyen stood up, called a soldier to roll up his blanket, looked Katerina square in the eyes with burning hatred, then stalked off toward his horse. There was no need for words; his expression said it all.

  His head pounding with every step he took, Banyen made his way to the bank. The dark eyes closed slightly when he saw Kostya, stripped to the waist, dousing himself with the icy water. Gingerly he dropped to his knees and began to scoop small handfuls of water to his face. He flinched at the stinging coldness.

  “Better to do it all at once,” Kostya said helpfully. “One good dousing and the pain in your head will subside, and that tight feeling in your shoulders will lessen. Your mind will clear with the shock of the cold water.”

  “I had too much wine,” Banyen mumbled as he continued to dabble the water on his face and neck.

  “I noticed.” Kostya grinned. “Here, let me help you,” he said, drawing Banyen to his feet. “Stand fast now, and don’t move.” Quickly he thrust out his arm and grasped Banyen around the neck, at the same time wedging his knee in the small of his back. He jerked the prince backward and released him. “How does your upper back feel now?”

  Banyen flexed his arms and shoulders, staring quizzically into bright blue eyes. His headache gone and his back normal, he spoke quietly. “Why did you do that?”

  “You were suffering. I would be less than human if I didn’t offer to help you. Today is a day when all of us will need every ounce of strength we have. How can you do your job if you aren’t fit? I didn’t do it for thanks. If you need my help again, you have only to ask me. There is no thought in my mind to escape, so rest easy. I made a bargain with the woman, and I’ll stick by it.”

  Banyen nodded as he watched Kostya walk back to the camp. “Damnation!” he exclaimed. He believed every word the prisoner said, and was also freed from last night’s overindulgence. His head was clear, and his back felt better than it had in months.

  The camp was bustling. By the time Banyen got back, all was in readiness.

  “I’ve found the place to cross, so let’s be on our way, if it’s convenient for you,” he mocked Katerina.

  She held out his piece of bread. “Here, take this, it will quell your fermenting stomach. You’ll have to eat it as we ride.”

  Banyen rode to the head of the caravan with Katerina at his side, his head throbbing once again. When they were in position, he shouted back to the drivers to follow him.

  They soon arrived at the fording site. After a quick inspection by Katerina, she nodded approval for the wagons to move. One by one, they labored through the water, creaking and groaning as they tilted and slid on the slippery moss-covered rocks. It took more time to cross than Katerina had anticipated; valuable time was lost again. She knew she couldn’t beat the snow. Angrily she urged Banyen and the men to speed up their pace. Katerina was well aware that the men were in no hurry to go anywhere. They were out of the Khan’s stockade, and that was all that mattered to them. They were free of that hellhole.

  Two hours into the first pass, light snow began to fall. Katerina’s heart sank. If it starts this early into the Urals, once we leave the mounta
ins the snow will be waiting on the steppe.

  “Banyen, we must keep moving at a faster pace if we are to make the first mountain by nightfall,” she said harshly. “If you have a keen eye, you should have noticed the flurries. Light snow now means we’re bound to reach heavier snow as we go along. We must keep these men moving, keep after them, they travel as if they have all the time in the world.”

  “You’re overly concerned, I think,” Banyen said. “We’re moving right along, and if we push them they might get angry and rebel. Besides, to go much faster would be risky for the wagons.”

  “I just knew you wouldn’t agree with me,” she said with indignation. “I’ll find a way to get these men to move more rapidly, there must be something that will bait them to hurry. I’ll be back shortly, I’m going to ride up ahead to see how things look.” A sharp kick in the horse’s sides and she was off, cantering down the pass. “I can’t let him make me angry,” she muttered as she rode hard, trying to rid herself of the resentment she felt toward him.

  “A rider coming in the distance,” called one of Banyen’s soldiers.

  “Keep the wagons moving,” Banyen ordered. “It’s the girl returning.”

  Katerina brought her horse to Banyen’s side. “The big mountain is just ahead. From what I could see, the lower slope is still clear of snow, but there’s no way of knowing what we’ll reach a few hundred feet up. We must make our best time on these flats. While I rode I also came up with an idea to entice these men to work harder.”

  The moment the high mountain loomed before them the men began to grumble and groan. They knew immediately they were in for a hazardous climb.

  Katerina ordered the men to form a line and proceed slowly up the mountain. “You prisoners will leave the wagons and travel by foot, climbing and descending. If a wagon gets stuck, or slips, you men will lend a hand any time it is needed. You will put your backs to pushing and pulling when necessary. Banyen, post a guard to watch over them, and at the first wrong move, cut down the troublemaker. This caravan will get through to the Carpathians, even if it means many of your bodies will be strewn along the way to prove I mean what I say!”

  The wagons were emptied, and the trek up the mountain began.

  Two hours before nightfall of the following day, the top ridge of the mountain was in sight. Suddenly a whirlwind of snow unleashed its millions of silent, devastating crystal flakes. It was man against the elements.

  “If we push hard we can make the summit tonight. We should be able to make camp before the snow creates any problems. Hurry! Otherwise you’ll taste your first uphill battle with snow, making everything twice as difficult. You made good time until now, and I’m proud of what you have accomplished,” she said, her voice full of praise and encouragement for the men.

  Banyen sat in his Mongol saddle and watched in amazement as Kostya and the other men put on a show of superhuman effort.

  At nightfall the wagons lined the upper peak, while everyone made ready for their well-earned meal. The bonfires on the ridge cast a magic glow that encircled the mountain. The glowing fires of red-yellow reflected their dance onto the millions of tiny crystals that fell heavily from the heavy skies. Steam rose as the flakes hit the fires, creating the illusion that the breast of the mountain was heaving in its sleep.

  The company ate, some quickly, the smarter ones slowly. Everyone was anxious to get to sleep, their bodies spent from the uphill climb.

  Each fire was sheltered by a lean-to. The guards, who had built them, huddled beneath, keeping watch. The camp was quiet except for Banyen and Katerina, who sat conversing by the fire. Secure in their plans for the downhill trek, Katerina offered Banyen his one long drink of wine. When he finished, she bid him good night and crawled under her blanket next to the fire. The prince, in no mood for another scene, quietly made himself comfortable by the crackling flames. He watched the sleeping girl, somehow drawn to her in spite of her roughness. Why? Why did she intrigue him? Certainly she was beautiful, shapely, and desirable, but so were other women. What lay beneath the outer shell?

  Many nights had been spent in the arms of welcoming, soft women, women eager to please him. Would Katerina ever be so willing? Why in the name of God did he desire a woman who dressed and thought like a man, yet, in her own way, was more of a woman than any who had lain with him?

  Morning found everyone huddled beneath their blankets, covered by cold white snow. Katerina woke to find Banyen sitting by the fire, chewing his piece of bread.

  “You’re awake early,” she said, startled to find him out of bed. “I see you’re eating already. Is the cook also up?”

  “Yes. But the men are still asleep. It’s just you, me, and the cook. Now what do you think of the drunken Mongol?” he asked.

  “I think you’re doing what you are supposed to do. If you want applause, you’ve come to the wrong place,” she replied icily. “Get on with it, wake the men. I want those wagons going down the mountain as soon as possible.”

  When the men had finished eating, Banyen called for their attention. “Listen to me carefully. The wagons must go down the mountain in single file, one at a time, ten lengths apart. That way, if one slips the others will not be caught in the slide. We’ll try the first wagon with the horses, no ropes, and see how it goes. If the wagon slips we’ll have to use the ropes. They’ll be tied to the back of each wagon, and we might need one or two up front. Several men will handle each rope, pulling back so we can ease each one down the slope. The unloaded wagon will go first. Bring it up here and harness the horses. Tie the ropes on now, for once it begins to slide it’s too late. You prisoners, divide into groups to walk alongside the wagon, and be prepared to grab the ropes. Number one wagon, move!” he ordered the first team.

  Slowly and carefully the wagon edged its way down the steep grade. The driver strained, leaning far back into the seat, the horses almost sitting on their haunches. Gingerly the animals descended in the ankle-deep snow. One by one they made their way, driver and team working together.

  Katerina called for the food wagon to be brought forward. As it pulled up, she warned the drivers and the men on foot, “If this wagon goes careening down the mountain we’ll eat snow all the way to the Carpathians, if we don’t freeze first. I trust you all agree.” The team prepared to go downward. “One moment, I’ve changed my mind.” At the sound of Katerina’s voice, the men stopped in their tracks. “I’ve decided to send a sleigh wagon down next. If the weight of the sleigh causes the wagon to slide, and the horses can’t control it, we’ll know how to handle the supply wagons. Bring that wagon around to the front,” she ordered the drivers. Katerina could see the concerned look on the faces of the two drivers.

  “Listen to me,” she addressed the men on foot. “You must hold the ropes immediately, so take your positions now. If the wagon goes out of control, release the ropes and save yourselves. You drivers, cut the horses free, then jump. I don’t want any men or animals killed. We can manage without a wagon, but I need every one of you.” With a wave of her hand, the wagon moved ahead.

  Banyen and the others stood on the edge of the crest, watching the agonizing descent. The men strained at the ropes as the wagon, horses, and drivers eased slowly down the decline. Katerina turned to Banyen. “I wish my uncle had never given me these damn wagons. If we were on foot we’d be down near the bottom for all the time the first wagons are taking. I’m sorry I consented to this madness.” She held her breath as a wagon slipped momentarily.

  Suddenly the air was split with a loud, bloodcurdling “Yeow-ow-ow!” Those on the ridge watched in horror as the wagon gave way. The men holding the ropes tried desperately to let go, but they were caught and went cascading down the mountain. The drivers leaped from the wagon, forgetting to cut loose the horses. The animals and men struggled for their lives. The screams of both could be heard everywhere as the wagon reeled into a fir tree, splintering to pieces. The sleigh broke loose, tumbling down the slope. Three prisoners, still tangled in the ropes,
were smashed against trees and rocks, until all that remained were broken, lifeless bodies.

  Katerina turned her back on the tragic sight, kicking out at the rock next to her. “I knew it, I knew these damn Mongol wagons were a mistake. Now I’ve lost three men and four horses.”

  Kostya made his way down the slope behind Katerina. Working side by side, they freed the wounded who lay trapped beneath boards from the heavy wagon. Using all his power, Kostya freed one of the men, only to lose him to a dead horse that slid down the snow, dragging the man down with him.

  Stunned at the tears that glistened in Kostya’s eyes, Katerina laid her hand on his arm. “There was nothing you could do. There’s no time to dwell on the matter, others need our help.” Her own words were tortured, a look of agony covering her delicately boned face.

  “Nor can you blame yourself for what happened,” he replied. “Each of us must do the best we can.” Bright blue eyes stared into Katerina’s. “The men will not blame you for this. You have my word.”

  Katerina nodded but said nothing, her throat constricting at his words.

  Diligently they worked together with the help of the other prisoners, binding wounds and helping them to safety. Perspiration dripped from Kostya’s face as Banyen put his arm around him to lead him away. “It’s finished. You have to rest, or you’ll be no good to us the remainder of the journey. A few moments to sit and you’ll be as good as new.” He grinned into the blue eyes. “Call it an act of human nature, mine.”

  Banyen and Katerina agreed that it would be madness to send a second wagon down with the sleigh aboard. Four mounted soldiers were ordered to secure ropes to the sleigh and loop the ends to their saddles. That done, they started down the hazardous mountain.While the others watched breathlessly, the sleigh and soldiers made it safely to the bottom.


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