Flame of Cytherea: Cytherean Chronicles book 1

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Flame of Cytherea: Cytherean Chronicles book 1 Page 2

by D. R. Rosier

  The downside of course, was the raiders that encroached every few years from the South. The kingdom to the south was called Egeria. They usually came in, took slaves, raped and pillaged, then fled back south before the king could respond with troops from the northern part of the kingdom.

  He took a break from history and asked some questions about her, hoping he didn’t stick his foot in his mouth again. He was attracted to her beauty, but the more he spoke to her and learned about her, the more he wanted to know. She was sharp, witty and beautiful.

  He still had a great number of things he wanted to know but…

  “As much as I’d like to, I can’t stand here and ogle you all day chopping wood while you ply me with questions, I have things to do. We can talk more tonight, after the tavern closes.”

  She winked and turned away, he couldn’t help staring at her long toned legs and backside as she made her way back inside. He turned back and returned to chopping wood. He wasn’t sure how much would be needed, but he imagined it was a lot to keep the kitchen going. While chopping he mulled over his situation, the steady movements and repetitiveness of the task helped keep him grounded.

  He was a little overwhelmed, he missed his grandparents, and friends back home, and the list would only grow. On top of that his mind kept returning to Kat. He found her intoxicating. She was smart, driven, didn’t take shit yet didn’t come across as bitchy at all, and had shown him kindness. Even respect despite his obvious cluelessness in the forest. Without her he would be truly screwed, he had no idea how to survive in the wild, or where he could go…

  There may have been other opportunities here, but the village was small, there probably wasn’t many job openings for a stranger. Especially an unskilled one. It also didn’t hurt that she was one of the most attractive woman that he ever laid eyes on.

  He lost track of the time as his thoughts wandered, by the time Kat called him in he was surprised how much he had gotten done…

  Waiting tables was… hard. He couldn’t imagine how the waiters and waitresses back home did it. Here they had only one drink, ale, and just one food choice. Tonight was venison stew and a small loaf of bread. Things were going well after a while though, once he caught the rhythm and flow of the people coming in and out. That’s when the trouble started.

  He walked over to a table full of drunk men with smirks on their faces and asked what they wanted.

  A very large man turned to his friend and said, “Jim, what is the world coming to these days, men hired by a woman, running her own business and making the man do a woman’s job.”

  Jim shook his head in mock sadness, a smirk fighting at the corner of his mouth, “I don’t know Bill, there’s just so much wrong with everything you just said. Miles, what do you think.”

  He froze not sure what to do, he was a part bouncer too as he understood it, but he wasn’t sure a bunch of mocking assholes were grounds to try and kick them out.

  Miles said, “Yes, very sad. But what I’d like to know is what kind of man would go along with that. It seems a speechless one.”

  He was about to retort but he caught Cynthia shaking her head at him, and she signaled that she’d take the table. He turned and walked away, angry, but unsure how things worked here. He had no choice but to be guided by the people that lived here, at least until he understood. It burned though, he was not a coward and just walking away grated on his nerves.

  Kat grabbed him and pulled him into the kitchen.

  “I’m glad Cynthia got your attention. Bill is an asshole, but everyone in town just lets him be. His talent is too strong to do otherwise.”

  Justin felt like he was missing something, she obviously wasn’t talking about the piano, “Talent?”

  She looked at him in shock, “Don’t you have magical talents where you come from? Everyone here has one. You saw mine of course, and Bill can move things with his mind. Everyone is different, and most talents are harmless, his isn’t.”

  Magical talents? What the hell. He didn’t have one, there was no way… The not so comforting thought of his body being stronger came to him, what if that wasn’t the only change imposed on him?

  He shook his head, “No, no one has them where I come from, and I am pretty sure I still don’t, although… it’s possible,” he finished grudgingly, really uncomfortable with the idea. “How would I know?” he asked.

  She sighed. “You must come from a strange place. Talents are different, but similar ones usually run in families. My parents were both shape shifters as well, though their animals were different. But it’s close enough that they knew how to draw it out of me. If you do have one, it could be anything. In those cases, which are usually orphans, they have to wait until something triggers it.

  “Usually a need. But it can’t be any need or want, it has to be something your talent will address. For me it was the desire to hunt with my parents, for you… it could be anything. But back to the reason I pulled you back here. No matter how good a fighter you are, Bill could toss you across the room and put a dozen knives in you from a dozen different tables without leaving his chair.

  “That’s why we put up with him. Thankfully people with the talents of telekinesis and fire starters are rare. There are other forms of magic as well, the rarest talent is to shape magic itself which translates into having multiple talents, and lastly, some few clerics in the temples can wield the power of the goddess. But we have none of those here.”

  Right… he tallied the weirdness in his head. So far today, shot in an alley, wake up in a forest, two suns, a moon-planet, a better stronger body, new world, tons to learn which he was now rethinking due to the shock of this new information, maybe ignorance would be better, and now magical talents for all, what’s next?

  Oh yeah, and rumors of a goddess… He wondered if this first day would ever end. As he stared into Kat’s beautiful expressive eyes that were showing concern for him, he decided that not everything about today was bad. He suddenly became intensely aware of just how close their bodies were to each other. He fought off the irrational urge to kiss her senseless.

  He cleared his throat uncomfortably, “Thanks, I had no idea. I mean, I knew you were the tiger, but I didn’t know how or that everyone else could do… things.” He couldn’t bring himself to say the word magic. He was also finding her scent to be just a bit distracting and he was losing the point of the conversation.

  “Just don’t ask other people about what they can do, it’s considered rude. If you stick around long enough it’s not hard to figure out though. Just steer clear of Bill out there and you should be fine.”

  He nodded and thanked her, then headed back out into the bustle, his body on autopilot as his mind tried to come to terms with this new disturbing information. It seemed as if the whole town might be out there, as a distraction he focused on trying to learn everyone’s name and face that he met…

  As the lulls in the nights business got longer and longer, he realized to his pleasure Katrina kept coming up to him to talk about stuff. Maybe her earlier flirting hadn’t been teasing, he could hope…

  Before he knew it everyone was gone, the tables were wiped down and they were done for the day. He trudged up to his room, truly exhausted. He wondered if working at the tavern would put him in better shape than all the workouts and martial arts he used to do. He slapped his forehead, he had no other clothes but what he wore, and they were stained with food. He had no clothes to sleep in or even to wear tomorrow. The thought of wearing his dirty ones was not a welcome one.

  Too tired to think about it, he just stripped then fell into bed. His body was tired, but his mind was still moving too fast, thinking about all that happened during the day, and the craziness of it all. A few minutes later he heard a knock on the door. He wrapped the sheet around his waist and opened the door. Kat stood there, wearing a thin robe of some kind and he stared at her blankly for a second before stepping back.

  “Would you like to come in? Sorry about this, but those are the on
ly clothes I have,” he waved a hand at the food soiled clothes.

  She nodded and walked in. After a time she spoke haltingly… This was the first time he had ever seen her less than confident, and he found it endearing.

  “Justin, I wonder after today if something else is different where you come from. For us… a man and a woman joining for the first time… Well, it is neither casual, nor a sign of commitment but something in between. It is more an indication of interest in pursuing a relationship… which may, or may not, lead to something more.”

  She blushed, “I find you a fascinating man, you are strong, yet restrained. You also worked hard today and didn’t complain, despite finding yourself in a strange land. I want to get to know you more, and… intimately. If you don’t share that… desire, then I will leave.”

  Justin was never one for one night stands, but from what he understood that wasn’t what this was. As best he could figure it was sort of like a first date with the hope of getting a second. It sounded alien to him, but then he was on a different world. Different social rules. And he did like her, alarmingly so for just a day knowing her.

  He stepped forward, close to her, and pushed his door closed gently.

  “I do share that desire, you have an inner strength tempered by kindness that draws me in. You are also beautiful, stunningly so, and grow more so with everything I learn about you.”

  He decided to quit talking at that point while he was ahead, he stepped even closer and tilted his head down. Only when she moved toward him did he complete the motion and their lips met, brushing tentatively against each other. He let go of the sheet and pulled her body close against his as they slowly explored each other’s lips, their soft tentative kiss slowly growing more confident, and more passionate, with each second.

  He was completely lost in the silky soft feel of her lips on his when he wrapped a hand around the back of her neck, playing with her hair and teasing her skin with his fingertips. The other hand caressed her cheek softly before tracing down her back. He sensed the robe falling from her body, then her skin was suddenly against his as she moved into him, melding her body to his, and her hands started to explore his body.

  He moaned into her mouth and kissed her harder when he felt her soft breasts and tight nipples against the skin of his chest. The heat of her core against his leg caused his cock to jump and harden faster.

  Her voice, throaty, sexy, full of need, tore at his control, “Please Justin, take me now.”

  He lifted her and carried her to the bed, and placed her as gently as his control would allow. He got his first view of her naked body. Her breasts were firm, her nipples hard. She had a perfect hourglass body, both silky soft yet firm and in shape. She had a look of desperate need on her face, that he imagined perfectly mirrored his own.

  He retained just enough of himself to check her first, she was wet, and her labia was swollen and parted slightly. He crawled up between her legs and looked down, to line up. The smell of her, the taste of her lips and skin, not to mention her pleading words, had driven him to the edge of control, he needed her now.

  He pushed firmly but gently until he was engulfed inside her molten core. He kissed her passionately as he gave her time to adjust to his size and penetration. He was exploring her neck and earlobe with his lips and tongue when he felt her squeeze his ass. He took it as a signal and started to slowly pump in and out of her. It felt incredible, her core was tight, wet, and silky smooth. It seemed to be a perfect fit, just for him.

  She whispered into his ear as she started to move her hips, thrusting up against him, meeting his every thrust with her own, “Faster, oh goddess more, faster.”

  His body seemed to respond directly to her wishes as he sped up. He was pounding into her now, hard and fast. She had added a minute swivel of her hips on his down stroke that was driving him wild.

  He reached back and grabbed her legs pulling them up and over his shoulders, thrusting inside her as deeply as he could. He let her legs hold him in place as one hand slid down her silky skin to her honey pot. He teased her clit with a fingertip, light brushes. When he sensed she was close he pushed down hard on her swollen nub as he slammed his pole deeply inside her as hard as he could.

  She gasped out as her whole body locked up in ecstasy, “OH goddess, I’m… I’m…” she couldn’t seem to finish with words, simply crying out in pleasure instead.

  Her core gripped and milked him so hard he had to stop thrusting, only starting up again when she started to come down.

  She was without a doubt the most beautiful, sexy woman he had lain with, and the mouth watering scent of her skin and arousal was almost overwhelming. The pure physical pleasure was more than he ever remembered having as well, so how the hell hadn’t he lost control yet?

  He dismissed it as unimportant, he could think about it later.

  He noticed her clit was oversensitive so he started teasing her nipples and kneading her breasts. This too gave him pause for a moment, he had always been a generous lover, but he seemed to have an instinct now, of where to go and what to do without her even telling him. He just… knew…

  “Oh goddess,” she gasped, “I’m going to… again… don’t stop… Please…”

  He did one better than not stopping, and picked up the pace and pinched her nipples hard. A short few strokes later she screamed in pleasure and her core locked down on him hard. The vision of her coming so hard, the expression of absolute bliss on her face, and the intense milking and squeezing of his cock finally overwhelmed his control. He felt the walls of her core grow even tighter around his pole as he expanded within her.

  He gasped in pleasure and whispered her name, “Katrina,” half in amazed pleasure, and half in warning.

  As his legs grew numb he heard her encourage him, “Fill me Justin, I want to feel you explode in me.”

  He started to empty himself into her ready womb. When he finally had control of his body back, he kissed her softly and stared down into her widened eyes. He could see his surprise mirrored in her eyes, it wasn’t just him that was caught off guard by the intensity of the pleasure from their joining. What did that mean? Not that he would complain…

  He slowly pulled out and rolled to the side, pulling her with him so her head wound up resting on his chest, her leg strewn over his own. He kissed her again tenderly for a moment, then just held her.

  After a moment she broke the silence with a giggle. When he looked down and met her eyes she blushed and whispered, “If I had any idea, any idea at all, we’d still be in the forest right now.”

  He laughed along with her, he knew that wasn’t true, it was just her mind dealing with the intensity of their coupling. All he knew was now wasn’t the time to think about it, not with her in his arms.

  They talked for a while about inconsequential things, he told her a bit about his world and what it was like there. Then, slowly they explored each other’s bodies with their hands and fingertips. Long kisses with exploring tongues and teasing caresses led to them joining again, but without the earlier urgency. They took their time, savoring every sensation and reaction they engendered in their lover.

  He filled her again while she was slowly riding up and down his pole, her breasts swaying in his face as she too reached her peak. The beauty of her body trembling in ecstasy while riding him overwhelmed his senses. He held her close after and kissed her softly, then played with her hair as she lay her head on his chest. Completely sated, with the feel of her against him along with her scent, overpowered his worries, and he fell asleep for the first time in a new world.

  Chapter 3

  Katrina was lying on her side leaning against him, her leg thrown over his, held inside his arm. She had her head rested on his chest as he fell asleep, listening to the steady slow beats of his heart. The feeling of staying here felt… safe, which for her, was a new feeling. She knew she should go back to her room, not spend the night, it was too early for that… but she didn’t want to move.

  When she
had met him, and she blushed realizing that it was just this morning, she hadn’t thought much of him. He was worthless in the woods after all and had almost ruined her hunt. After learning he was new here, and talking to him however, she wanted to learn more.

  When he’d asked her about it, she had downplayed the resistance in her society of a woman actually being in charge of a business. The last three years hadn’t been easy since her parents died in the raids. She had given a handful of men in the past a chance, but they were all arrogant, treated her as… less. One had even suggested a union where she would continue to run the place, but the ownership and profit should go to him, since it was only natural for a man to own things.

  She held back the snort, not wanting to disturb his sleep.

  Outside of personal relationships, she had blocked a number of men from taking the tavern away from her. Simply by threatening to leave and take Ben and Cynthia with her. Ben and Cynthia were old family friends who she was grateful too. Without them she couldn’t have stayed in business.

  Ironically their own attitudes that cooking and cleaning were woman’s work made them back off at that point. They may have been able to replace the servers easy enough, but without her hunting the food, the cost of buying it or hiring a good hunter would severely cut into profits.

  She had thought Justin attractive, and could tell he returned it. But it was the way he treated her as an equal that had piqued her interest and prompted her to get to know him more. She was also surprised by the way he actually listened and gave weight to her words. He was a strange mixture of competent, hardworking, strong… but also completely clueless about the world, as if he was a baby just born to life.

  The more she had spoken with him and the obvious respect and attraction he had shown her was what led to knocking on his door tonight. She blushed again remembering how awkward she had felt, what she had told him was the truth, but she left out the part of it being the man that usually went to the woman showing interest and initiating sex.


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