Flame of Cytherea: Cytherean Chronicles book 1

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Flame of Cytherea: Cytherean Chronicles book 1 Page 19

by D. R. Rosier

  He nodded in understanding, and they burst through the door. He had his white fire on, but only large enough to cover the women, trying to conserve it for what lie ahead. The battle was fast and brutal as the ladies took out twenty soldiers in three seconds with air, fire, claw and mind. They followed Sara down the hall, then turned to the right.

  He could feel it then, like sandpaper against his skin, but this was evil against his mind and talent. He stubbornly pushed the feeling aside and marched for the door at the end of the hallway. When they stepped in he was overwhelmed by the stench of death. It was dark and forbidding and he was afraid to step forward.

  He connected to his talent and burst into white flame, giving him the courage and strength of his goddess’s love, which drove him forward. The light from his flames partially lit the room, and when he came within range of the altar he could see runic designs all over it, and the stains of blood.

  This is what he came here for, he knew he was most powerful in effect when he was in physical contact, so he stepped forward, took a deep breath, and touched it…

  He heard mocking laughter in his mind, as his power fought against the power of the evil god’s anchor. Then he heard a voice, “I am a god, you cannot defeat me. You and your mates will die here, in this room.”

  He almost snorted at that, but then he heard the sound of battle behind him. As he went to expand his protections to the women he loved, the altar attacked him with shadow. He was almost completely overwhelmed until he put his entire focus on the fight before him. He came to the grim realization he could not do both, this would take all his power. A shiver of fear and despair went through him, the women were on their own.

  Chapter 22

  Nora watched in shock as Kat was catapulted back. She caught her in a pocket of air right before Kat slammed into the wall, and then with a growl started firing back. She knew then that Justin could not help them, he was embroiled in his own battle, and they had to stand and protect him.

  She watched, impressed as Nicci sent a rolling wave of flame through the door and down the hallway. She must have killed half of them in one shot, the rest however were protecting themselves with their own talents. She was busy putting up shields of air while Sally was doing shields of stone, air or water. She thought this would be the best way and she barked out orders to the others.

  “Sally and I will protect, Kat, kill anything that gets through the door. Nicci and Sara, kill them!”

  They clicked as a perfect team, Sara seemed to be killing them outright, or confusing them enough that Nicci’s fire burnt through and killed them. Between her and Sally’s shields they were able to defend against all the attacks so far, but she hoped Justin would be done soon…


  He had heard Nora’s confident orders and voice, and the screams of the enemy. His women were powerful, and as his confidence in them grew, he threw himself into a battle with the evil and corrupt power of this altar. But no matter how much he channeled his power into the altar, the darkness didn’t seem to be giving way.

  He wondered if he made a mistake, maybe they should have attacked the city, killed the king and all the other corrupted talents first, weakened the altar even more before this confrontation. But from the tale Celia told, the altar should not be powerful enough to win. But he felt himself weakening, the more of his magic he fed to the struggle, the faster he felt himself being drained.

  He was doing something wrong, and he needed to figure it out fast or he’d be dead in moments.

  The goddess couldn’t intervene because of free will.

  Free will, free will was the key. But how? The dark god grew more powerful when his followers unwittingly surrendered their free will, became slaves to foul darkness and misery.

  That was the key, there was power in sacrifice, power in the will of a person given over to a god.

  The dark god tricks it out of its followers, and consumes them. But what if it was offered freely to a goddess, without trickery, to love? Not to darkness, but to light.

  He bowed his head and through the connection he felt to the goddess’s love, he gave himself freely and completely, with trust, over to her will, and to her design. His life and will were no longer his.

  His vision turned white and his mind shied from the immensity of power that came back through that connection. The shadows melted under white flames as bright as the sun and the altar cracked and fell to dust.

  He felt the love and gratitude of his goddess as the power pulled back, and though he heard no words he knew she had returned his free will. When he turned, the women were all staring at him with awe on their faces.

  He winked and said faux brightly, “What should we do tomorrow?” He couldn’t help it, he didn’t do awe and it brought out the really bad jokes that weren’t funny.

  Nora snorted and he relaxed. He wanted his intended mates, not followers.

  They searched the room and found some books as well as notes on parchment, he asked Nicci to burn them while his mind spun. He couldn’t read it, but he could swear it was written in Latin. He just hoped it was the last of them, although he guessed this would probably happen again, hopefully long after he died of old age.

  They had one more unpleasant task, even with the books and notes burned the king might remember how to do it. He was a little uneasy, he wasn’t an assassin. But when they got to the throne room, it turned out to be an unnecessary trip. The king and two other men were already dead, he guessed that when the god was cut off from the world their magic power snapped or something.

  Either way he was glad, self defense he didn’t mind, but killing in cold blood?

  After they went over their options, they headed back for the aqueduct. No one saw a need to fight their way out of the city when they could sneak out. Whoever set the ward must have died in the castle battle, or was connected to the dark god, because no one was waiting for them out there.

  They travelled about three miles, it was the middle of the night after all and they couldn’t go their full speed, plus, they were all tired and needed some sleep…


  It took them a week to get back across the border, they had made a side trip to the mountains. There weren’t very many soldiers at the mines there and they had no problems freeing the people taken from the southern villages. As for a pursuit, that just didn’t happen. The capitol must have been in turmoil while they tried to select a new king. He thought probably by the sword.

  Regardless, it would probably be a long while before the consequences of last night were known.

  They decided to stop in Nerin and spend a few days at the tavern. He wasn’t sure exactly what plans the ladies had, but knew they were going back up close the capitol, but not in it. Nicci wanted to be closer to her family, regardless of their current estrangement, and Kat didn’t like the city. What they would do when they got there, he wasn’t sure.

  They had barely been back in Nerin an hour when Kat dragged him upstairs to the room they shared that first night, and started to playfully wrestle with him to see who’d be on top.

  “Stop a second, I need to say something.”

  Kat froze in surprise and looked concerned, he had never stopped their version of foreplay before, “What is it?” she asked.

  He kissed her softly, reassuringly, then asked, “I’ve been waiting for the crazy ride to be over first, now that it is, will you be my mate? Have my children?”

  When she whispered out a shocked but pleased yes, he felt his talent reach out and connect with hers, and something… changed. It didn’t hurt, but it was a strange feeling.

  He asked in confusion, “What was that?”

  She furrowed her brow, “I didn’t explain that? That is the mate connection, it means we can have kids. Didn’t you ever wonder why I wasn’t pregnant yet? Only mates can produce children.”

  He spluttered, “You left that part out, I assumed there was some kind of birth control, but I didn’t ask.”

  She gig
gled as she stripped in front of him, prompting him to follow suit. Then for the first time ever, she lay down on her back without a fight.

  She said in a thick sultry voice throbbing with emotion, “Come give me a child mate, I love you.”

  He knelt between her legs and kissed her softly as he checked her. He could feel she was more than ready for him. He lined up and slowly sunk into her welcoming warmth, relishing the feel of her walls hugging him as he slowly slid in. He gasped as she rocked her hips up, increasing the penetration.

  He stared deeply into her deep brown eyes as they slowly coupled, the pleasure they created as he slid in out of her love sheath slowly brought them to blissful release together. He felt her wet warm velvety core contract and undulate around his manhood and he expanded within her.

  He felt himself fill her womb with the result of his pleasure…

  He cuddled with her as he thought about the future and what it might bring. He had fulfilled his goddess’s purpose and his whole life lay before him, he was ready for it… whatever it may bring.


  This story will continue in book two. I truly hope you enjoyed it…

  About the Author : If you have any comments or suggestions you can send me an email at [email protected]. If you like my work, or even if you don’t, please consider leaving a review of this book.

  Book Description

  Justin is just a normal man. Eighteen years old. When he heard the woman's scream from the alley, he couldn't help but try and save her.

  It didn’t go well, and now he finds himself in a strange new world with no idea of what is going on or even how he got there. He knows nothing about the people, customs, laws, rules of dating and absolutely nothing about magic...

  WARNING: This book contains explicit sexual content between a man and a few different women, but all separately. All sex scenes are MF only. This book also has a mostly reformed Greek Goddess, armies, magic, battles, a dark god, a virgin princess, a foul mouthed warrior woman, slavery, misogynists who meet a sticky end, kingdoms, and one overprotective father. No actual deer or rabbits were harmed in the making of this book.




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